No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 369: Revenge, Screams, Tears, and Migraine

Chapter 369: Revenge, Screams, Tears, and Migraine

I'm really grateful to Daedalus for creating such a wonderful being like Ikaros. The expressionless cute angeloid is not only extremely beautiful, she also has a high learning ability and is now capable of excellent shoulder massages.

(Author's Note: Daedalus of Sora No Otoshimono)

(Author's Note: Ikaros of Sora No Otoshimono)

So, I enjoyed the show while I drank a hot cup of cheap coffee and Iikaros gave me a relaxing massage.

I sighed in satisfaction as the nurse used a blunt knife to skin an idiot-looking boy.

Before I went to China, I had to fix a lot of things, and I didn't have time to deal with every problem personally, so I let some of my wives handle some problems. It was a bad idea.

When I visited a certain cursed town, I met the characters from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Because the entire town had gone mad at that time, I had to kill most of the town while several women helped me, although they were also mad.

In the end, I managed to kill most of the people who had gone berserk, but the girls wanted me to stay with them.

Since at that time I hated the idea of having a formal relationship, I escaped from the village when they were sleeping since they helped me a lot and my last trace of humanity refused to kill them while they slept, although I certainly thought of doing so, since they were willing to drug me and cut off my limbs so I couldn't escape.

Over time, I forgot about them since they didn't even know my real name and I modified several of my facial features with special makeup, but hey, they are more persistent than I thought.

When they finally found me, I didn't really care since at this point I don't care if they stab me, I can regenerate anyway.

On the other hand, they weren't against me having a harem, but it's clear that they would try to kill my wives if I rejected those psychopathic women.

They're cute.

The problem is that not only women my age and a grown woman fell in love with me, apparently all the people in that town were complete psychos, even the brats.

When I was in the village, I met two brats who became very fond of me.

The little blonde loved me a lot since her emotional pillar was her brother, but he went crazy and tried to kill her, so I accidentally smashed his skull with a steel pipe.

Since then, she sees me as the emotional pillar of hers and she's a bit possessive, but she at least knows that she shouldn't attack my loved ones or I'll kill her. A smart girl.

On the other hand, little Rika was always a bit of an oddity. Since I arrived in town, she was always watching over me and helping me as if I were the hope that she had always waited for.

At the time I thought that she had matured too quickly because of the outbreak of mass psychosis in her town, but apparently, her town was cursed and doomed to a tragic end. Only I could change that because I was an unpredictable variable in the destiny of that town.

Apparently, Rika has the ability to see the different time lines and parallel worlds that exist on Gaia, which could be a consequence of errors in the barrier that protects this World.

In a way, Rika has a multiple personality disorder where her mind is that of an adult, but a small part of her subconscious is still that of an innocent child.

Anyway, she is an obedient girl who doesn't cause me any trouble.

I talked about this with Shiki and she told me that that town seems to be the home of one of the deities that used to help Gaia, but it's supposed to be dead.

I did some research on that and sure enough there was a deity. A small goddess with the power to travel and connect the infinite timelines and alternate worlds of this World, but due to the injuries she suffered during the Alaya vs. Gaia war, she can no longer travel to other realities and can only observe them as a spectator. In fact, she needs a priestess to see other dimensions and Rika is the priestess.

When I killed more than 90% of the village, the girls left the place and started traveling around Japan to find me, so the goddess Hanyuu traveled with them.

At first, only Rika could see the little goddess, but over time, all the girls began to see her.

They didn't think that Hanyuu was a goddess, but a collective hallucination that was a side effect of the curse of the town where they lived, but they didn't care about that because, well, they're crazy.

Thus, Hanyuu joined the girls, but when the green-haired twins found me, the brats were put in a cage so they wouldn't cause trouble since they're too impulsive.

Anyway, now we are all reunited and we are a happy family… Or something like that…

As for Hanyuu, she feels very attached to me since I protected her priestess (Rika), plus it's thanks to me that she was able to leave that cursed town. Lastly, my combination of titles, skills, and Auriel's blessing makes me a magnet for female deities.

And this is how the group of psycho girls are having fun while doing a vivisection.

In ancient times, public executions were carried out with sharp weapons in order to be quick, sometimes dozens of people were executed in a single day, so time was valuable as it was expensive.

