No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 320: Self Control

Chapter 320: Self Control

The Seekers of Truth have extremely dangerous weapons, armies, and fighters.

Personally, I prefer to face the violent demons instead of fighting the scientific logicians, but the good thing for my group is that currently, we are not facing the entire organization of Higher Entities, but rather the personal forces of one of the leaders.

Leylin Farlier is arguably one of the most intelligent and cunning entities in the multiverse, however, that great intellect brought his great weakness. An absolute distrust and contempt for everyone.

Leylin does not trust anyone, not even his wives and children. He sees most entities as stupid creatures below him, as for entities that are stronger or smarter, he will look for ways to befriend those entities and then betray them.

Leylin is not a sadistic and evil man, but a pragmatic skeptic who only trusts himself.

Actually, I admire that mentality.

Although my mindset is similar to Leylin's, I have developed a strong emotional attachment to my wives and daughters, something Leylin never did.

Leylin is more like an emotionless machine while I am a monster capable of destroying the world just to make my loved ones smile. Objectively, I am more dangerous than him.

Even though Leylin's mentality is not wrong, there is a fatal flaw in the utter lack of trust in other people.

The biggest lesson I've learned since my system woke up was that one's own strength is valuable, but it's unrealistic to try to solve every problem without help.

Blindly trusting others is the stupidest thing to do, but distrusting everyone at all times is also stupid. The appropriate thing is to doubt others and trust those who deserve it.

My group is full of cruel monsters, sadistic villains, degenerate abominations, and living catastrophes, but I trust them, at least several of them... Well, some of them...

The point is that Leylin made a big mistake in isolating his lab from the rest of the Seekers of Truth base.

No reinforcements will come...

No one will come to help the screaming people…

They will all die...

Everyone must die...

[System Notification: The user's mind is being influenced by the destructive instincts of the title 'Outer God'. All abilities based on 'Reader's Madness' energy will receive a power bonus]

[System Notification: The user will receive a Negative Karma bonus. A penalty will be received on Positive Karma]

[System Notification: The entity 'Ortro' began to devour the user's Negative Karma. The injuries in the entity 'Ortro' have stabilized]

[Warning: 'Auriel's Blessing' will be disabled until the user's mind returns to normal]

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has been synchronized with the 'Rasen no Chikara' energy. The 'Anti-Rasen' energy has lost 10% effectiveness]

My body was covered with blue energy, but the energy had turned strange.

Normally, the Rasen generates a feeling of excitement and admiration in those who see the blue flames, it is a power suitable for a Hero.

This time, there were strange eyes and mouths emerging within the blue flames, my black blood mixed with the spiral energy.

The colossal snake in front of me sensed that the situation was dangerous.

Even though I used Ortro's ability to devour half of his body, he was mostly unharmed as I didn't manage to damage his soul or mind. In fact, I can't see his soul inside his body.

The Jormungandr moved away from me as his body regenerated with amazing speed. His regenerative ability is on par with mine because of the genetic enhancements he received from his father…

Behind the Jormungandr thousands of barriers appeared to prevent me from advancing.

I used Tsubaki's Resonance so that my energy could use my Stand's abilities, so I was able to break through all the barriers with ease.

The Jormungandr serpent expected this. He had set up an ambush in the nanosecond it took me to break through the barriers.

Thirty alchemists had appeared alongside the Jormungandr. They had generated a constellation-sized alchemy circle and activated it while sacrificing millions of Philosopher's Stones and other valuable items.

I have a decent knowledge of alchemy, but I need System Goddess and [Paranoia] to analyze such a complex circle in a short time, so I can't cancel that attack.

My analysis abilities are limited without the two of them, but [Reader's Perspective] is still active to let me see the enemy's actions.

The instant the alchemy circle was activated, a spiral portal appeared under the alchemists.

From the portal emerged the hand of the Anti-Spiral robot, Granzeboma. The hand grasped the alchemy circle and covered it with chains of purple energy.

