No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 341: Problems on vacation should be postponed

Chapter 341: Problems on vacation should be postponed

The treatment was successful and I finally regained self-control, although I am still on the mend and my mind has some cracks through which my destructive thoughts seep.

In general, I can maintain better self-control and the migraine has become tolerable, but I have to be careful or I may be impulsive again.

There is no longer any risk that I could harm my wives, but it is still possible that I will make questionable decisions like bombing Paradise because of all the crap they have done to Auriel...…

Ah, this will be troublesome.

What seems more absurd but predictable is that I fell in love with Auriel. It's not just a possessive desire, I'm literally fighting the urge to destroy all of Paradise to take Auriel with me.

With the absurd experiences that I have had to face, I have overcome my traumas of emotional lack and lack of maternal affection, however, the affection that Auriel gave me and the warmth of her kindness touched a sensitive area of my heart.

I have wives who love me sincerely and warmly, but Auriel's kindness conveys a kind of gentleness that I cannot describe.

I'm not sure since I've never experienced it, but I think that's how feels true motherly love.

Auriel loves all entities in the same way that a mother loves her children, so her love is sincere and kind, although that is the cause of her naivety and relative stupidity.

She is like mothers who have delinquent children but are still willing to protect them. Love distorts the perspective of reality.

Anyway, all that matters is that Auriel will be my wife and I will kill all the jerks that have caused her pain, even though she won't accept my destroying souls. Well, I already have several ideas to deal with the garbage.

So, we went to Auriel's house. I made tea, coffee, and biscuits, then we started to chat.

By the way, the spy was locked in a dimensional cage made by Eriko.

Auriel thinks that the spy will be locked up for eternity, but actually, I will use him for some experiments since I need to discover new weapons against system users...… I must exterminate them…..

Auriel is an extremely kind woman, but that kindness has made her naive so it's easy to fool her as long as you know how to manipulate the context of words without telling lies. Auriel can see lies, but she can't see when someone doesn't tell her the whole truth.

Even so, she's not a totally idealistic jerk. She understood the danger of the situation and so we talked about the situation.

I was honest with the women and told them my skills, my relationship with the Outer Gods, and the fact that the great magus Leylin became my ally.

While I said almost everything important, I kept my most important trump card a secret. Gogh is getting stronger every day and now there is no artifact or skill that can stop her, in fact, her Madness can be regulated by [Anti-Rasen] since she enjoys the feeling of her mind being enveloped by my energy, but if she would like to be free, neither I nor anyone could not have her.

It's a good thing Gogh has a childish and dependent mind or she could destroy the multiverse…..

That gives me a bad feeling….. I need [Paranoia] back.

Anyway. As we chatted to understand our options, Seraph asked Sword Maiden to send several messages. She understands that the current situation will bring a lot of problems and unpleasant people will appear in a short time, so she contacted the people Auriel can trust.

I don't know how many or who are spies, so I won't go back to Gaia for now, first I have to put things in order so that an idiot doesn't appear and hurt Auriel.

All of Paradise believes that Seraph is a traitor, only Sword Maiden, Auriel, and Eriko know the truth. Because of this, it was necessary for her to leave before the reinforcements arrived.

I personally prefer that these women leave Paradise and come with me to keep them safe, but they refused.

Seraph's love for me outweighed her loyalty to Auriel, but that same love compels her to stay in Paradise.

Seraph is an excellent administrator and supervisor, but she has no combat skills and she is not an alchemist. She can give me more help if she stays inside Paradise as she can identify traitors, recruit allies, prevent nasty people from getting close to Auriel, obtain high-level resources, and gather classified information.

In terms of utility, she is one of my most outstanding wives, but that raises my concerns.

It doesn't matter if Seraph does everything to protect Auriel, the fact that she joined the racist faction to leak information is a great crime and the punishment for traitors is the destruction of the Core of Existence.

Seraph will be in a lot of danger since the Emperor of the Harem knows the truth, so other members of Paradise must know it too.

We talked about this and came up with an emergency plan.

For now, Seraph will stay in Eriko's lab where she will be safe.

Even if the Harem Emperor managed to kidnap Eriko, no one, not even him, is able to enter that laboratory as it is one of the most secure regions in Paradise. Whether it's the racist faction or the idealistic faction, no one is allowed to enter that lab without Eriko's permission as it might affect the valuable research being done there.

When Eriko became a puppet, she allowed many spies to enter her lab, but when she regained her freedom, she eliminated all the spies and now her lab is safe again.

