No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 358: A good chef knows how to choose his ingredients

Chapter 358: A good chef knows how to choose his ingredients

A new school day started and the first thing I encountered was a stupid situation. As usual.

Ebina now lives in my building, so she accompanied us to school. Her demeanor is still extremely shy whenever we're together, but she at least now can talk to me without stuttering, which is ironic since she raised her voice a lot during the orgy.

(Author's Note: Nana Ebina from Himouto! Umaru-chan)

Arriving in front of the school entrance, Medaka went on her way since now she is part of the student council, so she must go to the council room first, on the other hand, I made Ebina take Umaru and Ina to the classroom since there was a nuisance waiting for me in front of the school.

In front of the entrance was a loud idiot holding a soccer ball. It was the same jerk who challenged me to a basketball competition.

I've already had a Spiral Puppet follow his movements and even had Monika investigate his background, but I didn't find anything strange. This idiot is certainly a prodigy by human standards, but in the supernatural aspect, he's just an unimportant human.

Even so, the scent of a system user remains ingrained in his body, which starts to get interesting.

Yesterday, I totally humiliated him during the basketball competition, but somehow, I feel like that idiot has become more skilled.

To put it in a way, yesterday his movements, posture, and breathing were those of a very talented rookie athlete, but now, he has the traits of a high-performance professional athlete.

This kind of change requires several years of exhaustive training, but he had a huge improvement in his abilities in just one night.

In addition to all this, there is something else.

His expression doesn't show the same disappointment, anger, and resentment that he showed yesterday when I yawned and said that competing with someone so useless was boring. Now her look showed determination, confidence, and great will.

This kind of confidence is different than the narcissism of a system user who becomes strong overnight, it's very different. The idiot's look is that of someone who trained for years to defeat an unattainable rival.

Maybe… Time travel? Travel to other worlds?

No, I don't see any traces of space energy or time flow in his body, not even a trace of an Energy of Destiny disturbance. Perhaps he had an epiphany while he was sleeping and thus enhanced his abilities.

Hmm… This is starting to get problematic but very interesting.

Looking better at the boy, I had an idea.

The idiot saw me coming and raised his voice as he pointed at me. – "I challenge you to a soccer competition! If you are a man then you will not reject my challenge!"

Next to the idiot were some male and female students supporting him.

Some of those students were the idiots who tried to get me kicked out of school, but some girls didn't even recognize me and were just part of the group since they seemed to be in love with the idiot.

"Hey Listen! Crack that idiot's bones and make him watch while you impregnate his waifus! Only the siscon dog has the right to have a harem!" – Navi shouted with joy inside my mind, although he showed a little anger. The idiot is very upset with the situation.

I sighed and shook my head as my expression showed boredom. – "I prefer to be a dog as long as I don't listen to your stupidities"

The idiot frowned angrily, but quickly his expression showed pride. – "Yesterday you were just lucky, today I will show you who the real chad of chads is"


[System Notification: A dozen of the user's neurons have committed suicide by listening to some supreme stupidity]

"This school is too small for two alpha males, so I'll show you who is the true alpha over all the betas" – The idiot showed that human evolution was a mistake.

The most deplorable thing was that the idiots around him seemed to admire those stupid words.

This was like watching the talk of a con man posing as a life guru or motivational coach. It's so disgusting that I want to vomit.

"Come on, I'll show you that the real man is me!" – The idiot smiled as if he was saying something impressive.

The speech was so stupid that Yoko snorted in disgust. – "Go break that idiot's mouth, I can't bear to listen to him anymore"

I internally sighed wryly. – "Didn't you say that I am the biggest idiot you have ever met?"

"I take it back, that idiot is unbearable" – Yoko seemed really annoyed.

Even Tsubaki and Nia looked disgusted.

"Kill?" – Ortro seemed excited. Recently she hasn't had a chance to chew many souls.

"No" - I internally denied making Ortro make sounds of sadness, but I have a theory that I need to check.

"Hey Listen! We need to get you the title of Supreme Chad Sigma Alpha Male! We can't have a beta bitch call you beta when you're the real alpha!" – Navi, for God's sake, just shut up.

Luckily I'm used to hearing Navi's crap all the time or it would be impossible for me to contain the urge to break my eardrums to stop listening to the idiot who keeps saying shit about alpha males and other crap.

