No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 386: Some Soap Water to Have a Free Harem

Chapter 386: Some Soap Water to Have a Free Harem

The base that the demons prepared for Shinji was a cabin in the middle of a forest.

This place is protected by multiple illusion barriers and restrictions to prevent detection, reconnaissance, prophecies, and espionage techniques.

It was helpful not to kill Shinji since the barriers are of better quality than most magic on Gaia, so it would have taken me a full day to find this place.

Shinji didn't know it, but the cabin had an underground section where a space labyrinth was built leading to a mansion. There were several demons in that place, and although the strongest or most important demons were not there, I still found some surprises.

The demons hidden in the place did not belong to the foreign group, but were inhabitants of the western hell within Gaia. Basically, the demons of this world were working alongside the demons of Hell.

After the incident in China, I have kept in touch with Rosy and assigned a couple hundred Spiral Puppets to protect and monitor her. Both she and the Puppets have not reported any strange movements among the higher-ups of western hell, so the traitor demons are just one faction and not the entire western hell.

(Author's Note: Rosy Dessy from My Beautiful Teacher)

Actually, I'm not surprised that there are idiots betraying this World and seeking benefits from foreign entities. Stupidity is a disease that will always affect entities with ambitions and desires.

Anyway, this was also in my calculations, so it wasn't difficult to kill most of the demons.

Actually, there was no need for me to do anything. These demons were so weak that Zelretch and Merlin could have defeated them single-handedly, but the stupidity of the group of idiots still gives me a migraine, so I wanted to hit some punching bags.

The result was a little… well, violent.

There are intestines stuck to the walls, corpses cover the floor and blood stains everything including the ceiling. Let's just say I released a lot of stress.

Well, doing a little exercise is relaxing.

We killed most of the enemies and only let one idiot who acted as the leader live.

I broke his limbs and used [Sadism] to interrogate him, but I went too far and now the idiot was drooling on the floor as his mind reached its limit and if I interrogate him any more, his mind will completely break.

"This loser's pain tolerance is pathetic, this is a small punishment compared to what I did to senpai in the last orgy" - BB sneered contemptuously while kicking the demon's face.

Using Abby's spatial skills, my wives can easily move throughout the city to check all the attack points that the enemies will use, so they have been busy.

It would be easier if I moved on my own and used all my abilities, but I want Zelretch and Merlin to see me as a true Hero since that will help me in the future show I'm building.

Currently my group is made up of Zelretch, Nyaruko, Navi, Ortro, Merlin, BB, Aotian, Fou and me. The women inside my mind do not count since they are reinforcements for critical situations.

Nyaruko and BB were supposed to work elsewhere, but they got bored and came to beat up some demons.

Zelretch and Merlin were not surprised that my wives had high-level spatial abilities. At this point, it is normal for my group to exceed the power standards within Gaia.

By the way, the fact that Nyaruko is here doesn't mean that she would have ignored her task of manipulating Illya, Chloe, and the girls' mother. She used an skill called 'Shadow Clone' to leave a copy of herself to guide the women's conversations.

"What do we do now?" – Nyaruko asked as she used the head of a demon as a soccer ball.

My wives see living beings as toys, while Zelretch and Merlin see life as a game, so everyone here has no moral limitations and that's why we can watch a small genocide as if it were a ball game.

I swung the baseball bat in my hand to clean the pieces of intestines that stained my weapon. – "These idiots do not know where the Dimensional Door is nor the Higher Entities that managed to infiltrate our world, so there is no point in continuing here"

The demons who were here were tasked with pleasing Shinji and being his assistants, so they didn't know important information. Fortunately, the enemies did not erase all the records on the demons' bodies, so Paranoia was able to find more information about the enemy.

Hell is run by the law of the fittest, so there is no clear hierarchy or government. Because of this, it is very difficult to know the identity of the entity that wants to invade Gaia.

The Riders of Chaos are the most troublesome idiots in the multiverse as they don't mind being destroyed as long as they can cause destruction. In that sense, the current leader of those idiots is too dangerous to be able to give orders to those psychopaths, so he needs more information.

Well, I can only take one step at a time to keep moving forward.

"Okay~" – Nyaruko shrugged, then her eyes shone with expectation. – "Can we go to the basement? I want to see the loot left by the enemies!"

Nyaruko has a vault that Paradise would envy, but she still loves the feeling of looting corpses... That's why I love her.

