No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 381: 2: Lolis Plot…ugh

Chapter 381: 2: Lolis Plot…ugh

I want to kill someone...

[Hello son~…]


[Heh, you must be thinking: Did that son of a bitch really give information to magicians to obtain alchemy techniques from other worlds?

Heh, magicians pay well so it was a good deal hahahaha.

I don't know when you will find this letter, but making an assumption, you should already know that the world will be invaded by the Riders of Chaos.

How did those mononeural idiots find the most dangerous crack in the world's barrier?

Heh, devils pay well so it was a good deal hahahaha.

Anyway, I just wanted to say hello since I'm sure you were involved in this. I made a lot of preparations for your soul to accumulate too much Energy of Destiny , so you are a magnet for trouble. You don't need to thank me~

Anyway, I'll give you a little advice. The manipulative bitch leading this invasion is a haughty bitch with more ego than brains, she thinks she's a genius, but she's just an emotionally insecure bitch, so you can pretend you're her ally and then make her your own bitch.

Honestly I would have liked to do it myself since it would be fun to spank her delicious ass, but that bitch is crazy and I will never let a bitch treat me like her dog. On the other hand, you lack pride, so you are able to kneel and lick her feet and then betray her.

Ahaha, go and hit that bitch. Make me proud.

Finally, I'm serious. Don't be stupid enough to try to protect that stupid world.

The invasion of the haughty bitch is just the beginning.

Many people have their eyes on Gaia. Even if by some miracle you manage to stop that bitch, you'll lose more than you'll gain.

Many groups will watch the invasion and if you show too much power, then they will persecute you, but if you show weakness, you will be the pet of some zoophilic idiot.

Son, I know you're emotionless and none of this matters to you, but don't try to pretend you're a noble hero. The risk is too big and it would be disappointing if my best project dies pathetically.

My advice is to find your sisters, kidnap them, and then run from that doomed world.

See you soon, son~]

What bothers me the most is that this was among my predictions.

According to the Contracts that my father tried to adhere to my soul, I already know that he has contacts with the different factions of Hell, so it was obvious that he would sell information from this World.

I hate being right...

"Your father is a serious matter" – Yoko frowned.

"I know" - I sighed internally.

Well, now I know why Aotian was able to easily enter this World, I also know the reason why the summoning of heroes has increased in the past few years plus there have been many foreign enemies that Shiki has managed to stop...

My fucking father sold the information on the locations of the cracks in the barrier…

I wouldn't be surprised if that idiot already sold the information about my identity as a system user and reincarnation of Orthus. Now my identity as Outer God is my only reliable identity.

For now I ignored my hatred for that fucking jerk and focused on the card.

This thing was made with technology from this World, but there are some traces of high-level alchemy that belongs to other Worlds.

I even see marks from the Seekers of Truth, but not from Leylin.

This thing was designed to take a human soul and create a Servant that is not connected to any of the timelines of human history. Basically, this thing is the key to making an entirely new Servant with potential that cannot be suppressed by the Laws of this World.

The reason for this is to corrupt the ritual that Gaia prepared during the Age of Gods.

Miyu, Illya and the third girl are part of a ritual that Gaia set up millions of years ago. In the time where the Outer Gods had not yet invaded this World and Alaya did not yet exist as an entity with a mind of her own.

When the first foreign entity appeared, Gaia was traumatized by the idea of an invasion, so she prepared this ritual.

From what I see, Gaia already intended to die protecting this World and its inhabitants. At that time, Alaya did not exist and Shiki could not leave the Core of the World, so Gaia felt alone in the mission of protecting the World.

At that time, Beast VII already existed and was Gaia's friend, but she was not interested in protecting the inhabitants of the World, so Gaia did not ask her for help.

With Gaia's effort, a ritual was formed that would transcend time and destiny to create a chance for Gaia to revive.

Miyu, Illya, and the Illya-like girl make up the three parts of one existence.

Miyu is the intellect (Mind), Illya is the emotions (Soul) and the girl is the vessel (Body). Taken together, they are three pieces of a puzzle that must come together to bring Gaia.

This is not a true resurrection, but the lives of the three girls are being sacrificed to build a new Gaia. It's basically a perfect clone.

In a way, this is similar to what I did when Gogh's sunflower destroyed all traces of my mind.

All this I can see written in the records inside the card with the use of [Reader's Perspective] and it's information that even Shiki doesn't know. Because of this kind of thing, this is one of my most important skills.

