No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 319: Madness vs Knowledge

Chapter 319: Madness vs Knowledge

(3rd person perspective)

.........… The Seekers of Truth are one of the four most powerful organizations in the multiverse.

Paradise has the best teamwork, Hell has the largest armies, Heaven Eternal Immortal has the strongest individual fighters, and Seekers of Truth possess the most knowledge.

Although the Seekers of Truth are primarily a group of scientists and scholars, they are by no means weak.

The best example was the creation of the Anti-Madness Equation. This formula was the basis for the creation of all Anti-Insanity weapons in the multiverse.

A Buddhist mantra, a peace prayer, a bloody curse, or a poison that brings sanity. All Anti-Madness weapons arose from this equation and spread throughout the multiverse for free.

The Seekers of Truth are the most rational group among the Higher Entities, so giving this weapon to all groups must be part of some complex plan, however, the danger posed by the carriers of Madness is so great that the leaders of large organizations decided to use the Anti-Madness Equation despite suspicions.

The truth is that this formula was distributed to....................................….


[System Notification: Information records have been deleted]

[System Notification: 'Reader's Perspective' skill has been re-synced]





Usually, large organizations make the names of their leaders public as the leaders' achievements can serve as a deterrent against other Higher Entities, but the Truth Seekers were different. The names of the leaders were very hidden and possibly only the high command of each organization knew the identities of the leaders of the scientists.

Despite the fact that the identity of each leader was a classified secret, there was an entity with an insatiable curiosity and fearsome ability to move through the multiverse as if walls or barriers did not exist.

Several millennia ago, Yog-Sothoth entered the base of the Seekers of Truth.

Although she is one of the four strongest Outer Gods, she was forcibly expelled as the scientists' weapons were conceptual weapons of great power.

It is believed that this event was the cause of the Seekers of Truth looking for a way to fight against the Madness...…..


At that time Yog-Sothoth did not go away empty-handed. Before escaping, she had found the private laboratory of one of the leaders.

She had only stolen some records out of mere curiosity, but that allowed her to learn the workings of the lab's defenses, as well as the identity of the leader.

Incarnation of Sin, The Nightmare Hydra, Lord of Original Sin, Seeker of Truth, Kukulkan… The man had many names, but his real name was Leylin Farlier...............…..






[System Notification: The title 'Silly Jack' has detected a Mid-Level Contract placed in the name Leylin Farlier. The title 'Silly Jack' has prevented the user's soul from being bound by a Slavery Contract]



Currently, the magus Leylin was looking at a screen showing the entrance to his laboratory.

Leylin had an expressionless face like an emotionless machine, his body did not show the slightest micro expression, his aura was completely stable, and his mind seemed protected by some kind of high-level defensive ability, so it was impossible to know what he was thinking.

Leylin was sitting on a black gold throne and in front of him was a large screen that showed a young man in his late teens. The Hero of Harmony had invaded the laboratory.

The young hero had managed to find Leylin's laboratory and was now making his way through the main entrance.

Although there was a powerful army guarding the entrance, the young Hero displayed extraordinary combat skills, although his achievements were mainly due to the two women accompanying him.

In the Eternal Heaven Immortal, there are countless warriors capable of destroying universes with a mere breath, but among all those entities, the foremost is the Dragon Emperor.

It is said that the power of the Dragon Emperor is capable of surpassing one of the four strongest Outer Gods. While that rumor is unrealistic, no one can deny that the Dragon Emperor is one of the strongest beings in the multiverse.

The Dragon Emperor is not only a brainless brute force, he has a hobby of recruiting great talents for his army, moreover, the most talented people become part of his Imperial Family.

Throughout the endless ages, the Dragon Emperor has recruited all sorts of outstanding talents, but the new generation of the Imperial Family brought the most outstanding talent in the history of Eternal Heaven Immortal. Heavenly Princess Long Aoxue.

Not only is she the most talented female cultivator, her talent and dedication to sword art had surpassed the male prodigies in the Eternal Heaven Immortal.

Long Aoxue's talent had been so outstanding that she was given the name Long Aotian, the most authoritarian and powerful name among immortal cultivators.

