No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 317: Good Little Sister

Chapter 317: Good Little Sister

(Umaru Perspective) (Himouto! Umaru-chan)

I looked at the girl in front of me as my heart filled with complicated feelings.

It's normal for my heart to feel deep hatred toward the monster that almost killed my friends, but it's hard for me to hate such an adorable waifu who sincerely wants to get along with me.

My feelings are complex as I am weak towards moe-style waifus that make adorable sounds and have cute expressions, but at the same time, I feel deep resentment every time I remember the way each of my friends was beaten, mutilated, and petrified…

[■: ^^ ■■■ <3]

"Paranoia-sama says that all the blame should fall on the boy" – The girl looked at me with innocent confusion. - "What a boy? The blame of what?

That is also true.

At that moment, the black ink covering the monster's skin disappeared, revealing the appearance of an adorable girl close in age to me.

She didn't seem to care that her body was being crushed by an invisible force, she just sighed in relief and thanked me as she cried with joy.

I couldn't ask for an explanation as Navi appeared next to the girl's ear and whispered something to her, then put what looked like a contract and a pen in front of her.

Although Navi has no face, at that moment I felt that he had the appearance of a moneylender trying to scam an innocent girl and then taking advantage of her body…

Paranoia-chan's eye stopped emitting purple light and the girl was able to raise her head. She signed the contract happily with a pen given to her by Navi, then the fairy started laughing like a psycho.

"Muahahahaha, another hole for the dog! That idiot is going to have to make me a double cheeseburger!" – At that time, Navi looked like the villain of an NTR doujin…

I couldn't fully understand what happened, but the girl explained the situation to me, rather, Paranoia-chan explained to me what was happening while the girl was the translator.

For starters, the girl can see the chat room because of Paranoia-chan. According to the explanation, a woman who calls herself Goddess made Paranoia-chan gain a small amount of authority over the chat room.

This authority is insignificant compared to Hiroki and the person helping him, but Paranoia-chan can make small changes, for example making the chat room visible to people outside the chat room.

The girl introduced herself as Ninomae Ina'nis, she seems to be rooted in Japanese culture so Ina'nis is her name and Ninomae is her last name. She's a long name so I called her Ina.

(Author's Note: Ina'nis Ninomae of Hololive)

According to the explanation, she was a normal human living in a world similar to mine.

She lived in peace, playing video games and watching anime, a normal otaku without anything special, perhaps the only special thing about her is that she is very shy, so she had no friends and preferred to stay at home all day.

One day, she went to a bookstore to buy manga, but a strange book caught her eye.

The book had no pages and the cover looked like some kind of unknown leather, but she felt strangely drawn to the book.

She touched the book and then her vision darkened.

When she regained consciousness, everything around her had been destroyed, the buildings were now ruins, the sky had lost all color, living things had disappeared, and not a single person was left.

This wasn't just in her city, it wasn't a disaster in her country either. All living things on her planet had disappeared.

Animals, plants, humans, and insects, everything had disappeared. The only thing left in the world was a black substance that now filled the seas.

Ina was confused and began to wander the world looking for other people.

Ina did not feel hungry, thirsty, sleepy, or tired, she was able to walk around the world while her hands never let go of the book without pages.

Sometimes, she felt that the book was talking so she started talking to the book. Strangely, she didn't think that was unusual.

Over time, she understood that the book was the cursed book described by Lovecraft, the Necronomicon.

Ina lost track of time as the sun and moon had disappeared, she just wandered the dead world for a long time.

For that long time, she could only converse with the Necronomicon, which helped her understand its secrets.

Ina finished touring the world, but she didn't find a single living thing or structure, the whole world was a wasteland with a black ocean.

Ina was bad at socializing, but loneliness got her down. Fortunately for her, the Necronomicon taught her a trick from someone called the "Opener of the Way."

Ina was able to summon a key horseshoe that allowed her to leave her planet in search of other people. She was afraid of social contact, but too much time alone made her sad.

Ina arrived at a place similar to an isekai anime. There were elves, people with furry ears, and magic.

She was excited to see the new world, but that happiness turned to confusion when people started screaming and running away from her.

Ina tried to talk to people, but people fell to the ground and convulsed every time she said a word.

Ina tried to be friendly, but large armies started attacking her for no reason.

She was terrified seeing thousands of swords pointed at her face. Ina had never fought, but her body moved on its own.

