No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 382: More Lolis, More Plot, More Sighs

Chapter 382: More Lolis, More Plot, More Sighs

According to Paranoia's calculations, the best way to protect Miyu and this town is to make the three brats fall in love with me...


Is this just a pathetic excuse for the author to screw me over?

Partly yes, but it's also Gaia's fault.

The three little girls are connected as they are technically one entity. It is somewhat similar to my bond with Ortro.

Each of the little girls composes a trait of the entities with intelligence, but that has created a direct connection between their emotions.

In a simple explanation, Illya is the heart, so her emotions affect the other two girls. If she falls in love with a man, the other two little girls will be attracted to that man.

Miyu is the mind, so her thoughts and ideas will affect the other two girls. If she thinks someone is trustworthy or if she feels something is dangerous, the other two little girls will think the same thing.

The third little girl is the body so she has the least influence on the other two little girls since the body has less influence on the soul (Illya) and can only affect the mind (Miyu) to a certain extent.

Although she has less influence on Miyu and Illya, she also represents a person's physical pleasure, so her sexual arousal affects the other two brats.

Due to this connection, to win the love of one of the girls I actually have to captivate all three brats at the same time, otherwise there will always be a certain feeling of disconnection that will harm the emotional health of the brats. It's like a constant feeling of emptiness as if life is never complete.

According to the ritual, the correct order is to start by getting Illya's affection, then Miyu's trust should be gained, and thirdly is the third brat's lust.

That was the original setup, but my presence disturbed the ritual by accident.

When I first met Miyu, my mind was a mess and my [Reader's Madness] was out of control.

I didn't realize at the time that I accidentally used [Kleptomania] and [Schizophrenia] to make Miyu the main point of the ritual instead of Illya.

Although this shouldn't happen, now Miyu's mind is affecting Illya's soul and the third brat's body.

Now I just need to do some favors and show kindness to the two brats so that I can get the three prophecy little girls, which will help me prevent the destruction of the World.

Now that I have the three girls together, System Goddess managed to figure out the ritual in less than a second.

She already found a way to use the ritual to our advantage without having to sacrifice the little girls, so I already have a plan.

A lot of innocent people will die, but well, this is life.

I feel a bit calmer now that I have a way to prevent the complete destruction of the World, but that doesn't mean all is well.

Now that I understand the magnitude of the situation, I can see that I will have to make some sacrifices to protect this World.

Anyway, I'm used to pain.

For now, the important thing is that I need to talk to the perverted brat.

The brat had been analyzing the situation and she understood that there was no point in her trying to fight me.

She seemed to have a certain level of knowledge about the supernatural world and could tell that Zelretch and Merlin were invincible enemies to her.

On the other hand, my body doesn't emit a strong presence and she can't detect Auriel's blessing, but if Zelretch and Merlin listen to me, that means I have the strength or status to be considered the biggest threat in this place.

A smart girl.

The little girl quickly thought of the options. Her thought process was much faster than most magicians and she was able to form a rough idea of my personality based on my interaction with the two idiots.

Although it's obvious that Merlin and Zelretch were just teasing me with the pedophilia comments, there was also the possibility that I really do feel interested in brats.

Just five seconds after the door closed, the brat looked at me innocently and pitifully like a wounded little animal that needs care, but at the same time, she made sure to show off her sex appeal, or at least she tried to. Her body and attitude do not generate excitement or desire in me, I just feel a migraine.

"I-I'm a little scared, I don't know where I am or what's happening..." – The brat looked at me with teary eyes as she made a subtle shoulder movement.

She was dressed in a strange black and red uniform that reminded me of the costume of Shiki's spokesperson, the Servant Emiya. In fact, she shares many of Emiya's records, but some changes were made with otherworldly technology to make her body more useful in the sacrificial ritual.

The brat approached me like a scared kitten that found its mother would, though she moved her hips slightly in an attempt to make a seductive move…

Agh, I can't take this stupidity anymore.

"Brat, stop" – I massaged my forehead before the brat could grab the corner of my pants to continue her helpless damsel act.

"…" – The brat didn't break her performance. She thought I'm just a grumpy guy, but I still haven't figured out her acting…

I frowned. – "You are a brat, so acts like a brat and stops acting like a cheap bitch"

My comment was so sudden that the brat broke her performance and pouted angrily. – "I'm not a bitch!"

