No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 360: (2): Waifus doing waifu things 2

Chapter 360: (2): Waifus doing waifu things 2

(Yasuko Takasu perspective) (Toradora!)

I began to hum a song I heard in a commercial for vacuum cleaners while my hands polished a cognac glass.

The glasses are clean, but during bartending, I learned that doing this makes clients feel more comfortable, otherwise, they will feel like I'm watching them drown their drinking problems.

I'm honestly concerned that my little husband knows these kinds of bar tricks, but I've already accepted that there are areas where he's more mature than most adults.

Well, my cute husband isn't drinking anymore, which I'm glad for. It's good that now he's focusing on his studies, although technically he doesn't need to worry about his future job anymore… Well, it's good that he can make new friends.

It's a bit sad that he and my son are not friends since my son always felt that our little neighbor had a crush on me, which ended up being true, but I can't tell my son that Seiji and Luis are the same person, except least not for now.

Well, Ryuuji is doing better in school since he doesn't have to worry about money and my well-being anymore, he's even started to have friends, so it's better if he doesn't know Luis's true identity for now.

Seriously, thinking that Luis was always Seiji-kun makes me feel ashamed, but if I could go back in time, I would still have fallen in love with him since he's been taking care of me ever since I met him.

The first time I met Luis was when I came home from my night job. He was a pitiful and malnourished child, besides looking dirty and having some injuries.

I found him almost unconscious in an alley, so I went over to help him. He was the same age as my son, so it hurt me to see him in such a sorry state.

The boy looked like a wounded animal that would bite anyone who got close, so I was careful not to startle him.

By this time, I had some food left over from the late-night bar, so I opened the bag to show him I didn't want to hurt him, then put the bag on the ground and walked away. He had foreign features, so I didn't know if he knew Japanese.

The boy looked hurt and paranoid, but hunger made him grab the food and he devoured it quickly, which made me smile.

Even though he was very hungry, he still saved half of the food. At the time I thought he was saving it for later, but later I found out that he actually gave that food to his family.

I tried to talk to him, but he didn't answer me and remained still while staring at me. I wanted to take him to my house so that he would have a place to sleep since he seemed to live in that alley, but he didn't answer me and in the end, I had to leave after promising to come back the next day to give him more food.

After that, I couldn't find him even though I visited that alley every night for a month.

I was worried that something bad had happened to him and I tried to look for him, I even talked to the police to see if he was in a shelter, but I didn't know his name, so I couldn't find him.

For a while I was worried, but taking care of my son was my priority, so I didn't have time to get depressed. Taking care of my family has always been my priority.

Time passed and every night I kept going through that same alley hoping to find the boy, but I didn't imagine that one day I would see him again next to my house.

At that time, the neighborhood where I lived was being redeveloped and the land next to my house had been bought by a large company.

That company also tried to buy my house, but the price they were offering was not enough to buy a new house, plus renting an apartment would be much more expensive in the long run, so I refused, but that only caused the bank people to was more insistent that I pay my debts.

I got used to being harassed by debt collectors, so my life didn't change. My only wish was that my son would study so that he would have a better future where he would not have to worry about money.

Although I did not sell my house, that company began to build and remodel the lot next door. They were supposed to build a fancy apartment building, and while that wasn't technically my problem, I was concerned that the building would block out all the sunlight, increasing mold growth.

I've always tried to keep a positive mindset, so I didn't think about it and just kept pushing myself at work.

Being a night hostess is frowned upon and many times men appeared who wanted to exceed their limits. Some clients didn't understand that my job was to accompany them while they drank, but I wasn't a prostitute, just a drinking partner.

Although the work was often difficult, things had suddenly started to look up.

The most annoying clients began to stop visiting the bar, even the men who sometimes harassed me when I left work began to stop showing up.

On the other hand, the real estate company that was building the building had to stop construction. From what I heard, it was discovered that the owner of the company had harassed a minor and the scandal was so big that he ended up committing suicide.

That was the start of a chain of unfortunate events.

The people who worked with that man had different problems that forced them to leave the project. According to rumors, one of them was killed by his wife in a jealous rage and another died from taking too many sleeping pills after getting drunk.

All of that was too tragic and terrible. I was not happy that these people suffered, but I admit that it was very helpful.

The land had the materials for construction, but nobody took up the project, so the place and the materials were sold at a low price.

