No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 385: (1): Ramblings

Chapter 385: (1): Ramblings

(Perspective ??)

Where are you?

I keep looking for you, but I can't find you... I can't have you...

I need you… I need to have you…

From the first time I saw you, I knew that our destiny was to be together...

Every day, every minute, every second... you are the only thing that exists in my thoughts and feelings...

Remembering that beautiful moment when we met is what gives meaning to my life, that's why I need you... Life shouldn't exist if I don't have you by my side...

That beautiful memory always replays in my mind, the moment when we met.

It was a normal day like any other.

I came back from school and my parents scolded me for being useless and incompetent. I never lived up to their expectations, so they beat me up and put me in the punishment cage so I could reflect on my mistakes.

The blows didn't hurt, but their looks of disappointment and hate were heartbreaking. I couldn't bear those looks and many times I thought of cutting their eyes out, but I knew that they punished me because I was useless and they only wanted to help me become a good person, although that no longer matters, now there is someone I want to have and I don't mind being a bad person….

Night had come and the mixture of hunger and cold made me tremble. I could only hug my legs and wait for my parents to let me out when it was my time to go to school.

I tried to sleep to forget the hunger, but a sound reached my ears as I was falling asleep.

The cage where my parents punished me was in a remote room of the house, so it was strange to hear approaching footsteps in the middle of the night.

The door opened and I saw the most amazing thing. My father and mother were pale-faced, their bodies trembled, and their expressions showed terror.

My parents have always acted like omnipotent and superior people, so to see them so scared as if they were preys in front of a hungry animal was somewhat shocking, but it generated an interesting feeling in my chest… I felt happy.

My parents slowly entered the room and it was at that moment that I met my prince.

Behind my parents was a person dressed in a black special forces uniform. His face was covered by a gas mask and in his hands was a short shotgun.

I couldn't see the person's face, I couldn't even tell if he was a teenager or an adult, but I knew from the first moment, he was the brave hero who came to save me.

Before my parents became strict, my mother used to read me stories where princesses were rescued by brave heroes. For a long time I waited for my hero to arrive and he had finally arrived.

I felt very happy, but the cold and hunger had left me without strength, so I could only watch in silence.

My hero seemed to have seen me, but he kept silent as he pointed the shotgun at my parents.

My father quickly opened a secret compartment on the floor and took out a briefcase.

My mother had knelt down as she begged for mercy, which reminded me of moments where I cried and begged her to get me out of the cage, but she hadn't even looked at me and she just spat at me.

Seeing her beg in such a pathetic way made my heart fill with happiness and love. My hero was doing everything to make me happy…

After my father took out the briefcase, he put it on the ground and then knelt pathetically and began to beg. He said that it was not his intention to betray the Ichijo family, that he had been threatened so that he would steal the Ichijo family's money, and that he deserved a second chance for all the work he has done for the Ichijo family.

My hero didn't respond and just hit my parents. He first he broke my father's limbs, then he broke my mother's limbs.

My father and mother passed out from the pain of having their bones broken, which was beautiful. The sound of breaking bones was more beautiful than any music I have ever heard.

After breaking my parents' arms and legs, my hero opened the briefcase and I saw inside.

The briefcase was full of documents that I couldn't read since my hero closed the briefcase, but I managed to see that some of the documents were records of bank movements made in banks in Switzerland.

My hero searched the secret compartment that my father had opened and grabbed several bags of money and some jewelry, but he ignored what looked like bags of drugs and some weapons.

I knew that my parents had weapons and some dangerous things, they had even made me take some drugs to force me to study when I felt very tired, but that was the first time I saw where they stored the illegal things.

After my hero prepared several bags of money, he stood up and headed for the door.

At that moment I extended my hand since I didn't want him to leave, I wanted to go with him...

It was at that moment that the most important event of my life occurred. He spoke to me.