The ritual is interesting, but as always, there are several problems.

To begin with, the ritual is not finished. It seems that the War of the Gods began before Gaia finished the ritual. She and Alaya destroyed each other and Alaya became Mumei while Gaia must be a living corpse lost in some corner of the World.

On the other hand, there is a possibility that Gaia is still alive, so this ritual will only create an unnecessary copy of the Will of the World.

Lastly, the ritual has been corrupted to create an anomaly in the Laws that protect this World.

The card in my hand is a catalyst to make the base of the container. In other words, this thing is the body of the third girl.

According to records, in the timeline where Miyu lived, there is a wizard named Darius Ainsworth. That man used different materials from this world to take advantage of the knowledge my father sold him.

I think Darius seeks to create a perfect utopia where humans can live without relying on magical power or the Will of the World. A free world where humanity has no evolutionary limit.

This is what the original Alaya wanted, but it's irrelevant to Mumei, so she didn't help Darius.

The problem is that Darius is crazy and doesn't know what he's doing. The imbecile basically wants to take away from humans the ability to love, dream, suffer, choose, cry, enjoy and desire. He wants humans to lose their humanity so that everyone is equal without any individuality and suffering.

Ah, damn communists...

The real problem is that Darius is a stupid puppet.

Actually, the information my father sold him is a ritual to create an artifact capable of destroying world barriers. The main defense that a World has against the Higher Entities.

I inherited my dissociation from reality from my mother, but my terrorist side is from my father...

When Darius builds the barrier destroyer, then the forces of Hell will be able to enter this World without any limitations.

As if that wasn't enough, this will also severely damage Mumei and Shiki. Both women will be defenseless and sooner or later they will be destroyed............…

I'm really mad at Shiki, but she's technically already part of my harem and so I can forgive some of her stupidity...

Mumei is a troublesome girl who caused the black plague and other problems, but she is adorable and she is part of my harem.....

If someone…. Whoever…. He wants to harm them… ..I must kill them all...….

The message my father left is a pain in the ass, but it gave me useful information.

The enemy is not all of Hell. What's more, the entire faction of the Chaos Riders is not the enemy, just a part.

The problem with large organizations is constant power struggles. This problem is stronger in Hell since only strength matters in that place.

Every second millions of entities are killed or enslaved by stronger entities.

The entity that is commanding the invasion will use its own army so that it does not have to share the benefits with other groups.

This is a bit similar to my battle against Leylin. The magus was so obsessed with mistrust that he moved his lab away from the territory of the Seekers of Truth, it was because of this detail that I was able to attack him without having to face all that organization.

In this case, things are simpler, but more problematic.

The enemy will invade us without holding back, but his forces will be limited in addition to the fact that we have the territorial advantage.

The only problem will be to close the Dimensional Gate, but I already made up my mind.

The idiots won't stop to capture Miyu, Illya and the other girl.

Gaia is a prosperous World full of valuable resources that any organization desires, even Paradise has plans to invade Gaia, although they have held back because they focus on attacking hostile Worlds first.

These three little girls are the key to Gaia, so everyone is going to want to capture them.

My father's a piece of shit, but he's also a shrewd man who knows how to spot a good deal. He seems to know about little girls and what they can do, so he'll sell that information to more idiots.

When that happens, countless assassins and mercenaries will come to kidnap the little girls...

Ah this is so fucking funny I can't even laugh.

I have no choice but to show some of my cards to let the idiots know that I am not a kind jerk… Miyu is my daughter and no one will touch her...

This entire internal monologue took less than a second, so I turned my gaze to Illya. – "Girl, did you feel something strange when you touched this letter?"

"Eeh?" - Illya tilted her head in confusion, then she nodded in surprise since she didn't think I would know that. – "Yes, it was a strange feeling that I recovered something that I lost, but I cannot explain why I felt that way"

Miyu also showed confusion. – "Father, when I met Illya-san I also felt that I recovered something that I lost"

"I see" - I sighed. – "Illya, what I am going to tell you is important, so you can ask me if there is something you do not understand"

Illya nodded and looked at me with concentration. She is like an adorable little animal.

"Inside you there are two souls, one soul is yours and the other seems to be something like an alternate version of you... Eh, think she is something like your sister" – I smiled slightly. – "It is not the first time I see something like this, so I have an idea of what is happening"

This is a bit similar to Lin Ruoxi's case, only she had three souls inside her.

"Eeeehhh?! I have a sister?!" – Illya overreacted, although it is a normal reaction for a girl her age.