It was at that time that I met the hungry boy from the alley.

He now looked clean, healthier, and seemed calmer, although his expression was still a bit aggressive.

Maybe it was fate, but the boy and his family had bought the land to build a house.

The boy recognized me and thanked me for the help. He not only built his house, but he also used some of the materials to remodel my house to the point that the house was stable during an earthquake.

Sometime later I met Seiji when he visited the bar where I worked, but Luis revealed to me that he had discovered that I worked there, so he went to see me to protect me.

In fact, when I became Seiji's lover, my life improved a lot since the bar owner didn't dare to reduce my salary, I was also protected by security personnel and I didn't have to worry about stalkers again.

I am really grateful to Luis for everything he has done to help me.

Honestly, sometimes it's hard for me to think that the injured and starving boy I met in an alley ended up becoming my husband and I'm even about to have his child...

Thinking of that last one made me smile.

I love Ryuuji with all my heart and I'm proud to be her mother, but I can't deny that I have been very tired of being a single mother with no money.

I often felt envious of women who had a husband to take care of them and protect them, especially when debt collectors showed up. It was very stressful receiving calls from the bank every day.

Since Luis became a part of my life, I have started to really enjoy what I do, the way I live, and the family I have.

Ryuuji already knows that he will have a younger sister or brother, and although at first, he panicked knowing that the father will be the most feared gangster in town, he was relieved that I didn't form a relationship with the young neighbor…

Uh, I think I'll tell him the truth when Luis is an adult, so Ryuuji won't be able to say that it's bad for an adult woman to have a child with a teenager…

"This is the first time I see you in such a good mood" – A familiar voice took me out of my happy thoughts.

It's only been a couple of months since I became the owner of this bar. My husband organized everything so that I could have a job that I like and that is not too stressful.

I really like to drink and have fun with clients, although I'm going to stop drinking for a while since I'm pregnant and don't want anything bad to happen to my baby.

Although I no longer drink with clients, I like to chat with them. Most of the time I just listen to their problems, but some clients ask me for advice, so I like to help where I can.

During this time, I have met many people and the woman in front of me is a frequent client. She doesn't drink much, but she likes to come here to pick up men.

I am not prejudiced toward the lives of others. If she enjoys an open sex life then that's fine, anyway, my husband also had one-night stands with the women he met in bars, in fact, he slept with most of the hostesses in the bar where I used to work.

I smiled without hiding my overflowing happiness. – "I recently found out that I am pregnant, so I am very happy"

"Oh?" - The woman raised an eyebrow. – "Does that make you happy?"

I nodded. – "I will have a child with the man I love and who loves me, nothing could make me happier"

"Love... Sometimes I wonder if that word really exists" – The woman shook her head and sighed. – "I think today I will drink something strong"

I shook my head and poured myself a glass of light whiskey on the rocks. She doesn't have a high tolerance for alcohol, so I usually give her low-alcohol drinks so she doesn't pass out.

"Thank you, and congratulations...or so I think" – The woman sighed and drank the whiskey in one gulp.

The woman is called Minagawa Akane. She is a teacher who works at the same school where my husband and son study.

(Author's Note: Akane Minagawa from Kuzu no Honkai)

She is a complicated woman who seduces and manipulates men so she doesn't feel alone, she has even ruined some marriages just for fun.

Normally she comes at this time to look for young men, then she seduces them taking advantage of her beauty and charisma.

I've seen many people like her, but I don't dislike or judge her. It is true that she has hurt many men since she likes to make men obsessed with her, but I am used to seeing people doing morally questionable things, in fact, my husband is a yakuza.

Whether it's the previous hostess bar or this bar, I don't judge clients and just make sure they are comfortable without feeling judged.

Minagawa-san sighed heavily and leaned her head against the bar. The drink wasn't strong and she's not drunk, she's just depressed.

I shook my head when I saw her attitude. – "Did something happen to you?"

"Same as always" – Akane-san sighed heavily. – "There is no man who can satisfy me again…"

Minagawa-san prefers naive and manipulable men to use as disposable toys, but she sometimes also likes to try more experienced and dominant men.

"Ugh, dammit" – Minagawa-san held her head in frustration. – "I should never have slept with that boy…"

Minagawa-san has already told me that story.