In the distance, I could see that Ichika was heading to this place along with several girls. Apparently, she intended to make the group of cocky idiots back off, but I quickly gestured for her not to intervene.

Ichika made her group stop, although seeing a group of several beautiful girls was very eye-catching, so several students who were onlookers seemed to be expecting some noisy drama. Surprisingly no teacher came forward to stop this stupidity, but well, it must be the plot.

I sighed as I massaged my forehead in annoyance. – "Fine, but let's bet"

"As you want" – The idiot smiled like an idiot. – "You are a starving beggar, so it is normal that you only think about money"

I am proud of my wives. They managed to contain the desire to gut the idiot after that comment.

I showed no interest in the idiot name-calling and started my little plan to test my theory. – "I have a stable job and I don't need money for now, so I thought of another bet"

The idiot showed an unpleasant smile. – "I see, so let's do this, if you lose then you will get away from the women around you, such good women should only be with a real man"

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' and the energy 'Anti-Rasen' have prevented the user from destroying Japan]

That made me angry a little, just a little.

I rolled my eyes as if those words hadn't made me angry and only caused me a slight annoyance. – "Women are not objects that can be bet, each of them can make their own decisions"

"Heh, that's what a beta would say" – The idiot snorted with contempt.

Seriously, I hope this is worth it or I'm going to have to do something to deal with the fucking shitty author.

Despite my chagrin, this brought up something interesting.

The idiot's words made several of the girls in his group frown slightly.

They are not being controlled by hypnosis abilities, but there is a subtle trace of plot armor that makes them feel attracted to that idiot, at the same time, the idiot is attractive and cocky, something that can be attractive to some naive girls, especially during adolescence.

The moment the girls felt a very slight disgust from the idiot's macho narcissism, I was able to feel my plot armor surrounding them and suppress the effects of the idiot's plot armor.

[System Notification: The skill 'Kleptomania' has detected a low-level plot armor. Plot armor can be stolen]

[System Notification: The title 'Silly Jack' has detected 200 Mid-Level Contracts and 5 High-Level Contracts tied to Plot Armor]

Oh, I think I'm right, but I still need to check that things are as I imagine.

I sighed. – "The bet is simple, the loser will have to lick the toilets on the second floor"

Several people looked at me with disgust for what I said, but I don't care, anyway, I have something more important to think about.

Although I'm on vacation, this time I'm going to make a small exception.

[System Notification: The skill 'Contract' has been used to generate a mid-level Contract.

[Contract: No Secrets

The user and the challenger will have a friendly competition. The loser will have to reveal all his secrets to the winner. The secrets involve the Core of Existence, Records, and soul, so the winner will be able to access all of the loser's records.

Concealment, Record Falsification, and Information Distortion skills will be canceled during the reveal of secrets.

Since this is a Contract between two parties, any other entities related to the two parties will not be aware of the existence of this Contract]

The idiot looked at me with disgust. – "As expected, you are disgusting"

[System Notification: The 'No Secrets' Contract has been sent to the Entity 'Yuu Tachibana'. The 'Mythomania' skill has been used to hide the traces of the Contract]

I shrugged. – "So we have a deal? If you are afraid you can refuse"

"Fear?" – The idiot narrowed his eyes and smiled like a narcissistic jerk. – "Okay, we have a bet, but don't cry when you lose"

[System Notification: 'No Secrets' Contract has been signed]

I nodded. – "Well, the competition will be in sports class"

Today we have PE class in the third period, so it will be a good time to check my theory.

The idiot and his group left after looking down on me, although there were some girls who looked at me with a bit of concern.

They are not rude or cruel people and they are worried that this bet might hurt me, plus they liked what I said about the fact that women can make their own decisions. The culture in this country talks a lot about the submission and obedience of women, so my perspective may be pleasing to some more independent-minded girls.

"Why didn't you smash his face in?" – Yoko asked me as I headed to my classroom

"There's something I want to check" – I greeted the women in my harem and sat down while I started chatting with the women around me. – "I don't know why, but that idiot gives me a familiar feeling"

"Familiar feeling?" - Yoko raised an eyebrow. – "Oh, I see, he and you are a couple of idiots"

"Yes, Yoko, I think you're cute too" - I saw how the idiot entered the classroom and looked at me mockingly as if he thought I'd be humiliated in sports class.