"It's a bit more complicated…" – I sighed.

The soul within Illya is a human sacrifice that was prepared for a magical ritual where a wish can be made.

From what I see, that soul was sealed away because her parents didn't want to kill her, but the parents felt too guilty for thinking of using their daughter as a sacrificial artifact, so they made a second daughter with new memories and a kinder destiny.

Basically, the parents sealed the flawed daughter inside the beloved daughter.

What's more bizarre is that the second soul can see and hear everything Ilya sees, so she can hear me, but all traces of her consciousness are restricted, so she can't show her desire to be free.

The Servant card was prepared so that the soul inside Illya can be released from the body of the albino girl to obtain a physical body and that is how the three little girls of the ritual will be together.

Judging by the concentration of energy on the card, the third girl will appear after Illya uses the card four to five times. At that time, the third girl will be released from her prison, but that will only be a signal to start the invasion.

With [Schizophrenia] and the help of System Goddess, I can free the girl without alerting the enemies, but there's a little problem. The little girl wants to kill Illya.

The third little girl hates Illya because of her jealousy. She wants to be loved, she wants a family, and she feels betrayed by being abandoned by her parents.

The girl feels that she deserved a family and that Illya stole her happiness, but in reality she should blame her parents.

Well, I can fix this drama with more drama.

Anyway, I need to win the hearts of the three little girls to prevent the ritual from being completed...

Ugh, damn it, Gaia… why the fuck did you set this up as a true love ritual between three brats and one jerk?!

No, I know why this happened.

Gaia already knew that the operation of the plot was altered since the first foreign entity appeared, so she calculated that sooner or later an imbecile and degenerate protagonist would appear who would seek to seduce the main heroines of this World.

This theory became stronger when Alaya was born and showed the potential of human beings.

I hate to admit it, but Gaia was right. I'm that jerk.

When a person is able to identify clichés, then it is possible to make prophecies...

I was relatively honest with Illya and told her that the second soul in her body was some kind of catalyst for a human sacrifice ritual.

I didn't tell her that this was set up by her parents, nor did I tell her that her parents seemed to be magicians, but the very thought that a part of her was destined to die in a ritual made the little girl feel terrified.

My attention was more focused on the second soul within Illya. The third little girl was surprised that I could see all this.

The third little girl seemed resigned to living in complete darkness and oblivion, but now there was a small hope of being free and taking Illya's place.

This is going to be easy, but disgusting...

"Illya, I can bring out the second soul inside you" – I spoke seriously. – "This will not hurt you and I really need to talk to that second soul, but I need your permission to do the ritual"

"…" – Illya stood still in confusion as she couldn't comprehend the whole situation, but the second soul inside her was very excited.

She planned to pretend to be a good girl when she gets out of her prison to gain our trust and sympathy, then she will look for the chance to get a body of her own to kill Illya and take her place.

"Is this related to the prophecy?" – Merlin asked me curiously.

I nodded. With that alone, Merlin and Zelretch understood that the soul inside Illya was the third little girl needed for the ritual that will destroy or save this World.

Although the three little girls are the key to destroying the World, Merlin and Zelretch did not think of murdering the girls as the death of any of them would also mean that the World's barrier would weaken.

Killing the girls will give us more time for peace, but the invasion will become inevitable in the near future.

The best route is to gather the three girls and protect them. Sure, it would be better to take them to a godforsaken place so no one can find them, but I can't do that to my daughter.

I will make her enjoy a happy childhood. It doesn't matter how many people have to die.

Illya continued to think about the situation, then looked at me with a mixture of concern, seriousness, fear, and curiosity. – "Mr, is the soul inside me suffering?"

She is a very kind and naive girl...

She really fits the goofy and kind heroine standard.

"I don't know" - I sighed with a slight regret as if bad memories came to my mind. – "I can see the souls, I have also seen sacrificial rituals made by evil and despicable people, but I cannot read the thoughts, nor do I know what kind of person is the soul inside you"

Illya caught the subtle pain in my words and clenched her fists. She seems to have a great imagination and she thought the rituals she's seen were similar to those seen in horror movies where people are tortured and eaten by demons.

When she knows that the soul was sealed by her parents then Illya will lose all her trust in her family and her heart will be totally vulnerable. She will no longer trust her parents, which will give me the best chance of keeping her by my side.

Well, if she has a beautiful mother then I will make her family have a happy reconciliation. Only with her mother...