By the way, she didn't say it explicitly, but it's clear that she destroyed the souls of the spies. That made Auriel sad, but she didn't scold Eriko.

Auriel may be an idealist, but she doesn't try to impose her beliefs on other people and strives to establish understanding through fair dialogue. She is a true progressive, not like the jerks with fascist attitudes.

I had a little private chat with Eriko and we settled on some ideas.

Eriko gave me a copy of her memories so that I could learn the abilities of the Harem Emperor and his helpers, furthermore, she gave me various impressive artifacts to help me in a future war.

It seems the multiverse really is about to go to a war that will encompass the big four organizations, so I will need to prepare myself.

Even though Eriko did troublesome things, she is trustworthy, even though my nature is to be paranoid.

She let me access her Core of Existence, then I poured a large portion of black blood into her mind and soul.

In this way, she will be immune to mind control abilities and spiritual, and will have resistance against high-level Contracts, I will also be able to sense if she is in trouble, so Abby can use her space skills to rescue her immediately. Also, so I can eliminate her if she turns a traitor.

Eriko was curious about my abilities so I gave her a sample of my blood.

While it's dangerous to give out information that can be used against me, I made sure that blood didn't have traces of the structure of my soul and mind, so she won't be able to make a weapon specifically designed to kill me.

Finally, Eriko gave me some very interesting pills.

Apparently, the Harem Emperor is researching a cure for the Outer Gods' dementia attacks. His plan is to create a cure and then offer it to those entities to include them in his harem.

It's a good plan since that's exactly what I did, even though mine was a coincidence caused by my failing mental health.

These pills are not a real cure and can only alleviate small problems. In a normal Outer God, this would only decrease the volume of the internal voices, but in my case, this helps a lot to lessen my migraine. It's a great relief.....

We made a deal. I would give her a liter of my blood in exchange for each pill.

Eriko sees me with a lot of gratitude and even she considers me a friend, but business is business.

I also put black blood into the Seraph and Sword Maiden Cores. Both women were uncomfortable with the sensation of the Madness, but they knew that the situation had become too dangerous, so they accepted it.

Although Eriko can protect herself with her inventions, Seraph and Sword Maiden are still vulnerable, so I kept ten thousand Spiral Puppets in each woman's soul.

This won't be enough to protect them from the Paradise generals, but it will buy them enough time to be rescued by Abby.

Eriko and Seraph went to the lab, so I stayed with Auriel and Sword Maiden.

Although we made a lot of plans and preparations for them to be safe, I can't help but worry.

"Do you care about her because you love her?" – Auriel smiled tenderly at me.

I sighed and smiled wryly. – "I am terrified of the possibility that something bad could happen to her"

It's amazing how love can make fear feel strangely nice.

"I see" - Auriel's gaze was soft and gentle. – "She is my dear friend and it makes me happy to see her so happy with someone who loves her with all my heart… I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to protect that adorable girl"

Auriel was surrounded by a golden light. It was the sign of an Oath.

"Lady Auriel…" – Sword Maiden sighed. It seems that this kind of thing is something normal with her.

I sighed and looked at Sword Maiden sympathetically. – "You must have a lot of problems protecting this clumsy girl"

Sword Maiden suppressed the urge to sigh.

"Who is a clumsy girl?" – Auriel looked at me with confusion.

I smiled wryly. - "You"

Auriel scratched her cheek in confusion. - "I'm sorry?"

"Don't worry, it's good that you are yourself" - I smiled and sighed again.

Auriel has the maternal maturity of a mother, the gentle innocence of a child who never knew pain, the stubbornness of a martyr with a hero complex, and the determination of an unwavering soldier.

Even though she's a source of trouble, it's nice to see a kind woman who isn't a complete airhead.

I love my simple-minded wives like Aki Nijou or Shizuka Marikawa, but being too simple sometimes gets frustrating. I've already lost count of how many times I've slapped my face every time I have a conversation with Shizuka.

We keep talking.

Auriel asked me many questions about my life, so he told her about my experiences.

I made sure to express all the pain I've been through but said it nonchalantly to show that I'm already used to suffering.

This caused Auriel anguish as she feels the need to ease my pain.

Auriel loves me the same way she loves everyone, but that's just the beginning.

Technically Auriel can resist all my love-stimulating skills, in fact, she can feel the influence of my skills on her body, but she's not defending against those skills.

Normally system users use brainwashing skills, hypnosis techniques, or aphrodisiacs.

Auriel has faced many system users, so he knows how to defend against all those abilities, but my skills are a bit different.