The alchemy circle was too tough and destroying it would only trigger a more dangerous attack, so the Granzeboma used the ability to restrain Concepts and locked up Concept 'Activation'.

The alchemy circle froze so I was able to get in front of the snake.

The Jormungandr was not surprised and was able to react quickly. His scales were covered in rune magic and powerful magic was about to hit me right in the face of him.

I used [Dissociative Identity] to switch to Concept 'Defense', covered my body in spiral energy armor, and received the attack head-on while using the defensive martial arts technique Seikuken.

Jormungandr used astral magic to amass the power of the infinite stars in that laboratory, then used that massive amount of astral energy to create an energy beam.

That powerful attack was a distraction, the astral energy would cloud my senses so the Jormungandr could try to devour me. He's a Devourer so his bites could destroy my soul, though currently my soul is guarded by Abby so only my body would be destroyed.

I don't mind my body being chewed up, but my current injuries are already a problem and I want to get this over with quickly.

The Jormungandr was about to devour me, but a portal of spiral energy appeared over his head as a shrill drilling sound shook space.

The Jormungandr quickly fell back, a drill is not suitable for surprise attacks…..

The Jormungandr has a body as large as several universes, but its scales are capable of distorting the laws of space allowing it to move at speeds that exceed the speed of light.

Stupid magical rubbish and conceptual rubbish…

The astral energy attack was still covering my body, but [Reader's Perspective] had allowed me to see the battlefield.

I used [Masochism] to empower [Schizophrenia]. I used [Rasen] to create the small chance that the drill could hit the Jormungandr, then I used [Anti-Rasen] to negate the huge chance that the Jormungandr could avoid the attack.

The spatial structure folded like a sheet of paper. Although the drill came down in a straight line, the drill struck Jormungandr's head even though he had moved far away from the attack.

The snake's head was destroyed, but the runes on his scales again emitted light and this time what looked like demonic magic was invoked.

I see. Not just the soul, Daniel also placed his mind outside of his physical body.

It's quite possible that he had placed his Core of Existence in a safe place, and somehow, he was able to hide the connection between his body, soul, and mind so I can't trace where the Core is hidden.

Intelligent enemies are so troublesome…. But he won't be so smart when his body and family are destroyed… .. They will all be destroyed….

I stopped using the seikuken so astral energy hit my body which increased the pain in my injuries, but that was just food for [Masochism].

The alchemists destroyed Granzeboma's arm so the alchemy circle was activated.

[Paranoia] fell into a coma so I can't tell what the attack will be, but my survival instincts tell me it's not lethal…. That gives me a bad feeling.

In front of me, a large stone door appeared.

The door opened and thousands of black hands emerged from it.

More problems… More idiots… More enemies… What a nuisance.

I did not dodge the attack and rushed towards the hands….

I must destroy every damn nuisance, nothing must continue to exist….

My body was covered in dog's fangs and I destroyed the hands before they touched me, but I realized too late that my surroundings had changed.

I see, I fell into the trap....

..... Stupid violent instincts, I can't think rationally and can only think of destroying and devouring everything around me….

The spatial coordinates have not changed, I can feel my connection to the women around me, and my wives are still inside my mind.

I was not transported to another place, nor am I in an illusion...

This is a pocket dimension superimposed on the spatial coordinates where I was.

This is similar to drawing a house on a sheet of paper that already had a drawing of a person on it. The person did not move but was now locked inside the house.

A white space and the exit is the huge stone door that brought me to this place.

I hurried towards the door, but I felt that something was changing my body structure. Something was trying to use my body to create a prison capable of trapping my mind.

I covered my body with Rasen, took out my Stand, and used [Masochism] to empower my [Free Man] title.

The feeling that my body was being molded disappeared, but a humanoid figure with a big smile appeared in front of the door.

"It's not good to be so hasty, why don't we sit down and talk?"

Anyone in my way is an enemy, his identity is irrelevant…. I must kill him…. I must eat him...

