No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 334: (1): Milfsekai 2

Chapter 334: (1): Milfsekai 2

(Perspective Mamako Oosuki's ) (Do You Love Your Mom and Her from her Two-Hit Multi-Target Attacks?)

I miss the food my son makes...

"Madam, is something wrong?" – An adorable boy asked me with concern.

I tried to smile, but it's hard to live without my cute son's food. - "I miss my home"

The boy is Lee Kiyoung, a very intelligent boy who has helped a lot to understand this magical place.

From what I understood, this place is something like a game where you need to defeat monsters to level up, it is also possible to obtain magical skills and fantasy items.

This is all funny, but I've started to get depressed.

I want to see my children show them how much I love them, I also want to see Seiji-kun be together, let's get married, let's spend time, let's have a son ... Ehehe, Seiji-kun.

"Ahem, madam" – Kiyoung's sigh made me come out of my happy thoughts. – "There is still a lot of work"

I sighed, I hate paperwork…

"Can't you handle it?" – I looked at Kiyoung with pleading eyes.

"Madam, this would not have happened if you had not caused so many problems" - Kiyoung spoke to me inexpressively. He reminds me of my son a lot.

The place where I appeared was built so that we could understand the fantasy world.

From what I have heard, we are in a dimension of magic where we have the opportunity to gain magical powers beyond our imagination.

Though the dangers are great, the rewards are great too, but none of that matters to me. I just want to see Seiji-kun and my children!

I sighed sadly and leaned my head back on the desk. – "The paperwork bores me…"

After meeting the children, I was able to relax in the safe area of the tutorial, there I met more interesting people with whom I made a nice friendships. They are all adorable children.

Although that place was safe, we had the big problem of lack of resources, so the group of children I met was willing to explore the tutorial in search of food. They are so kind that their parents must be proud of them.

I joined the search party and was able to level up.

Among the group of children, the most surprising was Kim Hyunsung. That boy is not only handsome and kind, he also has great strength and talent with a sword.

That boy is very nice and he helped me improve my swordsmanship, he even gave me a book that helped me learn a new skill. Now I can do ranged attacks when air slicing, but doing a lot of those attacks makes me feel tired.

I had fun hunting monsters and chatting with the group of kids. They are so adorable that I want to adopt them.

Little Jung Hayan showed great talent in magic, she was even able to learn how to use magic without a teacher. Now she helps me study magic and spells.

I also wanted to learn something called alchemy, but it was too confusing so I gave up. Fortunately, little Kiyoung is an alchemist and he promised to give me any potion I may need in the future. He is an adorable boy.

Another adorable child is Park Deokgu. He is very kind and always looking to help others, he is like a big teddy bear.

Lastly, I met a cute girl named Lee Jihye. She is very kind and was very helpful in helping me better understand fantasy, monsters, and what we were about to experience after finishing the tutorial.

She was so cute that I wanted to adopt her, but she refused. Now we are good friends which makes me happy.

She and Hayan argue a lot, but my kids also argue all the time, so I know that's not a bad thing.

In general, my time in the tutorial was fun, although there was one unpleasant situation.

While we were hunting monsters, a group of evil men came to the shelter.

At first, I greeted them politely since it's normal for people to support each other in dangerous situations, but the look from one of them caused me discomfort as he licked his lips while he looked at my breasts.

I know that I am attractive since I had many suitors, there were even many men who were looking for me even though I was married.

There were some unpleasant situations where my ex-husband convinced me to sleep with other men to get money. At that time, I accepted since I wanted to make my ex-husband happy, but now I realize how stupid I was.

Fortunately, my cute son always protected me from all unpleasant situations, he even got to fight with people much bigger and stronger than him.

At that time, I always scolded my son as my heart was only focused on making my ex-husband happy. Now I am deeply sorry for my actions and I want to improve my relationship with my son, the good thing is that he is a wonderful boy and he continues to love me despite the fact that I was a bad mother.

Now I know that my ex-husband was a terrible husband, but that doesn't matter anymore, after all, now I have Seiji-kun <3

I understand that some people cannot contain their unconscious acts and it is normal for some men to give me prying eyes. That doesn't bother me as long as they don't try to do something nasty, my body is only for Seiji-kun.

Still, my little Hayan is not that patient and she stood in front of me to protect me from that nasty man. The other children also took care of me which made me very happy.

The group of evil men calmed down and didn't cause trouble, or so it seemed.

We prepared for a scouting mission, but a tragic accident happened and a girl died. It was very sad.

I thought that she died from a trap or a monster, but the children said that she died at the hands of one of the evil men.

That made me angry and I wanted to find them to demand an explanation.

The kids convinced me to create an opportunity to engage them, but away from the shelter so as not to upset the survivors.

The group of evil men and our group went on a mission to finish the tutorial.