For starters, my skills don't generate feelings, they enhance already existing feelings.

If a woman feels the slightest admiration or interest in me, those feelings will grow if I interact with that woman.

Auriel believes that my skills are to convey my feelings to the women I love, which is not a lie, but there is also a misunderstanding.

My abilities first affect romantic emotions. When love reaches a certain level, sexual desire emerges. Ultimately, if the woman accepts those feelings, then the emotions will be affected by emotional dependency, making the woman unable to live without me.

Auriel is currently entering the early stage of romantic interest.

In the past, she has fallen in love with her a few times, but her lovers either died in combat or abandoned her due to different circumstances.

While Auriel is beautiful, powerful, influential, and gentle, she also has flaws that can hurt male pride.

For starters, traditionally educated men can't stand their wives being more successful than they are, so it frustrated them to know that Auriel was in a status they could never achieve.

Although I currently have very strong entities under my command, I couldn't win a war if I fought against Auriel's entire army. Although her soldiers are not the strongest, her army is famous for being a virtually indestructible wall.

Outside of ego issues, there is also the problem that Auriel loves all entities, so some of her ex-boyfriends got too jealous and tried to monopolize Auriel's affections.

Those idiots knew that Auriel would never give her body to other men since she is faithful and her love is motherly, but even a father can feel jealous when his wife pays more attention to his son.

The problem with Auriel is that she focuses her heart on caring for all entities, and the number of people who want to marry her is absurd. Even if she rejects other people's feelings, she does so in such a gentle way that her suitors don't leave those feelings behind.

The pride issue is irrelevant to me, but the jealousy aspect will be a problem.

Anyway, I already have several ideas to deal with it without affecting Auriel's personality. I just need to show her that it's okay to want to protect everyone, but only my love can make her happy.

The first step is to chat with her as equals. Being treated with respect and adoration makes her feel distant from people and that makes her sad.

As we chat, my skills are doing her job.

Amongst all my abilities, Auriel is being affected by [Dimensional Motherfucker] the most since she is the proper model of a loving mother.

I am grateful to Senko. Without her, I would not have gotten over my trauma against motherhood.

As I recounted my battle in Leylin's lab, the reinforcements finally arrived.

I forgot to mention it, but I got a new skill after having another lobotomy.

My mind is more stable, but the power of [Reader's Madness] did not decrease. Technically I'm still having an attack of dementia, but Auriel's Hope allows me to maintain self-control.

[System Notification: 'Tonglen Meditation' skill has been obtained]

[System Notification: The skills 'Masochism' and 'Sadism' have modified the skill 'Tonglen Meditation'. The skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation' has been obtained]

[Sadomasochistic Meditation: Love hurts, now I'm going to love you while you love me... Lots, lots, lots of love...

When the user feels pain, a part of the mind will go into a trance state to delve into the essence of suffering. By understanding suffering, the pain will become pleasure (Effect modified by the skill 'Schizophrenia')... the pain will become relief which will help alleviate the negative effects of 'Reader's Madness' energy.

By entering a state of enlightenment, it is possible to turn pain and damage into pure relief.

Warning: The lighting state will prevent the user from moving on his own]

It sounds strange, but it's a very useful skill to regulate my mind, the problem was the messages that came after.

[System Notification: The entity 'The Black Goat of the Woods' has sensed that the user shares its skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation'. The entity 'The Black Goat of the Woods' has given its blessing to the user. The skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation' has been strengthened]

[System Notification: The entity 'The Lustful Demon' has sensed that the user shares its skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation'. The entity 'The Lustful Demon' has given its blessing to the user. The skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation' has been strengthened]

[System Notification: The entity 'Aensland Matriarch' has sensed that the user shares its skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation'. The entity 'Aensland Matriarch' has given its blessing to the user. The skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation' has been strengthened]

[System Notification: The entity 'Queen Succubus' has sensed that the user shares its skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation'. The entity 'Queen Succubus' has given its blessing to the user. The skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation' has been strengthened]

[System Notification: The entity 'Lord of Excess' has sensed that the user shares its skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation'. The entity 'Lord of Excess' has given its blessing to the user. The skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation' has been strengthened]

I think I joined a pervert club.....

Whatever. This skill is useful to keep my mind stable while still using the bonuses in [Reader's Madness].

I can still use [Reader's Perspective] on my eyes to analyze people, plus now that I'm stable I can process more information.

