No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 342: The Womanizer Returns

Chapter 342: The Womanizer Returns

Because of Navi, it was difficult to have a peaceful conversation with the four generals, but they are reasonable people, so we managed to talk like civilized people.

Auriel has an extreme martyr complex and is willing to sacrifice her freedom and happiness in exchange for helping other people. She doesn't want to be my wife, but she wants to protect me and the best way is by being my wife, so she didn't back down from that decision.

Marrying Auriel will bring me endless problems and make me the enemy of more than half the multiverse, but at the same time, Paradise will be forced to support me if I go to war against large organizations like Hell.

When the news becomes public, my life will be in constant danger and I will be stalked by countless enemies, but countless idiots will also appear seeking to win my friendship.

Heroes usually have a short lifespan, but being Auriel's husband will ensure that I will never die unless I divorce her.

On the other hand, it is known that the Hero of Harmony is a womanizer who loves beautiful women regardless of species, so there will be many gold hunters who want to be my concubines or something stupid like that.

The amount of benefits is worth the headaches I will have, there is only one thing I need to ensure.

Anything can happen in the multiverse, so it's not impossible to find mortal humans who are stronger than a Higher Entity. In fact, most veteran Heroes are usually stronger than mid-tier Higher Entities, but the mortality of their bodies is what makes them vulnerable.

In that sense, it is not impossible for my strength to be equal to one of the Paradise generals.

What I need most to be with Auriel are strength and prestige.

Being strong will deter weak idiots who only know how to trust political or economic backing, on the other hand, prestige will help me gain public favor.

Public opinion is stupid for beings who prioritize strength as demons do, but in Paradise prestige is very important, as these idiots call themselves the saviors of the multiverse.

My current fame is good since I'm the top Rookie Hero, but my prestige is very low since I haven't done enough missions to help Paradise.

That means that I will have to start saving worlds together with the soldiers of Paradise, but that will be later. I am currently on vacation.

We chatted for a short time as Sanguinius and Vulkan had to go. Apparently, Doctor Madness has caused a great genocide and is protecting a group of terrorists who are enemies of Paradise.

I don't know what the hell BB is doing, but even if she does stupid things, no one can hurt my wife...…..

When no one was paying attention, I made Navi eat various miniature bombs.

The idiot went to a public area of Paradise and planted the bombs in different regions of the civilian area.

Not all people living in Paradise are Higher Entities, so there will be millions of deaths if bombs go off with the force of a solar flare.

These bombs are artifacts that I stole from the cultivators and they are already on bad terms with Paradise.

Even if Doctor Madness is protecting criminals, cultivators will be a higher priority due to acts of terrorism.

The civilians of Paradise will not die as Auriel will absorb the wounds, but the fear and trauma of the explosions will cause the fury of Paradise.

It bothers me to hurt my future wife, but I do this to take care of my wives. The greater good is complicated...

The bombs were timed to go off a few days after I return to Gaia, so there will be no suspicion that I did this.

Thus, I said goodbye to the group and was about to go to the Temple of Hope to return to Gaia.

Although I have technically regained self-control, my mind is still walking a tightrope and at any moment I could descend into insanity.

With [Mythomania] I was hiding my mental instability so that Auriel wouldn't feel worried, but the truth is that the migraine is killing me.

Ever since I set foot in Paradise, I have been analyzing every tiny bit of information, be it plot, barrier configuration, Worlds data, or flow of destiny. All this damn information is overloading my mind and I want to throw up.

Sword Maiden accompanied me to the Temple of Hope and prepared the Dimensional Gate.

"Hero of Harmony…" – Sword Maiden sighed with complicated feelings. – "I appreciate how far you are willing to go to protect my friends, but I am worried that you do not understand what you are doing, at this rate, everyone will be your enemy… Are you really willing to face the multiverse?"

I understand the concerns of this woman.

Currently, I have shown great determination to protect my wives, but crises can change people's minds.

Although I am an agent of Paradise, my true nature is that of a system user and an Outer God. The two most chaotic and rampant types of creatures.

If war really starts, there is a risk that I will abandon Seraph and Auriel, it is even possible that I will form my own group of outcasts and decide to attack Paradise.

This is something that wasn't mentioned when we were making plans, but Sword Maiden, Seraph, and Eriko thought of this possibility.

Now, Sword Maiden is thinking stupid things about giving herself away, that way, I'll have more reason not to betray Paradise.

This is the same mentality as Shiki. Basically, they think I'm a sexual degenerate who'll do anything as long as I can expand my harem, which is true… Stupid kleptomania.