"Luis, no…" – Tsubaki knows my thoughts well. My wife is very pretty.

Illya nodded determinedly. – "Mr, I want to do it"

"Pffff hahahahahahaha! You didn't even have to ask him hahahaha!" – Navi…

Merlin, Zelretch, Nyaruko, and BB started making fun of me.

I already released the two magic wands and they had been silent, but now they stood in front of Miyu and Illya protectively.

The blue wand has no face, but I feel that it is looking at me with disgust and hostility. It seems that thing really values Miyu and wishes to protect her, so I'm not upset.

"Get away you fucking lolicon! Illya-chan is a bro-con in love with her brother and you can't get your filthy hands on her!" – As for the pink wand…

I reached out my hand and grabbed the magical item that kept screaming stupid.

I used a very weak version of [Sadism] since the wand's consciousness is very weak and it will break if I overdo it, but this was enough for it to apologize. – "Kyaaaa! Let me go! Sorry, sorry, sorry for thinking you're a worthless filthy lolicon! It's obvious that you are a respectable lolicon lord who will treat Illya-chan well! You have my blessing, the red-haired onii-chan can go to hell, I'll beat him myself so please let me go! Aaaahhhh I'm going to break, I'm really going to die! Zelretch-sama, help!"

"Hey Listen! Yes, that's how it's done, embrace the pain, enjoy it and appreciate every second of suffering! Masochism is the way of alphas muahahahaha!" – Navi finally admitted that he is a masochistic jerk…

I dropped the pink wand. The magical artifact was left trembling on the ground while Navi coaxed it to join some kind of stupid club.

I looked at the blue wand.

"Ahem, Miyu-san trusts you and I trust Miyu-san, besides, Miyu-san mentioned that she loves her Papa-san very much, I wish you pure happiness" – The wand moved out of my way.

Illya and Miyu are too innocent to understand this nonsense, even though the rest of the people were either having fits of laughter or looking at me in disgust.

… Whatever.

I turned my attention to Illya. - "We can start?"

Illya was looking at Ruby and her small body shuddered at the sound of my voice.

She is a little afraid of me, but she is able to face her desire to escape.

I sighed slightly and crouched down so that our gazes were at the same height.

I put my hand on my face and pretended to use illusion magic. Thus Seiji's face became Luis's face.

Illya looked at me in surprise, then looked at BB who was sitting on a sofa while playing on her cell phone.

"She is one of my wives, currently she is pretending to be me dince my work forces me to have two identities" - I smiled slightly like an older brother would.

Illya seems to have a crush on her older brother, so my smile made her feel calmer due to a sense of familiarity.

"Oh, like a anime hero?" – Illya asked me expectantly.

"Um, yes, something like that" - I smiled wryly and pretended to use magic again to transform back into Seiji.

She still doesn't understand the magnitude of the danger from the supernatural world, so she's comparing it to the cartoons she watches on TV.

Now she thinks I'm some kind of character with a double life, plus the old man and his disciples have referred to me as a Hero, so the little girl thinks I'm a hero from a children's show. She still doesn't know that we heroes are actually glorified genocidals.

"My real name is Oosuki Luis, but I'm currently Ichijo Seiji, so I'd appreciate it if you keep this a secret" – I smiled softly.

"Oh!" – Illya realized something. I look very young, so calling me sir is not appropriate. She quickly agreed. – "Yes… Em, is it okay if I call you Nii-san?"

She doesn't see me as her brother, it's just that she's aware of her own clumsiness and is worried about saying my real name by accident. How cute.

I gently patted her head and smiled. - "Yes that's fine"

With Illya's approval I began the alchemy ritual to transfer the second soul to the card.

I explained the whole process to Merlin and Zelretch, but didn't tell them that System Goddess made modifications to the ritual to prevent enemies from being alerted.

Another thing is that the card had several Contracts so that enemies can control the third little girl against her will, but I already removed all that crap.

A magic light covered the office, so Illya closed her eyes. When the light disappeared and she was able to open her eyes, she noticed an unknown little girl next to her.

The third little girl was almost identical to Illya, but her skin was dark, plus her hair and eyes were a different color.

"Tch" – Abby was hidden in the empty space and the two men couldn't see her, but I heard her click her tongue at her.

I really need to talk to Abby about her racism. I already heard that she hit Vulkan while she was making fun of his skin color…

The little girl was surprised to see that she now had a body. She thought that only her soul would appear, but she was happy to have a physical body.

