No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 359: (1): Waifus doing waifu things 1

Chapter 359: (1): Waifus doing waifu things 1

(Yotsuba Nakano Perspective) (Go Toubun no Hanayome)

I don't know how long I've been looking at the ceiling without being able to order my thoughts. I feel so strange and confused that I'm a little dizzy.

Ever since I saw my sisters doing it with Luis-kun, I felt like my perspective on male-female relationships had a big change.

From the first time I met Luis-kun, I found him to be a nice person who is fun to talk to.

Before he always frowned and was in a bad mood, but he was always patient with me despite my clumsiness and he made me food when I was hungry.

In a way, I started to see him as a trustworthy older brother, he even gave me a feeling of being like a father since my own father is always busy with work and I hardly get to see him.

Maybe I felt very attached to him since he made me feel safe, something I didn't even feel with Fuutaro-san. That is something that I have never told my sisters since I find it embarrassing.

That doesn't mean that I would have liked Luis-kun when I started my relationship with Fuutaro-san, but it's true that it made me feel strange when I found out that he was in a relationship with my sister Ichika. The thought of my trusty older brother forgetting about me made me uncomfortable, but it also made me very happy to see Ichika smile.

Over time, I saw Luis-kun less and less, so I was very happy when I saw him again in Ichika's apartment, although from that moment on I felt that something in him had changed.

He not only looked less grumpy, his demeanor was kinder and a bit affectionate, which made me happy. It was as if he had really become part of our family.

Ichika had already told us about the type of relationship she had with Luis-kun so it didn't surprise me that the two of them were close, especially since Luis-kun never hid the kind of person he is, a true adult.

On the other hand, I never imagined seeing Nino doing lewd things with Luis-kun while they were in the kitchen.

My first time was with Fuutaro-san, but our experience together was very little since he said that we should focus on our studies.

I used to like how responsible Fuutaro-san is, but sometimes it bothered me that he was so obsessed with school and didn't want to go on dates with me.

When I saw Nino show a strange face and make lewd sounds, I realized that Luis-kun was really skilled at that kind of thing, which made me feel a strange sense of curiosity.

Miku had been by my side when we watched. We had both been so shocked that we couldn't look away as we peeked into the kitchen, but I never imagined that my usually silent sister had started masturbating while she was looking at Luis-kun and Nino.

I got carried away by the situation and did the same, which made me wake up an unexpected thought. I started to think about how nice it must feel to be touched by Luis-kun.

When it seemed that both of them were about to finish, Miku and I went back to the living room and pretended to sleep. The awkward and pleasant thing was that Luis-kun was worried about us, so he took us to our rooms, although I was worried that he would notice how wet my underwear was.

After that, Nino started a relationship with Luis-kun, which caused me a bittersweet feeling. It made me happy to see my sister smile, but I felt a bitter feeling in my chest every time Nino talked about Luis-kun.

At that time, I didn't understand that I felt jealous since I was in a relationship with Fuutaro-san, but the bitter feeling only grew since Fuutaro-san was still totally focused on studying and wouldn't agree to go out with me.

Time passed and the heat in my body kept growing. Every night my mind replayed the scene where Luis-kun made Nino exhale sounds that made me blush.

Out of concern, I tried to talk to Ichika to clear my doubts since I was Fuutaro-san's girlfriend, but in my mind, there was only the image of Luis-kun.

After much talk, my sister recommended that I think carefully about my feelings and what my heart really wants.

She told me that in adolescence it is normal to confuse lust with love, so I had to reflect on whether the sensation of heat in my abdomen was love or lust.

After much thought, I thought that I was just a little frustrated because I couldn't have an intimate moment with Fuutaro-san and that Luis-kun was just my friend, almost a brother.

At that moment, I thought that my thoughts had become clear and that everything was in order, but then something happened that I could never imagine.

I was supposed to have a normal sleepover with my sisters, but things took a totally unexpected turn.

I'm still not completely sure how it happened, but at some point, all my sisters were naked and panting as they rubbed their bodies against Luis-kun's bare chest.

They had forgotten about me while their bodies gave off a strong odor that made me dizzy.

Seeing my sisters enjoying themselves so much made me feel jealous, sad, and angry. It was as if they were showing off something that I couldn't experience.

Ichika, Nino, Miku and even Itsuki. The four of them had given their bodies to Luis-kun, which made me feel left out.

I couldn't help masturbating while watching what they did, but my fingers weren't enough.

In the end, the inevitable happened.

It wasn't the first time that we all fell in love with the same man, in fact, I think it's normal for us to have the same taste in men, but I was already with Fuutaro-san. Still, I forgot about everything when Luis-kun's hands held my waist. Just remembering that makes my heart race.

When it was all over, I felt absolutely depressed since I betrayed my boyfriend at the time, but I also felt a deep relief when I was finally able to clear my doubts. My feelings for Luis-kun weren't just lust, I had really fallen for him.

