No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 391: Collectors are annoying

Chapter 391: Collectors are annoying

It took me an hour to summarize the situation so that the survivors of Chaldea could understand how fucked up and ridiculous the situation we were in was.

The summary was that some foreign entity covered the city with a barrier that is impossible to get out of, there are multiple disastrous timelines which are about to connect to our timeline since it is the main timeline, an invasion is about to start. world with beings that can destroy planets easily, and to improve things, we will not have reinforcements.

The information was enough to cause a nervous breakdown to anyone with minimal knowledge about the supernatural world, but they managed to endure the stress thanks to the small banquet I prepared.

By the way, now I know that King Arthur is a glutton to the point that she no longer hates me just because my food is delicious…. The history is disappointing.

While the members of Chaldea experienced the mixture of anxiety and happiness, I focused on organizing my thoughts about the information I obtained from Koyanskaya.

To start, I found some records that give indications that Auriel is about to send reinforcements. I don't know what kind of entity will come or how many soldiers will help me, but it's better than nothing. The most important thing is that they will be loyal people, and if they are not, Ortro will have more food.

Another important aspect is that Lucifer has become involved in this matter, which is both a good thing and a problematic thing.

Lucifer and Yui are good friends, but from what I've heard from Lucifer, benefits are always more important to her than friendship.

(Author's Note: Yui Kanakura from Nisekoi)

The fact that Lucifer is willing to help as long as I do her a favor is much more dangerous than she may seem at first glance.

The Hero of Harmony is the strongest rookie Hero, but he is still far from equaling the true Paradise veterans. The only reason she might need my help is because of my relationship with Auriel, in that sense, it is possible that Lucifer or someone valuable to her has an incurable mortal wound.

Ah, I'll think about that when the time is right. For now Lucifer's help will be useful, but it will be difficult to contact her, so I will have to wait.

On another point, the fact that Koyanskaya had contacted Beast VII before being brought to this place was a good idea. Beast VII wants to conquer this world because it is her home, so she won't let anyone else try to invade her house.

The only problem is that Beast VII might try to ruin my plans since she hates Alaya and humanity. It is even possible that she hates me because I became one of the main protectors of the World and she might think that I am a slave of Alaya.

In that sense, I need Miyu, Chloe and Illya to continue attending school and living normal lives. Depending on the level of plot in their souls, there is a small chance that the three of them will attract Gaia if she is still alive.

If I can find Gaia then everything will be easier since Beast VII will be willing to help me stop the invasion. As for fighting among ourselves, that may be after saving the World.

Lastly, and what caught my attention the most, were the three creatures that attacked Chaldea.

According to Paranoia and Ciel's analysis, there is an 80% chance that those creatures are Abby's pets which escaped when the little racist blonde went crazy. If Abby knows that someone stole her pets, she will be furious, so I have to handle this carefully or she will get in trouble.

With all the information organized in my mind, I focused 80% of my mind on polishing my plans while the rest of my attention was focused on the conversation.

"So… A world invasion…" – The scientist massaged his forehead in anguish while eating a slice of cake to ease his worries. – "It's incredible that this tastes so good even though the world is about to end"

I shrugged. – "If we are going to die, at least we have to do it with a full stomach"

"…" – The scientist sighed with resignation and decided to continue enjoying the cake.

"Even so…" – I smiled ironically. – "I never imagined I would have the opportunity to meet the legendary King Solomon…"

"Pffffff! "W-What?!" – The scientist spit out the cake in surprise and looked at me in panic.

The other people of Chaldea also seemed surprised, although they were more surprised by the scientist's reaction since they do not seem to believe that this man is the mythical King Solomon.

Honestly I'm surprised too. I didn't imagine that Solomon would be one of the Beasts, plus I can see that there is great apathy and lack of lust towards women, which is contradictory to the legend of him.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion. – "Hm? Was that a secret?"