Without her wanting it, her mouth recited one of the incantations in the Necronomicon, the power of someone called "The Internal One".

It was at that moment that Ina understood what was happening and what had happened on her planet.

Ina didn't want to hurt other people, she just wanted to protect herself from magical attacks, but the power she used caused the entire kingdom to be flooded with magma.

Ina was horrified to realize she had been the cause of her home being totally destroyed.

Ina tried to hide away from the world, but everyone banded together to try and eliminate her.

Ina didn't want to hurt other people, but whenever she was in danger, her mouth would move on its own and invoke the power of the Necronomicon.

Elves, humans, furries, and demons, were all destroyed by Ina.

One day, Ina saw a group of five women and an extremely powerful Japanese man. Ina understood that she had become the monster from an isekai story.

Ina was so depressed that she wished for the peace that only death can bring, but her body ignored her wishes.

Ina killed two of the isekai protagonist's lovers, but the boy got a PowerUP which allowed him to hurt Ina, he even came close to killing her.

She managed to escape with the power of "Opener of the Way", but her death wish had only increased. She hated being a monster.

Despite all the pain and sadness, she couldn't let go of the Necronomicon. Even if that book had turned her into a monster, now that book was the only thing keeping her from drowning in loneliness.

Thus, Ina began to travel in search of a lonely and peaceful place, but things only became more dangerous with each trip. She had been on the brink of death so many times that her fear of death or pain had disappeared.

After a long time, she heard a voice that whispered a strange name to her.

Ina didn't want to get involved with any more strange powers, but she couldn't help but say that name.

Ina mentioned that now she is in the process of inheriting the power of something more terrifying than an evil god. She doesn't want to get that power, but her body doesn't obey her, every second she keeps absorbing that power and it's only a matter of time before she becomes a monster with no self-control.

Well, that used to be her fear, but now she seems to have that power under control.

My brother's cookies are terrifyingly delicious...

After Ina inherited that power, her journey only got worse.

A group of ridiculously powerful people began to chase her to whatever world she escaped.

She was too tired and hurt to use her power, so she was captured.

As of this point, Ina had almost no memories and didn't understand what had happened to her, but Paranoia-chan seemed to understand a lot of information, so she filled in the gaps in the story.

Ina is supposed to have been captured by a group of mad scientists. They plan to make Ina a sacrifice so they can control an entity whose power is beyond human comprehension.

From what I understand, Ina is inheriting the power of an Ancient One, but the mad scientists want to control an Outer God.

According to Lovecraft's accounts, an Ancient One is comparable to an earthly god, while an Outer God is equal to a cosmic disaster capable of threatening the universe.

I do not understand this scale of power that lacks levels or statistics with numbers, but I have one thing clear... We are screwed.

According to Navi, Ina has only absorbed 30% of the Ancient One's inheritance but compared to a true Ancient One, she is a slightly large insect.

The fight against Ina was similar to a match between a world-champion boxer and a boy with no limbs. It was such a one-sided fight that it seemed like a black humor joke.

The only reason we survived was that my brother sent Paranoia-chan and Navi.

That makes me question how strong my brother is…

I really don't want to think about it, he'll be so mad at me for leaving the house, so I don't want to think about how strong he's become…

Even though I'm deeply terrified of the punishment my brother will inflict on me, at least now I have a bit of information about his secrets… It's not worth it.

For now, I could only comprehend this as my mind is still unable to process all the information Ina gave me. According to her, my brother's protection prevents information about the secrets of the multiverse from affecting my mind.

Apparently, the influence of a chat room makes me vulnerable to certain types of information, and if I am exposed to that information without proper preparation, then there will be a negative effect called "System User Stupidity".

Now I understand why 9 out of 10 system users are complete idiots...

Another thing is that I can't understand what Paranoia-chan says because she uses a language that is exclusive to Madness energy carriers. She was born from that energy so she doesn't know another language.

Madness energy appears to be similar to radiation, just being near that energy can cause disasters on a global scale.

Ina is similar to a runaway nuclear reactor, she could destroy this world just by existing.

Fortunately, Paranoia-chan is able to use the purple energy to restrain Ina's power, so she can appear to be a normal girl, although her tentacle-like hair is a bit conspicuous…

Well, Mirko has bunny ears and people think they are part of a cosplay.

