No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 335: (2): Lolis influencing the plot

Chapter 335: (2): Lolis influencing the plot

(Haruko Amaya Perspective) (Maken-Ki)

It's a lot of fun to travel, but it would be more fun if daddy were here.

I-It's not like I always want to be with daddy!

I miss daddy...

"It's time to eat" – Rubia onee-chan called us for dinner.

Whoa, food!

I hurried to the dining room and enjoyed daddy's food.

Daddy's food is delicious, daddy is the best.

I ate with joy, I love cake.

um? Why doesn't my friend eat?

I stopped eating and went over to my new friend.

"Don't you like cake?" – I don't understand, the cake is delicious.

"I-It's not that…" – My friend seemed nervous. – "Is it really okay for me to eat something so delicious?"

"Sure, daddy's food is great!" - Daddy's food is the best!

"I do not mean that…." – My friend sighed.

"Don't worry" – Rubia onee-chan approached us and patted my friend's head. – "You are our friend, of course you can eat with us"

"B-But I…" – My friend was still nervous, she is a strange girl.

"I said she's fine" – Rubia onne-chan smiled kindly. – "You were not at fault, besides, your weapons cannot even hurt us"

Oh, I think I understand.

I smiled and hugged my friend. – "Tina-chan is my friend, Tina-chan did not do anything wrong"

(Author's Note: Tina Sprout of Black Bullet)

When we came to this world, Rosemary onee-chan befriended Kisara-san.

(Author's Note: Kisara Tendo from Black Bullet)

Kisara-san is a very funny person. She has taken us for walks, she also congratulates us when we hit bad people. It's a lot of fun beating up bad people.

Yesterday, Kisara-san was about to take us to a luxurious building. Rosemary onee-chan said that we were about to meet an important person, so we should watch our manners so as not to embarrass daddy.

On the way, we felt that many people were looking at us with hostility, which made us happy. Hitting bad people is a lot of fun.

Rosemary onee-chan told us that we could use our full strength, so we had a lot of fun.

A group of bad people surrounded us and started shooting at us. It was fun.

Mama Yuriko and Mama Miu say that we shouldn't hit people for no reason, but Alma onee-chan said that we can hit bad people without holding back.

I have trained a lot so that daddy is proud of me. It made me happy to see that my punches have improved.

I-It's not like I want daddy to congratulate me and hug me!

We beat up bad people and I met Tina-chan there.

She was one of the bad people shooting at us so we beat her up a bit. Mama Shizuka says that we shouldn't take advantage of weak people, so we don't hit Tina-chan too much.

Rosemary onee-chan said that Tina-chan wasn't really evil, but that she had been tricked into doing bad things.

She's nice and I like her, so she became my friend.

Rosemary onee-chan let us take Tina-chan with us, she's weird but very funny.

Now we are in the big building. We're enjoying daddy's food while Alma onee-chan and Rosemary onee-chan talk to Kisara-san and a woman named Seitenshi-san.

(Author's Note: Seitenshi from Black Bullet)

It's nice to eat with friends. I like this place because I have new friends.

"If you don't want cake then give it to me!" – Another of my friends approached us with a big smile.

Three days ago we met a group of girls our age. They do not have a home, family, or a warm bed.

Mama Tsubaki always says that it's important to be nice to other people, so we invite them to eat and play.

We quickly became friends and now they live with us.

There is a kind mister who takes care of them, so Rosemary onee-chan gave him a house. He lives next door to our house and visits our friends every day. He is a kind mister, but daddy is kinder.

"Tina-chan" - I smiled. – "Daddy's food is the best and you are our friend, it is normal to eat daddy's food"

Tina-chan sighed and smiled. – "Thank you Haruko-san"

Tina-chan finally started to eat. Her expression turned bright and she showed a lot of happiness. Daddy's food is the best.

We continue to enjoy the food. I wonder what Alma onee-chan and Rosemary onee-chan are doing.




(Kisara Tendo Perspective) (Black Bullet)

I don't remember when was the last time I felt so satisfied.

In this world filled with chaos, death, and injustice, it is rare to see people as refined and noble-looking as Seitenshi, the ruler of the Tokyo area.