"…" – The scientist looked at me complexly, then sighed with resignation. – "Please, let's not talk about that"

That made the people of Chaldea curious since they didn't seem to know that he was Solomon either, but I shrugged. – "Whatever… Oh, by the way, I met your disciple, the old man is a headache"

"…" – Solomon sighed heavily as he covered his face. – "Ah, I don't want to see it…"

Zelretch was a disciple of Solomon, but seeing the scientist's reaction, Zelretch was already a headache since he was young.

"Anyway" – I grabbed a napkin and wiped the sauce stains in my mouth. – "I have to go back to Fuyuki, you will have to stay here since there are many spies and I can't let the enemies know that I discovered the alternate timelines"

"… Ugh, timelines merging, invaders from another world… my head hurts…" – The Beast VII-like woman massaged her forehead in frustration. She can barely comprehend the magnitude of the problem, but the thought of a global invasion is enough to give her a migraine.

I smiled slightly like an elementary school teacher who wants to calm a child. – "Don't worry, I will make sure you come home"

"…" – The girl looked at my smile and nodded slightly without realizing that there was a subtle blush on her cheeks.

I insist, this is too easy...

"Oh, right" – I acted like I remembered something. – "You will need a place to stay"

I took out a small leather bag from my pocket and left the castle. The people in the castle followed me curiously except for the pair of twins. They had been influenced by Nyaruko to play with a cell phone.

"Nee-chan, I think you're exaggerating…" – The boy spoke with concern.

"Shut up, you give me bad luck!" - The girl had red eyes like a cocaine addict while she played something similar to a casino slot machine...

"Hehehe, welcome to gacha hell…" – For some reason, Nyaruko looked like a demon who managed to seduce an innocent soul…

I decided to pretend I didn't see that stupidity and left the castle.

I stopped in an open area and kicked away all the debris and charred bodies, then I opened the leather bag and various construction materials appeared on the ground.

I took out a scroll and with an eagle feather I drew an alchemy circle, then I put the scroll on the ground while pressing my hand on the circle.

On my brief visit to Paradise, Eriko gave me an alchemy book, so now I know how to perfectly pretend to be a mid-level alchemist so I can hide my abilities that can restructure reality.

The building materials were covered in light and began to mix together while molding a giant shadow.

"Hey Listen! You changed your job as a pimp to become a bricklayer! Every day more third world!"

In a matter of seconds, the space was occupied by a huge mansion with all the necessary services such as drainage, electricity, heating and entertainment venues such as a small cinema and a gym.

A simple wooden cabin would have been enough, but the Beast VII-like girl is a pampered princess so she will feel more comfortable with this level of luxuries.

"…" – Solomon approached and looked at the mansion with a mixture of surprise and irony. – "Hero-kun, your level of alchemy is really surprising, but I think you went too far with luxury…"

Why do all the historical figures in this world speak Japanese?


"No, this is perfect!" – As expected, the Beast VII-like girl screamed excitedly when she saw that there was even a nice garden that generated a strong contrast with the burning city. It was like seeing a small oasis in the middle of hell.

I smiled with satisfaction. – "Each of you will have your own room with a bathtub so you can relax, I included a cinema, gym and a dining room, there is also a warehouse with enough supplies so that you can stay here for a year, as for the quality of the food, don't worry, the food was frozen with time magic and when you put it in the microwave it will taste like it was freshly made"

"..." – Everyone looked at me blankly.

The woman I don't want to see looked at me strangely. – "Time magic? Did you use one of the more complex forms of magic just to preserve the taste of the food?"

I shrugged. – "Power exists to be used. What's the point of being strong if you can't enjoy life?"

Fuck, I don't want to associate with that woman, but my womanizing tendencies made me say what she would like to hear...

The woman blinked a few times and smiled appreciatively. – "Hmmm, I like your way of thinking"

I smiled, although I don't want to talk to her...

I said goodbye to the group and took a quick look at Koyanskaya. She easily understood the message and glanced subtly at the women in the group, to which I nodded slightly.

She will make sure that the women think that I am the only trustworthy figure in this place, which will allow me to expand my harem while I take care of more important things, but just in case I will send someone to help her later.