I rolled my eyes. – "It's true, you are a virgin brat who pretends to be an adult, now she stops doing stupid adult things and acts like a silly little girl"

The brat stood up and stomped on the ground while glaring at me. – "I am not a silly litlle girl! Also, you don't look older than 17! You are also a child!"

She saw my real appearance when I showed it to Illya, so she can tell that I'm 16 or 17 years old.

"Yeah, whatever" – I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch where BB had been. – "Look, I will give you five minutes to give me a good reason not to lock you up in a prison"

"…" – The girl frowned, but she quickly showed a pathetic attempt at a seductive smile as she licked her lips. – "Does Onii-san like bondage games? I see, Onii-san intends to take advantage of my poor defenseless body…"

Oh God, I knew she has that type of personality, but this keeps giving me headaches.

I frowned. – "Brat, do not overdo it"

The damn brat gave me a slightly seductive look and grabbed the corner of her clothes as if she was ready to strip. – "Onii-san, I'm just a inocent loli and I'm too weak, I won't be able to resist if Onii-san wants to do something perverted to me~"

"Hey Listen! Now you can fill her little hole! She'll be like a cream-filled chocolate donut!" – Navi appeared inside my mind just to yell fucking shit and disappeared again.

I sighed internally. This is going to be crap...

"Tch, the black girl is disgusting, the white one is acceptable" - Abby for God's sake!

Ah, the situation only keeps getting worse.

I breathed out heavily in annoyance and a revolver appeared in my hand.

The girl immediately analyzed the weapon and had a rough idea of the weapon's strength. It seems that she has the ability to analyze and duplicate magic weapons with a greater specialization in swords, in addition, the modifications that made with technology from other Worlds allow the brat to replicate weapons from other Worlds as long as they are weapons without conscience or weapons Conceptual.

I pointed the gun at the brat, but didn't pull the trigger. – "You have four minutes left"

The girl stopped playing and showed a serious expression.

She didn't try to fight and she didn't summon on her weapons. In a quick analysis, she could see that this revolver is capable of destroying her entire body without her being able to defend herself.

This revolver isn't one of the Conceptual weapons Tsubaki can transform into, it's a simple magic revolver based on the training weapons my army usually uses, but it's more than enough to destroy the earthly deity head.

This thing couldn't kill the brat due to her body modifications, but it's easy to take off a limb or two.

The girl seemed to be thinking carefully about her words so that her story could generate empathy and pity in me, that way it would be easier to emotionally manipulate me and thus prevent me from seeing her as an enemy.

The girl was about to speak, but I sighed softly and put the revolver away. – "Look, I don't want to hurt you and I don't have anything against you, I just want to know why you wanted to kill Illya as soon as you were released"

The girl's eyes widened in surprise. She thought that she was able to completely hide her desire to kill Illya, but she still lacks the experience to hide the bloodlust.

"I'll be honest" - I sighed again, but this time with a subtle trace of empathy that puzzled the girl. – "I have an approximate idea of what happened, in the ritual I saw magic with a spiritual frequency that coincides with Illya, so someone from her family must have been the person who locked you up…"

The girl lowered her gaze so that I couldn't see her gaze filled with pain, sadness, loneliness, and a longing for affection.

I got up from the sofa and approached the brat, then I crouched down so that my eyes were on a level with hers.

I spoke with slight kindness, but without affection. I only showed kindness and understanding. – "Come on, tell me your story"

The girl clenched her fists and continued to stare at the ground while her small body trembled like an abandoned animal. – "Ten years ago the Fourth Holy Grail War occurred…"

According to the Ichijo family records, the Holy Grail War is an event organized by the magicians.

In that event, mages summon Servants to fight for an artifact called the Holy Grail. A magical artifact capable of connecting with the Laws of the World, allowing the winner to make a wish that the Will of the World must fulfill.

The entire war is conducted to generate an accumulation of Energy of Destiny, which is refined into pure magic power, which is very useful for magicians to use something called True Magic.

This type of magic is very important within this World since it was created by Alaya during her heyday. She did it so humans could rule the World, but the war with Gaia caused most of the True Magicians to be lost and now only five or six remain.