"Oh, your look doesn't seem kind"

The enemy moved his right hand and I didn't feel any changes in my body, but I couldn't move.

I looked at my hands and realized that my arms had changed.

The poison had made my arms just bones, but now they had turned into hundreds of branches that were holding my legs and neck.

My legs were also changing. Now they were trees and my feet were roots that were beginning to take root in the ground.

I see….. It's not just a modification of the body structure.... The conceptual structure of my body is being altered to turn me into a plant....

"Calm down, I see that you are very close to Life and Alchemy so I don't want to hurt you, but I owe the Farlier family a favor, so be good and let's talk peacefully"

Talk….. talk peacefully…. That sounds good…. It's good to talk like civilized people.....

[System Notification: The 'Dissociative Identity' skill has been used. Changed to Concept 'Abomination'.


- Increased all skills based on 'Reader's Madness' energy.

- Passive aura that generates corruption of all matter, energy, and entities.

- Increase in all combat skills.

- All entities without the 'Madness' energy will feel hostility and fear towards the user.

- Increase in the link with the entity 'Ortro'. The user's presence causes mind destruction and damage to the souls of weaker beings.

- Immunity towards restrictions and status effects that prevent destructive actions of the user.

- The user's strength grows in tandem with the user's destructive impulses.

- Weakness towards the Concepts 'Justice', 'Order', and 'Peace'.

- Steady decrease in sanity and self-control (The 'Obsession: Anti-Spiral' stat has failed to negate this effect due to the destructive impulses of the title 'Outer God).

- Hostility towards loved ones (The 'Obsession: Yandere' stat has negated this effect.)

- Hostility towards all life forms not related to the user]

The trees that were now my legs turned black as red eyes appeared in the bark. Branches and roots twisted into black tentacles covered in sharp-toothed mouths.

I don't know why, but I started to smile.......

"Okay, let's talk peacefully" – I smiled at the enemy, although he is no longer smiling.

I rushed towards the enemy, but the stone gate behind him swung open and thousands of black hands reached out to grab me.

I tried to use my Stand to free myself, but the hands weren't actually restraining me, they were modifying my body structure.

My black blood and spiral energy were being molded to be converted into holy energy based on the 'Justice' Concept...….

I see...

My own energy started to destroy my body, but if I try to increase my power then my body will take more damage.

I see..... I understand...…..

The enemy uses the equivalence principle to easily modify the structure of matter and energy.

Whether it is a physical body or a spiritual body, he can modify it...…

He is capable of modifying even the conceptual body of a Higher Entity, but he seems incapable of destroying existence, he can only modify what exists...

Maybe… something that doesn't exist….

[System Notification: The 'Schizophrenia' skill has been used to modify the user's conceptual structure]

The Outer Gods use the Realm of Dreams to rest their minds whenever they have a dementia attack.

The Dream Realm is not a real place but is the result of the accumulation of thoughts, fears, desires, and ideas of all entities in the multiverse.

Even though that place is the largest information vault in the multiverse, the constant accumulation of dreams causes the place to be in utter chaos, furthermore, that place is an imaginary space and not a real place that exists in the multiverse.

Nevertheless…. Dreams and nightmares can create a place, even if the said place is fictional...


The multiverse is a reality made up of fictitious beings and worlds, so the Dream Realm is also real…

[System Notification: User's body is turning into an idea]

[Warning: The structure of an idea is incapable of supporting the existence of the user. It is recommended to cancel the transformation]

"A nightmare body... I'll give you some advice, stop doing that, you're not the first entity that tries to become an idea, and believe me, the result is never good... There are things that are not worth trying"


I can feel that my very existence is in danger for doing this stupid thing...

[System Notification: User transformation has stopped. The 'Anti-Rasen' energy has stabilized the user's existence]

Despite everything, the enemy keeps modifying my body to turn me into a plant…

He doesn't have the slightest hostility towards me, he even seems regretful for turning me into an inanimate being… That just annoys me more…

Ah, I didn't want to do this...