We'll just say that Ina is an otaku, which is true. She recognized me from the anime "Himouto! Umaru-chan" and she said that in that anime I am a hikikomori brocon that can turn into a stuffed loli… I didn't want to ask any more questions.

On the other hand, I don't have to worry about Madness from other monsters hurting me since I have a tiny shard of Madness in my soul. The shard is so tiny that I can't use that energy, but now I'm immune to the natural damage that energy generates.

Apparently, Paranoia-chan hadn't given me a special ability, but rather he implanted a seed of my brother's inside me… Ugh, that sounds gross.

I don't know what to make of the fact that my brother is a wielder of the Madness energy, but what surprises me the most is that I'm really not surprised. My brother has never been someone mentally sane...

Ina said that my brother's energy was very nice, maybe too nice… She started invading my personal space, so I had to give her some cookies to stop her from harassing me.

Even though I'm still mad at Ina because she almost murdered my friends, it's also hard for me to hate her since it's the first time I've been able to talk about anime with a girl close to my age, at least outwardly.

I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to see her as a friend.

I think I have an emotional attachment problem. I need therapy...

In addition to the fact that we share many likes and hobbies, she gives me a little sense of security.

After Ina signed the contract that reeks of fraud, she looked at the sky and told me that something annoying happened.

Apparently, the idiots in charge of politics decided that it was too dangerous to leave traces that they were involved with the monsters that destroyed Germany, so they used the stupidest option, nuclear bombs.

When I heard that, I almost peed out of fear, but Ina said that she was used to such situations so I shouldn't worry.

Ina only extended her hand to the sky while reciting incomprehensible words. What looked like a keyhole appeared in the sky.

That hole gave the feeling of looking into the abyss, but instead of destroying the world, that abyss absorbed the five atomic missiles and then disappeared.

The Great Old Ones are scary but cool...

Although Ina's power was terrifying, she mentioned that the Necronomicon can only do weak imitations of the Outer Gods' abilities. Even if Ina uses all of her power, she can't even use a millionth of the real power of an Outer God.

I am officially terrified and excited. It's like exploring the lore of Warhammer 40,000.

After preventing a nuclear holocaust, Ina helped me carry my friends out of the black fog.

We also had to help Hiroki even if we both wanted to destroy the little bastard.

According to Paranoia-chan, Hiroki is the core of the chat room and if he dies, then the waifus die.

Damn fanfic protagonists, are always protected by the plot...

When we got out of the mist, I asked Ina for help finding Tabane.

She will never allow the government to drop nukes on her sister's head, so they should have imprisoned her before they approved the bombing.

Navi said that indeed, Tabane tried to stop the shelling, so she was beaten and at that time she was transported to a maximum security prison. The government was not thinking of killing her as her intellect is too useful, so they would torture her and subject her to different drugs to make her a manipulable puppet.

With Ina's help, everything was resolved in 5 minutes. She used space abilities to rescue Tabane, eliminate the corrupt politicians, delete all records of the Madness experiments, and even solved the whole plot about the conflict between Chifuyu and the government.

That was a Speedrun...

Everything was solved with such ease that it was similar to getting a mythic item in the tutorial…

I'm honestly disappointed, easy games bore me.

Anyway, everything was resolved and now we are back at the academy.

The surviving government members were too scared of Ina's power, so they were honest and didn't cause trouble.

And so, a monster with tentacles typical of hentai was the reason for world peace...

"I'm not a tentacle monster! And don't compare me to some h-hentai thing!" – Ina yelled at me as her face flushed red.

How cute…

I want a stuffed of her.

My brother's seed made me immune to mental abilities…. Ugh, seed…

The energy that Paranoia-chan gave me made me immune to mental abilities like mind reading, but I established a mental link with Ina so that I could speak in an emergency.

I really don't care that Ina can see my thoughts, I'm used to living with a paranoid obsessive who can understand my thoughts just from my body language.

"Hey Listen! Enough context, now go do your job you dam brocon hamster!" - Navi threw popcorn at my face again.

I sighed and brushed away the food that was left in my hair. – "For the last time, I am not a brocon, I love my brother in a non-romantic way"

"Hey Listen! The most popular porn label in Japan is incest! You are Japanese, the only love you know is the sexual kind!" – Navi loves to yell, he's a nuisance.