True Magic is one of the strongest powers within Gaia, but it is almost useless power in other Worlds because this magic depends on the Laws of this World, so I have no interest in that power.

The girl kept talking as the tremor in her voice increased. – "The Fourth War was the last since one of the participants resigned and ruined the ritual to complete the Holy Grail…"

"My parents were participants in the War, my father was one of the magicians who received the title of Master while my mother was a homunculus created to engender the future recipient of the Grail..." – The girl clenched her fists out of hatred and resentment how he felt towards his parents. – "Before the war began they had a daughter, that daughter was me… I was born with the power of knowledge and I knew exactly the purpose of my birth, I also had a certain level of awareness about common sense and the way the world works, so I already knew what was happening, I also understood the actions of my parents…"

The brat had to take a deep breath for a moment as she has trouble controlling her resentment when talking about her parents. I can empathize with that.

"I knew that my destiny was to be sacrificed for the Grail ritual and I accepted that reality, at least I felt that my life had meaning and that made me happy..." – The brat bit her lip angrily. – "But my parents changed their minds, they wanted to renounce the war and start a happy family... they selfishly took away my purpose…"

The brat hates her parents for not allowing her to be sacrificed in a ritual... Well, that sounds normal by my sanity standards.

"Ruining the purpose of my life was not enough for them, I had the knowledge and memories about the Holy Grail War and that was an obstacle to my parents' desire for a happy life..." – The brat tried hard not to cry. – "They sealed my memories and personality, they did it in such a way that I was locked in a dark and lonely place while the fake received all the love from my parents… My parents chose to love a useless copy instead of their real daughter …"

The girl is quite mature for her age, in fact, she is more cunning and perceptive than many adults, but she also has a lot of pain and loneliness accumulated in her heart, so she could no longer contain her emotions and began to cry.

Normally, a girl her age would seek to cling to someone or something to endure crying. That's why children can often control their crying better by hugging a stuffed animal.

Hugs are important resources for emotional support, but this girl has lost all trust in other people, so she's just clenching her fists while her nails dig into her palms. She is using the physical pain to forget the emotional pain.

"Luis, help her..." – Tsubaki spoke sadly as she saw the brat cry. – "She has a lot of hate in her heart, but she is not bad girl, she has not committed murders and in reality she feels a lot of pain, you must help her"

"I'll help her..." – I answered internally. – "But wait, I need her to cry another five minutes so that her heart reaches the best point of emotional weakness"

Helping someone in trouble can generate gratitude, but helping someone drowning in the deepest despair can generate dependency. For this reason, sects seek to recruit lonely people with emotional problems.

"Tch" – Abby…..

The brat was looking at the ground. Her body trembled like a lone withered flower about to die, but her resentment towards her family and her hatred towards her Illya allowed her to stand.

I sighed softly and spoke with a subtle tone of kindness, although I wasn't totally kind to show that I still can't trust the brat's words. – "I see, you have had a difficult life"

"…" – The girl didn't answer and kept looking down because she doesn't want someone to see her cry.

I sighed again and extended my hand to the girl's chin. With a smooth movement, I made the girl look at my face.

My face shows that I believe what she said, I am also analyzing the situation and my expression relaxed to show a little more kindness, but I am not a kind hero who will seek to help her just because her story is tragic, I can only show sympathy, but I'm not going to solve her problems.

"Well, I already heard your side of the story, but it would be nice to hear your parents' side" – I spoke softly and took out a handkerchief to wipe the girl's small tears, then put the handkerchief on her nose. – "Come on, you can blow your nose"

The girl looked at me strangely as it is the first time she experiences the feeling of being treated like a normal girl. She seemed confused, but she wasn't uncomfortable.

Despite how embarrassing this might be for a girl, she closed her eyes and blew her nose.

"Good, good girl" - I carefully wiped her nose and moved the handkerchief away from her face.

"..." - The girl opened her eyes and looked at me with more confusion. The fatherly kindness I'm showing her is what she's always longed for, so she doesn't know how to respond.

I nodded as the girl calmed down and I began to speak seriously like an adult giving advice to a child. - "According to what you said, there are some things that you are confused about and there are other things that you simply do not understand"

"…" – The girl stared at me with all her attention, she still doesn't understand why she's enjoying the feeling of being lectured, but that's normal for an abandoned child.