"Gogh" – I spoke to the girl in my mind.

How strange, Gogh moves her mouth, but I can't hear her…. Now that I think about it, since I started fighting I haven't heard the voices of women in my mind….

"Gogh, don't go out yet, I just need a flower" - I looked at the kind smile of the idiot in front of me... it's so annoying... too annoying...- "Ortro, prepare the backup"

"Nn" - Ortro nodded.

Ah, this is going to hurt.

Gogh smiled and drew a sunflower….

I felt like my head was about to break.

My skull split in half and a sunflower came out...

Damn migraine.....



[WARNING: The user's mind has been destroyed]

[System Notification: The entity 'Other' has connected to the user's mind. A backup of the user's mind has been integrated]

[System Notification: The backup has been integrated successfully. The user's mind has returned to work]


Damn migraine...

Again I am in the laboratory of the bastards who kidnapped my sister.

The space around me was covered in cracks, but the important thing is that on the ground is the idiot who wanted to turn me into a plant.

Only his head, half of her chest, and left arm remain… He's a very tough bastard...

The sunflower is no longer on my head and my limbs are back to normal.

My hands held the two halves of my head and I rejoined my skull…. This is how a watermelon must feel when cut in half...

I approached the idiot.

I must remove him, I must remove every damn obstacle...

The bones of my right hand were covered in black blood, then the blood turned into the head of a giant dog.

I was about to destroy the enemy, but a familiar feeling filled my mind…

I gritted my teeth, I have to kill, kill the enemy, kill every damn nuisance, kill everything in my way… I must not stop moving forward....

[System Notification: The entities 'Tsubaki Nakatsukasa' and 'Nia Teppelin' are attempting to suppress the user's destructive impulses.

Use the skill 'Stand: Release Me From Hell' to remove the restrictions on destructive impulses?




Stupid feelings of attachment.


"Luis!" – Tsubaki's voice was full of concern.

"Don't scream, my head hurts…" – I sighed and returned my hand to normal.

I generated chains of [Anti-Rasen] and captured the alchemy guardian. I was about to do something very stupid.

To become a Higher Entity means to get out of the bonds of Destiny and the Will of the World.

Most Higher Entities yearn for freedom, though that desire often collapses upon discovering that the multiverse is rife with dangers impossible to overcome unless they have powerful allies.

Although most Higher Entities join organizations large or small, some Higher Entities are individualists and wander the multiverse without allies.

System Goddess was affiliated with Gaia, but she is a lonely wanderer as her deal with Gaia was a temporary Contract and not a permanent alliance.

Most lone entities are not strong as they lack the resources to evolve, but there are special cases where extremely dangerous lone individuals arise, for example, the Outer Gods.

In addition to the Madness wielders, there is another group of extremely powerful beings.

They categorically do not have a title, but people often call them Concept Keepers.

The Higher Entities normally understand a Concept and use it to their advantage, but the Keepers do the opposite, they themselves tie their existences to a fundamental Concept that supports the functioning of the multiverse.

Higher Entities use their own energy reserves to use a Concept, but keepers use energy from the multiverse, so they have access to abilities beyond normal.

This allows the keeper immense power as the multiverse has its back, but at the same time, this brings too many restrictions.

For example, the Alchemy Keeper must deal with all the problems related to equivalence. It doesn't matter if he doesn't want to fight or if he sees an injustice, he will have the duty to punish every entity that breaks the principle of equivalence.

In that sense, the keepers are the slaves of the multiverse. They have less freedom than the Heroes.

Sacrificing your own freedom for a power you can't use of your own free will... It's not worth it.

Keepers don't join big organizations as they themselves can't choose who to help, they can only act based on their Concepts so they can attack their own allies if they break certain rules.

Despite that, no one attacks keepers as destroying a keeper will make the Concept too weak.