Despite the fact that time is money, there were cases where executed people were subjected to horrible pain, either because they had committed horrible crimes, or because they were unlucky enough to have sadistic rulers who enjoyed the pain of innocent people.

In these cases, cruel methods of slow dismemberment were used so that the person would scream for as long as possible.

Among these methods, one of those used by various civilizations such as the Chinese and the inquisition was to cut the skin using swords or blunt knives.

A sharp knife easily cuts through the meat, but a dull knife causes the blade not to cut through the skin, but rather tears through the meat.

To give an example, a scalpel cuts smoothly, while a saw tears the wood.

In this case, the knife Mari is using is not only old and dull, but the edge is full of cracks like a small saw.

With each move, Mari is tearing off pieces of skin, which leaves strips of meat, then the girls use tweezers to pull those strips of meat off the body.

It is somewhat similar to cutting your nails and leaving a small piece of skin at the corner of the nail. Out of curiosity or anxiety, the person pulls that small piece of skin, but when doing so, a strip of skin is formed that lengthens over the finger, which causes a lot of pain, burning, and begins to bleed.

I smiled seeing the girls having fun, although it's a bit bizarre to see that Red Queen is grinding up the cut meat and then putting it in the boy's mouth to force him to eat his own meat.

Well, she's happy, so she's fine.

In general, I am looking at the situation to relax…

[System Notification: The skill 'Masochism' is empowering the skill 'Mythomania' so that the user fools himself into the idea that he is not so angry that he will go berserk]

Yeah, well, maybe I'm still a little angry.

To tell the truth, I have accumulated a lot of anger since the Arifureta incident.

First; I was sent to another world with my wives and they were in danger.

Second; I got involved in the problems of the Outer Gods and had to face one of the strongest immortal cultivators in the multiverse even though I barely had the power of a low level Great Old One.

Third; I experienced infinite artificial realities where I saw my wives in all kinds of unpleasant situations.

Fourth; I became involved with three of the major organizations in the multiverse and became a delicious piece of meat that many entities wish to dissect.

Fifth; I had to go to China to fix shit, got involved with the Lostbelt, and found out that the strongest system user is coveting my wives.

Sixth; Upon returning home, I discovered that my sister was kidnapped by one of the most intelligent and dangerous beings in the multiverse, which led me to a war where my mind was destroyed and my soul suffered permanent wounds that have not yet healed since my [Reader's Madness] prevents me from returning to a state of complete sanity.

Seventh; As if that weren't enough and added to my family problems, there is a possibility that my mother will become a troublesome entity.

Eighth; my shitty parents keep giving me trouble, and now it turns out that I have dozens or maybe hundreds of half-sisters…..

Yes, I have murdered, I have been violent, I have had orgies with beautiful women, I have started wars and I have enjoyed small moments of peace like the moment where I could sleep in Auriel's arms, which, by the way, has been the most relaxing moment in my whole life…

I have done all that, but the truth is that I have accumulated a lot of anger.

I am a rational person and I avoid acting impulsively to prevent problems out of my control, but even when I keep a certain level of self-control, I always end up in absurd and unpredictable situations, which makes me endlessly frustrated.

I have accumulated anger, a lot of anger… Too much anger…

I'm getting to the point where the rage is getting dangerously close to my migraine level.

In fact, migraine makes me feel angry, and I always have a migraine…

My frustration and bad mood are getting worse, but worst of all, I'm constantly swallowing my anger to avoid hurting my wives' feelings.

To put it in a way, a man can be kind and loving to his family, but if he has a bad week, he can get too frustrated, and if he doesn't get it off his chest, he can explode and yell at his family.

It can be said that I am at that point of domestic violence, but my obsession with making my wives and daughters happy keeps me calm so as not to hurt them, however, that same obsession is making my anger grow, which is constantly accumulating in my mind to the point that I think I'm going to generate another mental disorder.

This is bad?

Well, certainly yes, but that's by a normal standard.

In my case, mental disorders are useful, very useful...

With my current strength, I cannot face the dangers that will come when the war engulfs the multiverse.

My best weapons are Rasen and Anti-Rasen, but my best defense is my [Reader's Madness]. Not only is it the best energy to protect my mind, it is also essential to protect my wives.

What am I getting at with all this internal monologue bullshit that nobody cares about?

Well, it's simple. I am brewing my own anger to create a mental disorder to help me enhance my strength.