While scolding is a nuisance to a child, it is also a form of parental affection.

As long as the scolding makes sense and is not just violence, then it is a way for children to feel that they are seen by their parents. That is why there are children who cause problems to be scolded, since that is better than being ignored.

"Think about it, but really think about it... Imagine that you really kill Illya and try to take her place" – I looked at the brat seriously. – "Do you really think that the man and woman who locked you up are going to accept you as their daughter?"

"…" – The girl's pupils contracted and she wanted to hit me in the face so that I wouldn't keep talking, but she managed to maintain self-control.

"The way I see it, they wanted what many of us want, a normal and peaceful life" – I spoke calmly. – "From what I know, the environment where wizards live is very dangerous and exhausting since most wizards do not believe in affective ties, so looking to build a normal family is not an easy dream to come true, so you you were the necessary sacrifice and they will never accept that you are Illya's replacement"

"…" – The girl was enraged because she knows that I am right. - "Then what should I do?! Should I pretend that everything is alright?! Should I let that imposter have the life that I was meant to have?! I am Illyasviel von Einzbern, not her! She's just an impostor!"

I sighed slightly sadly. – "It is true, you were born first and therefore you are the real Illyasviel, but for your parents, the real Illyasviel is the girl with red eyes… Now she is Illya"

The girl began to shake.

"It doesn't matter if you kill Illya, it doesn't matter if you change your appearance and really try to live like her, in the end you'll only be pretending to be someone you're not" – I spoke seriously, but then I relaxed my expression and spoke kindly. – "You are no longer Illyasviel and you never will be, but that means that you have the opportunity to discover who you really are"

The girl had a complex mix of thoughts and emotions, so she remained silent.

"Do you have a favorite food?" – I asked softly. – "And I am not asking what Illya likes, I want to know what you and only you like"

"I like the…" – The girl spoke with a shaky voice, but stopped when she realized that she has never really tasted a food that she likes since she has been locked inside Illya's soul without being able to touch the outside world.

"As you can see, you don't know what you like, you don't know who you are and you don't know what you want to do, but that's not a bad thing" – I kept talking kindly. – "The world is full of beautiful and fun things, you just need to give them a chance so you can find what you like and what you want to do, maybe that way you will know who you are"

"…" – The girl was confused again.

"You have the gift of knowledge due to the Grail ritual, but you spent too much time locked up, so it's normal for you to be confused and impulsive, but don't worry, this is an excellent time to start a new life" - With a smile I extended my hand and a cookie appeared in my hand. – "Welcome to the world, this is your welcome gift"

"…" – The girl accepted the cookie and looked at it with melancholy, happiness, sadness, loneliness and satisfaction.

The girl began to eat slowly. She enjoyed every little bite and couldn't hold back her tears of happiness as she felt the warmth of the freshly baked cookie.

Now that she was emotionally vulnerable, it's a good time to give her the chance to have the family she's always wanted.

"If you are willing to stop trying to kill Illya, then I am willing to help you have a new life" – I spoke generously, but there was a subtle trace of threat in my voice to show that this is the last chance for the girl or I will have to hurt her.

The girl understood, and although she still hated Illya, she agreed and was willing to give up the idea of killing the albino girl. She chose her life and her happiness over revenge.

In a way, Illya is also a victim in this situation since all this time her parents left a time bomb inside her. Sure, this is something the angry girl can't see yet, but that can be fixed later.

"Good" – I let out a subtle sigh of relief to show that I'm relieved that I don't have to kill her. – "To begin with, we must give you a name"

The girl made a childish pout. – "I am Illyasviel"

I smiled wryly. – "If you want I can call you that, but think about it, do you really want to cling to the life you could not have or do you prefer to forge a new life?"

"…" – The girl opened her mouth, but she could not speak. In the end, she sighed with resignation. – "Please choose a pretty name…"

I raised an eyebrow. – "It is your name, you should choose it"

The brat shook her head. She came up to me and held onto my sleeve as she smiled pathetically seductively and returned to her assertive attitude. – "You made a mess with my heart and made me cry, you must take responsibility and take care of me~"

Although she was acting like she was trying to seduce me, actually her hands are shaking from fear.