While Long Aoxue was still young, they all knew that it was only a matter of time before she could match and even surpass the strongest female of the Eternal Heaven Immortal, the fourth wife of the Dragon Emperor.

Whether it was strength or beauty, Long Aoxue excelled in everything, so the number of suitors seeking her hand is as vast as the stars, but no one dared to harm her due to the Dragon Emperor's backing.

It is well known that the Dragon Emperor is overprotective of his daughters, although there are several rumors that speak of his questionable fetishes.

Regardless of the Dragon Emperor's motives, no one doubts that he would be willing to declare war against any fool who dared to harm his daughter.

Perhaps Leylin knew this, or perhaps he had other intentions, but he gave the specific order not to seriously hurt the invaders.

Long Aoxue has the backing of the Dragon Emperor, while the Hero of Harmony seems to be Auriel's favorite knight.

In the multiverse, Auriel is respected for being a compassionate and kind woman who is willing to help beings from other organizations. Due to this kindness, all major organizations avoid being too hostile to Paradise, as losing Auriel's friendship is equal to losing the best medicinal elixir.

Throughout the ages, Auriel has had countless loyal knights whom she loved with all her heart, yet all of them died either of natural causes or during terrible battles.

It is known that Auriel loves all of her subordinates as if they were her own children, but there is always one knight who stands out from the rest and is the one who becomes the representative of Auriel's will.

Currently, the Hero of Harmony was that favored knight so assassinating him might bring trouble with the Harmonious Paradise faction.

Lastly, there was a strange woman who acted like a caffeinated monkey.

At first, it was hard to believe that the Harem King was actually a woman, but sometimes there are cases where a woman becomes a system user, although usually, those kinds of women turn out to be lesbians with abilities based on sexual abuse.

It's rare for a female system user to be straight, even more, unexpected is that she would fall head over heels for just one man instead of looking to build a reverse harem, but it's not impossible either. The multiverse is infinite so anything is possible.

There was information that the Harem King had a harem system, but she wasn't interested in anyone other than the Hero, but she is gathering skills since her husband has a harem and maybe they both established a kind of bond so that system register the hero's harem as the system user's harem.

There have been cases where a system user gets a junk system with abilities that are not compatible with the user or abilities that are complete garbage. Normally this class of system users does not live long and those who survive become pets for the entertainment of Higher Entities.

Although Harem King doesn't have a powerful entity backing her, she is the wife of the Hero of Harmony so attacking her is like antagonizing the Dragon Emperor and the Archangel of Hope.

Logically, the best thing would be to capture the invaders and then demand a ransom. It would also be logical to investigate how they found the laboratory.

All that was logical, that's why the situation was illogical.

Leylin gave the order not to seriously hurt the invaders, but he kept activating the traps at the entrance.

The strangest thing is that several of the traps were specifically designed to deal with the abilities of the three invaders, it was as if the scientists had expected that the Hero of Harmony would attack them............






[System Notification: The skill 'Stand: Libera Me From Hell' has been used to break the first layer of a barrier that hides information]

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has falsified the information of the skills 'Reader's Perspective' and 'Stand: Libera Me From Hell']




"Master, the Hero's analysis skill has broken through the first stage of restrictions" – A scientist spoke emotionlessly. – "The data shows that the Hero's ability is a high-rank ability to understand the battlefield and can cover 20% of the entire laboratory"

Leylin's laboratory was made up of 3 high-level Worlds, 600 mid-level Worlds, and 90,000 low-level Worlds. The fact that the Hero could analyze 20% of it was amazing.

On the screen they could see that the Hero's eyes, ears, nose and mouth had started to bleed, but his combat abilities had not diminished.

Heroes often have abilities to analyze the battlefield, so they can avoid ganks and find their enemies' weaknesses.

Although this ability is somewhat normal for Heroes, the higher the range of the ability, the smaller the area of effect will be since at high levels, this ability can sense the flow of destiny, space, and even the movement of atoms. Having to process all that information while fighting is something that the human mind cannot bear, there are even Higher Entities that cannot handle so much information.