"The police will come in 10 minutes, tell them that this was Kuro's work and that way you'll get some protection" – My hero's mask had a voice modulator and he sounded like a machine, but I didn't care, he talked to me because he cared about my happiness and only that matters.

My hero left and indeed what he said happened. The police arrived and took me out of the cage while they took my parents to the ER.

Things happened very fast and I couldn't understand the whole situation, but I remembered some things my parents said and news that I saw on TV.

My father used to be an accountant hired by the Ichijo family, who happened to be the leaders of the largest yakuza group in Japan.

My father had tried to con the yakuza, so my hero came to kill them, but he fell in love with me and instead of killing them, he decided to give me a chance to punish them.

My hero did not take me to him since he is a wanted criminal, so he called the police to protect me, besides, I had to say that it was all the fault of the infamous serial killer Kuro, that way I would be seen as a tragic victim and no one would judge me even if the news broke that my parents were criminals.

My hero is so wonderful… I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him! I love him!....

Although I wanted to be with my hero, I knew it was not the time, so I followed his plan.

I told the police that my parents were inhuman monsters who trafficked drugs, weapons and people, they had kidnapped many defenseless girls to rape and then eat them. They did all this in front of me to threaten me that they would do the same to me if I was disobedient.

It was the first time I acted and lied, but I didn't feel nervous, I could only feel excited.

The policemen believed me when they saw the marks on my back, shoulders and legs. My parents were abusive and cruel, but they weren't the monsters I described, yet everyone believed me.

The case grew and I appeared on a TV show. It was that moment where I took the opportunity to describe the cruelty, depravity and horror that I saw.

The host was traumatized when I talked about my cannibal parents and the whole country was shocked. It was such a horrible story that there were demonstrations demanding that my parents be sentenced to death.

The evidence only showed that my parents laundered money and trafficked drugs, but there was not a single corpse or trace of blood, which was to be expected since they have never killed a mouse, but the entire country pointed them out as the worst monsters. There were even well-known screenwriters and film directors who wanted to talk to me about turning my story into a movie, but I refused as my goal was more important.

Despite the lack of evidence, social pressure caused a judge to find my parents guilty. My testimony was the last blow to give them the death sentence.

Before the big day, I managed to convince the police officers to let me attend the beautiful event despite the fact that the people from social services and my new adoptive family wanted to prevent it. It was easy to convince them since they all see me as a defenseless, sad and scared girl who needs to be protected at all times.

On the day of the execution, I was allowed to be in the front row.

The last thing my parents saw was my smirk. It was a beautiful moment.

Since the day I met my hero, one year, seven months, four days, two hours, two minutes and thirty seconds have passed. I have spent every second of my life thinking about him and looking for a way to meet again to form a happy family.

When a month passed from the execution of my parents, people forgot about the matter and I was able to have a peaceful life.

My new adoptive family has been kind to me and made me remember what it's like to have a happy family, but I know that everything was prepared by my hero, he made all this possible since he loves me as much as I love him…

My hero doesn't want me to suffer or my life to be in danger, that's why he hasn't looked for me, but I don't care about the method, he's all I want, he's the one I love.

I have been very careful not to attract the attention of the police or the yakuza and started my own investigation.

First, I researched the Ichijo family and the news about the serial killer Kuro.

On the internet there are several publications about Kuro, but mostly they are just urban legends since there are not even pictures of him.

Despite the lack of information, I managed to accumulate information.

Every rumor, every publication, every piece of news, every bit of information was useful. I even searched through the horror story forums that marked Kuro as a ghost.

After more than a year of effort I couldn't find anything valuable that would show me the face of my hero, but things have changed.

One day, I received a text that gave me a new path.

This world is bigger than I could imagine. Three months ago I discovered that the Gods exist, and not only that, but that a God is willing to transfer his power to me.

Now I am standing in a strange place that seems like an unreal dream, but at the same time it is more real than the horrible world where I live.

"Have you made your decision?" – God asked me a question.