I nodded and grabbed the chain that held the demon chief's neck. – "Let's see what surprises there are"

"Hey Listen! Come on dog, bitches don't seduce themselves!" – Navi was excited since the idiot already explored the entire place and knows what is in the basement.

Well, we all know since Shinji confessed what he did in this place.

By the way, Shinji fainted when he saw how we killed the demons, so we played rock-paper-scissors to see who would be in charge of taking the idiot. By the way, I used [Anti-Rasen] to stop someone from cheating, so it was a contest of pure luck.

Merlin sighed and grabbed Shinji's leg to drag him. – "I need to improve my luck stat"

It feels good to win a game of chance...

We went down through the secret door and came to a long hallway that was decorated like a kind of sexual dungeon in the medieval age.

There were dozens of women along the hallway. They were all beautiful women with bodies that showed arduous martial arts training, but that strong appearance was destroyed due to multiple types of abuse.

Some of them were chained with gags in their mouths, they had frantic eyes and it was clear that they were under the effect of strong aphrodisiac drugs. There were even women who underwent body modifications to make them more efficient sex dolls.

This place is the sexual dungeon where the demons stored their 'toys' and it is the place where Shinji used to train his new sexual skills so that in the future he could seduce my daughters... ..

"Why did you do that?" – Merlin asked me curiously as a whip appeared in my hand to tear off one of Shinji's arms.

"I got a little angry" – I shrugged.

"Hey Listen! Siscon dog, look who I found!" – Navi started laughing in front of one of the cells. – "Muahahaha, bitch now beg to receive my partner's mercy! Swear to give up your ass and you will be free!"

I approached the cell and saw a slightly familiar face, but she was not a relevant woman and I can hardly remember her name.

"This is Asagi!!" – Nyaruko shouted excitedly when she saw the woman. – "Great, she and her sister are here! If the brunette loli was here we could have the initial Action Taimanin waifus… Hehe, I couldn't have all the waifus in the gacha, but this is better"

Oh, now I remember. She is Asagi Igawa, the woman who caused me trouble when she wanted to relax at the hot spring inn, she is also an important figure in Taimanin Village, one of the most important ninja villages in Japan.

From what I see, the women of that village are the trophies that the demons captured, and according to the traces of torture, they were captured two days ago.

That explains the identity of the two women who will arrive in a few minutes...

Asagi was naked, her limbs were chained to the wall and there were male fluids covering her body.

Well, that's karma for bothering me on my vacation.

"…" – Nyaruko pulled my sleeve and looked at me with confusion.

"What's happening?" – I raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you angry?" – Nyaruko tilted her head. – "Asagi is a popular waifu, she is beautiful and it seems like you already knew her… Normally this would be the moment where you lose your mind and destroy everything"

I rolled my eyes. – "I only know her name. Do you think I see every beautiful woman I see as a member of my harem?"

"Yes" – Nyaruko.

"Asking something so obvious is stupid" – BB.

"Yes, woof" – Ortro…

"Hey Listen! If she is a woman with a pretty face then she belongs to you! Especially if she has a boyfriend, in that case she belongs to you even more muahahaha!" – Navi…..

"What about traps? Some are cuter than many waifus…." – Nyaruko, shut up…

"Hey Listen! "I don't give a shit if he's a transvestite or a transsexual, I won't let my dog stick his penis in a man!" – Navi threw a napkin full of ketchup at Nyaruko's face…

I hate to admit it, but I agree with Navi.

"Just shut up" – I sighed and put my hand on the cell door, then I broke the bars and approached the ninja woman.

Asagi had gone through many battles and is a strong woman, however, she had gone through a lot in just a few days, so her mind was a mess, although surprisingly, her gaze showed a strong will and desire to fight.

"Well, this is a surprise" – I spoke with little interest. - "What's happening? "Aren't you going to greet me?"

Asagi had a complicated look when he saw me.

She knew that our first meeting was not the best, furthermore, the clan that supports her village is hostile to the Ichijo family, so in political terms we are enemies, however, at this moment I am their only hope, on the other hand, she was shocked when she saw that the demon leader was on the ground like a dying animal.

I smiled and pulled the chain to lift the dying demon. – "Was this the idiot who captured you? Please tell me it wasn't him, that would be too disappointing…"

Asagi showed a complicated look that mixed sadness, fury and disappointment.

I raised an eyebrow. - "You're not going to talk? The cat ate your tongue?"

Asagi looked me straight in the eyes and opened her mouth.

She doesn't have a gag like other women in the dungeon, but that wasn't necessary since her teeth were pulled out and her tongue was cut out.