Auriel's blessing could heal any physical, spiritual and mental wound, but it could not alleviate mental fatigue as Auriel believed that exhaustion and frustration are important parts of personal growth.

In that sense, it was illogical to think that the Hero of Harmony was a mortal human.

"Hero's willpower has exceeded mortal standards" – Another scientist was checking the information on a small screen full of strange symbols. – "The probability that he is a Higher Entity is 30%, the probability that he is a false Higher Entity is 45%, the probability that he has a close relationship with an Outer God is 90%"

"Analyze the traces of the analysis skill" – Leylin spoke emotionlessly. – "That skill may be hiding another secret"

Leylin seemed to think of something, so he signaled to a man next to him. – "Daniel, use poison 731 with the Hero"

"Yes, father" – The man nodded and left the surveillance room.

No one questioned Leylin's instructions, all the scientists in the place were completely loyal.

Poison 731 was.........................






[Warning: This information is protected by a strong defensive ability. Accessing this information will cause the enemy to detect a fragment of the skill 'Reader's Perspective']

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says... says... says... says... says...… danger.... information..... necessary..... danger.......]

[System Notification: 'Stand: Libera Me From Hell' skill has been used]





The 731 poison was the basis for the creation of the Anti-Madness Equation. This poison had another name, 'Nightmare Slayer', the ultimate weapon to eradicate the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods.

"The presence of Madness energy mixed in the Hero's aura has been detected" – One of the scientists spoke emotionlessly while showing the data. – "The energy signature does not match other Madness carriers, so there are two possibilities, the Hero became the direct priest of an Outer God, or he is in the process of becoming an Great Old One"

The data showed that Auriel's blessing and Madness energy had no compatibility issues, so the Hero was not the puppet of an Outer God, but the power was entirely his.

Leylin did not show any reaction and continued to stare at the screen.

The army that was obstructing the three invaders stopped attacking and knelt down as a handsome man in aristocratic clothing arrived on the battlefield.

Normally, Higher Entities have a hard time having children and usually adopt as the Dragon Emperor does, but Leylin has had countless children throughout his endless lifetime.

Most of these sons have mediocre talents and only served as low-quality lab rats, but there were two remarkable sons; the Jormungandr Daniel Farlier and the Ouroboros Syre Farlier.

Although most members of the Truth Seekers do not know the identities of the leaders, both brothers are very famous. Daniel is the muscle while Syre is the brain.

Daniel's strength could easily beat the strongest Great Old Ones like Cthylla and Cthugha, which shows his great power.

In fact, a short time ago, Leylin and her sons had encountered an Outer God and captured it after inflicting fatal injuries on it.

Even though Leylin had the 731 poison, he did not completely destroy the Outer God but instead began a ritual to take control of that calamity.

The Great Old Ones and Outer Gods are the feared and hated creatures of the multiverse, so the leaders of the big organizations say they want to destroy those monsters, but those are just lies to motivate their subordinates, the truth is that large organizations are looking for ways to use these creatures as weapons.

The Truth Seekers had devised a ritual to enslave an Outer God, though they had not yet tested it for lack of lab rats.

Currently, Syre Farlier was overseeing the ritual to control the Outer God so only Daniel was available to test a theory about the Hero of Harmony.

A conflict recently occurred within the territory of the Eternal Heaven Immortal.

Wars were normal among large organizations, but this time there was something that caught everyone's attention.

Not only was there evidence that immortal cultivators were doing experiments to mix internal energy with Madness, but it was also shown that they had captured some Great Old Ones.

The Great Old Ones don't have completely pure Madness energy so they're defective material for research, but what really set off emergency alarm bells in everyone's minds was that the cultivators were so crazy they dared to summon the most dangerous creature in the multiverse, Azathoth.

This event was eye-catching, and the ending was full of suspicious mysteries, especially since the Buddhists said that it was all the fault of the Hero of Harmony.

The Buddhists did not know what the Hero did and the evidence showed that he had been a kidnapping victim, but the strongest Buddhist monk kept saying that the Hero of Harmony was an evil degenerate who was in romantic relationships with three Outer Gods.

Seekers of Truth are rational beings, so they do not pay attention to unsubstantiated rumors, but they also understand that there are no totally impossible facts.