For example, if Alchemy Keeper dies, then all alchemy in the multiverse will be weakened to the point that it will only be useful in low-level Worlds.

Although it would be interesting to ruin other entities' weapons, a lot of my technology relies on alchemy, plus my homunculi and several of my genetically enhanced wives would be negatively affected, and even System Goddess would suffer the consequences.

I won't kill the idiot for now, I'll just make sure he doesn't divulge any problematic information.

On the other hand, he won't take revenge on me since his Concept only allows him to intervene when someone makes a corresponding payment to him, and no payment is enough to make up for a fight against Azathoth.

In general, the keepers are irrelevant as they have too many restrictions, so it doesn't matter to remember this nonsense, I'm just trying hard to think of rational things to suppress the intense desire to destroy everything around me….

Stupid mental problems, being crazy is a headache.

"Luis..." – Tsubaki was still anguished by my condition.

I smiled tiredly. – "Thank you Tsubaki, thank you Nia, I'm fine now, I just have a little migraine"

I fell into an obvious trap due to a loss of self-control, plus the constant feeling of giving in to my instincts is so unpleasant that falling into a coma sounds tempting.

Now I understand better why the Outer Gods are so obsessed with my energy, having a bout of insanity is the third most disgusting thing I've ever experienced, just below the Samsara Cycle and the pain of repairing the Fourth Wall...

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the stat 'Obsession: Spiral King' have prevented a PTSD outbreak]

… My life is a disaster.

"Hey, I'm helping too!" – Yoko yelled at me angrily.

I saw a giant snake being brutally beaten by two giant robots.

Granzeboma was slightly smaller than the snake but had managed to cover the entire body of the snake with purple chains which prevented the runes on the scales from being activated.

The Gurren Lagann was no longer a red robot but had become a gigantic mass of spiral energy with a cape and red glasses. That robot was also a bit smaller than the snake, but the snake couldn't defend itself and was only used as a punching bag.

I see, Yoko is controlling both robots since Nia was busy helping Tsubaki, both women were doing their best to prevent my mind from being totally consumed by the bout of insanity.

Although it may seem that my mental condition was not that bad, the truth is that it was much worse than what my thoughts showed.

To give an example, if one of my wives had shown up to stop me, then I would have attacked her for being an obstacle.

Maybe my stat [Obsession: Yandere] would prevent me from killing my wife, but I would certainly cause her a lot of pain with [Sadism].

I even thought of going to my personal worlds to destroy the minds of my wives and daughters and thus turn them into puppets that don't cause trouble.

Dementia attacks are too dangerous...

"Luis, I'm glad you came back" – Only now did I realize that Nyaruko and Aotian were behind me.

Now that I look at it, Nyaruko seems to have prevented other enemies from attacking me while the Alchemy Keeper turned me into a plant, which explains why other entities didn't try to assassinate me even though it was the best opportunity for an ambush.

Nyaruko is mostly unharmed, but there is a small scratch on her cheek.

Aotian has small wounds that are already healing, but the burns and cuts on her clothes show that she also fought hard to protect me.

I sighed with a smile, it's hard to hate life when I have such wonderful people by my side.

Most of the enemies have been killed and their souls were sent to Abby's warehouse.

"Abby" – I called the little girl who was guarding the barrier. – "Any sign that the enemy managed to call for reinforcements?"

The fact that the scientists were able to summon the Alchemy Keeper despite the barrier gives me a bad feeling, it seems there is a Dimensional Gate capable of ignoring Abby and Anti-Spiral's barrier.

"No, but we better hurry, the people of this place are usually very cunning and paranoid like you" – Abby replied with slight happiness, she seems happy that some of my soldiers are collecting the files of the scientists instead of destroying the whole place.

Even though I gave the order to destroy the entire place, the general of my army gave instructions for the weaker soldiers to focus on looting the laboratory.

I gave the order while my mind was blinded by a rage so this decision was the correct one. It's nice to have a smart wife.