It doesn't really bother me that Sword Maiden sees herself as a bargaining chip, after all, some of my wives joined my harem in exchange for protecting someone or something.

What really bothers me is that she sees herself as worthless damaged merchandise. The traumas of a rape victim are not something that can be easily overcome even with an unlimited life expectancy.

I sighed before she could say stupid things. – "Look, you are a wonderful woman and I would love for you to be one of my wives, but if you start saying that you are a dirty woman or damaged merchandise then I am going to get angry"

"…." Sword Maiden frowned and then sighed. - "You read my mind?"

"It was not necessary, your expression is too honest" - I sighed. – "I understand that you went through problems and experienced many unpleasant things, but none of it was your fault"

Sword Maiden smiled bitterly and lowered her head. Her eyes are covered, but her expression shows all her emotions.

I moved closer to her, stopping when we were within hugging distance, though I didn't touch her. - "It was not your fault"

"…." – Sword Maiden frowned. – "Hero, I would appreciate it if you did not read my mind, it is uncomfortable"

I don't need to read her mind to understand the magnitude of her trauma. She would have killed herself if it weren't for Auriel's kindness and Eriko and Serafin's friendship.

From what I saw with [Reader's Perspective], her world was practically destroyed by a goblin who became a Higher Entity thanks to the help of a member of the Chaos Riders.

Friends, colleagues, acquaintances. She saw the destruction of everything she knew.

Some of the natives of her world still remain, but her minds were destroyed and are now just empty shells without thought or emotion.

She suffers from survivor syndrome. That creates an immense sense of guilt for surviving a disaster while other people weren't so lucky.

As if that wasn't enough, she also feels responsible for what happened since she was the first woman to be captured by the goblin, that creature used her to create an invincible army that destroyed the world.

She takes responsibility for what happened since her 'children' were what destroyed her world... It's amazing how fantasy can become so gloomy, the authors have mental problems.

Although that was several millennia ago, she has not managed to overcome those nightmares.

Well, I can do this slowly.

I put my hands on her shoulders. - "It was not your fault"

Sword Maiden began to tremble.

"It wasn't your fault" – I am not expressing gentleness or warmth, I am expressing seriousness.

She doesn't need a shoulder to cry on, what she needs is confirmation that she is a victim, not the cause of misfortune.

"It wasn't your fault" – I let go of her shoulders, then I went to the Dimensional Door that was already ready.

"…" – Sword Maiden stood still as her body trembled.

If I push her any further she will go into denial which will prevent her from being able to get over her trauma.

Auriel has already tried to help her countless times, so direct confrontation will not be effective, this will need to be done slowly but steadily.

On a therapeutic level, Auriel is an almost maternal relief, providing security and calm, which is helpful in overcoming the death wish, but the guilt will not go away unless the regrets are dealt with, and for that, you need a method longer and more painful.

Facing a trauma is painful but important, also, the trauma will never disappear from the heart, but it is possible to learn to live without the trauma affecting daily life.

I stopped a step away from the Dimensional Gate. I turned around and spoke seriously. - "It was not your fault"

Sword Maiden was close to her emotional limit, so she went into a state of denial. She is not willing to forgive herself.

She took a deep breath and seemed to have calmed down, but in reality, she is closing her heart to hide her pain.

"Have a safe trip" – Maiden of the Sword smiled professionally.

She's a little mad at me, but she also understands that I just want to help her.

Although she is disgusted by my methods, she is also grateful that I didn't press her further.

I nodded. - "Take care, too"

"Hey Listen! That was the best opportunity to destroy her almost dead self-esteem and thus turn her into your obedient bitch!" – Navi appeared in my mind. – "You disappoint me, idiot dog!"

"I don't want a sex slave, I want a wife" – I answered apathetically.

Sex slaves are too boring. They are not unlike dolls without life or will.

I sent a message to Shiki to tell him that I'm coming back.

She confirmed that I can go back so I entered the Dimension Gate and went back to the berry field.

"You're back!" – Mumei shouted with joy when she saw me.

The collective consciousness of humanity rushed towards me and spread her hands as she looked at me expectantly.

I smiled wryly and took out a packet of raspberry cookies, then handed it to Mumei.

"Yay!" – Mumei accepted the cookies with joy and went back to lie down on the grass to eat while she drew.

I sighed internally. I feel like I stopped being a murderer and became a babysitter.

"How do you feel? Did you find what you needed?" – Shiki approached me with visible concern.

She still doesn't love me, but I'm the hope of this World, so she doesn't want anything bad to happen to me, in fact, she would prefer that I didn't leave this World.

