No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 336: (3): Idol Tragedies

Chapter 336: (3): Idol Tragedies

(Perspective ??)

My body aches, but the pain in my flesh is insignificant compared to the pain in my heart.

Why does this have to happen to us?

Life is too cruel...

I was born in Hell, but I have always hated violence and war.

It's fun to make fun of people and make jokes, but I don't like to fight or physically interact with other devils, I just want to sing and enjoy a peaceful life. Even if I'm a succubus, I don't like it when other demons see me as just a sex toy, it's very disgusting.

One day I found a recording artifact that showed beautiful girls dancing and singing while wearing colorful clothes. That day I found out my biggest wish in life, I want to be an idol.

The problem is that I was born in the territory of the Chaos Riders where the strong feed on the pain of the weak, so I tried to move to the territory of the Sins of Order since they have established an almost peaceful society, but the leaders of My clan found out about my desire to move, so they persecuted me to punish me for being a traitor.

In my clan, there are only women and the traitors are subjected to extreme modification to be turned into demon incubators, then the traitor is sold to another clan and since we are biologically immortal, the traitor will live forever as a baby-making machine.

It was impossible for me to escape from my clan, but a kind woman helped me out of Hell. I don't know her name or why she helped me, but she will always be grateful.

After I escaped from Hell, my life didn't get any better.

Every day was a constant fight to survive.

In the multiverse, there are many types of succubi, but my clan is very special even within Hell as we have powerful innate abilities that can connect us to the Dream Realm.

When we have sex, we can open a door to that place and thus help our partner to enter that imaginary world, which is very useful to meditate and obtain information.

The Dream Realm is a chaotic and dangerous place and only the Outer Gods can explore it without fear of their minds being sucked into dreams, but my clan can get in and out of that place without hindrance, making us useful for escaping in case of the appearance of a danger capable of destroying our mind.

Despite this ability, that place is still too dangerous as we can collide with the mind of an Outer God.

If a succubus is unlucky enough to find a sleeping Outer God, her mind will be eaten away with no way back, leaving her body an empty shell. A fate worse than death…

Because of this danger, our previous leader forbade travel to the Dream Realm, but she was betrayed by her trusted friends who staged a coup and took over the clan. Now the new generation of succubi is trained to be the tools of other clans.

The biggest problem with this is that my body emits the characteristic scent of my clan, so Higher Entities from other Worlds can identify me.

Immortal cultivators, angels from Paradise, demons from Hell, investigators of the Truth Seekers, Heroes, and System Users. I've spent too much time running from all of them.

My exhaustion increased every day and I even considered suicide, but my desire to find a place to be happily allowed me to keep going without giving up.

After much effort, I finally found a place where I could feel safe.

One day, I met a cute girl dressed as a maid. She offered me a place where I could feel safe, I only had to sing and dance, which made me immensely happy. I was finally able to fulfill my dream.

My benefactor helped me learn how to be an idol, I also met other girls with similar circumstances as me and we made a very lively group.

It all seemed like a beautiful dream, but all dreams end when you wake up, or worse, a dream can turn into a nightmare.

We all thought our benefactor helped us out of kindness as she gave us a safe place and allowed us to do shows in multiple Worlds, but she didn't have a single trace of kindness or care for us, we were just tools. No, we weren't even tools, we were food.

My mother was one of the most talented succubi in my clan and she had the potential to become a complete Higher Entity, but she died a horrible death when she encountered an Outer God during astral travel.

The only thing left of my mother was a withered body without a mind and a broken soul, so I know what a spiritual wound caused by an entity that feeds on minds looks like.

One day, one of my friends became severely ill and fell into a coma.

As much as we searched for a cure, there was no solution and in the end, she died.

We were all sad, but our benefactor encouraged us to give a concert in her honor.

We did so and it was touching, but the death of my friend raised my suspicions.

My clan is very sensitive to dreams and minds. Even if I'm not a specialist in analysis skills, I can identify certain types of injuries.

