No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 368: Complex Flavors 2

Chapter 368: Complex Flavors 2

(Mari Nagare Perspective) (Maria no Danzai)

My chest felt a strange and unfamiliar mix of emotions when I finished eating the strawberry dessert.

Remembering the happy moments I spent with my son and his innocent smile was a sweet and painful feeling that almost made me cry uncontrollably.

At the same time that sweet memories filled my mind, I remembered the horrible scene of my son's death.

He was forced to jump off a cliff which caused his legs to break.

I arrived too late and only saw him crawling on the road as he struggled to survive…

My son, my adorable and innocent son was on the ground, crawling as blood spilled and his bones were visible, but that was not all. That pain was not enough for the cruel fate...

The place where my son fell was a road in the middle of the night.

A passing truck couldn't see my son and ran over him...

Torn flesh, crushed bones and a lot of blood, Only that was left of my son… I couldn't even see his face one last time… I could only cry and hug the corpse that had spread all over the road…

They planned it, they did it...

My son left a suicide letter, but I know it. They wrote that letter to cover up the murder...

They murdered him...

They took my son from me...

Remembering my son's happy and kind smile made the hatred in my heart grow until it made me go crazy...

They must pay for what they did...

They must suffer...

"Take a deep breath or you're going to break your teeth" – A voice made me recover a bit of rationality.

I have been clenching my teeth so hard that now I feel blood inside my mouth.

"That's better, you won't be able to get revenge if you bite your tongue and bleed to death" - Luis's voice did not show compassion, kindness, affection or an attempt to comfort me, his tone of voice was as if he were having a casual conversation...

I managed to calm down a bit.

It's true. I can't die, not yet...

The elevator finally stopped.

When the door opened, Luis started walking and I followed close behind.

Looking around I can see that we are in some kind of underground bunker like you see in spy movies.

The real identity of Luis is more and more mysterious, but I have no questions nor do I want to know his secrets. All of this just makes me feel like I made the right choice.

If he has so many resources to build a gigantic underground base, then it's possible that he could kidnap the people who murdered my son...

We walked for several minutes. This place is very big.

The corridors were completely illuminated, the ceiling, floor and walls were completely white with no trace of dust and the only thing that could be seen were hundreds of doors that did not have a handle or a way to open. It was like going through a mental hospital in a horror movie, although I didn't feel nervous, I can only feel my heart pounding.

Finally we came to a door that was marked with the words 'Medical Practices'.

Luis stopped in front of the door, but instead of opening it, he looked at me seriously. – "Listen to me, if you enter this room, you will agree to be my wife, which means that you can have your own desires, dreams, ideals and goals, but I have three rules…"

I listened intently.

Luis held up a finger. - "First rule; infidelities are not allowed"

I nodded. If he lets me exact my revenge, I'm willing to obey him and even give him my life.

Luis held up another finger. - "Second rule; You can do what you want, but it is forbidden to carry out acts that harm my other lovers"

I nodded again. I'm only interested in getting revenge on the people who murdered my son, everything else doesn't matter to me.

Luis held up a third finger. – "Lastly, you are not more important than my other wives, but you are not less important than them either, if there is something you want then do not hesitate to tell me and I will find a way to fulfill it"

That surprised me a bit.

From everything I've seen so far, I thought he saw women as his trophy. I didn't imagine that he was really interested in the desires and feelings of his lovers.

Although it all still seemed too strange to me, I have no reason to doubt.

I was about to kneel down to swear that I'll be loyal and faithful, but Luis stopped me.

"I already told you…" – Luis sighed while holding my shoulder. – "I do not want a sex slave or an obedient doll, I want a wife with her own personality and desires"

I nodded and smiled. – "I will make sure to make danna-sama happy"

If he gives me what I want, I'll give him whatever he wants. I just want to avenge my son...

Luis smiled wryly. – "Okay, we will have time to work on our feelings, now we are going to fulfill your wish"

The door behind Luis opened automatically.