I sneered. – "Actually, NTR is more popular than incest, and I doubt you want me to get involved in that"

"Muahahahaha, you're still too stupid to try to win an argument with me!" – Navi has no face, but I feel that he looks at me with contempt. – "My siscon partner is a NTR villain so he doesn't receive netorare, but he does netori! Now you start to lubricate your ass as it will be penetrated by your brother! Muahahahahahahahahaha!"


In fact, my brother fits the model of a netorare villain…

"Now stops complaining and do what I say, you stupid woman!" – Navi kept throwing food at me.

Feminism is dead and Navi killed it...

I sighed. – "Okay, but I will only do it for the good of my friends"

"Hey Listen! You love the idea of anime waifus being your sisters-in-law!" – Navi threw food at me again. – "Now be a good sister and get sex slaves for your stupid lolicon brother!"

My brother is not lolicon, he hates brats.

Navi mentioned that we can't leave this world with Ina's powers since we are in some kind of pocket multiverse.

We also can't go back to our original worlds as those worlds are outside of this little multiverse so we can only travel to the next world.

I don't really understand the theoretical working of this, but Paranoia-chan said that we'll have to follow the chat room quests until someone comes to pick us up, although most of the rewards turned into garbage due to an accident.

Apparently, my brother's energy causes system errors, and Paranoia-chan shares my brother's energy.

I don't really understand what Paranoia-chan and my brother's relationship is, but she almost fainted with embarrassment when I asked if she was one of my brother's lovers.

Paranoia-chan is cute~

Apparently, accepting an individual reward or quest will cause a contract to be implanted in our souls, so we must reject all rewards.

I tried to talk about this with my friends when they woke up, but only Mei Xueyan and Eto listened to me, the rest of the waifus accepted the rewards, although they ended up disappointed.

Bugs in the chat room caused most of the rewards to become useless, for example, Mirko received a black thong.

She was furious that she risked her life for a small piece of cloth, but Hiroki was excited as he insisted that Mirko put on the thong. Mirko kicked three of his ribs.

Luckily, Navi said that there is a way to remove the slave contracts that the chat room put on my friends, but there are several problems.

To start with, Navi said that a great danger is approaching and all my friends will die if I don't listen to him.

It seems the only way to save my friends and prevent them from becoming Hiroki's sexual pets is to have them sign a marriage agreement with my brother...

I have no words to describe how stupid this seems to me.

The rings that Navi put on the hands of the waifus are very powerful defensive artifacts, but they are currently deactivated and will only be able to show their full powers when the waifus agree to be my brother's wives.

The fact that the deactivated ring can regenerate deadly wounds gives me high expectations about the full power of those wedding rings.

I want one too, but the thought of being my brother's wife makes my stomach churn with nausea. Not worth it.

Navi is a complete idiot and he has the voice of a scammer, but Paranoia-chan said that Navi wasn't lying, and I have complete trust in my friend.

[■: QuQ <3]

Although my friends' lives are in danger, I also feel a little happy.

In everything that has happened, I have felt completely useless. The only reason Ina is part of my group now is because of my brother's help, so I haven't done anything worthwhile.

This is my chance to prove that I'm not a mistake and useless trash, I have the chance to save the lives of my friends.

Even though the path is questionable and very stupid, I can protect my friends, help my brother, and prove to my father that my birth was not a mistake...

On the other hand, I love galge games, especially those with a high level of difficulty.

There's an idiot on the internet who calls himself God of Conquest just for finishing a few games, but that idiot is a clown compared to my abilities.

I once humiliated him during one of my streams and proved that I am the best galge player in the world!

Oh well, from my world.

It is very difficult to make a waifu fall in love with a protagonist they have never met.

Oh well, from my world.

It is very difficult to make a waifu fall in love with a protagonist they have never met.

My brother isn't around, so it's going to be hard to make my friends want to be my sisters-in-law before disaster falls on us, but that won't stop me.

I'll save my friends and make my brother get a waifus harem! So I can take them to anime conventions and brag that my sisters-in-law are the best cosplayers!

[■: …]

"Muahahahaha! I like the hamster!"

"…Umaru-san, I think you need to adjust your motivations"

Now everyone is packing their bags for us to travel to the next world.

After the problem in Germany was resolved, I was completely honest with the villain group and told them everything that happened, including that the ring that saved their lives will only work properly if they agree to marry my brother.

Obviously, none of them was willing to accept something so absurd, but they all kept the ring since it is life insurance. If they find themselves in dire straits, they are likely to accept the marriage contract.

I told them the truth since I don't like the idea of lying to my friends.