Despite her bright and noble appearance, she just seems like complete hypocritical bullshit to me. The corruption of humanity makes society and government trash, so a beautiful leader is just a decoration to calm the worries of naive civilians.

In this rotten world there are too many things I hate, too many people I despise, and too much trash polluting the air.

The greatest threat facing humanity is not the Gastrea monsters, it is humanity's own corruption and evil.

To destroy absolute evil, a greater evil is needed. That has been my belief since the death of my parents.

Time proved me right. Human evil is insignificant before the power of divine evil.

No matter how cruel and malicious a rat possesses, it will only be ashes when consumed by the sun.

A week ago my worries were overwhelming with no end in sight. The stress was killing me to the point that my stomach problems were shortening my life expectancy.

Every day was hell, but the biggest pain was not my stomach, but the suffering of knowing that the Tendo family is still alive.

My brother, my grandpa… Those two scumbags pollute the world every time they breathe, so I need to kill them to make a better world.

Every day I train with my sword until my bones crack and my muscles scream, but it's not enough. In order to kill those two pieces of trash, I need a lot more strength and authority.

Now that I think about it, I feel like an idiot for becoming so obsessed with revenge.

I haven't given up my hate, but now that my goal was accomplished, I feel like there is a void in my life… Well, now I have the chance to explore new horizons so I don't need to worry, I just have to keep fighting to improve.

My life had a complete change when I met a strange group of girls.

By chance, I met Rosemary-san and we became friends.

At first, I thought she was a homeless girl who learned to survive on the street. Her walk and mannerisms matched those of a martial artist who had experienced various battlefields, but she didn't have the discipline and habits of a soldier, so she didn't seem to be part of a military or secret organization.

She asked me for information about this city since she was on a vacation trip with her sisters. I was surprised that those 26 girls were sisters, also one of them has fox ears and a tail so I thought she was a cursed girl who was affected by the Gastrea virus but hasn't mutated yet.

We chat a bit since Rosemary-san is very charismatic.

It was at that time that a stage 1 Gastrea appeared.

It was a weak enemy and I could easily defeat it, although I wanted to lead the group of defenseless girls to a safe place first.

I can't describe my surprise when I saw the girls hitting the gastrea like it was a ball.

Elite people can beat a gastrea in stage 1, but it was the first time I saw someone using a gastrea as a toy. Most importantly, some girls had weapons, but most used their little fists and legs to hit the gastrea.

At that time I was very curious about those girls. They would make impressive weapons if given the proper training and resources, so they would be useful in taking down the two pieces of trash I share the last name.

That thought was fleeting and I never had it again. Even though I don't believe in justice and this world is rotten, the innocent smiles of those girls made me unable to see them as weapons.

It was the first time I could see a ray of hope in this rotten world, so I wanted to protect that little hope. Perhaps it was my last effort not to lose the last trace of humanity in my heart.

I offered Rosemary-san a place for her and her sisters to stay. I sincerely wanted to help them.

Sometimes life is ridiculous and unpredictable. My last trace of kindness and humanity brought me a reward that I could never imagine.

Rosemary-san has a twin named Alma-san. It is assumed that they were born at the same time from the same place and have the same father, but they have different mothers. I honestly did not understand the explanation.

Rosemary-san is kind, energetic, fearless, and charismatic, on the other hand, Alma-san is totally silent, expressionless, and looks like a ghost from a horror movie.

Despite her appearance, Alma-san is a very kind woman and I feel like calling her my sister. She is the kindest person I have ever met.

Rosemary-san thanked me for my hospitality and asked if there was anything I wanted.

I thought that they had been kicked out of their home because they were cursed children, or maybe their parents died from a Gastrea attack, so I didn't want to ask them for something. I know the pain of losing my parents, so I wanted to help them.

I thought of refusing, but Alma-san seems to have psychic abilities since she understood my greatest wish. The death of my grandfather and my brother.

Alma-san patted me on the shoulder and told me that I'm good for not treating her sisters like objects, she also told me that she would return the favor for my kindness.