"Yes" – I answered. - "I will do that"

"Good" - God agreed.

God explained to me that he is dying since a monster seriously injured him.

According to his story, God took care of a world, but one day his home was nearly destroyed by a creature of infinite power whose name he dared not say.

The creature was not intelligent and only sought to destroy, so God managed to escape while guarding the remains of his world, then he came to this world and was allowed to be one of its inhabitants, however, the injuries caused by the creature were irreparable, so his soul was about to break and disappear.

God said that I was one of the natives of his world and my role was indispensable in the destiny of his life, but now things have changed due to the influence of the creature.

God said that he wanted to make a game to find an heir worthy of his power, but some of the participants can't play anymore, so he had to drop that idea and directly chose me to inherit his power.

Originally God wanted to choose a boy I knew a long time ago, but that won't be possible anymore because I killed him.

When I saw that boy my heart raced when I looked at that boy and my body was attracted to him so I killed him as I exist for my hero and my hero exists for me.

My hero is a serial killer who will do anything to achieve his goals and I want to be like him. Killing is the best solution to all problems...

"As I already told you, the power that I will give you is not only my power, but also the power of the monster that destroyed my world…" – God extended his hand and a drop of black fluid floated on his finger. – "At that time, a brave human appeared and gave me the chance to survive… He was a brave hero who was known as the Unbeatable Hero, and from what I have heard, he was the ancestor of the man you are looking for…"

When I first talked to God, he explained to me that inheriting his power would be very dangerous and there would be a 90% chance that my soul would be destroyed, and even if I can survive, the pain I will experience will be something that the human mind is incapable of imagine.

God made me experience 1% of the pain that I will feel upon inheriting power and at that moment I cried and screamed until I fainted, there was even a moment where I wanted to die.

I'm so stupid... My hero is waiting for me, I can't go back to being weak...

"It's a tragedy that I couldn't establish the flow of time when I came to this world, when I got here Hero Ichijo had already died of old age and I couldn't thank him for helping me…" – God rambled on again as he usually does when talking about the ancestor from the Ichijo family. – "But now you will be able to help the heir of that great man… This must be Destiny, although I cannot say if it is a tragic or comic destiny…"

I don't understand what God is saying when he talks about detiny, but he seems to be worried that I'm having trouble with my hero.

That is absurd, he loves me and I love him. No one can change that and no one will get in the way of our love…. No one will separate us... No one will intervene...

"Ah, well, this is Destiny, I don't have the strength to change it" – God sighed. – "Then let's begin, but first you must take three oaths"

I nodded. I've already made up my mind and I can take anything.

"First…" – God raised a finger. – "You must protect this world even if it costs you your life… The Will of the World of this place was very kind to let me live here my last days in peace, so I must return the favor"

"…" – I thought about it for a moment, but I nodded. – "I swear to protect this world as long as my hero lives here"

I don't care about the world, people, humanity or life, I only care about him… I only love him… I love him <3 I love him <3 <3…..< p>

"Well, that's acceptable" – God agreed. – "Second… You can kill your enemies, you can destroy their souls and do whatever you want, but never, absolutely never and regardless of the reason, you must never antagonize the Will of the World…"

"I swear I will never try to kill the Will of the World" - God explained to me what a Will of the World is, so I nodded.

The Will of the World keeps this world running and this place will be the home where I will have a family with my hero, so I have no reason to kill that thing.

"Finally…" – God seemed to have a complicated look. – "You cannot harm the family of the Hero of Harmony and you must help him in everything he needs"

Kuro… Ichijo Seiji… Santos Luis… Oosuki Luis… There are many names, but my favorite is Hero of Harmony… My hero…

God told me the identity of my hero and I heard that he is quite famous among supernatural beings.

My hero is considered the strongest man in the world, but I know that he needs me. He must feel very lonely when I am not by his side, so I must be strong to take care of him, protect him, love him, capture him, chain him, keep him away from everyone, have him, love him, take care of him.....