To clarify, the general of my army is Kiwako Flügel Makina, a character from Deadman Wonderland.

Speaking of that series… I looked at the ceiling and took a step back.


In front of me fell a group of people with severe injuries. Most of them were beautiful women, but their bodies were heavily damaged by what looked like gazelles being attacked by lions.

I sighed. – "Girls, I told you not to come…"

Two beautiful girls descended from heaven.

"Shiro wanted to play!" – A girl with white hair and an attractive body hugged me tightly.

The other girl remained silent, but her gaze focused on my arms and the right half of my face. The poison had removed all the flesh in those areas and now only my bones were left, I even lost an eye.

The second girl clenched her fists and looked at one of the women who had been hit, then the woman began to cough as if an invisible hand was squeezing her neck hard.

"Hey Listen! I already told you that you must not kill these bitches, they will be the bitches of the dog!" – Navi appeared out of nowhere.

Kaede from Elfen Lied and Shiro from Deadman Wonderland. These two troublesome girls did something ridiculous while my mind was messed up.

In my personal worlds, enough years have passed for both girls to mature into adults.

Although both girls are already of legal age, they both appear to be 16 years old as that is the age limit they are allowed to be before their predetermined lifespans expire.

Shiro has a well-developed body and a very attractive face, but her mental age is still that of a brat so I treat her as my daughter instead of my wife. The problem is that she has a split personality that is a cruel woman with a great sexual interest in me, so sometimes I don't know what to do with her.

On the other hand, Kaede is still a woman of few words with violent tendencies, though she becomes quite adorable when we spend time together. It seems that she has other names which are Nyu and Lucy, but she prefers the name Kaede since I knew her by that name.

By the way, and if anyone still doubts it, yes, I already slept with them and the other brats that came of age even though a lot of those brats still look like brats due to the fucking plot.

Those damn brats set me up and I resigned myself to the stupidity of the readers who continue to push the stupid author without self-esteem.

Why isn't there a chapter on that?

I don't know, blame the author.

Finally, Kaede and Shiro evolved rapidly, in fact, both girls are one step away from becoming Higher Entities. The most important thing is that both girls have excellent compatibility with Madness.

BB said that both girls have the potential to become

Great Old Ones, although the experiments to create

Great Old Ones are still not giving satisfactory results, so both girls still haven't become Lovecraftian monsters.

Although both girls are strong, the group of women on the ground are quite strong Higher Entities so the two of them couldn't do this.

A loud roar echoed through space, and a great dragon descended.

I see, the group of goddesses did this…

I sighed. – "I told them to eliminate everyone"

"Hey Listen! A war needs the spoils of war, and nothing better than a group of sex slaves muahahahahaha!" – Navi shouted with joy.

I sighed and looked at the goddess of life with green hair. – "Fauna, you are supposed to be in charge of the group, you should not encourage Navi's stupidities"

Fauna smiled without embarrassment. – "Well, you are a pervert and you seduce every beautiful woman you meet, I thought this would make you happy"


My status as a serial killer was overshadowed by my reputation as a womanizer.

Well, whatever, I don't care anymore, I just want a vacation.

I sighed and ignored the wounded women who were looking at me with utter hatred, though some of them are assessing my attitude to determine how to survive.

Normally I like smart, cunning, and calculating women, but today I'm not in the mood for stupidity, I only care about getting Umaru out of this damn place.

"BB, how is the rescue of Umaru and Paranoia going?" – I contacted BB.

There was no response, but I can feel that BB is safe. That can only mean one thing...

"BB, if you are causing trouble I am going to punish you…" – My migraine is getting worse.

[System Notification: The destructive instincts of the title 'Outer God' are still unstable]


"You need to relax, your mind is on the verge of another attack of dementia" – Nyaruko patted me on the shoulder. – "I know you are obsessed with solving every problem, but this time you need to take things easy"

Now I can't even get angry in peace or my mind will be in chaos again.