Alma-san turned into a black mist and disappeared for a few minutes.

When she came back, she was holding my grandfather and my brother. The most beautiful thing is that both were alive, they had only lost their limbs.

Rosemary-san asked me if my wish was to kill the two pieces of trash with my bare hands, or if I wished to see them suffer for eternity. Both options were so wonderful that I cried with happiness.

Rosemary-san and Alma-san are not good people. They are an evil greater than the evil of humanity, and for that, I appreciate them with all my heart. They became my best friends.

Rosemary-san mentioned that they were just following her father's teachings. If I wanted to thank someone, I must thank that man.

God couldn't do this because he doesn't care about humans, so my new friends must be daughters of the real Devil, only an existence that embodies the primordial evil could put an end to human evil.

I want to meet that wise and honorable man to show him my eternal gratitude.

In the end, Alma-san helped me transform the two pieces of garbage into pet chew toys. Apparently, this is the method used by her father to deal with unpleasant people. A really wise man.

Rosemary-san lent me something like a giant rat. That animal is now in my basement, enjoying a happy time with its chew toys.

Whenever I feel tired, I like to go to the basement to listen to those beautiful endless screams.

After that, I talked to my dear friends to convince them to talk to the higher-ups in the city, although that was after learning about their abilities and strength.

I was worried that they would be injured by the city's weapons, but those worries were dispelled when Alma-san flew me out of the city. Not only can she use telepathy, necromancy, and telekinesis, she was even able to take on a stage 5 Gastrea.

Stage 5 Gastrea are monsters with the power to destroy the world and there are only 11 of them, but Alma-san was able to defeat one with ease. She even made it her pet.

Before the end of the world, there were many mythological tales about heroes capable of defeating apocalyptic monsters, but all of that pales in comparison to Alma-san.

She said that her power is insignificant compared to her father, so now I am very curious to meet that man. I wonder if his appearance is like a mass of stars, something that the human mind is unable to comprehend.

Anyway, now I'm just having fun while watching the worried face of the Tokyo area ruler.

The purpose of this meeting is that Rosemary-san heard that cursed girls are mistreated by citizens, which makes her feel worried. Her sister's new friends are homeless cursed girls, so she doesn't want to see those girls suffer, besides, they became attached to a girl named Tina Sprout.

Tina is a cursed girl who was subjected to modifications in a laboratory, then used as a mercenary and assassin. She is a criminal and according to the law, she should be executed, but the girls will never allow that.

Rosemary-san's little sisters are young and innocent, but they are very perceptive.

They noticed that girls with special abilities had miserable lives in this city, so they want to gather all the girls to take care of them and make a big group of friends.

Rosemary-san is very doting on her sisters, so she wants to pressure the government to create laws that protect cursed girls.

Rosemary-san is smart, but she lacks experience in politics and doesn't know how to negotiate with these shallow idiots, so I decided to give her some advice.

The higher-ups couldn't ignore us as Alma-san brought the decapitated heads of two stage 3 Gastreas and a stage 4 Gastrea.

I told her it was better not to bring a stage 5 Grastrea as that would just cause too much panic. Humans are creatures that admire power but fear excessive power.

Now the government knows that Alma-san can destroy this city with her own strength, but the stupid bureaucracy makes them unable to budge.

I sighed wryly. - "Oh really? Come on, it's just a law to protect innocent girls, it's not like they want to control the city"

The ruler of the city massaged her forehead wearily. – "Punish with the death penalty every person who hurts a cursed girl… This will cause uncontrollable chaos"

"I don't understand the problem" – Rosemary-san tilted her head in confusion. – "If someone does something wrong, it is normal for them to be punished"

"…" – Seitenshi sighed again. – "Citizens hate cursed girls because they see them as monsters, there are also many high-status people who will be harmed by this law because they use cursed girls as laboratory material…"

Seitenshi stopped talking and her face turned pale. The bodyguards protecting her tensed up and were unable to move.

I looked at Alma-san and saw that her normally gloomy look was now more gloomy. - "Names… I want the names and their locations…"

"Sister, we can't do genocide or our mothers will be angry" – Rosemary-san sighed.