"Shut up!" – Yoko blushed a little, but she was already used to my flattery, so she showed more anger than embarrassment.

Tsubaki sighed. – "Luis, what do you mean by a familiar feeling?"

"I'm still not sure" – I pretended to pay attention to the class as I began to organize my thoughts. – "When I made contact with his plot armor, he gave me the strange feeling that I was seeing something from my past… I don't mean that he is my acquaintance or something like that, but that he is similar to me before the awakening of my system"

"Oh?" – Yoko raised an eyebrow with interest.

"I can't do an accurate analysis without System Goddess and Paranoia, but I have a theory that that idiot is a system user who was forced to reincarnate, but his system was sealed by a Higher Entity, so now he can't use his system, but the passive energy of the system is making him stronger than normal humans" – I made a summary of my theory.

Before the awakening of the system, my luck was crap, but my body was abnormally strong to the point that I survived even when my organs were damaged.

Being objective, I should have died at the age of 12 due to all my injuries, but I survived this long not only because I am the reincarnation of Orthus, but because the residual energy from the system was feeding my dying body.

To put it one way, a system is an inexhaustible battery and that is why system users are some of the most valuable and nutritious resources in the multiverse.

Beast VII had sealed my system and placed a strong curse on me so that my life would be complete shit instead of the easy and idealized life typical of system users. Basically, she wanted me to be a violent psychopath without human emotions.

What I felt in the idiot's plot armor was similar to my condition, though it was also somewhat different.

If I'm not mistaken, he is a system user, but his system was sealed by some Higher Entity, but his soul was not cursed.

The idiot has innate luck, strength, charisma, and talents superior to most humans, plus he has low-level plot armor, which is comparable to a protagonist like Raku.

In a low-level World like Kenichi's world, the idiot would have a perfect life, but on Gaia, he's a little better than most humans, but he's not someone special.

This just makes me think that he is similar to me. A system user who is being groomed and trained by some entity with big plans.

Although we have similar situations, there are also big differences.

For starters, the idiot has excellent luck. According to his file, he has a rich and loving family that always takes care of him, besides, he has always been outstanding in studies, sports, looks, talents, and basically everything he does. In summary, he is perfect.

This can only mean that the entity that sealed his system didn't want him to suffer, it just wanted to hide the fact that he is a system user.

Now this raises a lot of questions for me.

Who sealed the idiot's system?

What use is the idiot?

What story does he have in the background?

And most importantly... What will his soul taste like?

Ortro loves my food, but the soul of a system user has a particular and striking flavor that can be addictive.

My cute girl is very calm, but she wants to taste the soul of a system user again, so I want to spoil her a little.

Long ago, I started using my cooking abilities to experiment on souls. This resulted in things like skewers with the meat of Buddhist monks.

Each dish made with the meat of a Higher Entity is seasoned with their immortal souls.

That being said, BB once told me that there were some entities that made an effort to make system users grow and then devour them. According to her, high-level Devourers do this since high-level system users taste better.

BB can't eat souls, but she gave me several ideas.

In short, I want to see if I can stimulate the growth of the jerk to get a good meal for my cute Ortro.

This technically doesn't affect my vacation since I'm not committing murder, I'm just cooking a nice meal.

"Your thoughts terrify me" – Yoko's mouth trembled when I explained my assumptions and plans. – "Tsubaki, say something to this psychopath"

"…" – Tsubaki sighed. – "Well, what that boy said made me angry, so I won't complain, but Luis, remember that you are on vacation and you are not supposed to use much of your special skills, I really want you to feel how nice a peaceful life without murder and war can be"

Nia nodded. – "It would be good if you can get used to a peaceful life, so you will no longer cause world wars every time you feel that something is too problematic, that is not healthy"

My wives are so cute that I want to hug them.

For now, I sent a message to BB to see if System Goddess is busy. Although I have good analysis skills thanks to [Reader's Madness], it would be better if she helps me understand what's going on with the narcissistic idiot's system.

BB responded quickly. She said that they are currently in the process of rebuilding Paranoia, so System Goddess will be busy for now, but they will try their best to come back as soon as possible, although I feel like she is hiding something from me.