After that, I decided to talk to Fuutaro-san and was totally honest with him.

I told him what I did, I told him who I did it with, and I told him why I did it. I didn't try to make excuses or try to seek forgiveness from him, I just wanted to be honest and end our relationship without a fight.

When I finished speaking, Fuutaro-san remained silent the entire time and I didn't know what he was thinking.

After a long silence, he gave me his best wishes and left. Since then we have not spoken again.

Until now I feel deeply guilty since his look had shown deep sadness and disappointment, but I don't regret my decision. My sisters have supported me and helped me understand that I need to find my own happiness, but even so, the horrible feeling of guilt does not leave my chest.

My sisters have been by my side and encouraged me, but I still feel very low. I don't even want to see Luis-kun.

On one hand, it makes me happy to talk to him and I feel a warm feeling when he strokes my hair, but seeing him reminds me of a deep feeling of guilt, so I've been avoiding him for a few days.

Now that Luis-kun has returned to school, everything has become more complex.

He's in another room, which gives me some relief. I really don't know what expression to show when I see him since I want to hug him, but that also makes me feel bad.

Now, my head hurts from all the confusion and guilt I feel.

I don't want to end my new relationship with Luis-kun and actually, I'm worried that he thinks I hate him, but at the same time, I don't know how to deal with feelings of guilt since the few times I've seen Fuutaro-san in the school, he looks pretty depressed.

For all the worry, I have been very distracted in class which has already been noticed by the teachers.

The teachers are very nice and they care about me, but I always try to show them that I'm okay.

Luis-kun has a very bad reputation and I don't want the teachers to think that he did something bad to me. He has a bit of a grumpy attitude, but actually, he is a very kind and caring man.

Now, I feel worried since a teacher made me go to the counseling room.

I kept staring at the ceiling while I'm waiting for a counselor to come.

Hiratsuka-sensei mentioned that she started a community service club so that students can help other students with their problems. I don't fully understand what she explained, but I think a classmate will come to listen to my problems and give me advice.

(Author's Note: Shizuka Hiratsuka from Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatteiru)

I don't know if this will help me since I don't even know how to talk about it with my sisters, but I don't want to reject Hiratsuka-sensei's kind intentions.

So, I kept waiting until I heard the door open.

I stood up to greet my classmate, but my body froze upon seeing the person I most want to see and most want to avoid.

"Yotsuba…" – Luis-kun spoke softly as he entered the room. – "We should talk, I am worried that lately, you seem distracted and anguished"

Luis-kun's loving gaze and gentle voice prevented me from speaking. I could only stay still while he closed the door and sat down across from me.

"Please sit down and let's talk" – Luis-kun smiled softly at me, which made my heart flutter, but the constant feeling of guilt also grew stronger.

I sat up and looked down. I didn't know what to say as my hands gripped the hem of my skirt tightly.

The silence remained while I didn't know what to say.

I thought that this suffocating silence would last forever, but a pleasant aroma made me look at the table between me and Luis-kun.

A cup of tea?

When it appeared?

"Try it before it gets cold" – Luis-kun's sweet voice tickled my heart.

I slowly picked up the teacup and took a small sip. It was sweet and warm.

I started to smile. Luis-kun has always had little tricks that make me smile.

"Would you like a snack?" – Luis-kun spoke softly as he took out a small bag of cookies from his pocket.

I nodded as I suppressed the urge to salivate. Luis-kun's food is too delicious and no other food can make me happy.

I started eating cookies and drinking tea as I felt my worries disappear.

"Eat slower, you look like a squirrel" – Luis-kun smiled slightly when I filled my mouth with cookies.

I couldn't answer because my mouth was full, although I felt a little embarrassed for showing such a strange appearance, but I can't help it, these cookies are too delicious.

I don't know how much time passed, but I finished eating and felt much calmer.

This little moment made me realize all the good things I've been ignoring because of feeling guilty.

It's true that I hurt Fuutaro-san and did something horrible, but that doesn't mean I should stop enjoying life, besides, I was honest and talked to Fuutaro-san, so there's no reason for me to continue torturing myself with painful thoughts.

"That's better" – Luis-kun smiled at me affectionately. – "A happy Yotsuba is the best Yotsuba, your smile is adorable"

"Hehehe" – I scratched my cheek with shame and happiness.

"Well, you should go back to your classroom and you should pay attention to the class" – Luis-kun stood up and put my cup of tea in a bag. – "Later I will ask Hiratsuka how you are, so don't get distracted anymore"

I nodded.

I didn't talk about my worries and I didn't get any advice, but this little piece of peace was just what my heart needed to calm my complex thoughts and feelings.

My sisters spent several hours talking to me, but Luis-kun was able to help me organize my feelings just by staying by my side.

As always, Luis-kun is amazing.

That made me think of something...