"Well… you're cuter when you don't talk" – I raised an eyebrow and spoke with slight compassion, but only a little superficial.

Asagi closed her mouth and looked at me calmly. She is a professional assassin and she won't be bothered by such a simple provocation, in fact, she preferred my carefree attitude rather than the attitude of a noble hero who becomes indignant at injustice.

As a general rule, murderers do not believe in justice and nobility, only in benefits.

Even though Asagi is good at staying calm, her gaze changed when her eyes moved and she noticed the idiot Merlin was dragging around like a dirty rag.

I pretended to realize something and asked ironically. – "Oh, don't tell me… Was that boy the one who cut out your tongue?"

Asagi nodded as fury filled her eyes.

"Let me guess, he raped you and you said he had a small dick or something similar, so he cut out your tongue and pulled out your teeth" – I smiled wryly when she nodded. – "Ah, you really know how to make people angry… Did no one tell you that if you are defenseless it is a bad idea to make an idiot child with an inferiority complex angry?"

Aasagi sighed and looked away from Shinji to focus all his attention on me.

She looked me straight in the eyes and seemed to want to apologize for the attitude she showed the first time we met, although she can't do it since she can't speak or move.

"By the way, how did you end up in this pathetic state?" – I raised an eyebrow and asked with slight curiosity, although there was also a clear apathy in my voice. I'm showing curiosity about his situation, but I'm also making it clear that his problems are not of my interest.

"…" – Asagi looked at me expressionlessly.

"Oh, right, you don't have a tongue, my bad" – I shrugged.

"…" – Asagi rolled her eyes.

"Well, actually I think I can guess what happened…" – I held my chin and started to think.

I can use [Reader's Perspective] to get the full context, but I don't want my mental abilities to analyze information to become rusty.

"Let's see... Your village is practically the strongest ninja village, you yourself have the strength and weapons to face an earthly deity, so it makes no sense that you were captured by these pathetic demons, which means that you were betrayed and sold as toy…" – I smiled when Asagi's gaze was filled with fury, pain, regret and frustration. - "I am right?"

"…" – Asagi sighed and nodded.

"Of course I'm right, I saw this coming and I warned you" – I shrugged my shoulders. – "The Okawa family is made up of idiots with a god complex, it was obvious that they would destroy your group since you Taimanin are loyal to humanity, but you are not loyal to the government… Oh, wait, don't tell me… The leader your village gave the order that all the women in the village had to go on a mission of utmost importance, so all of you went straight into a trap, but that was not enough, no, you are strong and have excellent teamwork, so there were traitors among the Taimanin… Tell me, am I right?"

With a look filled with hatred, Asagi nodded. She has no teeth or else she would be biting her lip until it bled.

"Ah, politicians, always discarding disobedient pawns…" – I sighed and shook my head, then shrugged my shoulders apathetically. – "Well, that's life for us pawns, we die on the battlefield or we die from a stab in the back, we don't have many options"

Asagi's fury calmed down at my words. My tone of voice and facial expression show that I can empathize with her, although at the same time I have no intention of helping her since she and her friends are not my problem.

"Anyway, I had a bad day today and I'm not in the mood to make fun of your incompetence too much, I have some business to attend to and people to kill, you know, work stuff" – I yawned and put my foot on the demon leader's head. – "But well, you look pathetic"

"…" – Asagi was not angry, but rather she was surprised by the ease with which I dealt with the idiot who tortured her.

Honestly, this demon is so pathetically weak that my daughters could beat him to death, however, the idiot has many aphrodisiac abilities that are dangerous to women.

Taimanin women have high physical resistance and tolerance to poison, but they are very weak against aphrodisiacs.


Because of the plot, it's that simple.

I yawned again. – "Well, your expression of frustration helped me improve my mood, so I will do you a favor"

Aasagi looked at me with confusion. The Hero of Harmony is known to be a lustful and aggressive person who favors beautiful women, but that is only when he is in a good mood. There are videos of how I murdered thousands of beautiful female cultivators during the Lostbelt in China.

Aasagi thought I would want to kill her since we are technically enemies over politics, plus she showed up at the hot spring inn to spite me.

With those thoughts, she looked at me with concern as blue flames began to emerge from my body.

Asagi is not afraid of death, but she is a good leader who wants the best for her friends, plus she seems to have family that she loves and doesn't want to see them suffer. Because of this, she panicked as the blue flames covered her naked body.