A while ago, an investigation into the Hero of Harmony began, but there was nothing suspicious, which was suspicious. It was as if someone was hiding the information about the Hero, which was strange since Auriel had never hidden the actions of her knights, on the contrary, she usually shows off those achievements as if she were a mother showing off her children.

This raised the suspicions of scientists, but it was difficult to obtain more information.

Leylin didn't seem to care about the Hero and her actions focused on the ritual to control the Outer God. It was not known what his thoughts were, but his actions showed that he knew how to order his priorities.

The ritual was complex, but the operation was simple.

Syre had found a newly reincarnated system user, so he took the role of administrator and tampered with the system for the ritual.

The system was a chat room so it contained multiple laws from other worlds, something necessary to build the leash that would be put on the Outer God's neck.

Syre was shown to be a careful man with details as he thoroughly investigated the identities of each member of the chat room.

The chat room had an extensive catalog in the summoning section, so Syre was able to carefully select the people most compatible with the ritual.

Each member of the chat room had a specific role in the ritual. The bodies would become the material to make the strap and the souls would be the chain.

When Syre researched the options, he found something important.

Syre had a perfect memory. Looking at the summon catalog, he recalled the information about the Hero of Harmony.

The Hero was a native of the Gaia World and had a little sister.

Syre saw that the Hero's sister had the characteristics of one of the materials needed for the ritual, so she was chosen after he spoke with his father.

It is not known specifically what Syre and Leylin planned, but it seemed that they wanted to investigate the actual power of the Hero of Harmony.

In the eyes of the multiverse, Auriel was a woman worthy of respect and admiration, but her naiveté was the reason why the leaders of other organizations didn't see her as a person worthy of respect, she was just a convenient tool.

Because of this, there were thousands of spies among Auriel's troops, there were even people who revered her and still sold classified information.

People who knew Auriel knew that she would forgive any sin as long as she showed sincere repentance, even betrayal.

Betray, feel guilty, apologize, and betray again. This is how several of Auriel's close subordinates acted.

Leylin seemed to have obtained information about the Hero of Harmony and so he wanted to investigate the Hero. Something in the information had caught his attention.

For starters, the scientists had confirmed that the Hero had strong spatial skills, even though those abilities were close to something they already knew.

The Necronomicon can use weakened versions of the Outer Gods' abilities, but those abilities are so weak that the Higher Entities pay no attention to them.

Despite that, Syre saw the potential in these powers so he researched the power of the Necronomicon and used it for the enslavement ritual.

The Necronomicon in the scientists' possession was not complete, so they theorized that the Hero had the missing sheets of the Necronomicon.

Maybe the Hero used the Necronomicon to copy Yog-Sothoth's spatial movement, but that fake ability was too weak that the Hero couldn't get to the lab.

This confirmed a theory, the Hero had fully developed the power of Madness and had excellent compatibility with the Necronomicon.

The 731 poison was harmless to entities without the Madness energy, but it could severely damage black blood.

Only Azathoth is known to have a body made entirely of black blood, but all Madness energy wielders have at least a drop of black blood in their bodies.

The Great Old Ones are entities made up of different energies, but the bodies of the Outer Gods are mainly made up of black blood so this poison is like acid to them.

On the screen, the Hero and his group tried to confront Daniel.

Although Long Aoxue was shown to be the strongest of the three invaders, she was raised for most of her life as a greenhouse flower, while Leylin had Daniel roam real battlefields ever since he learned to walk. The difference in combat experience was the key.

Daniel had some difficulty facing the enemies at once, but it was all part of Leylin's instructions.

The information about the Hero showed that he is a jealous, overprotective man and is willing to die before allowing one of his wives to be desecrated.

Daniel pretended to be a pervert and was about to grab Long Aoxue's big breasts, so the Hero stepped in to decapitate Daniel.

It was that moment when...

[System Notification: The skill 'Paranoia' says...…. says................. 'Paranoia' skill slaps her head against the wall..... 'Paranoia' skill growls meaninglessly..... 'Paranoia' skill screams..... ]

Daniel opened his mouth. Similar to a snake spitting out venom, he spat a green liquid toward the hero.