How troublesome.

"BB, I'm not in the mood for stupidity" - My voice was a little stronger, I'm having a hard time suppressing the anger in my voice.

"Eh, senpai, there is a small, very small problem, as small as a man's dick that gets turned on by seeing his girlfriend with another man" – BB spoke ironically.

She's in a joking mood so it shouldn't be a dangerous situation, just something that will make me angry…

I sighed. – "What happens this time?"

BB explained the situation to me and I felt my blood pressure rise to a dangerous level.

"Wow, I didn't know your forehead could wrinkle like that" – Nyaruko started playing with my face.

[System Notification: The entity 'Tsubaki Nakatsukasa' and the skill 'Mythomania' have prevented the user from losing self-control]

"Thank you Tsubaki" - I sighed internally and went back to talk to BB. – "BB, for now, keep things under control, I'm going there"

"Eh... I don't know if that's a good idea senpai..." – BB seemed worried.

"Don't worry, my mind is more stable, I won't do something stupid" – I sighed.

"Oh well, no problem then <3" – BB replied happily. – "I'll wait for you here senpai ~ Although a suggestion, use Mythomania to hide your injuries or your little sister will have a panic attack if she sees that you became a Halloween decoration"

"Good idea" – I smiled wearily and used [Mythomania] to hide my injuries, although I will need medical treatment afterward. – "Fine, I'm going there"

I was about to leave, but I saw that the giant snake had already been subdued by Yoko.

I'm currently still feeling extreme rage and I don't want to see Umaru in this state or I may do something I'll regret. I need to relieve…

The snake is bigger than the universe while I am the height of a normal human, I can't even be considered as a tall young man because I didn't eat properly or sleep well during my childhood.

[System Notification: The 'Dissociative Identity' skill has been used.

Concept: Abomination > Torture]

[System Notification: The 'Forced Empathy' skill has been linked with the 'Sadism' skill]

[System Notification: The 'Masochism' skill has used the user's migraine to empower the 'Sadism' skill]

[Warning: Skills have gone out of control. In 30 seconds the 'Sadism' skill will start to hurt the user. It is recommended to deactivate skills before 30 seconds]

So I can only use this skill combination for a short time... Well, that's enough for now.

I concentrated my skills on my right hand so as not to hurt Nyaruko and Shiro who are hugging my body.

"Luis, normally I would like you to caress my head, but now your hand terrifies me" – Nyaruko moved away from me, her combat instincts telling her that my hand is dangerous.

"Shiro thinks that Luis is never scary" – Shiro kept smiling, she is also scared of the energy in my hand, but her emotional dependence on me is stronger than her survival instincts.

I let Shiro hang onto my back and put my hand on one of the snake's scales.

It's my first time using this skill combination, so I'm really curious.....

The giant snake didn't scream, didn't fight, didn't blink, didn't move, just fell silent.

The snake's scales began to lose color like an apple in a food dehydrator.

Within three seconds, the giant snake looked like an ancient fossil.

After five seconds, the snake-filled with cracks.

In seven seconds, the snake turned to dust and disappeared.

"Food..." – Ortro spoke sadly when she saw that her food disappeared.

"We got a lot of heads, you can eat them" – I spoke softly.

Ortro smiled happily, though her cute appearance was damaged due to the fact that a part of her skull was missing making her brain visible.

Ortro is not as hurt as I am, but her wounds are very deep. This silly brat was willing to sacrifice herself in order to protect me…. I'm going to spoil her a lot when we get back to Gaia.

I deactivated the combination of the skills and sighed with satisfaction. I feel better.

"... D-Daniel..." – One of the injured women turned pale and her eyes began to shed tears.

She appears to be the mother of the giant snake.

She is what could be described as a sexy milf, but right now I have no interest in expanding my harem, I just want to rest….

Just a moment.

I looked carefully at the woman and noticed something inside her, something in her soul...

I approached her and took off her clothes as it is a defensive item capable of blocking my [Reader's Madness]-enhanced sight.