She wanted to tell me something, not to beg for her life, but to beg for the lives of her companions and family, but that concern quickly disappeared when she felt that the blue flames did not hurt her, but rather they were eliminating the filth on her body.

I don't care if a woman has a lot of sexual experience, nor do I care if Asagi was used as a sex doll by multiple creatures, but I dislike the idea of touching another man's semen, so the flames of [Rasen] eliminated the white fluids on and inside Asagi's body, furthermore, the shackles holding Asagi against the wall were also destroyed.

Asagi's body was already clean, but she was still very injured and tired, so she fell to the ground unable to stand up.

I smiled cynically as Asagi fell to the cold floor while she was still naked. – "I have seen puppets with more stability"

I know I'm being rude to her, but it bothered me that she wanted to interrupt my rest, plus it would be very strange if I was nice after she once wanted to kill me, so I must first show her that I am spiteful, but not too vindictive.

…And well, yes, I also do this to deal with stress…

It makes me angry to see my wives suffer, but Asagi is not part of my harem, so my [Sadism] feels satisfied by seeing this strong woman in a state so pathetic

"…" – Asagi shook her hands a little to regain blood circulation, then slowly raised her face to look at me. She didn't feel angry because of my attitude, but rather her eyes showed sincere gratitude and if it weren't for the fact that she didn't have a tongue, she would have started thanking me.

Even though she was weak and injured, she used the little strength left in her body to prostrate on one knee respectfully while lowering her head. It was a traditional way of showing gratitude and could even be seen as a vote of loyalty.

I raised an eyebrow and then sighed as if disappointed. – "Tch, it's hard to be spiteful if you're so honest…"

"…" – Asagi did not respond and remained kneeling, although her body trembled due to fatigue.

I sighed again and approached her to put my hand on Asagi's head, which made her feel confused since my attitude made me look like an unfriendly idiot, but she closed her eyes when a golden light generated a pleasant sensation that It ran over the outside of her skin and the inside of her muscles.

I can heal Asagi's wounds in an instant, but it took a couple of minutes for her mind to relate the feeling of comfort with the warmth of my hand.

Asagi is a strong-willed woman who stood firm despite what the demons did to her, so she does not need romantic comfort, however, humiliation is something that severely affects the mental stability.

Currently Asagi is not at a point of desperation, so showing kindness will not help me win her heart, furthermore, the betrayal of her leader and the government made her distrust people with heroic and righteous appearances, since that It is the ideal mask for a hypocrite.

In that sense, my violent, hedonistic and cynical attitude is more reliable since I am an honest idiot and not a false gentleman. At least that's what Asagi is starting to think.

My goal is not just Asagi. I did a lot of work and deserve a reward, so I seek to obtain all the Taimanin women...

When Asagi's wounds finally healed, I removed my hand from her head and spoke with slight annoyance. – "Well, that's all, don't do stupid things again and behave"

Asagi opened her eyes and quickly checked her body. She was surprised to see that all of her injuries disappeared, plus the body modifications that the demons gave her were also removed.

Yes, it would be fun to play with her while her clitoris and nipples are extremely sensitive, but a long time ago I stopped treating my women as a means to satisfy my lust. I'd rather she go back to normal.

Asagi stopped checking her injuries when she noticed that I lost interest in her and was about to leave.

She quickly knelt on both knees as she pressed her forehead to the ground. That was no longer a gesture of respect or gratitude, but a desperate gesture of supplication. – "Thank you, Hero of Harmony, but…"

I frowned and interrupted her before she could speak. – "If you are going to ask me for something, my answer is no, I already have enough problems"

"…" – Asagi bit her lip, but she did not hesitate to hit her forehead against the ground. – "Hero of Harmony, I beg you, help my companions!"

I have always found the Japanese attitude towards begging and apologizing strange.

She is using emotional blackmail by harming herself to force me to accept her plea.

Ah, it's nice when my plans go well, although it's also boring when everything turns out according to my wishes... How complicated.

"A hentai heroine kneeling while she is naked…" – Nyaruko approached us while taking pictures of Asagi. – "Well, this cliché is one of my favorites~"

Until now, the idiots had remained silent as they watched the way I'm manipulating Asagi.

Zelretch, Fou and Merlin just met me, so they were surprised to discover how manipulative I can be, although they didn't see that as a bad thing since on the battlefield strength is not everything. The only annoying thing is that Merlin was taking notes of my actions and now he looks at me with admiration...