[Warning: An unknown force has destroyed the user's defensive abilities]

[Warning: Black Blood Has Been Destroyed]

[Warning: The user's body is being destroyed]

[System Notification: User's soul managed to hide before taking permanent damage]

[System Notification: The entity 'Ortro' has absorbed 40% of the damage taken by the user]

[System Notification: The stat 'Obsession: Spiral King' has prevented the user's mind from being destroyed]

[System Notification: The 'Obsession: Yandere' stat has increased the strength of the 'Reader's Madness' energy]

[Warning: The destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God' are getting out of control]

[Warning: The entity 'Ortro' is losing control due to a dementia attack]

[System Notification: The entities 'Nia Teppelin' and 'Tsubaki Nakatsukasa' have succeeded in suppressing the rage of the entity 'Ortro']

[System Notification: The entity 'Yoko Ritona' has been synchronized with the skill 'Schizophrenia']

[System Notification: The skill 'Masochism' has empowered 'Schizophrenia'. The conceptual structure of the user's body has changed from black blood to human flesh]

[Warning: 30% of the user's body has been destroyed. It is not possible to regenerate wounds. It is recommended to seek an external means to heal the wounds]

The scientists showed surprise and curiosity when they saw the screen.

The flesh on the arms and part of the Hero's face had been destroyed by the 731 poison.

The arm bones were badly damaged, but it seemed that the Hero's body still contained human parts, so the poison hadn't completely destroyed it.

Now it was clear, the Hero of Harmony was not a mere priest, he was a Great Old One or a newborn Outer God.

Daniel saw this and also understood the situation. His body became covered in scales and in an instant, he transformed into the World-Eating Serpent Jormungandr.

"Hero of Harmony, to think that someone close to Auriel would have the power of black blood... You are a fascinating specimen" – Daniel could not hide the emotion in his voice, he was eager to dissect the Hero of Harmony, he seemed to be the key to using the Madness energy without falling completely insane.

The Hero of Harmony's body was in disrepair and the two women behind him were utterly still.

At first, it seemed that both women had lost the will to fight and wanted to give up, but a closer look showed that the eyes of both women only conveyed one emotion, hatred.

"Something just cut communications" – A researcher frowned. – "It seems that the entire laboratory has been trapped in a dimensional cage…"

"The hero's aura emits an unknown version of Madness energy, there are also two unknown energies, one seems to be based on willpower and the other on restrictive abilities" – A scientist detected a change in the Hero. – "According to the quality of the energy, the Hero of Harmony is a Higher Entity of upper-lower level specialized in combat, it is confirmed that the Hero is an Outer God"

"Activate the emergency protocol" – Leylin remained calm and expressionless in this unexpected situation.

"Deadpan idiots aren't cool, they're just boring pretentious idiots"

Leylin's body was covered in black scales just before his face was hit by a steel crowbar.

Leylin's body hit the wall creating a shrill sound.

The scientists did not show panic, they quickly got up to attack the person who had appeared in the surveillance room.

"Heaven Punishing Descent"

The scientists moved quickly and a blue barrier appeared above them.

The ceiling of the surveillance room was destroyed by a golden sword the size of a galaxy.

Despite the massive power of the sword, the blue shield was able to distribute the destructive energy which nullified the attack.

The sound of destruction was suppressed by the loud sound of alarms that rang throughout the entire lab.

Spiders, tentacles, and fire. Chaos began to consume the thousands of worlds that made up the laboratory.

The scientists in the surveillance room were the strongest group under Leylin's command, but the rest of the troops were quite strong and could deal with most invasions, or so it was thought.

Spiral-shaped portals began to emerge everywhere.

From those portals began to emerge endless armies of mutant monsters, combat robots, human soldiers with concept weapons, elves, demi-humans, demons, and gods. There was even a little angel with boxing gloves.

Most of the invaders were extremely weak and died from a single attack, the problem is that they seemed to be an immortal army.

Every time a soldier or monster was killed, their bodies were covered with a golden aura that healed all their injuries and they could fight again.