Realizing that she would never be able to regain Illya's identity caused her a lot of confusion and fear, so now she is afraid that I will walk away since she now sees me as her only option to have a place that gives purpose to her life. .

I frowned. – "Brat…"

I stopped when the girl's body began to shake as if she was about to cry uncontrollably.

I sighed. – "I can adopt you as my daughter, but I can only do that, do not think of seducing me when you are just a brat"

The girl gave a small sigh of relief and wanted to smile, but she stopped herself and showed a look of dissatisfaction. – "That is fine for now, but later I want something more"

…damn premature brat…

I sighed and massaged my forehead. – "Brat, do not overdo it"

The girl smiled when she saw that my attitude was still grumpy, but it is clear that now I am much more tolerant with her.

"Anyway, so a name..." – I sighed and looked at the girl pretending that I'm thinking of something. – "What do you think of Chloe?"

(Author's Note: Chloe von Einzbern from Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya)

"I like it" - The girl nodded and smiled suggestively. – "Take care of me, Papa-san~"

… Whatever.

I don't have creativity for names, so I used the name that [Character Sheet] showed. It's good that she likes that name.

"Fine" - I nodded and spoke seriously. – "Now I am going to tell you a little about my life and my identity, but you must promise to keep everything a secret"

Chloe nodded with her usual cheeky smile, but she's aware that she shouldn't reveal my secrets since I'm the closest thing to family now.

I spent an hour chatting with Chloe and she understood my situation a little better.

The fact that the Vatican, India, China, Russia and a part of the Magicians Association recognized me as the World's Strongest Man made her look at me with admiration. Chloe knows how cruel the supernatural world is, so strength is essential to have a peaceful life.

"So…" – I spoke seriously. – "Let's go to Illya's house, I want to talk to your parents"

"…" – Chloe blinked several times in confusion. She didn't understand why I want to talk to her parents even though I talked about making a new life. - "Why?"

I scratched my cheek and smiled wryly. – "Well, I know I talked about a new beginning and that you should focus on building a new life, but I want to know what the hell was going on in your parents' heads to make such an irresponsible decision"

Chloe tilted her head and then gave me a slightly teasing smile. – "Maybe Dad-san is angry because of the pain that his pretty daughter suffered?"

I blankly stared at the brat. - "Yes"

"…" – Chloe blinked several times. – "I did not think you would answer so directly"

I sighed. – "You see… Due to my bad experiences I am a bit overprotective and now you are my daughter, so I will hit anyone who hurts you"

"…" – Chloe didn't contain her smile and jumped to hug me. – "Papa-san is so tsundere that he is cute~"

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" – Navi only appeared to laugh at my tired face.


I talked a bit more with Chloe to explain some important things to her.

Miyu is a prodigy with a brain capacity that surpasses many supercomputers, but she is still too naive due to her inexperience in life.

On the other hand, Chloe is not as smart as Miyu, but her cunning is worthy of a corrupt politician in a first world country.

Chloe understood some of my intentions and was willing to cooperate with me, although because of Navi's comments, she thinks I'm a degenerate with a wife-stealing fetish…. It's sad that I can't deny it.

We finally left the office and I called the girls to meet.

While I was talking to my new adopted daughter, the group had entered an empty classroom and started playing video games.

"Damn fucking old man! Why are you throwing a blue shell at me?!" – The Rampant Chaos Nyarlathotep was shouting furiously because the supreme sorcerer of the Wizards Association used a forbidden spell to prevent the apocalyptic monster from reaching her goal.

"Hahahaha kid, you're still too young to beat this old man! I was there when the first game came out!" – The sorcerer who is hailed as the strongest was laughing after stopping the plans of the second strongest Outer God. – "Hahaha one more race and I will win!"

"Damned old man! I'm playing it cool, but you're bound to awaken my tryhard side!" – The evil chaotic monster threatened to show her true power and destroy her hated enemy.

"I-It's just a game…" – The little girl of the prophecy who bears the fate of the world was trembling at the sight of the legendary combat between the god and the sorcerer.

"Leave them, idiots never learn" – Daoloth, the Outer God capable of modifying the fabric of space and reality, she yawned as she fed on the flesh of innocent creatures subjected to the cruelty of fire.