"Sensei, teach me!" – Merlin shouted like a child who meets his idol.

Merlin has the bloodline of an incubus and is a womanizer, however, he only enjoys the taste of human emotions and is not a sexual depraved man who lusts after every beautiful woman he sees, furthermore, he has not shown a single trace of interest on the women I'm interested in and he's only shown interest in normal women who can't get my attention... His survival instinct and wisdom are admirable.

"Ahem, do you want some privacy so you can make a deal with the pitiful woman?" – Zelretch smiled wryly as a grandfather would when seeing his grandson with his girlfriend.

Zelretch does not seem interested in women romantically or sexually. He is like a man who has lived too long and now only focuses on his hobbies, in this case, he only cares about making ridiculous magical artifacts and watching magical girl shows. A wise man who knows how to avoid becoming dog food.

While the members of my group were calm and carefree, Asagi was becoming more and more anxious since I am not showing interest in her and her friends.

Yes, she and all the Taimanin women are really beautiful and could be considered better than many supermodels, but I have murdered more beautiful women, so Asagi was worried about me leaving.

The Taimanin no longer have a reliable backup. Even if they manage to get out of here, they have no place to return to. It is possible that the government will mark them as traitors since the Okawa family has close ties to the higher ups, so they only have to trust the Ichijo family, more specifically me.

It wasn't necessary for me to respond since one of my wives knows how to play along.

"Ne, senpai, the women here are already more used than Google, we better go eat something" – BB approached me and spoke with her contemptuous and mocking voice while looking with contempt at Asagi.

Currently she has the appearance of Luis, but Asagi can easily see that she is not the Hero of Harmony and is just wearing a disguise.

"Hero, you are right about everything, the leader of our village and the government sold us to the demons… It doesn't matter if we escape from here, we no longer have a home to return to and I have heard things… I heard that this place will soon become a hell beyond our imagination…" - Asagi did not tremble at BB's words, but quickly began to speak so that I could not respond. – "We are not afraid of dying, but we are not willing to die without a good reason… Hero, I can tell that you will fight against the demons so please let us fight by your side to recover our pride…"

Pride… Such a stupid word.

Asagi didn't mind being treated like trash, she didn't feel offended by BB's comment either, but she is worried that she and her friends will die without first recovering something as useless as pride. What a stupid thing.

"Tch, you talk too much for a used bitch…" – BB mocked and put her foot on Asagi's head. – "Bitch, don't want to contaminate my cute senpai with your disgusting used body, you don't even serve as a disposable onahole"

Although BB is jealous, she has resigned herself to the fact that she will never be able to monopolize me, but she doesn't like me being with women who she considers to be promiscuous sluts. This is because she does not want me to go near Shub-Niggurath for fear that I will become addicted to the unbridled pleasure and forget about her.

Despite everything, I didn't stop BB since she is not only showing her jealousy, but she is also helping me gain Asagi's sincere loyalty.

BB has her flaws, but I love her.

Although Bb's foot was on Asagi's head, she didn't even try to push away the foot that was on Asagi's head and continued to beg. – "Hero, I have heard many stories about your actions and way of doing things… If you do not betray us, we are willing to follow you and obey you until the day we die"

Ah, the worst thing is that she is not exaggerating. She and most of her companions will actually be totally loyal to me if I decide to help them.


Well, it's simple. They no longer have a place to return to or a master to serve, and for a loyal ninja with a feudal upbringing that is something worse than dying.

I often complain about politicians, but this time I need to thank them for giving me this group of loyal and beautiful women. As thanks, I will kill them painlessly.

I would like to make this show a little longer, but two people entered the cabin and are about to reach this underground dungeon, so I sighed and put my hand on BB's shoulder to make her stop. – "Fine, I will help your companions and let them fight by my side, anyway, it is likely that we are all going to die"

Asagi trembled a little at my words. She didn't think I would talk about dying since she has a rough idea of my strength, but my pessimism didn't make her feel hopeless since she was already mentally prepared to die, although she still has something on her mind.

"Thank you, although there is one thing I would like to ask for…" – Asagi spoke with complete sincerity, but her voice lost strength at the end of her words since she continues to ask for things even though I am helping her.

"Now what?" – I spoke with annoyance.

"…" – Asagi took a deep breath. – "We veterans are not afraid of dying, but I hope that Ichijo-sama allows the younger girls to focus on logistics instead of combat"

"Anything else?" – My voice was full of impatience and annoyance to show that I am about to refuse.