Seeing the secrets of strong Higher Entities gives me a terrible migraine, but the medicines Eriko gave me make the pain bearable.

This little trip gave me good rewards.

Auriel allowed the entry of the new guests.

The group was made up of 4 extremely strong big men.

It's a nuisance that a bunch of behemoths are Auriel's close friends, but I can see that all of them only have friendly feelings toward Auriel. None of them had lust or romantic love….

It's a relief not to have to kill them as they seem useful.

Three of the men are mountains of muscle with excellent combat skills, but low defenses to guard their records, so it was easy to see their thoughts and how they met Auriel.

One of the men has formidable mental abilities comparable to Leylin's, but unlike the magus, this man only knows how to protect his mind and soul, but he doesn't know how to hide his records at all, so I was able to see the context of his character.

The four men are really loyal. Seraph has done an excellent job finding people who can protect Auriel.

"Hello!" – Auriel greeted the men with joy.

The four men lowered their heads respectfully but did not notice that it was these kinds of actions that saddened Auriel.

Well, to be fair, Auriel always hides her own pain and never says when something makes her sad. She is good at hiding her pain and I could only notice her pain from [Reader's Perspective].

"It's nice to see you, Auriel" – A huge black-skinned man smiled kindly, then looked at me courteously. – "You must be the rookie hero I have heard about, the Hero of Harmony… The Man with a Thousand Weapons has spoken a lot about you"

The Man with a Thousand Weapons is the man who helped me when I was kidnapped by the Buddhists. That general doesn't have a high position since he hates paperwork, but his strength is enough to beat a Great Old One single-handedly, so he has great prestige among the soldiers.

That man has said good things about me, but I'll have to beat him up a bit since he beat up Kuuko.

On the other hand, I did extensive research on Paradise a long time ago, so I know the most prominent people.

This man is Vulkan, one of the most prominent generals of the idealist faction.

Behind him were two of his brothers. A blond man with large wings named Sanguinius and a red-skinned man named Magnus.

These men belong to the World 'Warhammer 40,000'. I can say the name since the design of the chainsaw sword that I usually use came from that World.

That World was of a high level, but it was conquered by Paradise and Hell.

When both factions arrived in that World, they started a war to obtain the resources, but a large part of the natives turned out to have great potential, so many Higher Entities arose.

Some joined Hell, some joined Heaven, and some fled to join other groups or work independently.

Most of the entities from that World joined the idealist faction since the racist faction wanted to destroy the non-human races, but even if they are technically Auriel's allies, the truth is that the other leaders of the idealist faction have recruited those entities, leaving Auriel without allies.

During the invasion, Auriel played the most important role as she tried to save all the entities from that World, but gratitude is a cheap concept.

The vast majority of entities turned their back on Auriel as they do not believe in her ideal of a peaceful multiverse, but there were some people who developed an undying gratitude towards Auriel.

Vulkan is a mountain of muscle, but with the heart of a dove of peace. He feels admiration for Auriel's ideal, so he strives to bring peace and harmony to each World that he comes.

Sanguinius is less idealistic and more realistic, but he is also an overly kind man and fights for innocent people to have a better life.

Finally, Magnus has no empathy or interest in innocent people, but he feels complete gratitude towards Auriel since she helped him correct a family misunderstanding he had with his father and brothers, as well as allowed him to improve his skills without criticizing him for using those skills.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think these three men see Auriel as a mother….

These three are called 'Primarchs', the pinnacle of human evolution, and are the result of the best bioengineering I've ever seen.

I want to take them to my lab to understand how they were created, but they are possible allies so I shouldn't dissect them...

Well, they have brothers who joined Hell, so I'll dissect them.

In addition to the three Primarchs, there was another man. Asura, a deity who embodies violence, fury, and destruction.

Asura comes from the World 'Asura's Wrath', and as the name says, he represents aggressive and warlike Concepts, but that is only on the battlefield. In general, he is a reasonable man, if a bit impulsive and temperamental.

These four men are some of the countless people who have been helped by Auriel, but most of the people only give verbal thanks and are not willing to risk their lives to return the kindness, on the other hand, this group is not afraid to fight against Paradise to help Auriel.

I stood up and bowed respectfully. – "I have heard about the achievements of the noble Vulkan, the divine Sanguinius, the absolute Magnus, and the destroyer Asura, I am honored to see such outstanding people"

"You don't need to be so humble" – Sanguinius smiled slightly awkwardly and put his hand on my shoulder to stop me from bowing.