Obviously, this will only cause my mental and psychological suffering to increase to a point where my willpower will be close to breaking, but I have Ortro, Tsubaki, Nia, and Yoko. As long as they're on my mind, my willpower can handle anything.

Thus, I kept watching as Nurse Mari separated the skin, flesh, and bones of the boy who couldn't die even when 80% of his internal organs were removed from his body.

I don't enjoy witnessing sadism and I'm bored with cruelty, but it's entertaining to watch a beautiful woman working while concentrating.

Even though Mari was doing her best to cause the boy as much pain as possible, she was slowly losing her motivation.

It wasn't that she felt guilty about mutilating underage boys, nor did she feel bad about being covered in blood and gore. What was really hurting her heart was the lack of satisfaction in revenge.

The problem with people who live for revenge is that, by fulfilling revenge, there is no more meaning in life.

If it had been yesterday, Mari would be satisfied with killing the boys who murdered her son. After her revenge, she would commit suicide since she would have fulfilled her last reason for living, giving her a false sense of fulfillment that would later turn into a desperate desire for peace, which she could only obtain with the silence of death.

The problem she has was the words I said to her today when I met her.

My words when I left the infirmary reminded her that she loved her son and he loved her.

A good mother wants to see her son happy and a good son wants to see her mother happy.

Following this logic, the nurse's son would have wanted her to be happy, even if he was no longer in this world. That is what a son who really received his mother's love would want.

What I said made Mari realize that getting revenge wouldn't bring her child back to her and wouldn't necessarily give his peace in his grave. What the son really wanted is for Mari to be able to continue with her life and be happy again.

Of course, everything is speculation. Maybe the son really wanted revenge without caring about his mother's happiness, but at least for Mari, she knows that her son was a kind boy, so he would have only thought about his mother's happiness.

Right now, Mari feels miserable since my words made her remember the existential emptiness in her heart, so now she feels that revenge can't fill the emptiness in her heart.

Basically, I made her, in her unconscious, want to live.

This is very painful for her since her greatest wish is to die because she feels guilty for the death of her son, but now she also wishes to live to honor her son's memory. The latter makes her feel worse since she feels that she does not deserve to live for allowing her son to be bullied.

It's a constant cycle of guilt, regret, despair, heartache, hope, and longing. Everything is repeated over and over again, causing an existential crisis that is slowly breaking the woman's mind.

While it may all sound cruel, it's also necessary for her to be happy again. When she sees that revenge isn't all she has left, then she'll be able to get on with her life.

Sure, there are other ways to deal with these types of situations, for example, logotherapy can help a person find meaning in traumatic experiences and a new purpose in life, but therapy only helps if the person agrees to receive help, and Mari does not want help as she has lost the will to live.

I could also use other psychotherapeutic approaches to help her, but hey, this is more entertaining. Anyway, she's not my wife yet, so I can use these methods without feeling guilty.

Mari finally finished mutilating the boy's entire body until he finally died. It was a good job with the knife as she left the heart and the brain until the end.

Three victims remain, but Mari appears to be close to a mental breakdown. She feels desperate because her revenge doesn't give her the satisfaction she was looking for and in her place, she can only think of her son's smile.

Well, it's time for a little intervention.

The next victim is the only woman in the group who murdered Mari's son. She is a rebellious girl who seems to seduce men to manipulate and blackmail them.

I honestly don't care about that, I even have wives who used to be like that girl.

The important thing is that before I gave instructions to Shion about what she should do.

Unlike the other victims, the girl did not receive acupuncture to keep her quiet. She is allowed to speak and she already knows that I am the person who directed her kidnapping, she has also been listening to the cries of pain from her friends and was allowed to look at the mutilated corpses.

In other words, she knows what is about to happen to her.

This is where the important thing comes in.

That girl is not too smart and only knows how to use her body as a manipulation tool, in fact, she is just the tool that the leader of her group uses to control other men.

Despite that, she is resourceful and has determined a possible escape route; she must seduce me.

I stood by Mari's side and smiled in a friendly way, showing no romantic affection or lustful desire, just a show of friendly solidarity. – "Do you want to take a break?"

Mari was staring at her hands which did not stop trembling. She was in too much pain and her will was about to break, but she struggled to maintain her composure.

"Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine" – Mari stopped looking at her hands and looked at me while she smiled like a loving wife, but she was not able to hide her suffocating suffering in her gaze.