Fortunately, the villain group had no problem with Ina and Navi joining our group. They knew that Ina was the monster that almost killed them, but they all live with the mentality that the strong have the right to trample the weak.

I love villains.

On the other hand, Medaka and Mirko believe that Ina was one of the victims of the government experiments and she is the only survivor of the disaster in Germany. They took pity on Ina for being the victim of human experiments and agreed to let her join us.

The matter of human experiments turned out not to be a complete lie.

When Ina was taken to the hospital to check her health, she had a panic attack when she saw the medical artifacts, she was especially scared of the scalpel.

Ina has lost much of her human sensitivity and has no problem killing people she considers enemies, but she herself doesn't understand why something as weak as a scalpel causes her so much terror.

Eto deduced that it was post-traumatic stress disorder and that the amnesia is the result of her mind removing memories to protect her mind.

According to that theory, the scientists who captured her performed such cruel experiments on her that even an Ancient One developed a deep trauma toward medical checkups.

Ina ate several cookies and managed to calm down, even though my food supply is dwindling… My eyes are sweating.

Anyway, now we are about to travel to the next world.

Paranoia-chan mentioned that when we travel, there will be a new waifu so I should prepare to give her cookies before Hiroki tries to use the aphrodisiac dagger. That idiot is desperate to get his thing into a waifu, so it won't be weird if he turns into a rapist.

Paranoia-chan also confirmed that my theory about heroes and villains was true. Mei Xueyan is part of the villain team as she despises humans and is not compassionate towards the weak, so the next waifu should be someone from the hero team.

I hope she's not another idealistic waifu, I already have a lot of problems with Medaka's speeches...

For now, I'm not afraid of Hiroki since I have the most OP Pokémon in this region, the adorable Monster-Tako Ina-chan.

"I'm not a monster!"

She did not deny being an octopus...

Ina can't get us out of this pocket multiverse, but she is free to use spatial abilities within this place. She can create space gates for the Infinite Stratos waifus to accompany us to the next world, though we'll keep that under wraps for now.

Something important is that I confirmed my theory that Hiroki is a puppet who only thinks with his dick. He doesn't know why the waifus aren't turned on by his gaze, nor does he understand that his perverted attitude isn't great and only causes disgust.

Although Hiroki is a brainless idiot, the real problem is his assistant, the chat room administrator.

According to Paranoia-chan, one of the scientists became the manager of the chat room and is watching over the experiment where we are the research materials.

For now, my actions have not been discovered as a woman called Goddess is falsifying the information, but I must be careful not to be excessive with my actions.

In fact, we already have a problem.

Originally Hiroki must have managed to stab Ina. The dagger had a powerful aphrodisiac curse, so Ina would become Hiroki's sex bitch after receiving the attack.

Ina may be strong, but her soul is still that of a mortal human, so those kinds of curses can take over her body.

Even if the chat room is damaged, that dagger must have hurt Ina. The only reason Ina wasn't affected by the aphrodisiac was that Paranoia-chan received help from the supposed goddess to nullify Hiroki's abilities temporarily.

The fucking shota of shit is a fucking incubus… Every day my desire to castrate him with a cheese grater grows, although I don't want to be near his crotch either…. Hmm, maybe shooting him in the testicles will do the trick.

"Hey Listen! Tie him to a wall and make him watch your brother impregnate all the waifus!"


"Umaru-san, don't accept what the fairy says! Paranoia-sama has already warned you that your brother hates pointless torture and won't allow other men to look at his women either!"

…Okay, I won't…

It's hard to have morals when I've spent my whole life watching everything around me go to hell because of alcohol, gambling, and violence.

Stupid fanfic protagonists, they have such easy lives that it's not fair...

"Umaru-san, you don't need to be jealous of people who have easier lives, just focus on enjoying what you have" – I felt Ina's hand on my shoulder. – "You have an older brother who loves you and will do everything possible to protect you… You are lucky to have someone who loves you so much"

I looked at Ina and saw that her kind smile had a trace of loneliness.

Although I can't forget the resentment I feel because she hurt my friends, I can also empathize with her sadness.

I smiled. – "Paranoia-chan already said it, now you won't be alone either"

I pointed to Ina's hand.

The Infinite Stratos waifus and the chat room looked at me like I was crazy when I mentioned that they must be my brother's wives, but there was a woman who listened to me.