I have a feeling that BB was anxious when she replied to my message. It's like she's trying to hide some troublesome stupidity from me…..

Ah shit, I'm going to be in a lot of trouble when my vacation is over.

Anyway. Classes went on smoothly.

The idiot kept showing off to show that he is handsome and smart, but no one cared. Most of the girls in this classroom are part of the harem and they don't mind watching an ape's nonsense.

When the sports class arrived, several students looked out the window at us in anticipation of an interesting show.

The sports teacher gave us ten minutes to have our little competition.

The idea is simple. The competition will be in turns. For five minutes, I'll be the goalie while the idiot takes free throws to try and score points, after five minutes we'll switch places and he'll be the one to block the ball while I take free throws.

It's really not important to explain too much about the situation since winning was so easy that I yawned from boredom.

I can bend the laws of physics to move faster than light, and my fist can destroy stars with just my physical strength.

The most boring thing is that I didn't even have to use my full strength, in fact, I restricted my strength to a level lower than that idiot's. I won with technique alone.

The idiot is an excellent footballer and has the potential to be one of the best athletes ever, but I am literally an apocalyptic monster. I prefer to play soccer with my daughters instead of doing these stupid things.

I honestly don't understand why most system users like to act smug. This is so boring that I got distracted by looking at the clouds.

Although this was boring, it wasn't a complete waste of time.

"Reality distortion" – Nia frowned as the idiot made his last desperate attempt to score a goal.

In the first five minutes, it was my turn to be the shooter and I scored 20 goals. Now the idiot is desperate to score, but he only has ten seconds left and he hasn't scored a single point.

In the last shot, the idiot had a hateful expression and extreme frustration as I kept yawning.

When the idiot kicked the ball, there was a subtle, almost imperceptible energy that affected the ball.

The plot armor slightly increased his power and influenced the ball.

The Energy of Destiny modified the operation of spatial laws and increased the acceleration of the ball, at the same time, there was an alteration in the law of probability to make the ball have a 100% chance of scoring.

[System Notification: A weak external energy is attempting to restrict the user's movements and intellect. The energy does not pose a threat and can be ignored]

In the air, the ball did a spin that violated the laws of physics and was about to score into a corner of the goal, but I easily stopped the ball.

I didn't need any special skills, I just had to move a little fast.

Skills that modify probability are dangerous since they can create miracles, but this skill level is so pathetic that it's not even worth mentioning.

In the end, I won the competition and my wives celebrated. Some of them even openly mocked the idiot, making the idiot's expression fill with hate and horror as he remembered what our bet was.

[System Notification: The entity 'Yuu Tachibana' recognizes the user as its greatest enemy. The title 'False Antagonist' has negated the negative effects of the entity's plot armor 'Yuu Tachibana']

[System Notification: A Higher Entity has noticed the user and has shown hostility. The entity has attempted to place a curse on the user. The curse is low-level and does not pose a threat]

Oh, looks like someone's mad that I humiliated its toy.

The curse was more of a joke than a threat. It was a little curse that should give me stomach pain and diarrhea. I didn't even have to defend myself, the curse was destroyed by Auriel's blessing as soon as it touched my body.

The aura of Auriel's blessing is imperceptible to normal people, but the entity that tried to curse me felt like its curse was purified by a holy energy of the highest level.

[System Notification: A Higher Entity has cut off all traces to avoid being traced]

As expected. That entity sensed Auriel's power and fled in panic.

From what I see, the entity that cares for the idiot is not evil or cruel, in fact, it's a bit of an idiot.

The entity was careful and left no clues so that I couldn't trace its identity, but that entity underestimated my abilities since it thought that I am just a powerful human, but it didn't think that I had the backing of one of the leaders of Paradise.

That entity did not try to talk to me to avoid a misunderstanding, but instead cut off all traces to hide. Somehow, that entity reminds me of the cowardice of System Goddess.

Well, for now, I found something to deal with boredom, plus attempts to hide are futile.

As soon as I won the competition, the Contract was activated and I was able to access all of the idiot's secrets, which gave me a better idea of what was going on.

I smiled at the idiot who kept looking at the floor unable to accept that he lost. – "Well, those bathrooms are not going to clean themselves"

"…" – The idiot clenched his fists in extreme fury and even emitted a subtle desire to kill.