"…" – Asagi became a little nervous, but her concern for her family and friends gave her the impulse to speak. – "Also, I have a daughter and a son… If possible I would like them not to get involved in the battle and have normal lives"

"You are a…" – I spoke furiously, but I took a deep breath. – "Do you really think you are worth enough to ask me for so many things?"

Asagi remained kneeling and spoke without hesitation. – "I know I am asking too much, but we are all elite warriors, if Ichijo-sama accepts my unreasonable requests, I swear that I will never disobey any order from Ichijo-sama, even if it leads to my death, furthermore, I will make sure May all Taimanin be loyal"

Navi was holding back from shouting in celebration. The idiot knows that this is an important moment.

"Well, whatever, nothing matters since we're going to die" – I sighed and acted as if I didn't care about Asagi's vow of loyalty.

She wasn't sad or angry about my apathy, on the contrary, she was relieved that I accepted the deal. While this was equivalent to a slave contract, at least I am more trustworthy than the government.

I headed to another of the cells where there was an unconscious woman with multiple whip marks covering her bare skin. –"So, who are your children?"

I opened the cell and repeated the process I used with Asagi to heal the woman.

This dungeon was designed in such a way that each woman could hear what was happening in the other cells, so they all heard my treatment with Asagi.

Some of the women seemed to be on the verge of mental collapse due to sexual depravity, but they still had enough sanity to understand that they all belong to me now.

While I find it boring that they all easily agreed to the deal, I have to admit that the free meal has always been my favorite.

"She is my daughter…" – Asagi spoke with pain as he pointed to a cell where a girl without limbs was who watched us in silence because she also has no tongue. – "As for my son… I don't know where she is, but I know that the demons turned him into a kind of flesh tumor that suffers all the time…"

Asagi's voice was full of pain, but his words almost made me sigh with irony.

"Ahem, this is going to be complicated" – Nyaruko smiled wryly. – "You see, when we arrived we saw that the stupid incubus was playing with a meat ball while a milf was giving him a massage, that idiot made nasty comments about me, so my adorable husband got angry and tore him to pieces, but the blow was so violent that the woman and the meat ball also exploded… Teehee~"

Yeah, well, that idiot made me angry. It was a miracle I managed to stop myself from killing him since he's still useful.

"…" – Asagi turned pale and couldn't move.

"Well, look on the bright side, you still have your daughter" – I shrugged.

"…" – Asagi made a superhuman effort to contain the pain and despair in her heart, then she looked at me complicatedly and bowed. – "Ichijo-sama, thank you for giving my son peace…"



She feels deep pain and anguish, but she doesn't hate me.

That doesn't mean she's a bad mother, it's just that she knows how to order her priorities and now her priority is to protect her daughter. If I had murdered her son for pleasure or revenge, then she would try to fight me even if it leads to her death, but she knows that it was an accident, plus she is faithful to her vow of loyalty, but the most important thing is that I actually gave the boy peace. At least he's not suffering anymore.

I sighed and showed a slight uncomfortable expression. – "Ah, shit… Well, look, I could see that the woman was under mind control and I thought I would help her because I thought she was hot, but the stupid demon made me angry and I lost control, so I saved the woman's soul to resurrect her when I have time... If you want, I can do the same with your son"

When I killed the woman, Navi started screaming like a child when she saw her dog being run over. The idiot kept annoying me to an unbearable point, so I captured the woman's soul and said that I will revive her later, only then did the idiot shut up.

Actually, I already had the intention of reviving the woman. She managed to break out of the mind control an instant before my sword cut off her head.

It was a brief moment of less than a second, but she looked at me with gratitude as she wished to die as she was one of the reasons the Taimanin were captured.

I didn't talk to her and I only know her name because Nyaruko recognized her, but hey, her body matches my fetishes and it would be a waste to let her die.

The woman's name is Mizuki Shiranui and like Aasgi, she belongs to the Taimanin franchise. The author of that story has questionable fetishes, but the character design was excellent.

"…" – Asagi again felt complex since it is possible to revive people, but usually that generates unpleasant side effects, although that does not apply to me since I have my alchemy and Auriel's blessing. Despite that, Asagi was grateful to me. – "Thank you, Ichijo-sama, I really appreciate it with all my heart and I don't know how to thank you"

"Hey Listen! Open your legs and be thankful until you faint!" – Navi couldn't contain her stupidity anymore and started screaming. – "Muahahaha, all you stupid generic hentai women, all of you prepare to be inseminated by my partner! Let the third round of daughters begin muahahahahaha!"