Alma-san lowered her gaze, although the way she hugs her teddy bear seemed a bit aggressive.

I smiled with amusement. – "I will give you some advice, Alma-san's father will not be happy if he hears that his daughters had a hard time in this city, by the way, that man is much stronger than Alma-san"

"...…" – Seitenshi's mouth trembled, but she managed to regain her composure to look at Rosemary-san. – "Speaking hypothetically, what would happen if your father gets angry with this city?"

"The end of the world" – Rosemary-san smiled proudly.

… End of the world?

It's amazing that I'm not surprised, this seems perfectly normal to me. I think something went wrong in my head, or maybe there was always something wrong with my brain.

Well, at least I don't have an expression of disbelief like Seitenshi.

She didn't seem to believe Rosemary-san's words, so I showed her a video I took with my cell phone when Alma-san captured the stage 5 Gastrea.

The world-destroying monster was circling around like a trained dog, then began to dance and even lay on his back. If that thing wasn't a colossal horse with hundreds of arms and mouths, maybe it would be kind of cute.

That day a law was declared that protected cursed girls and an exclusive region were also opened so that they could have a safe and luxurious life.

An exclusive academy was even opened so that they could train their abilities.

There were many protests, but the government suppressed them by force.

In spite of everything, the government did not lose the support of the people since a vaccine capable of preventing the infection of the grastrea virus appeared, in addition, the monsters from the outside moved away from the city, which allowed the city to expand.

It was no longer necessary to fight the Gastreas, so the organizations focused on hunting down the Gastreas were disbanded.

Cursed girls stopped being used as weapons and were given a chance to lead normal lives, only those who enjoyed fighting could continue training, but this time they learned martial arts.

In less than two months, the world had become peaceful.

Throughout this time, I have enjoyed the simplicity of a peaceful life, although I have begun to miss the taste of combat, hate, and violence.

Rosemary-san told me that her father is busy at the moment, but later I will have the option of accompanying her to her home to meet that great man.

From the stories I've heard, that man has a large army that faces enemies beyond my comprehension.

If I put in the effort, I can get a chance to gain great strength and enter battlefields that transcend this world.

I'm so excited…

Although there is something that caught my attention.

"So your father has hundreds of wives?" – My disbelief showed on my face.

I thought my friends' father was some kind of superior being or cosmic force that has transcended human comprehension, but according to the stories, he is a lecherous teenager who sometimes dons a dog costume to play with his daughters.

The Devil turned out to be a loving father...

"Yes, father loves beautiful women" – Rosemary-san nodded. – "You could even be one of his wives"

"….." - What?

No, wait. – "Wouldn't that be awkward for our friendship?"

"Uh? Because?" – Rosemary-san looked at me with confusion.

"You know, we are friends and it would be strange if I became one of your mothers" – This conversation is getting more and more strange.

"I don't understand the problem" – Rosemary-san seemed more confused. – "Mama Rin is my friend and she looks as young as my sisters, Mama Myu is the same, look"

Rosemary-san took out her phone and showed me photos of her family.


I see, that man is a lolicon who likes milfs...

A transcendental being doesn't need to think about public opinion so he can do whatever he wants, but this is too much… I don't know what to say.

Uh? What is that video?

"Kyaaa! Abby loves being a bad girl!"

"Senpai, harder!"

"Little brother… I love you so much…."

"...…" – We were silent.

Rosemary-san put the phone away slowly and drank tea quietly.

"Why do you have porn of your father on your phone?" - I smiled ironically.

"….." – Rosemary-san continued to drink tea without wanting to speak.

This girl's father is too dangerous.

Maybe he sent his daughters to this world to get more lolis….

… Oh well, no one is perfect. The strong live by trampling the weak, and that man is very strong so he can do whatever he wants.

Now I have to think about what attitude I should show when meeting him.

Be friends with Rosemary-san and Alma-san, or accept Rosemary-san's idea.

It's a tough choice, but compared to my worries before, this level of stress is very relaxing.

I continued to enjoy my cup of tea.

Life is so relaxing.

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