I directed my gaze to her legs which were shaking and my smile showed a bit of irony. – "I think that at this point you should have noticed that you can lean on me, you don't need to carry everything by yourself"

"…" – Mari closed her eyes for a moment and sighed deeply. Opening her eyes, she grabbed my arm and wrapped it around her waist, then leaned gently against my body.

It seemed like an intimidating act between a married couple, but really she was just trying to find some emotional stability or her mind could collapse at any moment.

I smiled softly and hugged her, then began to stroke her back comfortingly.

My act didn't show much romantic love, but I did show enough compassion and understanding for Mari to feel that she wasn't alone.

A few seconds passed and the sound of the hospital bed approaching was heard.

Hearing that the next victim was approaching, Mari closed her eyes to try to collect her thoughts, so I took advantage of the fact that she wasn't looking at me to show a lustful expression as if I felt anxious to sleep with her.

Mari didn't notice my unpleasant expression, but the new victim saw me, which helped her understand the situation.

Until now, she didn't understand why I kidnapped her friends and why am I torturing them to death.

Logically, she and her group didn't harm my sister since I appeared at the right time, plus her group hasn't been hostile towards me, so it didn't make sense for me to want to kill them.

Now, the girl understood that the nurse was the reason for what happened.

There were small bloodstains on the woman's clothing, so she was the one who actually murdered the boys, whereas I have no blood, so I've just been a bystander.

The girl didn't know why the nurse wanted to kill her group of friends, but she understood that she was the real enemy, while I was just helping since I want to sleep with the nurse.

It was an easy conclusion to make, so it only took the girl a few seconds to understand that I am the key to her survival. After all, the rumors say that I am a womanizer who will do anything to seduce a woman.

Mari took a deep breath and although her legs were still shaking, she was a little calmer as she regained her motivation to kill.

When she opened her eyes, I quickly went back to my friendly and sincere expression.

Mari didn't notice my disgusting behavior, but the girl tied to the bed saw it, so she confirmed her guess that I'm doing all this to seduce the milf.

Mari pulled away from me and faked a sincere smile. - "Thank you"

I played along and flashed a smile, but made it clear that my smile is fake.

Mari looked at the girl and began to think about what to do with her.

For a moment, the nurse looked at the girl's face, breasts, waist, and legs.

The girl's body isn't as developed as Tsugumi or Kotonoha and her face isn't as beautiful as Akane or Marika, but she's definitely an attractive girl.

Mari felt disgusted. She was furious that such a pretty girl had such a rotten heart.

The nurse began to think that such a disgusting creature must be hideous inside and out.

Mari looked at a hand sander on the wall. It's a tool often used to polish furniture or industrial machinery, but in the wrong hands, it can destroy skin, muscle, and pulverize bone, all slowly and painfully.

Perhaps a skinless face would be more suitable for such a hideous personality.

I almost wanted to smile. I like the thoughts of this woman.

Mari was about to tell Kotonoha to please give her the sander, but at that moment the girl started to scream while looking at me with a pleading face. - "Please help! Get me out of here and I'll do what you want! I'm pretty, I can do anything you want! I will be obedient, please help me!…"

The girl started yelling simple, predictable things, but that was a good reaction. If she started saying complex promises or exaggerated things, then her plea would not sound sincere. Simple is easier to hear and understand.

The first two idiots were yelling that we will be punished, that their parents will kill us and other stupid things, but this girl had a good answer. I like intelligent women.

I put my hand on my chin and acted like I was thinking about what the girl said.

Mari saw my expression and her face turned grim. She had to look down from her so that her hair covered her eyes so I couldn't see the hate in her gaze.

The girl kept screaming desperately while I remained silent.

After two minutes, the girl finally stopped screaming as her throat ached.

When there was silence, I looked at Mari curiously. – "Aren't you going to start?"

Mari looked up at me with confusion. – "Aren't you going to accept what she said? Aren't you interested in her beauty?"

I blinked several times in confusion, then smiled wryly and walked over to the girl.

The girl was lying on the bed with her limbs tied to the corners of the bed, so I remained standing next to her face.

"To tell the truth, I won't reject a beautiful woman who wants to be part of my harem" – I shrugged.