I secretly investigated my friend's corpse and found signs that something had eaten her mind to her death.

Her mind had not been devoured immediately, rather she had been devoured slowly and over a long time.

Out of concern, I checked my own mental sea and saw that my mind had small bite-like wounds. Something had been eating me and I hadn't realized it.

I secretly checked the state of my friends' minds and all of them had wounds on their minds. I can't analyze souls, but it is possible that their souls also have wounds.

Some of my friends had small injuries, but others had already lost a third of their minds.

The scariest thing is that there were no signs of mental damage. The parasite that was devouring us was able to stabilize our minds so that the harmful effects were only visible on our deathbeds.

I panicked and wanted to talk to our benefactress, but it was then that I felt the true horror.

I never tried to check our benefactor's mental state since I totally trusted her, but this time I wanted to see if she was hurt too.

My surprise and horror were indescribable when I noticed that my benefactor's mind was intact, but it was different from the minds of other beings.

Her mind seemed like a parasite with thousands of tentacles and mouths which chewed on pieces of raw meat. That meat was the pieces of my friends' minds.

I almost threw up seeing that her mind was chewing on a piece of my mind while her real face smiled kindly. It was as if some unspeakable abomination lived inside her head and her body was just a disguise.

I told her that I felt bad about my friend's death and went back to my room.

That night, I tried to talk to my friends to convince them to escape, our benefactor was only treating us like food and we would all die if we didn't escape.

At first, none of them could believe me, but one of my friends had a great sensitivity toward souls. She confirmed that our souls were hurt, but she hadn't noticed since something seemed to be affecting her mind and she was only able to think of checking our souls after hearing my concerns.

Our benefactor seemed to have changed our common sense and we only managed to break that mental control by questioning our reality.

We all organized to plan how to escape, and we did, but we never expected that one of our companions would betray us.

She warned our benefactor that we wanted to run away so we were ambushed.

All of us have been through difficult situations and we are not weak, but our benefactor was able to easily subdue us.

She made fun of us for being so stupid and told us the truth.

She is a system user and her system is to become the best idol.

She started out as a well-known idol and put a lot of effort into improving herself, but she accidentally realized that her power could be drastically increased by stealing other idols' talents instead of trying hard on her own.

The talent she refers to is not just innate talent, but also experience, personality, knowledge, and attitude. Basically, she needs to devour everything that makes up our minds.

She had gotten tired of looking for idols, so she started a project to create idols, that way, she could have a constant supply of levels. Our lives are just experience points to her.

We thought that was the end of us, but one of my friends used a forbidden technique from her clan to increase her power uncontrollably in such a way that her body exploded. She sacrificed her life to allow us to escape…..

With tears in our eyes, we managed to escape and have been on the run ever since.

One of my friends can create Dimensional Doors to escape, although we always appear in random places in the Multiverse, which has put us in danger many times.

Another friend has a lineage that allows her to receive favor from the Will of the World, so we are not treated as enemies when we arrive in an unknown World, although we do not receive favor either.

The combination of all our skills has allowed us to escape from desperate situations, but things have become more and more difficult.

The system user has good connections with powerful groups and convinced them that we are terrible criminals, so various groups have mobilized their armies to hunt us down across the multiverse.

The worst thing is that we cannot ask for help since nobody believes us, everyone sees us as monsters that must be eliminated. There are even people from Hell who want to eliminate us even though they usually support criminals.

It would be impossible for me to face this situation alone, so I am very grateful to my friends for fighting by my side.

All we have is our group, we can only trust ourselves.

The truth is that I am very disappointed in the multiverse.

There are groups that defend morality and protect the weakest, but even they persecute us.

Paradise is supposed to be good people, but right now, they are persecuting us.

I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming and picked up my friend who was bleeding to death on the ground.

"Go away…. I'm fine…." – My friend smiled kindly.