"Come on, I have a surprise for you" – Luis smiled with slight amusement.

Luis entered the room and I followed him.

The place was enormous. It looked like a huge medical operating room that was filled with all kinds of tools.

I recognized that some things looked like things that a doctor would use to perform surgery, but there were also kitchen utensils and many other things that I was not able to recognize.

In the place I didn't see the people I need to see, but there was a group of pretty girls. Most of them were dressed as nurses so it looked like they were here to play, but somehow, their gazes made my body want to take several steps back.

That was strange since all the girls were cute with playful and innocent expressions. There wasn't a single trace of malice in their expressions, but something in their eyes made me uncomfortable.

I thought I had lost all my emotions, but now I realize that my body still remembers what fear feels like.

"They will be your assistants" – Luis smiled as he introduced the group of women, then spoke to them. – "Girls, this is Mari, she will be in charge of the show so you should listen to her, but she doesn't have enough experience in this kind of thing, so you can give her ideas"

The group consisted of only beautiful girls, there were even some adorable elementary school girls. The only adult was a blonde woman who looked to be thirty years old, but even she was extremely beautiful and young looking.

"Yeah, whatever" – A girl in a red dress and long black hair spoke impatiently. – "Hurry up, I already want to play"

Luis smiled and pinched the girl's cheek, which made her angry.

"Get off me, you fucking pedophile! Just because I have an organic body, doesn't mean you can treat me like one of your women!" – The girl yelled angrily.

"Don't say that, Sachiko-chan, you shouldn't be rude to nii-nii" – An adorable blonde girl said that with a cute smile, but there was something sharp in her hand.

"Tch, don't act cocky with me, brat, or I'll show you why humans are as fragile as flies" – The girl in the red dress frowned.

"Psycho brats…" – The thirty-year-old woman sighed as she shook her head.

"Look who says it" – A green haired girl smiled cynically.

A strange group...

"Well, stop fighting" – Luis sighed. – "First introduce yourself to Mari so that she knows who will be her beautiful assistants"

In this way, the girls began to introduce themselves.

The little girl in the red dress is called Red Queen, but she mentioned that since she became a living entity she decided to use the name Shinozaki Sachiko, so I'll call her Sachiko-san.

(Author's Note: Red Queen / Sachiko Shinozaki from Corpse Party)

She is a very intelligent girl and seems to be the most knowledgeable person in the workings of the human body, though she also seems to have some trouble in her mind as she is abnormally violent.

The blonde Little girl is Houjou Satoko. She's a bit of a naughty and hyperactive girl, but she's more normal compared to Sachiko-san.

(Author's Note: Satoko Houjou from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)

At her side was a little girl with a mature and slightly cynical attitude, but at times she showed the tenderness and innocence of a girl her age. She is called Furude Rika.

(Author's Note: Rika Furude from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)

Next was Furude Hanyuu, a shy little girl who stayed close to Luis as if she was afraid of everything and only he could make her feel safe. She seemed like the only normal person here, although the horns on her head looked like some kind of disguise that made her look more cute.

(Author's Note: Hanyuu Furude from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)

Among the young girls, there was Ryuugu Rena. A girl who has become popular at school due to her goofy and cute attitude.

(Author's Note: Rena Ryuugu from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)

Besides Rena-san, there were also two popular girls from school. The twins Sonozaki Mion and Sonozaki Shion.

(Author's Note: Sonozaki Mion and Sonozaki Shion from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)

The most striking girl was a red-haired girl, Hiyama Akane. She is one of the most popular girls in school, but she is also famous because there are rumors that she has beaten up many boys who talk bad about Luis, but there is no evidence that this is true.

(Author's Note: Akane Hiyama of Renai Boukun)

Among the young girls, the last one was Katsura Kotonoha. A girl who arrived at the school a few days ago, but for some reason, I wasn't surprised to see her here. She has always had a slightly odd look that causes both students and teachers discomfort.