I had to hold Akane's shoulder as she was about to snap the jerk's neck. This adorable girl is a bit impulsive.

I sighed and spoke kindly. – "Ah, forget it, that would be very unpleasant and we are classmates, so take it as a joke and you do not need to do something so horrible, it is better to get along well"

The jerk raised an eyebrow at my unexpected kindness. He looked up to answer me, but he couldn't speak when he saw my expression.

Contempt and mockery. That was the definition of my expression.

With narrowed eyes and a smirk, I kept talking. – "Come on, stand up, and let's continue with the class, also, what do you think if we are friends now?"

The teacher and students were behind me and they can't see my expression, only the idiot can see the contempt and mockery in my smile. Other people think I'm being nice but only he knows that I'm actually a wretch who has fun kicking people to the ground.

The idiot clenched his fists so tightly that his nails almost dug into his palms.

"Hey Listen! Let him know that you will stay with his women!" – Navi was having fun.

"You're very good at playing, now I understand why you're so popular with the girls" – My voice continued to be kind, but my expression showed cruelty and a bit of sadistic lust. – "It would be nice if we eat together, I want to get to know your friends a little better so that we all get along well"

From my expression, it's clear that I'm thinking of snatching up the women surrounding this idiot.

The idiot was so angry that the veins stood out on his face, but he couldn't yell and hit me since everyone thinks I'm being nice, so he'd look like a sore loser if he really attacked me.

Let's see, just a little more...

"Oh, by the way" – I subtly licked my lips like a predator thinking about his prey. – "For us to be friends it would be good to get to know each other better. What do you think if I come to your house later and greet your family? I bet they are very nice people"

From what Monika researched, this idiot has a divorced mother and two sisters, all of whom are extremely beautiful women. An ideal setting for an incestuous love.

"…." – The idiot officially wanted to kill me. It seems that it is the first time that he feels so much hate in his entire life.

[System Notification: The skill 'Hero's Destiny' has detected a system user]

[System Notification: The entity 'Yuu Tachibana' recognizes the user as his greatest enemy. The title 'False Antagonist' has negated the negative effects of the entity's plot armor 'Yuu Tachibana']

[System Notification: The skill 'Mythomania' has detected a high-level plot armor. Plot armor can be stolen]

Heh, as expected. The seal on this idiot's system is designed to break when he finds himself in dire straits.

It's supposed to be a defense mechanism for him to survive in mortal danger, but the excessive hatred in his heart made the seal detect me as a threat.

Now, his system will make the jerk evolve so that he can humiliate me and steal my wives, also his low-level plot armor evolved to high-level plot armor so the women around me will fall in love with him for what they will betray me and he can be the protagonist of the world…. Or well, that's the original setup of his plot armor.

[System Notification: The 'Dissociative Identity' skill has been activated. Concept has been changed.

Protagonist > Fraud]

[System Notification: The 'Kleptomania' skill has stolen the plot armor of the entity 'Yuu Tachibana']

[System Notification: The title 'Silly Jack' has rewritten the Contracts into the plot armor of the entity 'Yuu Tachibana'. Contracts have been stored without being activated]

The idiot's eyes widened suddenly, but he forced himself to look away and not show his emotions of joy and expectation.

I can imagine what he's looking at, but I still used [Character Perspective] to observe his point of view.

{Congratulations on awakening the Legendary Prodigy System…}

So predictable.

Well, even if he lost his plot armor he can still get skills and upgrades, so it will be useful to keep him alive, also losing his plot armor won't hurt his soul flavor.

"…..Food…Chew head…." – Ortro began to salivate while her eyes became as dark as an abyss.

"Yes, you will have his head" - I spoke affectionately to my little genocide.

Ortro was very happy as her fangs grew from hunger.

"Hey Listen! Don't forget to inseminate that idiot's waifus! You need to put on a cuckshow!" – Navi has her own priorities.

Well, some of the girls around the jerk are cute, but I won't have sex with them in front of the jerk. I will not let other men see my women naked. Now they belong to me...…. They all belong to me...






Author's Note:

Yay, I have the flu and my back hurts :D

I think it's karma for ruining Luis's vacation...

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that my health is not good again.

A hug <3

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