Long ago she had gotten into trouble for sleeping with some students. She was not found out, but some teachers were getting suspicious of her actions, so she had to refrain from putting her hands on the students.

Although she stopped sleeping with students, she still longed to be with a teenager, so a year ago she took advantage of a school trip in another city to look for a boy who was not a student at the school where she works.

By chance, she found a boy the same age as her students which excited her as the boy seemed like a seasoned delinquent. The contrast in the boy's age and experience made her aroused, so she didn't hesitate to spend a night with the boy.

Minagawa-san said it was the best sex she's ever had, but now she regretted doing it since she didn't even know the boy's name, besides, after that night she's been unable to be satisfied with other men.

It's not the first time I've heard a client talk about a sexual experience with a teenager, so I just listened without criticizing her, anyway, my husband is young too.

"This is horrible" – Minagawa-san seemed really frustrated. – "It doesn't matter if I can find new obedient toys, they are so boring that I don't even remember their names… Ah, I want to see that boy again, only he can make me come until I pass out…"

It was already the time when clients start to arrive, so a few people heard Minagawa-san, but no one looked at her strangely or made a comment.

This bar is small and simple, but it is a bit special.

In this place, there is a rule that everyone obeys and that is discretion. No matter what is talked about here, the identity of the clients, or the questionable actions, no one is judged here.

This is an iron rule that everyone respects and is the reason why clients feel comfortable.

Illegal services are not offered here, but clients can discuss illegal issues without fear of being reported.

For example, at one table is a cop drinking alongside a yakuza as they talk about their experiences with high school girls.

"Uh, hey, do you know of any man who is skilled enough to help me deal with frustration?" - Minagawa-san looked up and looked at me pleadingly. It seems that she has been sexually frustrated for a long time.

I started thinking about the male clients I know.

It is not uncommon for men to talk about their sexual exploits as they like to show off to other clients, there are also cases where some clients seek advice from more experienced men.

At my previous job, most of the men made sexual advances to get me to sleep with them, but now they treat me like a respected big sister even though most of them are older than me. They know it's a bad idea to try anything with me since my husband's temper is a well-known thing.

I remembered all the stories that Minagawa-san has told me. She is a very experienced woman and she likes to be dominant, although she sometimes also enjoys being on the submissive side.

Judging from her extensive experience and her tastes, there aren't many young men who can satisfy her. She doesn't like men over 25, but most young men can't keep up with her...

"I think there are two or three men, but I don't think they can last all night" – I smiled wryly.

"Damn"-Minagawa-san rested her head on the bar again.

"Um... why don't you find the boy?" - I tried to think of a way to help her. – "If you liked him so much, then you should look him up…"

"I don't think it's a good idea, I liked how dominant and resistant his body is, but I have the feeling that it's dangerous to get too close to that boy and it excites me with adrenaline, but the danger scares me..." – Minagawa-san sighed. – "That boy's body was full of terrifying scars, I even think he had gunshot marks… What kind of teenager would be in a shooting? That's not normal…"

"…. Oh…" – I sighed and covered my face with my hands.

"Something happens?" – I think Minagawa-san noticed something in my sigh since he asked me with a doubtful voice.

"No... it's just... ah..." – I sighed and stopped covering my face to look at Minagawa-san. – "Does the boy you were talking about have brown-blonde hair with blue eyes?"

"Eh?" - Minagawa-san raised an eyebrow. - "Do you know him?"

I knew it!

I couldn't help but smile wryly. – "He is my neighbor"

Publicly I am the wife of Ichijo Seiji while Luis is my husband's subordinate.

My husband is currently trying to experience the life of a normal student, so I won't reveal his double identity, but still…. Ah, dear, you have to take responsibility for your actions.

Minagawa-san widened her eyes in surprise and began to ask me many questions.

The irony in my smile increased. – "Didn't you say that he scared you?"

"…." - Minagawa-san looked away. – "Well, it scares me to be unable to have orgasms"

That certainly sounds scary for a nympho.

I sighed and told her about Luis. I only talked about his identity before I knew that he is Seiji.

"So he's the new student who always causes trouble…"-Minagawa-san held her chin as she thought. – "Several teachers and students have asked the principal to expel him"

I already know my husband's situation at school and even my son has told me about my husband's bad reputation, so I wasn't surprised to hear that, in fact, I'm more surprised that he wasn't expelled.