(Author's Note: Kotonoha Katsura of School Days)

The last person to make a presentation was the blonde woman, Miyo Takano. She seemed to be the most apathetic and was only interested in talking to Sachiko-san about experiment data that I can't understand.

(Author's Note: Takano Miyo from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni)

Something else I noticed is that she seemed to be angry with Luis.

From what I heard, she and the group of little girls were trapped in a cage for a week on Luis's orders, but he said it wasn't his fault since he gave the indication to release them while he traveled to China.

The real problem was that the Sonozaki twins lost the cage key, though considering that the twins brought food every day while making fun of the women, it's obvious that they did it on purpose.

From what I see, Luis and the women around him are true psychopaths. I wouldn't be surprised if they're all serial killers, but that didn't make me uncomfortable.

I want to punish the people who murdered my son and this group of teenagers could give me a lot of advice...

Louis agreed. – "Good, now you can have fun"

Luis said that he would act last to deal with the fat boy, so we could take the whole night to "have fun." Meanwhile, he walked over to a chair and sat down as a beautiful woman appeared out of nowhere to serve him food.

The woman was incredibly beautiful, she had pink hair and was dressed as a maid. She was so beautiful that she didn't look like a human.

"Masta, I brought coffee" – The beautiful woman spoke expressionlessly, but somehow it was clear that she was happy to be able to pour a cup of coffee for Luis.

"Thank you, Ikaros" – I thought Luis was a mysterious and pragmatic boy, but he showed such a loving smile that it surprised me.

(Author's Note: Ikaros of Sora No Otoshimono)

I stopped paying attention to Luis and focused on what's important.

The Sonozaki twins opened a door and disappeared for a few seconds, then returned while pushing a bed on wheels often seen in hospitals. On the bed was a boy with tanned skin and an athletic body.

I have been investigating the death of my son and found that more than thirty students were involved in the bullying he suffered, but the executioners who took his life were five students.

Among that group of assassins, the boy on the bed was one of the most popular boys in school since he is handsome, athletic, has a rebellious attitude and his father has a good position in the government.

For months I have prepared plans to take care of these boys since they have good families, but now the boy was helpless in front of me….

His hands and legs were tied to the ends of the bed. His clothes had been replaced by a white patient's coat. His mouth was not covered and he was awake, but something invisible prevented him from speaking.

It seemed that his body was under the influence of unknown drugs, as next to him was a medical team holding two IV bags that were connected directly to his chest.

The boy seemed to be scared, very scared.

It was like seeing a defenseless child seeking the protection of his parents.

He looked so pitiful and helpless…

This boy is just a helpless child…


Why would someone like that have to murder my son?

Why can he cry after what he did?!

No, I can't accept it...

My son died a horrible death, so this child must suffer a lot, he must repent...

While my thoughts were in chaos, I felt someone pull my sleeve so I looked to my right side.

Little Rika reached out her little hand to give me an ice pick.

"If you don't know how to start, you can stab him to vent, don't worry about killing him too fast, the serum will prevent him from dying as long as his brain and heart remain intact" – The girl spoke as if she was teaching me. It's hard to imagine her being an elementary school girl.

I grabbed the ice pick and smiled unconsciously. - "Thank you"

"Obasan, wait" – Little Satoko also approached me while holding a pair of steel tongs that were connected to long wires coming out of a wall.

She collided the tips of the tongs which made a shrill electrical sound as she released several sparks. – "This is more fun, you can make him dance!"

…. These girls are adorable...

I smiled. – "Okay, but first I would like to ask him something…"

"You can ask for whatever you want, this is your special event" – The twin named Shion smiled kindly.

I looked at the boy's frightened face. – "Is there any way to allow him to speak?"

"Oh, you want to talk to him" – Shion-san's smile grew. – "Sure, before we used acupuncture since he kept spitting nasty stupid things, but if you want to make him talk then he's fine"

Shion-san took out a silver needle and stuck it into the boy's throat.

When the needle came out of his throat, the boy started to scream.