When we got to the room where the final boss was, there was some conflict and little Kiyoung got injured at the hands of one of the evil men.

Seeing little Kiyoung made me remember things I wish to forget.

Every day, my son would leave the house to bring us food, even though he was always injured.

Once, he passed out in front of the house while his clothes were covered in blood, but I ignored him because my husband asked me for a massage.

My son suffered a lot and I never protected him even though I am his mother.

Seeing Kiyoung made me think of all my son's injuries, which made me lose control.

I forgot about the plan we had prepared and faced the evil men, but I hesitated when my sword was about to cut the head of one of them.

That moment of doubt made me careless, so one of them managed to cut off my arm.

At that moment, everything turned red and I felt an irrepressible rage.

When I came to my senses, all evil men were dead.

From what Hyunsung told me, I killed most of the evil men while he took care of the leader.

That was the first time I had murdered a person.

At first, I felt really bad and threw up. The sensation of taking one life was painful and terrifying.

Even though I felt very bad, the children were very kind and helped me to calm down. They said that evil people will always exist, so it is likely that in the future I would have to kill again to protect my life and my loved ones.

Little Kiyoung said something that he finally convinced me not to hesitate by swinging my sword.

"Madam, you have a boyfriend who you love with all your heart, so you can't hesitate to fight or that man will be sad, and his children will be sad too"

I promised myself that I would not hesitate again.

For Seiji-kun's sake, I will kill every man who wants to touch me.

For the sake of my children, I will kill every person who stands in my way.

For the sake of my family, I will remove every obstacle that prevents me from having a happy family.

With my new mindset, we got out of the tutorial and got more information about the world we were in, we also got a chance to join a guild. It is something like a company, but it has military and magical purposes.

I didn't know which guild to join, so I followed the kids and we joined a guild called Blue. Sadly, little Jihye didn't join the same guild as us, but we constantly communicated through letters. She is an adorable girl.

Thus, my new life in the guild began.

We were offered wealth and prestige, but I only care about going back to my home, so I thought of turning down all the benefits and a high-level position, but little Kiyoung recommended accepting my own branch of the guild.

I didn't understand all of his explanations, but he said that having our own group would give us more resources to become stronger.

This world is organized like a tower. To go back home I need to reach the top of the tower, so I need to be much stronger to face future challenges.

Little Kiyoung said that he would take care of the administrative stuff, I should just pretend to be the leader. He is a very kind boy.

I focused on training my swordsmanship while Kiyoung managed our guild branch.

The rest of the children were also busy, either with administrative issues or training their skills.

One day while I was training a new skill, the system of the tower showed me a strange notification.

['The one who complains about everything' looks at you with happiness. You have received 'Sword of the Destroyer']

[Sword of the Destroyer

Rank: Common - Heroic


- Plus 3 points in strength.

- Plus 3 points in dexterity.

- Plus 3 points in stamina.


- Predator: The strength of the sword grows by drinking the blood of strong enemies.

- Vampirism: You will absorb 1% of the enemy's health each time you make them bleed.

- Magical Edge: The sword's edge increases the more mana you put into the sword.

- Auto repair: The sword is repaired automatically. You can speed up the process by giving it your mana.

- Binding: The sword will return to your hands regardless of the distance.


- Can only be wielded by Mamako Oosuki]

At that time I was confused, but someone from the guild explained to me what had happened.

In this world there are gods, but they are not absolute beings.

To humans, gods and demons seem like unattainable beings, but there are rare cases where great heroes managed to equal those outstanding existences.

Although the gods are not all-powerful, there are beings far beyond our comprehension who watch over the players. These beings of unimaginable power are called Constellations.

Some players theorize that the Constellations only look to us to deal with boredom, others think that they are looking for new warriors to fight for them.

There are various theories, but everyone agrees that receiving the attention of a Constellation is a blessing.

We do not know who put the rules, but each Constellation can only support a player, so they only support players who have overcome the third floor. It is very rare that a constellation decides to sponsor a player who has just left the tutorial.

Something striking is that the base of our guild is at the beginning of the first floor of this tower, but some of the members have already reached the third floor.

Although climbing the tower is the most important thing, most people decide to live on the lower floors since the upper floors are practically hell and it is too difficult to survive.

A player is considered a veteran upon reaching the second floor, a hero upon reaching the third floor, and a legend upon reaching the fourth floor. As for the fifth floor, no one knows what is in that place since no one has returned.

I'm uncomfortable with the idea of someone watching me all the time, but the guild leader explained that I shouldn't worry. They can't see us directly but see records of our actions.

That calmed me down a lot, my body belongs to Seiji-kun so I don't want another man to see me naked, not even a deity.

Although it made me happy to have the opportunity to become stronger, this brought a lot of attention which has become exhausting.

A couple of days ago, a red-haired woman showed up to take me to her guild.

I refused despite the good conditions she offered me. I already promised the children that I will support them in this guild.