Before Luis-kun opened the door to leave, I held his sleeve to stop him.

"Um, Fuutaro-san has been very depressed and I wanted to ask you if you could talk to him, if it's you then I'm sure you'll know how to help him…" – I started speaking with concern, but I quickly panicked thinking that Luis-kun might misinterpret my words. – "It's not because I feel something for him, it's just…!"

I don't feel love for Fuutaro-san anymore, but he has been very kind to me and helped my sisters a lot, so I don't want to see him sad.

I was about to explain things, but Luis-kun gently stroked my hair which made me feel calm. I like this feeling.

"I understand, I'll talk to him later" – Luis-kun smiled at me. – "Now stop thinking about other people and focus on your class, it will be bad if you lose the opportunity to go to the university that you like just because you failed literature and mathematics"

Ugh, I hate studying…

"If you improve your grades, I'll make you a feast with everything you like" – Luis-kun said something wonderful that filled me with motivation to study, although there is something else I would like...

I clasped my fingers a little embarrassed, but I couldn't hide my expectant look. – "If I have good grades, can we go to the beach?"

When Luis-kun was our bodyguard, he didn't have fun with us and refused to play with me. At the time, he said that his job was to protect us and not to be our babysitter, although he made us a delicious barbecue anyway.

Now that we are dating, I want to make happy memories together.

Luis-kun smiled slightly wryly. - "Just the two of us? Sure"

I shook my head. – "My sisters are also trying hard and it would be good if they relax, I would also like to get to know your little sister and the other girls better…"

Made me happy knowing that he wants to go to the beach with me alone, but I don't want my sisters to compete again and feel alone, I want us all to be happy. Also, Luis-kun has a lot of women around him and I want us all to be friends.

Luis-kun sighed and stroked my hair again. – "Sometimes I wish you were more selfish, but well, you are so considerate of others that you are cute"

Hehehe, he said I'm cute.

"Fine, we'll go to the beach after exam week" – Luis-kun smiled at me.

Yay, beach!

Luis-kun kissed my forehead which made me extremely happy. Thus, I returned to my classroom feeling my chest overflowing with happiness.




(Perspective Luis)

"Hey Listen! The airhead has daddy issues!" – Navi started to laugh when Yotsuba returned to her classroom.

I sighed. – "That's right, but hey, I can't complain since my own problems are material for a psychiatry thesis"

The quintuplets have father issues due to the absence of the father figure and the untimely death of the mother figure.

Unlike the Elektra complex (daughter-father version of the Oedipus complex), the quintuplets are not looking for an older man to supplant the father figure nor are they in love with their father, but rather they are unconsciously looking for a man who sets limits and force them to mature.

Yotsuba, Nino, Miku, and Ichika sometimes act like spoiled girls who will easily fall for a man who forces them to grow up. Because of this, they quickly fell in love with Fuutaro and a little with me.

In fact, during my time as their bodyguard, they felt a bit interested in me, but my indifferent jerk attitude made them hate me, especially Miku and Nino.

On the other hand, Itsuki developed an early mental maturation problem since he had to take the role of mother to take care of her sisters, so she was not looking for a protective male figure, but a trustworthy figure that she can see as an equal.

Anyway. The five sisters are beautiful girls with family problems, so they are easy targets for manipulative jerks.

Why am I explaining all this?

Simple. The stupid author is trying to justify how quickly the Yotsuba situation was resolved.

That silly and adorable girl will continue to feel guilty for a long time, but she will be able to get over that in time, besides, when Fuutaro is happy, then Yotsuba will forget the feeling of guilt and can go back to being a carefree girl with a simple mind.

Now, the thing is what to do with Fuutaro.

I can make the boy befriend Raku.

My stepbrother is talented at making friends with other guys even though he's a former harem protagonist, so he could help Fuutaro overcome his depression, and if necessary, I can find an irrelevant woman to be Fuutaro's new girlfriend.

I don't really care if Fuutaro ends up killing himself, but I won't let Yotsuba feel sad.

If necessary, I can lobotomize Fuutaro so that he's incapable of feeling sadness, although it will damage his mind in the long run as it's akin to staying on an endless drug trip.

Well, it all depends on whether Raku can befriend Fuutaro.

In the end, that's life.

Before leaving, I cleaned up the crumbs that were left in the room and went back to my classroom which is still class time.

Hiratsuka finally started her silly idea to form a student group that will help other students, and as would be obvious, she forced me to be a part of her silly club.

She didn't know that Yotsuba is one of my wives, so she thought that I could help the depressed girl. On the other hand, Hiratsuka wasn't worried about me seducing Yotsuba during advisory time, since the naive teacher thought that I wouldn't be able to manipulate a naive girl's heart in less than an hour.

Looks like I'll have to show Hiratsuka what kind of predator I am...

Anyway. One less drama, now let's see what other stupidities the useless author invents.

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