Minagawa-san started to smile. – "Originally I joined the group of teachers who want to expel the boy since one of my toys was part of that, but I think now I will support the students who speak well of that boy…"

I am glad to hear that there are people who speak well of my husband, although it is very likely that it is a group made up of my husband's lovers.

Well, as long as he feels loved, I'm happy.

Minagawa-san looked at me kindly. – "Takasu-san, you have helped me a lot so I don't want to make you uncomfortable, if you tell me not to take advantage of that child then I won't do anything excessively"

I understood what she was referring to and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. – "Minagawa-san, I'm not worried that you'll turn him into one of your toys, in fact, I'm more worried that you're the one who can't escape"

Minagawa-san raised an eyebrow. – "It is true that he has been the best man I have ever been with, but he is still just a child, I can put a leash on him if I try"

"…" - I could not help laughing. – "Sure, try it if you want… Oh, right, just a piece of advice, that boy is very possessive so you must first abandon your lovers before trying anything with him, besides, he has a lot of girlfriends so you can't make him your personal toy"

My husband turned Minagawa-san into a nympho, so he must take responsibility. Anyway, I've already met several of my husband's wives and I know he doesn't dislike women without morals.

"Hmph, he can be rude and quite strong, but from what I've heard, he's a womanizer and lecherous men are easy to control" - Minagawa-san snorted and stood up as he opened her bag to pay for the drink.

I smiled sympathetically. – "Well, I wish you the best, by the way, the house is inviting"

"Thank you, I'll tell you later how my new boy is doing" – Minagawa-san nodded, but she frowned when she saw my look. – "Why do you look at me with pity?"

"Nothing" - I shook my head. It's like watching a bunny hopping into a hungry wolf's den.

Minagawa-san left with a more energetic attitude which made me smile. He makes me happy helping clients.

Throughout the rest of the night, I continued to listen to clients' stories and voice my thoughts to those seeking advice.

Some clients had problems with work, others had problems with their families. I really like my job because I can help these people.

Sometimes I see familiar faces and sometimes I see new faces.

For example, I am now chatting with one of my best friends.

"Ughhhhh…. I don't know what to do…." – A woman older than me sighed heavily while she drank orange juice since she can't stand alcohol.

Despite being over forty, her skin remains young and her body can attract the gaze of many men.

I have known her for years and many times we have gone shopping together. I've always been curious about her secret to keeping her beauty, but now my husband gives me everything I need, even though I've reached eternal youth or something, I don't really understand what magic is and stuff.

"Why…why did I do it?!" – My dear friend was desperate as she held her head in anguish. – "Yasuko-san, tell me what to do!"

"Well... You agreed to go to the event" - I smiled with amusement at my friend's childish attitude.

"B-But!" – My friend looked like she was about to cry. – "I am a married woman with two daughters!"

I shook my head. – "You were warned what would happen if you agreed to go to the orgy"

"….." – My dear friend pressed her forehead on the bar. – "B-But… get divorced…"

I sighed. – "Tsuki, you are an adult woman and you must take responsibility for your actions, I warned you many times that if you entered the building then there was no turning back, now you must face the consequences of your decision"

"Ugh..." – My dear friend looked at me sadly which softened my heart.

I sighed and patted her head. – "Don't look at me like that, you were the one who wanted to go back to bed with my husband"

"….. uh….." – My friend had teary eyes.

Half a year ago, she had an affair with Seiji because she had a misunderstanding.

At that time, I did not know the true identity of Luis. I was on a date with Seiji and coincidentally ran into my friend.

Seiji's infamy was already known, so she misunderstood my relationship with Seiji. She thought that the yakuza threatened me to be his sex slave, so she wanted to help me and tried to talk to Seiji, but at that time my husband had a bad temper so he told her to shut up since she was interrupting our date.

In some way that I still can't fathom, she came to the conclusion that Seiji was about to kill her and her family, and the only way to be forgiven was to give up her body.

I tried to clear up the misunderstanding, but honestly, she's not very smart and tends to get lost in her thoughts.

My husband didn't mind ruining a happy marriage and in the end, the three of us had a threesome… Well, I won't deny that it was fun.

Since then, she has been my husband's secret lover. He didn't look for her and for a long time he didn't even remember her name, but she kept imagining absurd situations.