The woman's name is Cha Heera and she was very insistent. Apparently, she's the strongest woman in this city and the leader of an outstanding guild, so she's used to getting what she wants.

In the end, she surrendered but asked me to have a practice duel to see my skills closely. She seemed more interested in my magical skills than in my sword skills.

I accepted the challenge as it could be a good experience to improve my sword technique.

The lower floors have restrictions that decrease player skills and stats, but experience and combat techniques make high-level players the strongest.

We had the fight and I was completely defeated in a matter of seconds. She is awesome.

After that, we became friends and started training together. Apparently, she is very bored since most men and women hate training with her, but I think it's fun.

Yes, she has cut off my arms, legs, and eyes several times, but she is willing to give me healing elixirs so I don't see the problem. The important thing is that the training has helped me a lot and I was finally able to find my own fighting style.

My talent with a sword is decent, but I'm terrible with other weapons. The only thing I can use is a knife, but I prefer to use it for cooking. A good wife must be good at housework.

Cha Heera said that if one sword is not enough, then I must use two swords. She is very smart.

She said she was joking when she saw me using two swords, but I'm happy to feel how comfortable it is to wield two swords.

Sadly, I couldn't find a sword with the same quality as the Sword of Destroyer, but I'm comfortable for now.

I have really enjoyed my days in this city, although yesterday I ran into a bit of trouble.

I accompanied Cha Heera to a restaurant. This has become a routine for us.

She enjoys talking about her adventures, although most of the time she is complaining about how stupid everyone around her is. She could get along with my son.

I told him about Seiji-kun and how much I love him.

I like to talk about Seiji-kun, but Cha Heera told me something that shook my heart.

"Are you sure he is your boyfriend? You have never seen him and he has not even come close to talking to you, on the other hand, it seems that he does not care about you since it is your son who is always protecting your ass"

I couldn't get mad as that made sense.

I was feeling very depressed so I drank a lot.

Cha Heera drank with me and we continued talking, even though she kept saying things that depressed me.

I love her very much and she is my best friend, but her words are more painful than her fists.

I didn't want to think about what Cha Heera said so I drank more beer than I'm used to, but a group of men approached us.

At that time, we were wearing costumes since we are very famous. Cha Heera is one of the few people who has come close to completing the fourth floor, while I am the rookie who got a Constellation sponsorship. It's very tiring to be the center of attention.

I was in a bad mood so I didn't want to be bothered.

I may have gone too far when I plunged a knife into one of the men's genitals, but he had tried to touch my waist. That is inexcusable.

The men got mad so Cha Heera and I beat them up, but though we accidentally destroyed the restaurant.

That restaurant belonged to a major guild and was one of the most luxurious in the city, so now I'm in trouble.

"Really, madam…" – Little Kiyoung sighed heavily. – "I will not question your friendship with the Red Mercenary guild leader, but it would be good for you to stay away from alcohol"

I covered my face in shame. I don't want Seiji-kun to think that I'm a violent alcoholic.

"The cost of damage is something we cannot pay and the medical bills are not small either, this could bankrupt our entire guild, besides, you castrated the son of a high-ranking officer of one of the most important guilds" – The little one Kiyoung did not let me evade reality, he is a very cruel child.

"But he tried to touch my shoulder, besides, he's still alive so it shouldn't be a problem, he can recover with magic..." – I pouted in dissatisfaction, this is unfair.

Kiyoung sighed. – "Madam, that man developed a trauma because of what you did, there are even rumors that he developed a phobia towards women… Was it necessary to force him to eat the mutilated genitals of his friends?"

"Cha Heera did that, I just had the idea" - I couldn't help but smile, that was funny.

Little Kiyoung sighed again. – "Madam, complaining is useless, now help me with the paperwork or we won't have money for your cakes"

"I won't have cake?!" - I screamed in horror.

The food of this world is infinitely inferior to what my cute son makes. The cake alone is almost decent.

I miss my son and his food...

I wonder if Seiji-kun knows how to cook.

Hmm, I should ask my son for cooking lessons so I can make Seiji-kun happy.

"Madam, please stop avoiding reality" – Little Kiyoung looked at me blankly.

"Tch" – I pouted. – "Can't we just attack a group of evil bandits or something? They should have money…"

"That's not impossible, but we don't have the military force to hunt down the bandits, not even the big guilds can exterminate them because of how cunning they are" – Kiyoung looked at me blankly.

I put my head back on the desk.

If my son were here, he could find a solution. He always knows what to do.

I sighed again. - "I miss my home…"

"Madam, stop complaining, we have a lot of work"

Tch, I hate paperwork.



Author's Note:

I injured my back (again), I'm in exams and I had a depressive relapse, but the good side is that a friend gave me a game on Steam... Huh?

Koikatsu Party? What is this?


Oh... God abandoned us...

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