Scientists were able to recognize that ability. It was the 'Martyrdom' skill that is exclusive to Auriel's knights.

All the damage the enemies received was transferred toward the Hero of Harmony. The only way to stop that immortal army was to use soul-destroying weapons.

Some of Leylin's subordinates were Devourers so it was possible to destroy souls, the problem is that they were being attacked by three monsters, rather, Great Old Ones.

Cthylla, Cthugha, and Hastur. Three of the strongest Great Old Ones had appeared in the laboratory and were now destroying everything around them.

Whether they were scientists, soldiers, slaves, innocent people, or lab rats, the Great Old Ones destroyed every entity they encountered.

The Eaters tried to stop the Great Old Ones, but a second army was protecting the Great Old Ones.

A group of humanoid creatures was protecting the Great Old Ones. Those creatures didn't look like something familiar, nor did they look like living beings since they didn't care that their souls were totally destroyed.

Those creatures were fearless, felt no pain, and were as strong as the veteran Heroes.

They weren't that strong to fight the Devourers in Leylin's service, but they were the best meat shield to protect the Great Old Ones.

Every time a Devourer tried to destroy the soul of a Great Old One, one of the unknown creatures would intercept the attack, then the Great Old One would take it upon himself to totally destroy the Devourer.

Those three Great Old Ones couldn't destroy souls, but every time they destroyed a strong enemy, a keyhole-shaped Dimensional Gate would appear near them and they would throw the souls into it.

That wasn't a simple imitation of Yog-Sothoth's ability, it was the real version.

The scientists had no time to think about the implications of that, now they had to concentrate on fighting.

Inside the surveillance room, the main scientists were anxious. They not only possessed outstanding intellects, but they also had perfect teamwork and when coordinated, they could subdue one of the leaders of large organizations.

The secret to their strength was a series of complex magic formations where they used their own bodies as a catalyst, so even the best alchemist wouldn't be able to figure out their attacks, making them extremely dangerous.

Despite that, they are worried as a woman was slicing their bodies with great speed.

It is widely known that Long Aoxue has the best talent in sword cultivation, but she is less than a beginner when it comes to alchemy, spirit formations, and rituals. She's basically an airhead with way too much strength.

The scientists couldn't understand how she could predict every attack, she didn't make any sense......


[System Notification: A powerful barrier has been used to prevent information leakage. The 'Masochism' skill has been used to empower the 'Stand: Libera Me From Hell' skill. The barrier has been destroyed]

What the scientists were most concerned about was not their own lives, but that a skinny girl with silver hair was beating up a giant hydra.

Leylin Farlier was one of the most powerful magicians within the Seekers of Truth.

Leylin was a Devourer who had destroyed and consumed countless Worlds, so his power was fearsome.

His power could rival some Outer Gods, though he was still far from being able to face the four strongest Outer Gods; Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath, Yog-Sothoth, and the monstrous Azathoth.

Despite that, Leylin had the 731 poison so he could defeat one of the four abominations, the only exception being Azathoth as even a suicidal fool wouldn't dare get too close to that creature.

Leylin seemed to have recognized the girl after taking the first hit as he changed into his Original Sin form and attacked the girl, after all, he couldn't underestimate Nyarlathotep or his life would be in danger.

Among the Outer Gods, Nyarlathotep is the most troublesome creature as her skills are totally random and meaningless.

The problem was not just that Nyarlathotep's skills were unpredictable, but that she broke the original logic of those skills.

For example, a protagonist can use a fireball and it will destroy a building, but when Nyarlathotep makes that same attack, the fireball can destroy an entire planet.

Nyarlathotep is able to ignore the logic of her own skills. It has been theorized that she uses various abilities, not for utility, but because she thinks it's cool.

Adding to the randomness, Nyarlathotep is a prodigious fighter and there is virtually no entity capable of defeating her in a 1v1 battle.

There is even a story that she was able to fight Azathoth until the monster went back to sleep.

Despite everything, Leylin decided to fight.

At first, it seemed like a desperate effort.

Many know that Nyarlathotep sees fighting as a game, many times she lets her enemies live as long as they decide to surrender and give her valuable treasures. Nyarlathotep's collecting desire is well known.