"Fucking bitches! My father will come and all of you will be my fucking bitches!..." – The boy began to yell all kinds of unpleasant things.

His eyes show fear, his expression shows terror, but his mouth expresses only fury and contempt.

He is so scared that he can only respond with violence. He is like a child throwing a tantrum...

I shook my head and grabbed the locket that I am wearing around my neck.

This is a beautiful gift that my son gave me for Christmas two years ago. The last celebration that I was able to enjoy as a family.

The locket was shaped like a small golden heart and originally had a picture of my family, but now it's just my son's picture.

I opened the locket and looked at my son's smiling expression. It is a photograph of the first day of classes of him in high school…

The boy kept yelling nasty things, so I looked at Shion-san. – "Could you make him listen to me for a moment?"

Shion-san smiled and put the needle back into the boy's neck which returned the peaceful silence.

"Thank you" - I made a little bow and put my locket in front of the boy so he could see the picture of my son. - "You recognize him?"

The question was unnecessary. The boy's eyes widened when he saw my son's face.

It was brief, it was too brief, but for a moment, I saw mockery in his gaze...

My right hand that was holding the locket started to tremble, but my left hand clenched tightly. That's the hand where I hold the ice pick.

"Why?" – My voice began to shake as it hurt to speak. – "Why did your group have to intimidate my son? Why did they have to hurt him?... Why did you kill my son?"

Shion-san removed the needle from the boy's neck and allowed him to speak.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about… I didn't do anything… He committed suicide! I didn't do anything, it was his fault for being a fucking fagot!..." – Again, fear made the boy start yelling nasty things...

"Why? Why did my son have to die?" – I put my locket back on my neck and looked at the boy who kept shouting insulting things against my son.

I don't understand.

My son was a good boy. Kind, considerate, caring and he always sought to help others.

He liked to go to the movies with his friends, he liked to play soccer and he never hurt anyone...

He was such a good boy...

Why did he have to die while such a disgusting person is allowed to live?

… I do not like this…

My eyes watered, but my tears weren't from sadness or regret.

Every night, I hug my son's picture as I regret not helping him.

I always feel pain and sadness, but now…

Now I only feel hate.

I hate this…

"Why did you do that?!" – I yelled with all my might as my hands held the ice pick.

The boy began to scream and cry.

My son cried and suffered, but you did not leave him alone...

With all my strength I drove the ice pick into his stomach.

The boy's screams increased. He was pleading. He wanted me to stop. He was begging for mercy.

My son also begged, my son also wanted you to stop, but you continued to hurt him…

The ice pick was sharp. Not only did I go through the guy's stomach, the sharp piece of metal also stuck into the bed, but I was able to easily pull it out.

I raised the ice pick again and yelled.

I stabbed his stomach once time. – "You killed my son!"

I stabbed his stomach twice times. – "He was innocent and you killed him!

I stabbed his stomach three times. – "He did not hurt you and you killed him!"

I kept stabbing his stomach. – "Give me back my son!"

My arms were tired. My throat hurt. My chest ached. My eyes burned. Everything hurt, but I didn't stop moving the ice pick.

"Give me back my son! Give me back my son! Give me back my son! Give me back my son! Give me back my son! Give me back my son! Give me back my son! Give me back my son! Give me back my son!..." – It was hard to breathe and my arms were shaking, but I couldn't stop, I didn't want to stop either.

My body lost strength and I fell to the ground.

I looked at my hands.

I can no longer see my hands, I only see the blood and flesh that completely covers my hands.

I started to scream.

My son will not return... All this will not give me my child back... My son died and I will never see his smile again…

But... They don't regret it... They make fun of my son... They are not human... They must die...

I was having trouble breathing.

I felt like I was suffocating.

"Take a deep breath… Follow my voice and take a deep breath…"

I took a deep breath.


I inhaled deeply and felt my lungs fill with air.


I exhaled deeply and felt the choking sensation subside.

"Good, you did good, now have some water…"

A hand reached out in front of me and offered me a glass of water.