A squad from Paradise managed to ambush us and things turned into a complete mess.

My companion who could create Dimensional Gates was captured and that is why we have remained in this World. In just 3 days, most of my friends were captured.

The enemy does not seek to kill us, but that is not a good thing. They want to capture us to humiliate us and show us as trophies, they are sadistic beasts that enjoy hurting people who cannot defend themselves.

Of our group, only two people remained.

An enemy soldier managed to get to us and tried to attack me with a sword, but my dear friend covered me from the attack.

I managed to attack the soldier's mind to knock him unconscious, enough time to carry my friend and run away, but I'm very tired, there are small wounds on my body and I hardly had any strength left.

I went into a forest to find a safe place where we could hide, but I tripped over a branch and I can't stand up, I can only watch my friend bleed to death while smiling kindly at me.


Why do such a kind and wonderful person have to die like this?

Why can't I help her?

Why does this have to happen to us?

"R-Run…" – My friend had tears in her eyes as she asked me to leave her, but I can't do it.

I have already lost too many people that I love with all my heart, I don't want to lose my last friend...

I held her hand as tears flowed from my eyes. - "I will stay here"

"Please, Aloe, run away…" – My friend began to cough, one of her lungs seems to be hurt.

"Pikamee..." – I couldn't speak, the pain in my heart is more than I can resist.

(Author's Note: Mano Aloe from Hololive)

(Author's Note: Amano Pikamee from VOMS Project)

Maybe I can survive if I decide to run away and leave my friend behind, but I don't want to see more of my friends being captured. I'd rather die together with Pikamee than survive alone...

"Here are the damn bigoted discriminators!" – A scream resounded above us.

I looked at the sky knowing what that meant.

Above us was one of the soldiers who was chasing us.

His big wings and shining golden armor made him look like an angel of justice, but that's a false appearance, that soldier is a monster with a false sense of justice that hurts innocent people.

In an instant, the sky was covered with thousands of angels in golden armor.

A group of them carried large cages in which my friends were….

They were unconscious and their injuries were so severe that they should be dead, but the cage seemed to force them to stay alive….

why do they do this to us?

We have not hurt anyone, we just wanted to make people happy and enjoy a healthy show, we never wanted to hurt other people, we just wanted to make people smile….

I don't have the strength to scream...

I'm so tired of running...

I just want this to end...

"Catch the disgusting heretics, as long as creatures like her exist, the multiverse will never be free of discrimination and peace!"

"Torture the heretics!"

"Death to the garbage that does not tolerate inclusion!"

I don't understand what the soldiers say...

They have been calling us intolerant people, racists, and monsters, but they are the ones who have persecuted and hurt us only by the orders of a person with greater authority...

I'm so tired of this...

A soldier descended from the sky and pointed his sword at my face.

I have cried so much that I have no tears left, I can only look at the gun that was covered with the blood of my friends.

"Um? What's that?" – The soldier looked up.

Out of reflex I also looked up and saw a shadow falling at high speed.

A couple of meters from us, a human body fell, or I think it is human, the body is more like mutilated meat...

"Shit, I slipped the idiot, I hope he's not too broken since we need his heart"

What's that?

Angels were flying in the sky, but above them was a group of people in black robes.

"Identify yourselves!" – The leader of the angels raised his sword and pointed toward the group of unknown people.

"Uh? What are the stupid doves of Paradise doing in this World?" – One of the people in black robes tilted her head in confusion. – "Hey idiot, this World is supposed to have no jurisdiction"

I can't make out the appearance of the person and the silhouette doesn't show if she's a man or a woman, but the voice sounded slightly feminine, although there was a constant sound of static that made it hard to tell the voice apart.

"This World has no owner, it seems that they just arrived, but they don't seem to be here to conquer the World since they have too small an army" – Another silhouette spoke apathetically, it seems like a male voice.

Small army?

The group of angels had over a hundred thousand soldiers, which is not small at all.