Mari clenched her fists to the point of her nails digging into her palms, but she nodded as she did her best to hide the maddening hatred that filled her chest. – "I-I u-understand…"

I smiled. – "Do you understand? I don't believe it"

Mari gave me a complex look. She wanted to believe that I'm on her side, but now she feels like I'm just making fun of her.

I sighed and shook my head as I gently placed my hand on the girl's cheek.

The girl was still scared, her body trembled and her eyes were full of tears, but she tried her best to show a cute and tender expression as she rubbed her cheek in my hand.

"To tell the truth, I like women, I like them too much and I admit that I don't have a moral line" – I smiled affectionately towards Mari. - "But…"

I put my hand over the girl's face.

She was confused, but quickly that confusion disappeared, which brought another emotion…

I sighed. – "My family is the only thing that matters to me"

The girl's gaze filled with terror, but that gaze lasted for a short time.

I exerted a little force on my hand which caused a nasty crackling sound.

The nose was the first to break.

Her fascial muscles tore and her bones began to break.

The cheekbones shattered, causing my hand to sink into the flesh.

The teeth were crushed while the eyes bulged out of their sockets.

Within two seconds, the girl's face was deformed as if she was a frog being crushed by a heavy boot.

I only stopped my hand when the girl's brain was in danger of being destroyed.

She was still alive and conscious, but her face looked like she had been hit by a rock.

The pain was so sudden that she couldn't scream, but I don't feel like hearing a deafening noise, so I held her neck to prevent any sound from coming out of the hole that used to be her mouth.

I sighed and shook my head like I was looking at a tragic waste of food. – "It's a shame, she is a pretty girl, but family comes first…"

I sighed again and looked at Mari. – "Don't you think the same?"

Mari had a complex look.

She was relieved that I didn't protect the girl, she was also pleased to see the girl's totally disfigured face, but there was a new emotion that she still couldn't discern. She didn't understand why my words had generated a small feeling of warmth in her dead heart.

Family, a strong word for a woman who has lost everything.

Deep in her heart, Mari began to long for a family again.

Mari didn't answer my question, but that didn't matter.

I smiled slightly and let go of the girl's neck.

"Well, I think I used a lot of force" – I smiled wryly seeing that the girl was almost dead, so I dug my fingers into the ground meat that was now her face and began to move the broken bones and torn muscle tissue.

In ten seconds I managed to reconstruct the girl's face. Her skin was now covered in hideous scars and it looked like she scrubbed her face with a cheese grater, but her face returned to that of a human.

Terror, pain, anguish and despair. Those were the only emotions on the girl's face.

It's a shame. She could have been a part of my harem, but this piece of shit thought of prostituting my sister...…..

No one makes my silly sister cry...… no one......… no one will hurt her...…

I sighed and extended my hand towards Rena.

With a cheerful smile, she wiped my hand to remove the blood and little bits of flesh that didn't stay on the girl's face.

With my clean hand, I smiled at Mari. – "You can continue"

I returned to my seat next to Ikaros and continued to enjoy my coffee and massage.

Mari was silent and watched me for a long time.

Finally, she grabbed the hand sander and pressed it onto the girl's breasts.

For an hour the girl was treated like a piece of furniture in need of a long maintenance job. The process was long and only ended when her head was turned to dust.

There were still two idiots left; the leader and the fat boy.

I already told Mari that I would take care of the fat boy, so she could play with the leader.

Over the next three hours, Mari used more than 50 torture tools to hurt the leader.

There was a point where she asked the boy why she murdered her son. The boy had already lost his legs and he knew he was going to die, so he cynically tried to hurt Mari's heart and told her that he did it for fun, that it was all just a game because her son was a weakling, he also told her that the son had been obedient because they got a pornographic video of a woman similar to Mari, so she was the one to blame for her son's death.

That really hurt Mari and made her mad, so I gave her a kind suggestion.

Red Queen showed Mari a tablet showing videos of some of the human experiments she has in her lab.

When the boy saw the videos, he lost all his cynical attitude and began to beg for us to kill him.

Mari was crying, but through tears she begged the Red Queen that the boy be sent to the worst and most inhumane experiments.

So we got a volunteer for the conceptually enhanced Lickers incubator.

Although the boy was sent to the Red Queen's laboratory, Mari was still crying uncontrollably.

Mari was deeply hurt and she felt that her son's death was her fault, but this also helped confirm that her son only wanted her to be happy.

For now, I had Kotonoha take Mari to a room so she could rest.