I want to get along with my hero's family. I haven't had time to investigate him thoroughly, but I know that he has a mother, father, and sister, so I want to see them to show that I am a good daughter-in-law.


What if my in-laws don't accept me?

What if my sister-in-law doesn't accept me?

I will have to kill them… I will have to remove every obstacle that prevents me from loving my hero…

Besides…. I saw that my hero is very close to many women…..

It is said that Luis is the boyfriend of an actress and has a harem at his school...

It is said that Seiji is a womanizer who steals the wives of his enemies...

There is evidence that my hero is a womanizer, but I know that he does it to protect me.

He has a lot of enemies and with that method, his enemies will attack those filthy bitches instead of attacking me…

My hero… he has made many sacrifices to take care of me because he loves me…

He has to pretend to love those filthy pieces of human waste, and all because he loves me….

I love him so much… I love him… I love him… I love him…

I thought about it for a long time, but decided to nod. – "I swear that I will not kill my hero's family, but only with his blood family..."

I will eliminate the bitches that bother my hero and so we will be happy forever... forever... always happy...

"…" – God sighed. – "You cannot eliminate the legal family of the Hero of Harmony"

… Legal family?

Oh, it's true. A couple of days ago I found information that Seiji adopted a little girl.

That little girl is so lucky...

I'm a bit jealous, but this also means that she can call me mom...

I'm kind of happy, but that also means that she might fall in love with my hero since he's perfect…

I'm a bit angry, but that means I can raise her to be an obedient child who doesn't cause trouble, I just need a cage...

"I can't promise that I won't harm my hero's family since discipline must be strict, but I swear that I won't kill them" – I spoke seriously.

I will discipline that little girl so that she will be an obedient and intelligent daughter...

On the other hand, the bitches next to my hero are not family, they are just trash and my hero hasn't married those bitches yet, so I can kill them… No, I can't kill them. I must kill them!

"…" – God sighed again. – "The Hero is the heir of that great man, he will be able to deal with this…"

Again I don't understand God's concerns, so I kept quiet.

"So…" – God moved his hand and a little girl appeared next to him. – "She is Muru Muru, she will be your assistant and she will teach you how to use your powers"

"…" – The little girl did not look at me and only looked at God sadly.

"It is time, my soul cannot resist any longer... With the help of the Unbeatable Hero, I managed to weaken the power of Madness in this drop of blood to the point that it is digestible for a mortal being" – God pointed his finger at me and a large amount of red light covered my body as the drop of black liquid entered my mouth. – "You are about to obtain great power that will allow you to fight alongside the Hero of Harmony, but remember this… Lack of self-control will be your greatest weakness, you must never lose your head or you will become a monster that everyone will hate and no one will love, even the Hero of Harmony will hate you…"

I couldn't hear God because the pain overwhelmed my mind...…..

It hurts so much that I can't speak….

It hurts so much that I don't want to think, but if I stop thinking I won't be able to see my hero.....

I must keep my mind...… I must not break...



It hurts much.....

I want to die...…..

It hurts so much that I'm laughing....

Why am I laughing?.......

Someone kill me....

I can't...….. it hurts a lot...…..


My hero...…


He loves me...…

He is waiting for me...

He won't abandon me and I can't abandon him...

"IS IT WORTH SUFFERING?" - I started to hear a strange voice in my head...

"IS IT WORTH CRYING?" – It sounded like an old radio full of static, but I can understand it…

"IS IT WORTH LIVING?" – The voice has no gender or age, but somehow it feels familiar…

"GIVE UP... GIVE ME CONTROL... YOU ARE NOT GOOD... I CAN DO IT WITHOUT YOU... GIVE ME CONTROL... I CAN FULFILL OUR DREAM... GIVE UP..." - The voice was so loud that my ears bled.

No, it's not just my ears, my whole body is bleeding.