"Stop talking nonsense and identify yourself or you will feel the overwhelming power of absolute and noble justice!" – With the shout of the leader, all the angels prepared their weapons.

I wanted to shout for the people in black robes to run away, I don't want to see more people suffering at the hands of these monsters…

"Hey, look, they have waifus" - A person with a feminine voice pointed to the cages with my friends.

"And? We have a mission, so don't get distracted, otaku idiot" – Another woman spoke with contempt.

"Kyahahaha, idiot angels, kneel down and beg for forgiveness!" – A small figure began to laugh for no reason. – "If you give up and admit that I am the best, then I will let you be the servants of the great…! Don't hit me, idiot!"

The sullen woman hit the small figure. – "Idiot, we are on a secret mission, do not say your stupid name"

"…. I hate you "– The small figure seemed to be crying, although her face is not visible.

I'm too tired and I don't know what's going on, I could only watch the situation in complete silence.

"Stop ignoring me!" – The leader of the angels yelled as his face turned red with fury.

"Eh? What's wrong with that idiot?" – Another small figure tilted her head in confusion.

"Who knows" – The grumpy woman shrugged. – "He seems like a loser without a girlfriend who had no affection from his parents, that explains why he is so in need of attention… heh, pathetic"

"SHUT UP!" – The general lost patience and was about to attack the grumpy woman, but one of his companions stopped him.

"General, these people seem dangerous" – The soldier spoke with a frown.

The angels have a large army while the black robes are a small group that could be overwhelmed by the difference in numbers. Even so, people in black robes give me a strange uneasy feeling.

"I know this group" – The man with a monotone voice pointed to the emblem on the chest of the angels. – "They are a group at the service of the Harmonious Paradise, they are in charge of eradicating all entities that threaten the values of peace, inclusion, and harmony promoted by the leaders of the idealistic faction of Paradise"

"Racists who kill racists because they are racists?" – The grumpy woman seemed to find this amusing. – "That level of hypocrisy is something senpai would admire"

"That sounds like Twitter" – Another woman scoffed.

Twitter? What's that?

Now that I think back, the system user who caused us so much pain mentioned something by that name.

Maidchan, that monster that ruined our lives…

"This army works for General Tiwta" – The man spoke in a monotone.

"Is he really called that?" – The woman spoke incredulously. – "Who wrote this shit without creativity? It seems that we are seeing the claims of a friendless idiot who just wants to vent in a childish way"

"Just like on Twitter" – The other woman continued to taunt.

The angels and the people in black robes seemed to be distracted, so I tried to charge Pikamee to escape, but the soldier in front of me noticed my movements.

"Don't move heretic!" – The soldier moved his sword and was about to stab Pikamee, but I was able to protect my friend.

The intense pain of having my back cut by a sword made me scream in pain, but I held on to Pikamee. I don't want to see my friend die.

Everything started to blur, then the world lost light and the sound started to fade.

The world began to turn dark.

I'm going to die?

There were many things I wanted to do…

I still want to sing and dance to bring happiness to people…

I want to enjoy doing choreographies with my friends…

But I'm very tired...

I don't feel pain anymore, I'm just sleepy...

It's cold…

The world is totally dark...

Is this what life after death looks like?

I can't see anything, I can't feel anything, I can't hear anything...

This absolute darkness is terrifying, but it is also peaceful...

In this infinite darkness, I lost track of time.

"Hey girl, do you want to live?"

In the infinite darkness, a pair of intimidating golden eyes appeared, observing me in the same way as a king observes his subjects.

I want to live, but what I want most is for my friends to be safe...

"Hey! I already told you not to hit me! Damn you, Daoloth!"

… What?

"Oh come on, I deserve to have my own group of subordinates… Huh? Hey, don't give me that stupid thing about all women being for your senpai! I want to have subordinates!"

.... Nani?

"Aaaahhh! I get it! I get it! Stop hitting me!... I'M NOT CRYING! I HATE YOU!"