It's ironic how these idiots don't want to be treated like deities, but they treat Auriel that way without noticing that it depresses her. Maybe they will open their eyes if I hit their faces...….

Ah, stupid feelings of attachment.

"There isn't much time to talk, we have to see the situation" – Asura frowned. – "Auriel, what relationship do you have with this boy?"

The messages Sword Maiden sent said that Auriel had fallen in love with the fledgling hero.

Although that sounds like irrelevant nonsense, such news could cause a civil war within Paradise.

Every time Auriel has had a boyfriend, endless problems arose as many powerful idiots wish to marry her, on the other hand, the leaders of Paradise are worried that Auriel will stop being a convenient tool if she decides to get married.

Until now, Auriel has never been married as she has a huge messiah complex, so she is unable to give up her self-imposed responsibility to protect the people of the multiverse.

If she does get married, it's likely that her sense of responsibility makes her prioritize her family, so she can give up her place in Paradise.

Every time Auriel has had a boyfriend, that man has been investigated by the leaders of Paradise to see if he will be an obstacle.

If the man only gives Auriel happiness without interfering with the benefits of Paradise, then they will not cause him trouble, although other idiots will appear who will fight him out of jealousy.

On the other hand, if the man seeks Auriel's freedom, then he will be eliminated as Auriel is the best medicinal elixir in the multiverse.

Auriel already knows this, but his naivety makes her think that his companions and brothers only want to protect her. She doesn't believe her loved ones are using her as a military and political tool.

The four men in front of me are impulsive people, but they are not idiots. They can see the big picture and know that a relationship between Auriel and me can cause a lot of conflicts.

To all this, Auriel agreed to the plan where she will pretend to have a romantic relationship with me since this is the best way to hide the fact that I am an Outer God and a system user.

Even if it is discovered that the Outer Gods are by my side, it can be justified that it is all thanks to Auriel's blessing which can stabilize the Madness.

Auriel smiled and walked to my side, then hugged my arm. - "He is my fiancee"

"What?!" – The group of men shouted in disbelief.

I tried hard not to show the same expression. This was not in the script...

Auriel is only supposed to say that I am her boyfriend, she would not say that I am her fiancé… ..

One moment.

We prepared the script when Seraph and Eriko were here, but then I stepped away for a moment to speak privately with Eriko.

…. That son of...

"Muahahahahaha, tremble bitches, my partner has shown his supremacy!" – Navi appeared next to me and started laughing like an idiot.

That idiot must have convinced Auriel to say that I am her fiancée instead of her boyfriend….

It already seemed to me that the idiot had been too calm. I'm a jerk for hoping he wouldn't cause trouble.

I just hope the idiot didn't do something more stupid while I was talking to the women.......... Even without [Paranoia] I know that the idiot did something annoying.

"….." – The Primarchs and the god of war looked blankly at the stupid fairy.

"This is the mentally challenged fairy I've heard so much about?" – Sanguinius asked with a mixture of curiosity and discomfort.

"Admire my greatness, you fucking blond ikemen with a toothpaste commercial smile! It doesn't matter if your fucking smile is perfect, the only fuckboy is my stupid partner!" – Navi… by God… just shut up…

Sanguinuis looked at me with pity for having to put up with the flying idiot.

Navi started yelling stupid things until the men forgot why they came, they could only think of squashing the stupid blue fly.

"Damn piece of trash!" – Asura held Navi and began to hit him with such force that the space seemed to be about to break, but Navi only laughed.

"Muahahahaha, your daughter and wife will moan louder when they receive my partner's Excalibur!" - Navi kept laughing.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!" – Asura's body was covered in a red aura and he began to hit Navi harder.

This idiot will make me the enemy of the multiverse.....

I sighed and went back to sit next to Auriel.

"Why don't you sit down to eat?" – Auriel smiled at the three men who were blankly looking at Navi. – "Luis is the best cook I have ever met, his food is delicious"

"Aren't you worried about your partner being destroyed by Asura?" – Vulkan looked at me with complex feelings.

He also wants to hit Navi for calling him a bald coal, but he resents the idea of me not protecting my partner.

I smiled wryly. – "That idiot will not die easily, besides, Mr. Asura is holding back"

Asura really wants to kill Navi because of the things he keeps saying about his family, but he values camaraderie too much, so he won't kill Navi since he's my partner.

Unfortunately, Asura's punches are useless against Navi. It would have been great if that idiot learned his lesson.

"Hey Listen! Hey idiots, just wait till my partner meets the mother who gave birth to you! You guys will have a new stepdad muahahahahaha!" - .... Navi......