Asagi and I made the same decision to pretend we didn't hear that.

I headed to the cell where Asagi's daughter was, but before I could approach the limbless girl, frantic footsteps drew our attention towards the dungeon entrance.

"Who did it?!" – A furious voice full of anguish echoed throughout the place.

Two girls appeared at the entrance. One of them was the ninja girl who always argued with me when I was at the hot springs inn, the other girl was a girl with a small chest and tanned skin who was carrying a decapitated head.

Come to think of it, Shiranui fell into the Milf category, so she had a daughter. This girl seems to be her daughter, so it's normal that she's furious that someone decapitated her sexy mother.

"… What are you doing here?!" – Sagiri shouted when she saw me. She was happy and surprised to see me, although she won't admit it.

(Author's Note: Sagiri Ameno from Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san)

I waved my right hand to greet her, but the girl next to her interrupted us.

"You, it was you!" – The girl screamed because in my group I am the only person covered in blood since my fighting style focuses on mutilating each part of the enemy to prevent them from resurrecting. - "I'll kill you!"

Well, it seems like my future daughter hates me.

The girl pulled out a gun and a large concentration of electromagnetic energy accumulated in the weapon. She really wanted to kill me and she didn't care that behind me was Asagi's defenseless daughter.

"Mizuki, put down the gun! That's an order!" – Asagi stood in front of me. She is still naked and has no weapons, but she was ready to attack the girl if she really tried to attack me.

(Author's Note: Mizuki Yukikaze of Taimanin)

The girl named Mizuki clung to her mother's decapitated head and was about to shoot without caring about the consequences, but Sagiri reacted faster and hit Mizuki's arm to make her let go of the gun, then she took out a chain and tied the girl up while shee pressed her against the ground to prevent her from moving.

"Mizuki-san, calm down, Luis is an idiot, but he must have an explanation" – Sagiri tried to calm the girl down, but the girl was too angry to listen.

"He killed my mother! I have to kill him!" – The girl tried to fight, but Sagiri was much stronger, plus Asagi got closer so the girl had no chance of attacking me.

"You have a talent for getting into dramatic situations" – Zelretch stroked his beard.

"Mizuki…" – Asagi sighed and bent down to talk to the girl, but her still naked appearance is a bit… well, stimulating.

"Ahem, the ceiling has great decoration" – Merlin began to appreciate the beauty of the stone ceiling.

"That's right, it must be Renaissance art" – Zelretch nodded wisely as he looked at the beauty of the gray stone.

Asagi and the women in the dungeon can already be considered my women, so they don't dare to look at them out of concern that I might kill them.

"Do you really think I'm a psychopath?" – I smiled ironically.

"The incubus just looked at your wife with lust and you tore him to pieces, I prefer not to risk it" – Merlin smiled wryly as he continued looking at the ceiling.

"Well, I think we'll get along well" – I nodded with approval.

It's nice to talk to smart people.

While the vampire and the magician were showing me that it is not necessary to castrate all the men I know, Asagi explained what happened to the girl and told her that I am going to revive the milf.

The girl was still angry with me, but at least she didn't want to shoot me in the face anymore.

When the girl calmed down, I smiled gently. – "Just so you know, if you really shot me, I would have cut off your head like your mother"

"Luis!" – Sagiri yelled at me angrily. – "Don't bother Mizuki-san, she has already suffered a lot!"

"Yes, yes, whatever you say" – I shrugged and looked at Sagiri with joy and a slight hint of romantic affection, but I quickly hid my emotions and looked away from her. - "Good to see you"

"…" – Sagiri is dense with her own emotions, but she is very observant towards body language, so she noticed the love in my eyes which made her blush, but she was also happy. – "Y-Yes, it's good to see that you're not dead, fool"

"Tsun-tsun, dere-dere! What is it?! A tsundere~!" – BB, Navi and Nyaruko started singing…

"What?!" – Sagiri blushed so much that her head seemed about to explode, so she did what she does best, becoming violent. – "Shut up!"

Sagiri started throwing shurikens towards the group of idiots, but she didn't really try to hurt them and the weapons hit the walls without harming anyone.

I smiled slightly. – "Your aim sucks"

"Shut up idiot! "I didn't ask for your opinion!" – Sagiri screamed and threw a knife at my face, but this time she really aimed at my right eye.

I don't feel like losing an eye, so I grabbed the knife before it stuck in my eye. – "Why do you only know how to aim when you attack me?"