I honestly believe that she really wanted to have an affair with another man and the misunderstandings were just an excuse.

Well, my husband had a change after he became a hero or something. He had cut off all contact with the women he didn't love, so my friend should have gone back to her quiet life with her family, but I think she has really enjoyed sex with my husband since she was the one who sought him out.

When the orgy was arranged, I told my friend that she could refuse and return to her family, but that would mean that she would not be with my husband again, plus she would have to divorce her husband to officially be my husband's wife.

Well, she made her decision so she needs to face the consequences.

On the other hand…

I looked at my friend's belly and showed a smile full of tenderness. – "So, do you think she will be a boy or a girl?"

"... .. Uh ... .." – My friend placed her hands on her belly and her expression became complex. – "I-I hope is a girl… No, wait! That's not the problem!"

"Problem? I don't see a problem, I only see an opportunity to experience a new life" – I smiled.

I love my friend very much, so I want to help her accept the situation. Anyway, she can't escape anymore.

Maybe my husband won't do something even if she refuses to divorce, but during the orgy, I met some women that were a bit… well, peculiar.

I have no evidence, but I am sure that they will hurt my friend if she breaks her promise and I don't want that, I would like our children to grow together as a family.

"…" – My friend sighed heavily and leaned her arms against the bar to lie down, even though her breasts are so big that they looked like a pair of soft pillows. Her future daughter will not go hungry.

I poured her another glass of juice, but instead of drinking it, she sighed again. – "Yasuko-san, I know this is inappropriate, but I need to ask you a favor…"

I nodded. – "I will accompany you when you are about to talk to your family about the divorce"

"Thank you" – My friend sighed with relief, then showed an uncomfortable look. – "By the way… about Mamako-san…"

We both sighed.

My friend already knows that Luis is Seiji, she also knows that Mamako-san is in love with Seiji since we are part of the same group of friends.

We haven't heard the whole story yet, but we do understand that Luis and his mother's relationship is quite complex.

To say that it is a bad relationship would be an understatement. If it wasn't for little Umaru-chan, my husband might not even acknowledged Mamako-san's existence.

I didn't know how complicated my husband's life was with his family, but I can't be angry with Mamako-san either.

As a mother, I know that Mamako-san is a complete disappointment, but I can empathize with her desire to please her husband. For a long time, I too wanted a man to love, even if he was an idiot.

On the other hand, I am worried about the reaction she will have when she comes home. From what I understood, she went to a world of magic or something.

My friend sighed. – "Ah, I still can't believe that he was such a pitiful child… I even want to pamper him a bit…"

I put the sad thoughts aside and smiled. – "Well, he will be your husband so you can pamper him… No, you have to pamper him, he loves your breasts~"

My friend blushed. She is older than me, but sometimes she is as adorable as a little girl.

My friend continued to sigh for several hours. She didn't want to go back to her house since she didn't know how to talk to her family.

Her husband already suspects that something is going on since my friend won't let him touch or kiss her.

"I really don't know how to tell my family" – My friend sighed. – "Hana is in college and I don't want her to be distracted from her studies, it's the same for Kiri, that boy admires his father and I don't know what he might think… The one that worries me the most is Yanagi, she's just a girl and I don't want her to hate me..."

I shook my head. – "It will be better to fix this as soon as possible or things will only be more difficult the more time passes, besides, my husband could also get angry if your current husband does something impulsive, do not forget what is the last name that supports him"

My friend showed concern.

The Ichijo family are philanthropists who have helped the city and the citizens a lot, but that doesn't change that they are the yakuza.

"The Ichijo dog..." – My friend frowned. – "I never liked that nickname, it sounds rude and derogatory"

"Well, sometimes he is as cute as a puppy" - I smiled tenderly remembering the way my husband likes to play with my breasts.

"…" – My friend nodded slightly.

We continued talking until late at night.

She asked me if she could stay in my apartment since it was night, but I understand that she doesn't want to go home for now, besides, she might want to talk to my husband.

I told her no problem and so I had a sleepover with my dear friend which made me feel younger. I really like my current life.




Author's Note:

This is Pokemilf!

Ahem, just in case, the friend is Tsuki Uzaki from Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!

On the other hand, I had a heat stroke and almost fainted in the street...

Please God, stop giving me character development :c

Finally, a hug <3

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