I thought about it for a moment and showed seriousness. - "We need to talk"

Shiki nodded and we sat down to drink tea while we chatted.

When I invaded Leylin's laboratory, I learned a valuable lesson. Being paranoid is important for survival, but being completely suspicious and dishonest will only bring unknown problems, as a lack of trust breeds miscommunication.

Communication is important in any relationship, be it an emotional relationship or a professional relationship.

Leylin is too suspicious and that put him in a vulnerable situation.

The multiverse is about to enter a war that will cause the destruction of countless Worlds, so I need to protect this place at any cost.

"Shiki, I'll tell you the magnitude of my strength, but you must promise me some things" – I spoke seriously.

Shiki blinked several times in disbelief. – "Are you going to be honest? You? Did you hurt your head?"

"Things have become dangerous" – I sighed. – "First, I need you to promise to stay calm while I explain things to you, then you can ask me any question, but first you have to listen to me"

"Now I'm worried" – Shiki raised an eyebrow.

I ignored her expression and kept talking. – "Second, do not use the emergency plan that you prepared to deal with me, with all my heart I do not want to fight with you because I start to like you and it would be a shame to ruin your pretty face"

"How adorable, you're already threatening me, there's no doubt that you're starting to love me" – Shiki smiled, not caring that I know about her emergency plans, she knows I'm paranoid and suspicious.

"Okay, I'll listen to what you have to say, it can't be such a bad thing" – Shiki smiled happily because I'm willing to be honest.

That smile won't last long.

I already analyzed Eriko's memories and things are complete crap.

Free Agents are fucking hedonists who see the multiverse as their playground, not only that, those assholes made Eriko build something called the 'Discord System'.

That damn thing is a communication system that's connected to the records of the entire multiverse, plus, that thing has multiple functions with stupid names.

Among the functions of that system, the most annoying is something called 'Mudae'.

Every time a character enters a system user's harem, then 'Discord Mudae' gives a notification to let all Free Agent members know.

That thing can't show the location of Worlds or characters, but it does rank characters based on popularity, plus, that thing keeps track of the characters collected by each member of the Free Agents.

I'm not part of that group of idiots so they don't know who my wives are, but they already know that my wives are part of a system user's harem, which will bring trouble.

Each character has something like a score, so the leaders of that place focus on capturing characters to then show them off as trophies. It is even possible to trade to sell or trade characters as if they were toys.

This is something only the leaders of the Free Agents know, not even the demons of Hell would do something so ridiculous.

The biggest problem is that Gaia has several of the most popular 'Discord' characters, so they have many plans to invade this World.

Spies, hidden entrances, secret cults… There is too much shit in this world.

The Guardians and the Throne of Heroes can stop the invasion of hundreds of system users and veteran heroes, the problem is that those morons are planning to attack this world with the force of millions of people.

Spies, hidden entrances, secret cults… There is too much shit in this world.

The Guardians and the Throne of Heroes can stop the invasion of hundreds of system users and veteran heroes, the problem is that those morons are planning to attack this world with the force of millions of people.

Big organizations like Paradise or Hell could eliminate the invasion of those idiots, but the power on Gaia is too weak. Even with my current group, it is not possible to protect this entire World.

I can kill those assholes, but protecting is much harder than killing.

The best option would be to invade those morons' base, but that would be too dangerous for my wives.

In general, I need more strong allies….

The first step in protecting this World is to talk to Shiki and have her accept Madness wielders as allies.

In that way, I was honest with Shiki.

I talked about my true strength, including [Rasen], [Anti-Rasen], and [Reader's Madness].

I spoke of the Great Old Ones; Cthylla, Hastur, Cthugha, and Ghatanothoa.

I spoke of the Outer Gods; Daoloth, Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Yibb-Tstll and I even mentioned Azathoth.

I talked about the Anti-Spiral, Long Aotian's true power, my 'alliance' with Leylin, my plans to get closer to Lucifer, and my new engagement with Auriel.

"…U-Olga, why did you have to go…" – Shiki had her face pressed on the table while she covered her head with her hands, she seemed to be having a big headache.

"In the end, the only way to survive is if we gather the marginalized that nobody else wants to help" – I sighed and drank coffee.

Shiki sighed heavily without raising her head. – "The marginalized are not trustworthy, they are marginalized for a reason"

I nodded. – "It's true, that's why I'll take care of recruiting minimally useful people, I just need you to allow them to live in this world, it doesn't matter if it's a Pocket Dimension or an alternate world, the point is that they must have a place to call home"

Shiki looked up. Her face was expressionless and her gaze was emotionless like a rational computer.