The rings that Navi gave to the waifus are silver, but it was as if they had lost all traces of shine.

On the other hand, on Ina's ring finger was a brilliant gold ring that shone like the most beautiful star in the sky.

I don't know if it's a side effect of loneliness, torture, or a death wish, but Ina seemed happy to have someone who was willing to love her even though she turned into a monster.

She doesn't know my brother yet, but she is already my sister-in-law...

I wonder what face my brother will have when he finds out about this.

I know he'll be mad, but seeing the frustrated look on his face is fun. That's why I like to call him Onii-chan, that always makes him angry.

"Hey Listen! I'm sick of internal monologue! Now go get waifus for your stupid onii-chan!" – Navi got the hobby of throwing food at my face.

That popcorn isn't what my brother made, so he doesn't mind wasting it.

It makes me angry to see people wasting food as I know how terrible hunger is, but I recognize that all the food looks like garbage when compared to the food made by my brother.

I sighed, I really miss my brother.

I hope that he is fine…




(Luis Perspective)

I sighed internally, this is shit.

"Luis…." – Tsubaki spoke with concern.

"Friend..." – Ortro's voice is distorting.

I spoke calmly to calm the women in my mind. – "I'm fine, focus on the plan"

"B-But…" – Nia's voice trembled. – "Your body is not regenerating…"

I sighed and looked at my arms, or what was left of them. It's been a long time since I've seen my bones.

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has finished the analysis. The 'Anti-Anti-Madness' technique has been upgraded. The new version of 'Anti-Anti-Madness' has been sent to all entities carrying the 'Madness' energy connected to the user]

It's hard to make precise calculations without the help of System Goddess and Paranoia, but they are busy with something more important than my physical integrity.

"You are too carefree with your own life" – Yoko frowned. – "Even if you do not have the concept of Death, that does not mean that you are invincible"

"What does it matter" - I mentally shrugged. – "As long as my wives are safe, no matter what happens to my body, in the end, it's just disposable meat"

"…" – Yoko had a complex expression. – "Tch, idiot"

I felt the [Rasen] energy increase in power.

"Hurry up and finish this" – Yoko snorted with annoyance, although she is not able to hide the concern in her eyes.

I still don't like tsunderes, but Yoko is kind of cute.

I looked at the entity in front of me.

"Hero of Harmony, to think that someone close to Auriel would have the power of black blood... You are a fascinating specimen"

In front of me was a fucking snake the size of twenty universes.

The universe is theoretically infinite, so how is it possible for that thing to be five times infinite?

Conceptual garbage, do not look for meaning.

I was about to continue my tragic hero act, but something annoying happened.

[System Notification: The entity Ina'nis Ninomae has been added to the user's harem]



[System Notification: The user has obtained 70% of the Necronomicon. The title 'Priest of Madness (100%)' has been obtained]

[System Notification: The user has obtained 70% of the Necronomicon. The title 'Priest of Madness (100%)' has been obtained]

[System Notification: The title 'Priest of Madness' has been influenced by the skill 'Lucky Pervert' and the title 'Lolimancer'. The title 'Pedophile Priest (100%)' has been generated]

…This has got to be a fucking joke….

[Pedophile Priest: Come here my little girl, you receive the body of Christ with your little mouth...

Entities with the Concepts 'Loli', 'Nun', 'Believer', 'Saint', and 'Maiden' can sense the user's presence in any region of the multiverse.

If the entity recognizes the user as a 'Hero', 'God', 'Messiah', 'Oracle', 'Savior', or 'Eminence', then the entity will receive a Mid-Level Fraud Contract. If the user answers the entity's prayers, then the entity will become the user's property.

It will increase the favorability and protection of entities with the concept 'Divinity'.

Warning: Increase hostility and jealousy of entities with double standard and pedophilic tendencies]




[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have failed to suppress the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God']


I don't know how, I don't know when, I don't know why, but I'm sure that fucking idiot did this.

The fucking idiot disappeared when he started the plan to distract the enemy.

He is supposed to steal the useful information in this laboratory since I intend to destroy everything that exists in this place, but that idiot disobeyed my orders and went to do something troublesome…

"…." - Tsubaki sighed. – "Luis, you have to punish that idiot, this is already too much…"


I'm going to hit that jerk.

It's a good thing BB isn't here or the teasing would be endless.

I sighed internally and focused on the battle.

I'm going to take out my frustrations by beating this idiot up.

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