…. What's going on? Why is the darkness screaming like a little girl who is being bullied?

The darkness began to disappear and I was able to see my surroundings.

I am on the ground in the middle of the forest or what used to be a forest. What used to be large trees and colorful flowers was now a charred wasteland covered in blood and white feathers.

"Will this get Luis in trouble?" – A silver-haired girl asked as she shook a steel crowbar to remove the pieces of meat and blood. – "Those racist idiots were part of the faction he belongs to"

"Senpai is homophobic so we did him a favor" – A purple-haired woman shrugged. – "These losers are just a headache"

"Why are Nazis transvestites?" – A blonde little girl asked with confusion. – "They're supposed to hate blacks, not white women"

"Lovecraft would be proud of you" – The purple-haired woman looked at the blonde little girl ironically. – "Besides, those idiots were progressives, not Nazis"

"Um?" - The little girl tilted her head in confusion. – "But the things they said were Nazi discourse"

"... Now that you mention it, it's true" – The purple-haired woman looked surprised and then she started to laugh. – "Heh, progressives are the new Nazis"

This is all too strange...

No, something more important.

"Girls!" – My friends were asleep on white beds.

In the center of the forest, there was a metal table on which Pikamee slept.

It was as if a part of the forest had been turned into a makeshift medical area.

A beautiful woman with light blue hair was using strange tools to close my friend's wounds.

The whole situation was strange, but I could understand it at a glance. These strange people had saved us.

"It would be easier if Kukulkan helps me" – The beautiful woman sighed.

"Stop complaining, besides, no man can touch senpai's property" – The purple-haired woman smiled disdainfully.

I remained silent. Even though these people helped us, I'm afraid that they want to use us the same way Maidchan did.

On the other hand, even if these people are really nice and really want to help us, I don't want them to put themselves in danger.

These people managed to eradicate the army of angels from Paradise, but they cannot defeat the full power of Maidchan.

She not only has close friendships with important people within Paradise and Hell, but she is also one of the leaders of the Free Agents and has millions of strong people who follow her every command.

"Oh, so that's what it's about" – The purple-haired woman appeared in front of me. – "You have very interesting information~"

I correct what I just said. This woman's gaze is much more terrifying than Maidchan's mind…

"Don't worry, adorable little thing" – The woman had a big smile while her eyes emitted red light. – "From now on you belong to my cute and kind senpai~ You just need to tell me everything you know about system users"

I'm so scared I can't breathe...

"By the way" - The woman put her hand on my cheek which caused me chills. – "You and your friends will be safe, you will even be able to fulfill your dreams, as for your enemies… Everything that damages senpai's toys will be eliminated~"

I am so scared, I am too scared to the point that I want to cry, but there is an emotion in my heart that surpasses all the fear that fills my mind. I'm relieved.

The feeling of relief was so strong that I gave in to exhaustion.

As I fell asleep, I watched as Pikamee's breathing steadied and her cheeks regained color.

My friends are safe...





Author's Note:

Sorry if the chapter is very strange, forced, and pointless. It's just that my depression came back with a vengeance due to the latest happenings in the VTuber world.

I know it sounds stupid, but this type of thing affects me more than usual since watching some VTubers has helped me resist the melancholy and existentialism with which I live daily.

I'm sorry if this affected the quality of my work, it's just that I needed to vent a bit and writing is the best way I have to express my emotions.

In general, I don't hate any group or ideology because I just don't care, but this time, I have a big grudge against the trans collective on Twitter. Amano Pikamee was one of my favorite VTubers.

On the other hand, within the WACTOR agency, there were some of my favorite Spanish-speaking VTubers, so I also hate them for the stupid things they've done.

In closing, I'm really sorry for letting my personal problems directly influence my work. That is one of my many shortcomings as a writer and I'm sorry.

Thank you for reading all my minor complaints.

A hug.

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