"… What do they do?" – Chloe blankly stared at the scene.

"I think they play a racing game" – I spoke expressionlessly as I watched BB eating fried chicken.

"I see…" – Chloe replied blankly.

"Fuee?" – Illya jumped upon hearing our voices. That girl is easy to impress.

Illya looked at Chloe and was slightly surprised to see her dressed in a school uniform, her hair done up and holding a cookie.

I don't like the outfit Chole wears as it's not suitable for an 11-year-old girl, so I made this outfit while I was talking to her.

Chloe was surprised that I know how to sew so well and she said that I can play the role of mommy and daddy… That was the first time I pinched her cheek to punish her.

Illya looked at Chloe with a mixture of discomfort and curiosity. – "H-Hello…"

"Tch, hi" – Chloe didn't hide her dislike for Illya, but at least she kept her manners.

Illya was a little saddened by the disgust in Chloe's eyes, but she's strong and she seems to want to get along with my daughter since she feels like they're both like sisters.

"Illya" – I spoke with slight seriousness which made Illya jump in surprise. – "If you allow me, I would like to go to your house to talk to your parents… Ah, it is also a good opportunity for you to continue playing with Miyu"

Illya looked at me in surprise and nodded with an innocent smile. - "Clear! Oh, but my dad is on a business trip, Onii-san will only be able to talk to my mom"

"Hey Listen! That's perfect!" – Navi expressed my thoughts.

I directed my gaze towards Zelretch and Merlin who were still playing video games with Nyaruko. – "You come with me"

"Eeeeeehhhhhhhhhh?!" – Merlin made an exaggerated face of annoyance like a child throwing a tantrum. – "But I want to continue playing"

Zelretch pretended to be weak like a dying old man. – "Cough cough, my old bones won't stand walking too much, it's better if I stay here to play…"

Nyaruko lay down on the ground. – "You cannot force me to walk, I have the right to protest and if you force me I will shout your internet history!"

… I looked at Nyaruko with annoyance. – "I don't even use the internet"

"Then I'll show the photographs of what you did with the lolis" – Nyaruko looked at me with disdain.

"... I'm sorry, I was joking, I won't say it again, please stop looking at me like that, I'm getting excited and scared..." – Nyaruko knelt down when she noticed a vein began to throb on my forehead.

… What a fucking headache…

"I thought the comments about your liking for lolis were a joke" – Zelretch raised an eyebrow and looked at me ironically. – "Well, you are young and it is normal that you do not understand the charm of developed women with at least 200 years of experience"

"No, no, no, nothing like that, in fact, Lu... ahem, Seiji loves milfs" – Nyaruko quickly shook her head. – "Instead of Hero of Harmony, the name Hero of Netori Milf would have been better"

"Milfs?" - Illya tilted her head...

"What is netori?" – Miyu tilted her head…

"That means that Papa-san is very affectionate and protective of loving mothers" – Chloe smiled and pretended to be innocent. – "So, Illya… you should let Papa-san meet your adorable mother, I'm sure they'll be friends"


Chloe… We don't talk about this…

Subtly Chloe winked at me as if she were saying 'You're welcome'.

… I see. She still hates her parents so she wants to ruin that happy marriage...

I put my hand on Chloe's head and stroked her soft hair. - "Good girl"

Miyu pouted not knowing why she felt angry, but I'll talk to her about it later.

Miyu isn't possessive of me, it's just that she doesn't know how to regulate her emotions, but with time she will be able to overcome jealousy and she will be more open with my attitude towards other women.

Anyway. We talked some more and agreed to go to Illya's house.

I'm supposed to talk to Illya's mom to explain that Illya accepted a magical girl contract, I'm also going to talk about the Chloe thing.

Illya doesn't know the true story of Chloe and she is very curious about the truth, so I will help her to know the truth….

So I went to Illya's house together with Nyaruko, Chloe, Miyu, Merlin, Zelretch and the old man's two disciples. Apparently, they know Illya's older brother and they were excited as they both have crushes on him which will come in handy.

Aotian and BB won't be coming with us since they teleported to Umaru's location.