Nyarlathotep was hitting Leylin with the metal crowbar.

Leylin's body had received many upgrades and even an Outer God would have trouble piercing his scales, but every swing of the lever was causing his sea of consciousness to fill with cracks.

Nyarlathotep's attacks were not focused on damaging his body, but on causing extreme pain. It was obvious that she was just playing.

Leylin returned to his human form and knelt down to beg for forgiveness, even offering to hand over great treasures.

Nyarlathotep smirked and walked over to Leylin to kick his head off, she found it amusing to humiliate pretentious idiots with a cold attitude.

Leylin raised his head to speak, but the only thing that came out of his mouth was a green liquid.

"…" – Nyarlathotep looked at the substance that covered almost her entire body and frowned. – "Shit, Luis is going to scold me because I let my guard down…"

Leylin stopped acting like a coward and stayed on the ground with a completely expressionless face. It couldn't be determined what his thoughts or emotions were.

"Ugh, this is disgusting" – Nyarlathotep shook herself like a dog and her body was completely clean, there was even a pleasant flower smell on her body. – "Heh, bathing is for losers"

Leylin remained expressionless.

"Well, it's disgusting that another man covers me with questionable substances" – Nyarlathotep had a mischievous smile, but her gaze looked like the deepest abyss of hell. – "Let's see… Oh, I know, in Mexico there is a very funny tradition, there is something called a piñata there, that thing is full of sweets so the children use a stick to hit it until it breaks… Heh, using violence to get sweets, what a beautiful tradition"

Leylin finally opened his mouth to speak. – "Can I ask one last question?"

Nyarlathotep nodded with a slightly unsettling smile. – "Does Mr. Piñata want to know why I am helping a newborn Outer God?"

Leylin nodded expressionlessly.

Nyarlathotep's smile turned as sweet as honey. – "Because I love him~"

Leylin sighed. – "Such a stupid reason"

"Luis is not as strong as me, if I want I can abandon him and he wouldn't be able to capture me, I can even kill him if I get bored of him" – Nyarlathotep shrugged HER shoulders and smiled tenderly. – "But that's what's nice… Luis is weaker than me, but he punishes me without being afraid of me, I'm capable of destroying worlds for fun, but he doesn't see me as a monster, he's even affectionate with me, even though he's a tsundere, and doesn't admit that he loves me~ right Luis?"

Leylin saw Nyarlathotep smile towards nothing, but his expression remained emotionless.

"Well, any other questions?" – Nyarlathotep smiled and did not wait for Leylin to respond, she used the steel crowbar to hit the magus's head.

Leylin displayed great mental strength as he didn't yell or show emotions even though Nyarlathotep started hitting him over and over without stopping.

"Come on Robin! It's no fun if you don't yell!" – Nyarlathotep continued hitting while she laughed.

While Nyarlathotep was beating Leylin, Long Aoxue was cutting the bodies of the scientists, but she had found a problem.

Long Aoxue couldn't destroy souls, but she could use her Dao of Destiny to capture souls to store food for Ortro and Gogh. The problem is that the scientists did not have souls.

It wasn't that they were soulless artificial entities, but that they had hidden their souls elsewhere as life insurance.

It was a similar method to the one Luis used to protect his wives, but the scientists' method seemed more sophisticated since it was not possible to track the location of the souls.

For now, Long Aoxue mutilated the scientists and prepared to leave, but then her body felt a chill...........




Long Aoxue raised her weapon and was about to attack at the heavy sense of danger, but there was no enemy nearby........



[System Notification: 'Anti-Rasen' energy and 'Mythomania' skill cannot regulate the user's mind]

[Warning: The user's mind has become unstable]

[System Notification: The 'Obsession: Anti-Spiral' stat has prevented the user from turning into a brainless beast]

[Warning: The user's mind is being broken by the fight between rationality and instincts]



"Shit, Luis's mind is messed up" – Nyarlathotep stopped hitting the shapeless mass of meat and frowned. – "He is about to suffer his first attack of dementia"


[System Notification: User's mind can't handle stress. The skill 'Reader's Perspective' has been disabled]

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