"Do you plan to use the outcasts' feelings of loneliness to make them fight desperately to protect their new home?" – Shiki asked without emotions, she is analyzing this in a totally rational way.

I nodded and smiled. – "Loneliness is something terrifying and disgusting, if we give them a home then they will do anything to protect this place"

It is the same logic that criminal groups use when recruiting undocumented immigrants. Homelessness causes emotional weakness even among adults, so it is easier to indoctrinate people without a home or family.

"I see" – Shiki sighed while her gaze recovered her emotions. – "I have a question, although I do not know if you will answer honestly"

I shrugged. – "I already told you my relationship with some of the most hated beings in the multiverse, at this point, I am being very honest"

"That's true" – Shiki smiled like a loving older sister. – "Do you really love your wives or are you just pretending because loneliness scares you?"

I smiled. – "The mere idea of losing the women who accompany me terrifies me because I love them"

Shiki's smile grew softer and warmer. – "Congratulations, you learned how to be a person"

"Thank you" – My smile became kinder.

"You already told me about all the problems, now I want to hear about all the good things you've been through" – Shiki spoke enthusiastically.

I smiled wryly. – "Since when do you care so much about my life?"

Shiki covered her mouth with her sleeve to elegantly hide her laughter. - "You forgot it? You're my master now, so it's normal to want to know Luis-sama's likes~"


I sighed. – "Shiki…"

"Is something wrong Luis-danna-sama?" – Shiki was having fun.

… Ah, whatever.

I smiled wryly. – "Where is your maid outfit?"

"…." – Shiki blinked several times and looked away. – "I don't know what you're talking about, Luis-danna-sama"

"What an unprofessional maid" - I sighed with false disappointment.

"Luis-danna-sama" – Shiki frowned.

"Disobedient maid" - I looked up smugly.

"Luis-danna-sama, yamete" – Shiki smiled.

"Don't talk to your master with that tone" – I smiled with annoyance.

"Luis-danna-sama, onegai, yamete kudasai" – Shiki had a big smile.


I sighed. – "Stop watching anime, your brain is rotting"

"Is this an order from my evil Luis-danna-sama? This poor maid only wants to please her master "– Shiki was holding back her laughter.

Damn, I think I really have a passive skill that turns women into bullies.

Oh, whatever. I'm still on vacation, so I'll just relax.

After joking around some more, I started talking to Shiki about our future plans.

BB and the girls are busy rebuilding the body of [Paranoia], so when they get back I'll have them work together with the Anti-Spiral and Leylin to analyze the barrier that protects this world.

The idea is that they look for an alternative to rebuilding the barrier, but in case that is not possible, we will have to create a new barrier.

For now, we can only wait for them to come back, in the meantime I'll continue on vacation since this damn migraine is still a nuisance.

Although I'm going to be on vacation, I'm going to increase the influence of my Gaia Plot Armor to empower the destiny of Miyu Sakatsuki (Edelfelt). Perhaps this will make Gaia appear for plot convenience, although annoying things can also come up...

Well, I won't be upping all of my plot armors, so the issues will be limited to situations within Gaia. I can deal with small problems on a world scale.

For now, I'll go back to the hot spring inn to pack my bags.

Because of the distortion of space, it's only been two hours since I went and nothing dangerous happened in that time.

I had a nice time in the hot springs, but Umaru has to go back to school and the women I had an orgy with send me hundreds of messages every day, so I need to go back to face the consequences of my lust.

"I'll see you later" – I said goodbye to Shiki and Mumei.

"Take care, Luis-danna-sama" – Shiki acted like a wife saying goodbye to her husband during Japan's feudal era.

I sighed internally. How troublesome….

I again appeared in the lonely area of the forest, so I walked back to the inn, but I remembered something troubling.

When I went to Paradise I didn't give any explanations and I just disappeared as my mind was about to get out of control, so the women at the inn might believe that I left because they looked at me with fear.

Although I am a murderer with a lot of blood on my hands, my poor mental state may make them believe that I am a depressed and vulnerable brat...

Shit, this is going to start a fucking drama.

I sighed and headed for the inn.

I'm not in the mood to play a cheap soap opera actor, so this is going to be a bummer.




Author's note:

My computer died and I lost my c: files

Now I have to save up for a new PC, which means I need to go back to work while I study...

Well, I'll keep writing because if I don't I'm going to have a nervous breakdown, again.

For now, I will write on an old laptop that I had left behind. It will take me a while to write since this thing gets stuck, but I won't stop writing.

A hug <3

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