At this moment she does not need comfort or company, but she needs a moment of privacy so that she can cry until she expresses all her pain.

Fortunately, my words were effective in implanting in the woman's mind the idea that she should live because that's what her son wanted, so for now there is no risk that she could commit suicide.

From now on I just have to make sure that Mari begins to enjoy life, but without allowing her to feel guilty that she can be happy despite the death of her son.

When Mari and Kotonoha left, the girls went to prepare my punching bag.

I put my coffee cup down on a table and stood up.

I stretched out my arms a bit, then smiled at Ikaros and stroked her hair. – "Thank you, Ikaros"

Ikaros closed her eyes slightly as she enjoyed the feel of my hand on her head. She still shows few facial expressions, but now she already has full emotional capacity, so she has become really adorable.

I can feel the anger starting to overflow my mind, so I headed into another room.

In this underground space there are several rooms with different purposes. The place I arrived at was a testing area for new combat techniques, weapons of mass destruction, and other things that could give Shiki a heart attack.

In the place, I started doing stretching exercises.

My body no longer needs warm-up exercises as the black blood has made every atom in my body combat-ready at all times, even when I'm relatively calm. I do this just out of habit, it's a way to remember the training I did at the Ryozanpaku.

I started to remember a lot of things.

Despite the shit in my life, I have a lot of valuable memories that make me enjoy life, but I don't need those beautiful memories right now.

I focused on all the shit I've been through and it hit me right in the face.

While the green haired twins got everything ready, I took a deep breath.

I remembered every fucking headache, every stupid problem, every annoying jerk, every fucking troublesome thing…. I started to remember everything I hate...….

I need more power for what is to come in the future and I already have an idea, although it will be something unpleasant…..

The girls injected a new drug into the fat jerk's neck that scared my sister, then they sped away.

I approached the fat man and stood two meters away from him.

Behind me, multiple barriers were erected that were prepared by System Goddess, Aotian, BB, Daedalus, and Abby. This will be enough for me not to destroy Japan by accident.

The fat man started to scream like a pig being killed, but quickly those screams turned into deep growls.

The fat boy's body began to mutate. His muscles grew until he was an abomination of muscle mass. He was ceasing to be a human to become a monster capable of destroying mountains with just his fists.

"Fine, let's start" - I smiled even though I just want to scream with anger...…..

Purple energy chains appeared on my body and began to restrict my body. Not only that, the chains also covered my soul and system to suppress my skills.

[System Notification: The user's combat skills have been suppressed. The skill 'Stand: Libera Me From Hell' can remove the restrictions... The skill 'Stand: Libera Me From Hell' has been prevented from breaking the restrictions]

[System Notification: The skill 'Dissociative Identity' has been activated.

Concept: Protagonist > Weakness]

[System Notification: The skill 'Phobia' has been activated.

Fear: Fear of weakness. The user will be forced into a weak state]

[Warning: All of the user's stats, energies, titles, and skills have been suppressed down to a minimal power level. The user is too vulnerable against any enemy that exceeds the 'city' level of destruction. It is recommended to use the skill 'Stand: Libera Me From Hell']

[System Notification: The use of the skill 'Stand: Libera Me From Hell' has been denied]

Ah, it's been a long time since I've felt so vulnerable… It's such a disgusting feeling that I want to vomit and kill myself…

This makes me angry...

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I AM INVINCIBLE!" – The fat shit finally finished his mutation process...

The drug gave him a monstrous power that could destroy a city while keeping his intelligence, so he started screaming stupid things when he felt the overwhelming power filling his body...…

[System Notification: 'Reader's Madness' energy has started to react]

"Hey, you piece of shit!" – I raised my voice so that the fat bastard could hear me. – "Are you going to keep shouting stupid things or are you going to fight?! That's why your fucking parents don't pay attention to you, because you're a fucking jerk!"

Oh shit. I remember my parents...

I'm in a bad mood.....

"Fucking bastard!" – The fat shit yelled furiously and clenched his gigantic fist that was the size of a truck.

The fat man doesn't know how to land a proper punch, but he used all of his strength to slam me to the ground.

[System Notification: The use of the regenerative abilities of Black Blood has been denied. The use of Auriel's blessing has been denied]

[Warning: The user's body has suffered severe damage]

My body was crushed against the ground, but I only showed disgust. – "You hit like what you are, a fucking piece of shit!"