The girl showed great intellect and ability to analyze the situation. Through Illya's eyes, she has already determined that she won't be able to kill Illya as long as Merlin, Zelretch, and I are around.

The girl pretended to be innocent and showed confusion as if she didn't understand what was going on, but her acting skills aren't perfect and we gathered here are professional hypocrites.

The girl was sitting on the floor and her body language showed innocence, vulnerability and weakness. She was like a pitiful girl who was kidnapped by a pedophile and now she was scared when she saw a group of policemen coming to rescue her from her.

Although most of her behavior is an act, it is true that she is happy and grateful for the fact that I freed her from the dark and lonely prison of hers. In fact, she's looking at me too much, and it's not just to think of a method to emotionally manipulate me in order to kill Illya...

Stupid title [Lolimancer].

"W-Where am I?" – The brat showed a pitiful expression while her voice trembled.

I sighed and massaged my forehead. – "Momo, take the little girls for a walk, I need to talk to this brat"

"Uhh? But I want to watch the loli drama!" – Nyaruko pouted.

"I'll make your favorite pizza" – I rolled my eyes.

"…" – Nyaruko raised her thumb. - "Count on me!"

I temporarily punched a hole in the barrier covering the office as Nyaruko grabbed Miyu and Illya's hands to pull them out of the office. – "Come on lolis, the lolicon wants privacy so let's eat an ice cream!"

Illya tilted her head in confusion and looked at the unfamiliar yet familiar little girl. Illya wanted to talk to the little girl since she had a lot of questions, but she seemed to be quite obedient and followed Nyaruko, even though it's the first time she's seen her…

It seems Illya's parents aren't as responsible as they should be.

I looked at BB and she understood that I needed privacy to talk to the homicidal brat.

"Hey, idiots, Senpai wants privacy to inseminate the loli" – BB stood up and looked at me mockingly while she made Zelretch and Merlin leave the office.

Zelretch could guess my intentions, but the fucking old man reached out and kindly gave me a box of condoms while maintaining a gentle smile like a grandfather helping his grandson. – "Boy, do it with measure, she is young"

"….." – I resisted the urge to take out the chainsaw sword and only let out a small grunt of annoyance.

"Hey Listen! The idiot didn't deny it! He has accepted his side LoliChad hahahaha!" – Navi left the office while she was shouting stupid things.

The old man's two female disciples gave me a disgusted look, but they are a couple of idiots and I don't care what they think. I don't even care if they're attractive, I can see that they have the mental maturity of spoiled brats and that's a bummer.

The old man and the two girls left the office. Zelretch showed himself to be a rational person and picked up the sleeping school principal to get him out of the office.

Now only BB, Aotian and Merlin were missing.

"Wait, I want to see if the hero is really a lolicon…" – Merlin seemed to be having fun, but a small ball of fur turned out to be a good choice to be my pet.

"Fou Fou! (Fuck you idiot!)" – Fou jumped off my shoulder and kicked Merlin to get him out of the office.

"Ah, traitor!" – Marlin yelled pathetically as he was thrown out of the place.

I looked at Aotian and spoke seriously. – "Watch out for the two troublesome fools, it will be annoying if they cause an apocalypse"

Aotian nodded with extreme seriousness while her eyes narrowed. – "I will make sure that they do not cause problems"

The dark-skinned brat flinched as she sensed the sword intent in Aotian's words. Even though she is restricting her strength, her Sword Dao kept improving during the trip and she has reached the point where she can cut stars with one word.

Aotian left the office and I was left alone with the brat. Well, the women inside my mind are still here, but the brat doesn't know that.

When the door closed, the magical barrier closed again, showing that no one could enter or exit.

Now I must do something that I will regret, in fact, I am already regretting it...

I sighed internally. – "Are you sure this is the best option?"

[Paranoia: Among the possible paths of action, this path has a 20% chance of preventing humanity on Gaia from being destroyed. The rest of the options have a 2% chance of preventing the disaster. The most important factor is to establish a real emotional connection with the three lolis of the prophecy, in this way the risk of one of the 12,997,898 bad endings coming true will be reduced]

This is so fucking stupid that I want to kill the fucking author…

In the end, I can only sigh and accept my miserable destiny.

I don't care if Illya or this brat die, but I won't let something bad happen to Miyu… No one will touch my daughter........ NOBODY..........




Author's Note:

I had to divide the chapter into 2 parts since Webnovel doesn't let me put more than 20,000 words in a single chapter :c

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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