"Hey Listen! All right! Now show that bitch who is the king of the harem! Make sure you inseminate that milf!"

I ignored Navi and found what caught my attention.

My hand was covered in Rasen, then I stabbed into the woman's chest.

"Fucking dog! You are supposed to penetrate her with your dick, not with your hand!... Although there is porn where the hand is also used... Hey Listen! You must enter her genitals, not her chest! The anus and the mouth work too! Don't do it with the nipples, that's disgusting!"

… Stupid.

I took my hand off the woman's chest and realized why she was crying.

This woman does not have her own soul, instead, she has her son's Core of Existence.


It seems that Leylin hid his son's soul inside his wife, so the son won't die as long as the mother lives. It is a bizarre but useful way to prevent betrayals.

As for the soul of the woman, it should be inside Leylin…

If Leylin dies, the mother dies, and therefore the son also dies.

No, it's not that simple.

In the son's soul, I can see traces of a strange ritual.

System Goddess is not by my side, but I can identify some symbols.

I see, a reincarnation ritual.

Leylin had prepared something interesting. If he dies, his soul will consume the soul of his wife, then reincarnate in the body of his son...

How fascinating, I finally see a use in having a son, although I do not intend to use this method. I also don't like the idea of a man touching my wives' genitals, even if it is for a birth…

God, my possessive obsession is ridiculous.

Well, none of that matters since the soul is broken.

The extreme pain I caused to the physical body was so agonizing, that the Core of Existence was damaged to the point that only Auriel could heal this soul.

I just created a terrifying weapon.

To give an example, using this technique I could deal permanent damage to BB even though she hides her soul inside a paradox.

…. Ugh, even if it was just an example, the very thought of me hurting BB makes me want to hit myself with all my might…

Well, whatever, I have work to do.

From my feet came a dog's head so I fed it with the soul of the snake. Even if the soul is broken, with a lot of resources it might be possible to bring Daniel back to life.

Daniel's mother watched as her son's soul disappeared forever, but curiously, she only cried a little, then lowered her head and began to think about her situation.

A mother capable of abandoning her son in order to obtain benefits...

My migraine is coming back.

I massaged my forehead and talked to Nyaruko. – "You clean up here, Gogh and Ortro will stay to begin to eliminate everything in this place, there should be no evidence that we were here"

Gogh and Ortro came out of my mind and stood next to Nyaruko.

Both girls feel sad when they are not with me, but they want to help me as much as possible.

Now that I think about it, it's a good thing I used [Mythomania] to hide my injuries or Gogh could have gone crazy seeing me hurt…

My rationality has not fully returned. What a nuisance

"What do we do with that thing?" – Aotian pointed to the mutilated body of the Alchemy Keeper.

"That Chiyo and Abby put strong restrictions on him, for now, we'll take it to one of Abby's pocket dimensions, then I'll have BB prepare some Contracts" – I sighed, my life is one problem after another.

Nyaruko nodded and was about to leave, but I put my hand on her shoulder.

"What happens? Do you want to kiss me for the good job I did?" – Nyaruko smiled at me with a perverted smile. – "Hehehehe, Luis, you are so daring"

I narrowed my eyes. – "You were very upset because I wanted to kill the members of the chat room, but now you seem very unconcerned"

Nyaruko paled.

This damn girl knows something...


I looked at the idiot, but that damn jerk was gone.

I sighed in frustration. – Now nobody listens to me…"

"Well, you made decisions while your mind was overwhelmed with hate" – Nyaruko smiled nervously. – "We only want the best for you…"

I sighed. – "You just want to meet the anime characters you like"

"Don't forget novels, comics, and video games!" – Nyaruko spoke excitedly.

…. I'm surrounded by idiots.

I sighed and released Nyaruko.

I have to see what kind of mess BB made.

After this, I will definitely go to the hot springs to relax. I'm very tired of so much nonsense...

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