My hands were shaking and I couldn't hold the glass, so the hand brought the glass to my mouth and gently allowed me to take a sip of water.

The pain in my throat lessened and I felt my body regain its strength.

The glass fell away from my lips before I could drown in the water.

"Thank you..." – I spoke with difficulty.

My throat doesn't hurt anymore, but my chest still hurts.

In front of me was Luis. He had crouched down and was smiling quietly at me as he held a glass of water.

"How do you feel?" – Luis asked me with a friendly smile.

He didn't show cruelty, fun, cynicism or apathy, he just showed a casual attitude as if we've known each other for a long time.

I looked at the bed where the boy was tied.

The bed used to be white, but now it was totally red.

The floor was littered with blood and mutilated flesh. There were even pieces of bone mixed in with the blood.

On the bed there was no longer the boy who murdered my son, now there was only a mass of mutilated meat...

"I did that?" – I asked without any particular feeling, it was just to confirm the obvious.

"Yes" - Luis agreed. – "People can overcome their physical limitations when they exceed a certain emotional level, you are really impressive"

I kept looking at the bed.

The little girl named Rika mentioned that the boy won't die as long as his brain and heart remain intact, but I lost control and destroyed both his head and his chest.

The ice pick had stuck to the bed, right where the boy's heart should be.

"Do you want to continue?" – Luis asked me with the same friendly smile.

I looked at my hands.

I'm covered in the blood of one of the people who murdered my son, but I don't feel better.

Maybe... Maybe I can kill the other culprits, then I can feel something other than pain and sadness.

I nodded. - "I want to continue"

Luis reached out his hand to help me to my feet, but I shook my head and stood up on my own. – "You have helped me a lot, now I want to do this on my own"

From now on, he will own my body, soul and life, but I can't give him my heart.

My heart died when I lost my son.

Luis stared at me and sighed. – "I see, it's okay"

Again he seemed to have seen through my thoughts.

I wanted to apologize, but he shook his head and smiled again. – "Don't worry, everything has its time and place, so now just focus on what you want"

I nodded and bowed. - "Thank you"

Luis returned to his seat next to the pink haired maid as the girls began to move.

The Sonozaki twins pushed the gurney out of the room. I think they went to bring the next person.

Rena-san began to sing happily as she cleaned the floor with a mop.

The water she used seemed special as it easily washed away all traces of blood and even the smell was gone.

In addition to mopping the floor, she took out a water sprayer and sprayed me with water. Although the liquid looked like normal water, my clothes didn't get wet while all the blood that stained my clothes disappeared, I even felt a sweet scent of flowers covering my body.

"Nii-nii is great, he did this to eliminate any evidence" – Little Satoko smiled proudly.

I smiled softly. – "Yes, he is amazing"

This little girl is in this environment full of blood and violence, but she is still able to smile in such an innocent way. She is a good girl.

"Mari-san" – Little Rika spoke to me while pointing to the different torture instruments in the room. – "A moment ago you were very impulsive and you did not take advantage of everything we have, so I will explain how each object works"

I nodded gratefully. - "Thank you"

Thus, the girls explained to me how to use each torture item while the Sonozaki twins brought in my next target.

I hope that the emptiness in my chest can be filled when my revenge is complete, because if not, I won't be able to bear to stay alive...




Author's Note:

For this part, I have been researching testimonies from mothers who lost their children to murder or kidnapping, suicide cases due to school bullying, and interviews with parents after their children committed suicide.

In most cases, parents share similar ideas. They do not want revenge, and although some seek justice, the truth is that parents who really loved their children just want to see their children's smiles again...

To be honest, bullying is one of the few things that really bothers me, so well, I'll try not to exaggerate in this mini bullying arc so as not to try to give a message of conscience since we're only here for the waifus.

I find this kind of thing sad and depressing, so I hope I was able to convey those feelings in this chapter.

In any case, I hope you continue to enjoy reading.

A hug <3

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