My skin tears, my bones break, my organs burn, my blood boils...…..

It hurts so much, but somehow I'm able to hold my thoughts as I watch my body melt away….

I no longer have a mouth, but I was able to scream…. - "HE IS MINE!"

"….." – The voice became weak… Pathetically weak… - "I UNDERSTAND… YOU ARE IN CONTROL… CONTROL OF EVERYTHING…"

Half of my body had turned into a black pool like oil, but now that liquid began to move as if it were alive.

"I WILL LISTEN TO YOU…. I WILL OBEY YOU…. BECAUSE HE IS OUR…." – The voice was docile, pathetically docile…

My body returned to normal, and even better. My skin was glowing and flawless, my hair felt too soft, my senses felt sharp, and every cell in my body felt invigorated…

I checked my body and was happy to see that my appearance hadn't changed too much. I know my hero loves me as I am and I don't want to change...

I can feel it. A strange power is filling my body...

I feel strong, I feel invincible...

I can do it… I can have him… I can be with him….

"Uh, this took a long time" – The little girl's voice brought me out of my thoughts. – "It took you 10,000 years to assimilate the power of Deus, I'm bored…"

10,000 years?!

No, it's a long time... it can't be true...

"He... He died?" - No, it can not be...

I started screaming in anguish as my fingers tore the skin off my face...…

"Tch, calm down, that's why I hate children... You're lucky that this place is covered by a space barrier, not a single second has passed in the outside world" - The little girl's voice calmed me down...

"I-Is it true?" – My body trembled with fear and expectation.

I lost track of time as my body fell apart, so it may have been a long time.

"I already told you yes" - The little girl frowned and pointed to God's seat. – "Look, Deus used the last trace of his power to create the barrier… He did it as a parting gift"

God was no longer in his seat, now I could only see a mountain of ashes...

I felt a bit complex looking at the mountain of ash.

I only care about my hero and my own life doesn't matter to me, but God gave me a priceless gift...

I respectfully bowed my thanks. God gave me the power to fulfill my love, so this is the least I can do.

"Anyway, now we are going to test your powers" – The little girl… No, Muru Muru pointed to my face. – "Power is useless if you cannot control it, so let's train until you can master your power"

"…But…" – But I want to see my hero…

"Don't even think about seeing the Hero of Harmony in your current state!" - Muru Muru crossed her arms. – "Now you are a newborn Outer God, the Hero of Harmony will try to kill you as soon as he sees you since now you are a monster that everyone fears and hates!"

… Outer God?

What's that?

I don't care if everyone wants to kill me, but I don't want my hero to hate me.....

"Don't worry" - Muru Muru smiled confidently. – "Deus left a series of instructions and a training plan so that you can pretend to be a deity, so you can be together with the Hero of Harmony, you just need to be patient"

I see, God thought of everything….

Thank you for everything, God, I will always thank you.

"Okay, let's train fast since I'm dying of boredom" - Muru Muru waved her hands. – "Ah, I want to go buy sweets and watch manga, Deus wouldn't let me go out often and I already read my entire collection…"

I also want to go out, I want to see him, I want to hug him, I want to kiss him, I want to have his child, I want us to be together, I want to lock him up, I want to tie him to my side, I want to be with him ...….

"Come on~" - Muru Muru smiled and I smiled too.

"Okay, let's do our best" - Muru Muru is adorable, as long as she doesn't care about my hero we could be friends... my first friend...




Author's Note:

Muru Muru from Mirai Nikki.

Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki.

Reminder: The canon Yuno was the Yuno from world 1 who had experience from the first game and she was 16 years old by the world reset. The current Yuno is a little more childish than in the canon since she is the Yuno from world 1 before the start of the series, so she is currently a 14-year-old girl with serious mental problems and who has not yet committed genocide, just some murders. Even if she spent tens of millennia in the transformation process, she felt it like a few hours so she's still a brat.

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