"Because you are an idiot!" – Sagiri continued shouting to hide her embarrassment.

Ah, this is fun.

Sagiri released Mizuki and we started talking while I took care of cleaning and healing the rest of the women. By the way, Asagi explained to me what happened.

It was just as I thought, the leader of the Taimanin gave them the order to investigate a possible enemy base on the outskirts of this city, so they all came with the mentality of defeating the monsters that harm humanity.

Ninjas from other villages joined in on that mission, so the Taimanin thought this was a high-risk mission, so Asagi secretly prepared a backup plan to request reinforcements in case the demons were too strong.

She had Mizuki hide at a safe distance to monitor the battlefield. If the ninja villages were in danger and couldn't call for reinforcements, then Mikzuki had to go and call for reinforcements.

In this world there are several methods to seal help messages, so it was an excellent idea.

Despite the preparations, Asagi did not imagine that when the demons appeared, the ninja villages would not attack the demons but the Taimanin.

When Mizuki saw that, she wanted to help her classmates, but she is not as stupid as she seems and was able to analyze the situation. She wouldn't be able to turn the tide of the battle, so it would be better for her to go for help, but the problem was that she had no one to ask for help.

It was obvious that the Taimanin village leader betrayed them and most of the villages were now attacking them in collaboration with the demons, so they had no other allies. The only option was to find a neutral group, but no one would be stupid enough to confront the Okawa family just to protect a group of women who had been discarded.

Well, there was someone. A pervert who was known for being willing to confront anyone who annoyed him, and who also didn't mind insulting the Japanese government, the UN and NATO.

Mizuki rushed to the hot spring inn to look for me and beg for help, but I was already on my way here.

Sagiri's ninja village was not one of those that betrayed the Taimanin, so she was willing to ask him for help, but Sagiri does not have the authority to help the Taimanin, plus her village leader would not be willing to go on a suicide mission against the government.

Sagiri is a silly girl with a kind heart and wanted to help Mizuki despite the risk, but her strength was negligible. Fortunately for both girls, Sagiri knew that I was going on a trip to Fuyuki for Miyu's basketball tournament, so they could quickly ask me for help.

The other women at the inn heard about what happened and are also good-hearted fools, so they also wanted to help even though it was no different than suicide.

Chitose, the owner of the inn, cannot leave the city because going too far from the inn will damage her soul, but she contacted some of her friends to ask them to protect the women. Thus a group of supernatural women was formed who came to rescue the Taimanin.

It sounds heroic, but it was all stupid since now those women are trapped inside the barrier that covers the city. What's worse is that they haven't even noticed the barrier and think they can escape at any moment...

They are cute, but too stupid.

Currently the group of women are building a barrier around the cabin to prevent enemies from escaping while Sagiri and Mizuki would be in charge of exploring the cabin.

The entrance to the cabin was destroyed and there were traces of combat, so they thought that someone decided to fight the demons. The biggest possibility was that that was my doing since I'm in the city, so Sagiri and Mizuki decided to explore first since, in the group of women, the two of them have the best stealth skills.

Upon entering the cabin, Mizuki found the decapitated head of her mother, so she freaked out and ran to the basement instead of going to talk to the other women.

"You're a fool" – I sighed angrily and grabbed Sagiri's cheek. – "If I were an enemy, you would be dead…"

How do you think about exploring on your own?!"

"It hurts…" – Sagiri lamented pathetically, but she was a little happy when she noticed how worried I felt for her safety. – "Mizuki-san ran very fast and I couldn't leave her alone…"

"You are idiot!" – I squeezed her cheek harder. – "If your friend jumps off a bridge, will you do it too?!"

"Yes…" – Sagiri looked at me firmly to show her loyalty, but her eyes filled with tears when I really used force to cause her pain. – "Wait, that really hurts! Stop, it hurts a lot! You're going to rip off my cheek!"

"I will do it so you learn your lesson, you stupid brat" – I spoke with more anger. – "Since your parents did not educate you, I will have to do it"

"Help!" – Sagiri screamed, but no one heard her in the depths of the dungeon. – "Aaahhh don't spank my butt! Let go of me, you fucking pervert! Aaaahhhh it hurts! Hurts…! Ah~…..Why did I moan?! No, stop, something strange is awakening in me! Damn pervert!"

"As expected of my partner! Subdue a tsundere with the almighty domestic violence! The patriarchy never loses!"


No one heard the tragic cries of the ninja in the depths of the dungeon...

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