"......." – Vullan's bald head now showed his veins marked by fury.

I sighed. – "You can hit it, it is better than listening to him"

A huge hammer appeared in Vulkan's hand and went to hit Navi.

"Hey Listen! Hey red idiot! What's happening? Daddy doesn't love you? Hey, don't worry! When my partner gives you brothers you won't feel alone!"


I don't know the plot of Warhammer 40,000, but I can see that Navi hit a sore spot.

In the end, only Sanguinius ate next to us. He was also angered by Navi's words, but he has great self-control and is able to ignore the idiot's taunts.

"Muahahahaha, you idiots are too weak, you lack hate!" – Navi had fun while the three men beat him non-stop.

"Aren't we forgetting something?" – Sanguininuos sighed when he saw the behavior of his brothers.

Well, I'm about to become public enemy number 1 of the multiverse, things are going to turn into chaos and I'm so screwed, but I'm still on vacation so it doesn't matter.

With my left hand, I drank from my coffee cup while my right hand held a cookie for Auriel to eat. – "If it was something important then we would not have forgotten it… For now, we are going to eat"

Sanguinius sighed. He remembers the matter of why he is here, but he doesn't want to discuss Auriel's decision since she looks too happy next to me.

Although Auriel's decision will bring a lot of trouble, her happiness is precious to these men, so they will protect her decision to marry me.

Sanguinius enjoyed the food. – "I have tried all kinds of banquets, but this is the best food I have ever tasted"

"Isn't that delicious?!" – Auriel spoke like an excited child.

She's not pretending to be a doting girlfriend anymore, she's really enjoying eating next to me.

Sanguinius agreed. – "I would like my father to try this…"

"..." - There was a deep silence from Auriel.

Sanguinius sighed. – "I will talk to him so that he does not cause you problems"

The father of the Primarchs is one of the leaders of the racist faction, as well as being the most powerful psychic in the multiverse. A man who calls himself the Emperor of Mankind.

As his name says, he only has an interest in humans and rejects all other species.

The racist faction accepts humans, deities, nature spirits, and some humanoid races such as light elves, but generally rejects entities with abilities related to darkness, chaos, evil, or destruction.

Although not all of the racist faction is made up of extremists, the Emperor of Mankind is a complete supremacist and has undertaken various military campaigns to exterminate demons, beastkins, dragons, and other races that are not to his liking.

His individual strength has positioned him as one of the 100 strongest beings in the multiverse. If that wasn't enough, he has the largest army in Paradise.

I used [Masochism] to empower [Reader's Perspective] to see why the Emperor of Mankind was such a problem.

The answer was bullshit.

The Emperor of Mankind has a complicated relationship with Auriel.

Apparently, the Emperor had been terribly injured in his home world, but Auriel helped him recover, as well as helped him rebuild his empire.

The Emperor of Mankind has given Auriel many gifts and seems to hold her in high esteem, but at the same time, he has shown great contempt for Auriel's ideals.

That man seems to be a professional manipulator and it is almost impossible to know what his true thoughts are, but one thing is clear. He will want to eliminate me when he finds out that Auriel wants to marry me.

The Emperor of Mankind is the most warlike man in Paradise, so his army depends on Auriel remaining a first aid kit. If she leaves, his army will stop being unstoppable.


Navi you piece of shit…..

I sighed internally.

This can't be worse...

Sanguinius stood still for a moment, then sighed and stood up. – "Auriel, please try to be discreet for now, I will try to make things not become a problem, but for now, I have to go, General Twita has just requested reinforcements"

Twita? That name is so stupid I don't know what to say.

Vulkan approached us while the other two men continued to beat Navi.

"Sanguinius..." – Vulkan looked very serious.

I have a bad feeling…

"I know, I got the message too" – Sanguinius sighed and frowned. – "Who would have thought that Doctor Madness would have companions so strong that they could eradicate half of the Army of Peace…"

…Doctor Madness?

But I'm sitting here...



"I knew it was a bad idea to let them travel together..." – Tsubaki sighed inside my mind.

The barriers of Paradise prevent me from contacting BB, but our spiritual connection lets me know that she and the girls are safe, the problem is that I don't know what they are doing….

…. Oh fuck it.

I'm on vacation, I'll leave this shit to my future self.




Author's Note:

I think it became obvious, but I started to get into the Warhammer 40k universe. I'm even saving up to buy a figure pack~

Yey, I have more and more hobbies to distract me from my problems :D

A hug <3

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