With everything that's going on, I don't feel safe leaving Umaru without enough protection, so for now Aotian will stay by Umaru's side to protect her. In terms of direct combat, she is the third strongest female in my group and even she can outclass BB, so she is a good choice for a bodyguard.

Leaving school, Illya saw her friends and stopped to talk a bit, then we headed to her house.

On the way we chatted a bit and I had to use [Anti-Rasen] to suppress the sound since Illya and the two Zelretch disciples are too careless.

They were talking about supernatural topics without important that we are in the street. Even the two magical flying artifacts were talking nonsense about training Illya and Miyu to be excellent magical girls.

Zelretch sighed in disappointment seeing how careless her foolish disciples are. – "These girls…"

Chloe also joined the conversation. She knows that Miyu is my daughter and that's why she wants to maintain a good relationship with her new sister, although it was difficult since Chloe keeps showing animosity towards Illya and Miyu constantly wants to defend her friend.

Seeing the three brats chatting and wasting time was a bit relaxing. This is the kind of peaceful life I want for my daughters…

We got to Illya's house and I got ready for the show.

Before entering, Nyaruko sent me a telepathic message. - "Can I ask for the autograph of the bone of the sword before you kill him?"

"I'm not going to kill him" – I answered telepathically.

"eh?" – Nyaruko showed confusion. – "You are a psychopathic yandere possessive and addicted to netori, I thought you would kill him because he is the main character destined to have a harem"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but it doesn't matter, it's not necessary to kill him" – I smiled at Illya when she led us to the door of her house. – "Someone already did the work"

"What?" – Nyaruko looked at me with confusion.

Illya opened the door and gave a little whoop with joy. - "Mother! Onii-chan! I'm home and I brought my friends!"

What an cute brat.

We entered the house and Nyaruko frowned as he spoke to me telepathically. – "This aura… A demon?"

"Something like that" – I answered without interest.

I found something very interesting in Illya's records.

Riders of Chaos are usually psychopaths who don't know military tactics and only use wave tactics to destroy Worlds. In a sense, they are easy to beat in small fights, but they are the most dangerous in global battles.

Normally those idiots couldn't come up with a plan to seduce three little girls and would only use aphrodisiacs or mind control abilities, but the nature of the ritual prevents that. If all three girls are hypnotized or drugged then the ritual will lose its effectiveness. One of the few good countermeasures Gaia set up.

Most of the Riders of Chaos are brainless idiots, but as with everything, there are always exceptions.

According to the message my father left behind, the demon leading this invasion is someone highly intelligent and cunning, but with a severe case of narcissism.

While I talked to Zelretch and Merlin, my wives found out some of the demons' backup plans, but there are still some unknown things.

For now I haven't destroyed the enemy's plans as that will raise suspicion, but for now I found the enemy's main plan.

The most important step to activate the ritual to destroy the world is to captivate the hearts of Illya, Miyui and Chloe. In this, Illya is the most important as she represents the soul which is the most important part of an entity.

The enemy knows this, so he sent an agent to secure the hearts of the three brats.

In this house there is no Higher Entity from Hell, nor is there a powerful enemy, in fact, there is only an unimportant puppet, but it will be useful for me to get Illya and her family.

We entered the house and headed to the dining room. There was Illya's brother and a purple haired girl who looked like one of the monsters that destroyed the world in Merlin's prophecy.

The purple haired girl was cooking next to a white haired woman who looked like Illya.

The three people were surprised to see us, but greeted us graciously.

The woman was about to speak, but her body froze when she saw the old man next to me.

"M-Marshall…" – The woman herself has fair skin as if she never received sun, but her face was able to become whiter.

Zelretch didn't answer as his attention was on the boy who was sitting in the dining room while he waited for the food.

"I see... A possession" – Merlin sighed when he saw the boy.

I sighed with false concern. – "Seriously, I'm sick of seeing spiritual transplants"

The boy had been looking at us in confusion, but his pupils narrowed upon hearing our words and he immediately stood up as a spatial manipulation spell appeared under his feet.

"Shirou?!" – The woman screamed when she saw that her son used a power that he should not have.

The spell didn't activate because chains of purple energy interrupted the magic and bound the boy, at the same time, the chains held the purple haired girl who tried to take out a magical artifact.