The fat man screamed and hit me again…..

[Warning: The user's body has suffered severe damage]

Another hit...

[Warning: The user's body has suffered severe damage]

The piece of shit kept hitting me...

[Warning: The user's body has suffered severe damage]

Ah shit, that's not enough…..

"Hey Listen! When this fat bastard defeats you, he's going to inseminate your waifus for sure! You will be a victim of NTR because you are a fucking SIMP!"

Son of....

I no longer heard the sound of my bones breaking, now I heard the strange sound of chains breaking.....

A moment ago I couldn't move my body as the chains held me back, but now…. I can move...

I stood up even though the blows kept crushing my bones...

"What's happening?" – I spoke with difficulty since most of my internal organs are destroyed. – "Why did you become so weak? Why don't you hit harder?"

The fat shit began to hit harder, but it's strange... he's not laughing anymore, it's strange... he seems scared...

The fist hit my head again, but this time I was able to hold it.....

"Why don't you hit harder?" - I don't know why, but I want to scream...

I moved my hand forcefully to lift the fat shit up, but he is too weak and his arm got separated from his body...…

[System Notification: The skill 'Sadism' has been unintentionally activated]

He's weak, so weak it's annoying... What a fucking bummer....

[System Notification: The energy 'Reader's Madness' has generated the skill 'Intermittent Explosive (100%)']

[System Notification: The skill 'Schizophrenia' has made adjustments to the skill 'Intermittent Explosive' to fit the user's wishes]


The user's violent and destructive emotions accumulate in the user's mind in the form of emotion fragments. If the user loses self-control over her emotions, the destructive emotion shards will be converted into energy that will empower all of the user's attacks.

When this skill is active, the user's attacks generate a conceptual Violence effect that will damage the enemy's physical body, mind, and soul.

Warning: This skill will generate a complete loss of self-control and will cause the user's mind to be consumed by violent intent against everything around him. (Warning: Regaining self-control of emotions will drastically decrease the power of this skill)]

I hit the idiot once, I hit him twice, I hit him three times…. The idiot doesn't move anymore, but I kept hitting him….

I want to revive him to keep hitting him, but his soul is broken....

No, I need more, I need to hit more.... I NEED MORE!








[System Notification: The skill 'Masochism' has been used to empower the skill 'Sadomasochistic Meditation', the 'Anti-Rasen' energy, and Auriel's blessing]

[System Notification: The user's mind has regained self-control. The skill 'Intermittent Explosive' has been deactivated]

[System Notification: All restrictions on the user's body, soul and system have been released]

... Shit, my head hurts...… Although it feels really good when things go just as planned.

"You're a fucking deranged..." – Yoko sighed in my mind.

"Ah, I know..." - I smiled wryly as I lay down on the floor full of cracks...

"Ah, Luis... what am I going to do with you, you just make me feel worried..." – Tsubaki left my mind and bent down to put my head on her lap.

I enjoyed the soft feel of my wife's thighs and sighed a little ruefully. – "I'm sorry, Tsubaki, but this is necessary, I can't let Umaru's problem repeat itself, I must protect all of you…"

"I know, I know" – Tsubaki sighed and began to caress my hair. – "But who protects you?"

I shrugged. - "The plot"

"…" – Tsubaki sighed. – "Luis… Ah, good, it doesn't matter, if you're not going to take care of yourself, I'll just make sure you don't do something too stupid"

My wife is the best.

[System Notification: The skills 'Mythomania', 'Schizophrenia', 'Sadism', 'Kleptomania', 'Dissociative Identity' and 'Phobia' complain about the new member and say that there is little space. The skill 'Masochism' celebrates. The skill 'Sadism' hits the 'Masochism' skill. The skill 'Masochism' groans….]


"Hey Listen! Your head is a fucking psychiatric shit orgy hahahaha! Now get a tattoo on your forehead that says 'Damaged' and laugh like a fentanyl-addicted metrosexual asshole! Ahahahaha!" – Navi, sometimes I don't understand your stupidities and that makes me happy.

I sighed…. I miss when [Paranoia] was my only semi-conscious skill…




Author's Note:

My laptop died. I tried to check the problem, but I lost all my files and now the laptop doesn't work properly, so I'll have to write on the phone until I can save up for another computer....

Ah, life tires me....

Finally, a hug <3

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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