"Ah, this has become so dramatic that it's not funny" – Merlin sighed while the pink petals covered the house to create a magical barrier that isolated the space.

Nyaruko looked at me with an angry pout. She knows that I knew this, so she's mad that I didn't tell her.

I shrugged and sent her a telepathic message. – "I did not want to ruin your surprise"

"…" – Nyaruko relaxed. – "Well, I hate spoilers"

"Onii-chan!" – Illya screamed when the boy was chained to the ground like a pig before being taken to the slaughterhouse. She wanted to run to help him, but the magic wand stopped her.

"Wait, something's not right!" – The pink wand yelled to stop Illya. – "Zelretch-sama wouldn't do something like this if it wasn't necessary, let's listen to it first!"

"It's the most sensible thing you've ever said" – The blue wand sighed.

"Wait! What are they doing?!" – The woman yelled and she was about to use magic to stop us, but she stayed still when she noticed that her body couldn't use magic.

"Please calm down, we don't want to fight so I sealed the magic to avoid conflicts" – I spoke softly to calm the atmosphere.

The woman wanted to say something, but I sealed the sound of her voice. She now she can only move her mouth without making a sound.

"Heh" – Chloe had a smile when she saw the worry and anguish of the woman. My daughter is happy so everything is fine.

I approached the boy and looked at him seriously.

His expression is full of fear and horror. He knows that he was found out and now he is terrified, it even looks like he is about to pee his pants.

"So... where is Illya's brother?" – I narrowed my eyes while my voice showed a subtle threat.

The boy was still shaking. – "I don't know what you're talking about, you fucking psychopath! Let me go, I didn't do anything! Let me go now!"

Things are progressing properly, now it would be nice if someone other than me hits this idiot.

I thought about sending a telepathic message to Nyaruko, but she moved without my prompting.

"Bastard! Where is mama Emiya?!" – Nyaruko grabbed the boy's shirt collar and shook it as if she wanted to kill him for shaking his brain until it turned liquid. – "Damn piece of shit! I recognize your damn look and I know you're not the idiot with the hero complex! Now tell me where is Shirou from Kalied that I need his autograph for my album!"

I don't understand most of what she said, but this is helpful, although I had to stop her when she was about to snap the boy's neck.

"Tch" – Nyaruko released the boy and I had to heal him since his neck was about to separate from his head from the excessive jolt he received.

I already know most of what happens thanks to Paranoia, but it seems that Nyaruko also knows the character that replaced the boy.

The woman had tried to stop us, but Merlin formed a wall of petals to lock her in the kitchen, so we can work without a problem.

"Muahahaha, the women go to the kitchen while the men work!" – Navi and Merlin were becoming friends...

"Fou Fou! (AAAAHHH THEY ARE MULTIPLYING!)" – Fou was on the brink of a heart attack. I can empathize with that furball.

I shook my head and a sword appeared in my hand. I aimed it at the boy's neck and used [Mythomania] to emit killing intent. – "I will ask you for the last time, Matou Shinji… Where is the soul of Illya's brother?"

"What?!" – Illya and her mother screamed when they heard my words.

The boy was scared seeing the sword close to his neck. – "I-I don't know! That person gave me Shirou's body and then disappeared! He just told me that I can do whatever he wants and my mission is to seduce every woman on the list! I swear I don't know where he is!"

It's a similar process to system users with sex-based systems, but the difference is that this guy doesn't have a system, he's just an idiot who was conned into being a puppet.

There are millions of people with talent in seduction in this world, but the devils gave the most important task to this loser… Well, building the stealth barrier must have spent a lot of resources and in the end they could only use this idiot since they had no other options.

The poor cannot choose the garbage we eat, we can only work with what we have.

"Tch, a plot where Shinji is the protagonist and gets powers to steal Shirou's harem, this is so uncreative that it looks like Wattpad" – Nyaruko sighed with extreme disappointment and looked at me dejectedly. – "You are right, life is disappointing"

I smiled and stroked her head. - "Do you want a cookie?"

"Yeah!" – Nyaruko cheered up again.

As Nyaruko ate the cookie, I watched as Chloe tried hard not to laugh out loud. She was amused by the looks of despair on the faces of Illya and her mother.

I think my daughter is a bit sadistic...

Well, it doesn't matter. My family is not normal.

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