By the way, before my interest wanders, each woman has a particular identity.

The Beast VII look-alike girl is called Olga Marie Animusphere. She is the heir to one of the most important wizard families, but she is also a clone and vessel designed by Beast VII so that in the future she can be reborn in case her body is destroyed as happened with BB when I met her.

(Author's Note: Olga Marie Animusphere from Fate Grand/Order)

The girl with purple hair is called Mash Kyrielight. She is something similar to a homunculus that mages created to completely control a heroic spirit. Basically, she is an organic vessel designed to steal a Servant from the Throne of Heroes, but, although the spirit lives within her soul, the spirit remains dormant and so she cannot harness her full power, so she is a failed experiment, but at least she retains her own personality.

(Author's Note: Mash Kyrielight from Fate Grand/Order)

Oh, also, she is technically the incarnation of Galahad, a knight of the round table so she subconsciously feels a strong loyalty to Artoria.

The next is Gudako, the female twin of the pair of protagonist brothers…

(Author's Note: Gudako from Fate Grand/Order)

She is a complicated entity. Technically she and her brother have the same name and are called Ritsuka Fujimaru, but that is because, according to the original configuration, only one of them should exist and not both at the same time...

This seems to be one of the errors in reality that arose from Gaia's disappearance and not from some absurd plan, but I will still keep an eye on the twins since the girl gives me a strange and unpleasant feeling... I hate gamblers.

Finally, there is the woman I don't even want to look at... She is beautiful and part of her attitude matches my tastes, the problem is her name... Leonardo da Vinci.

(Author's Note: Da Vinci from Fate Grand/Order)

Her body is feminine, her soul is feminine, her attitude is feminine, even her character is feminine... But I can't stop thinking about issues of transsexuality and that is something that goes beyond my tolerance

The fact that King Arthur is actually a woman is still tolerable to me since it is a similar context to Joan of Arc, but according to Da Vinci's records, she was a man when she was still alive, but upon becoming a heroic spirit , she became a woman to play La Gioconda, also known as the Mona Lisa.

Ah, the biggest problem is that Nyaruko insists that Da Vinci is one of the best girls in Fate, but my extreme homophobia causes me to reject her… It's hard to be conservative.

Anyway, I don't have time to think about how absurd Japanese stories are, I must first prevent the destruction of the world.

Before leaving the burning city I had to talk to my two new maids.

"Let's see... For starters, you two can't fight anymore" – I sighed while massaging my forehead.

Artoria and Jeanne looked at each other intensely as if they were a pair of mad dogs about to fight to the death.

"She ate my burger!" – Artoria screamed like a spoiled child as she held her sword.

"She drank my wine!" – Jeanne screamed like a spoiled child as she held her banner and the fire covered her hands.

When I started talking to the people of Chaldea, I gave food to my new maids so they wouldn't cause me problems, but that only caused more problems...

Why am I a magnet for strange, loud women? For the love of two, they are both adults.

How problematic…

I sighed. – "If you continue fighting, I will use my authority as Master to make you two become completely obedient and that is something that neither of us wants, right?"

"…." – The two women gritted their teeth in frustration, but both lowered their weapons.

While both women are now technically my slaves, I have respected both women's free will to a certain extent and that is something they know. This helped them both hate me less since I don't treat them like objects, but that's why they are worried that I decide to destroy the last trace of freedom they have left.

"Good" – I nodded with satisfaction and took out a couple of books, one for each woman. – "While I am not here, you follow these instructions, in the mansion there is a warehouse with weapons and magical artifacts that you can distribute among your soldiers, there are also manuals on how to use some drugs to strengthen the monsters, so prepare a disposable army minimally useful"

From what I could see, both women are not like Raikou who obtained her real body from. Artoria and Jeanne's real bodies are still inside the Throne of Heroes, so the two women in front of me are disposable spiritual clones.

To clarify, some Servants have different versions coming from different timelines, so Shiki took advantage of this to create multiple tools with different abilities and characteristics.

For example, Wu Zetian has an Assassin version and a Caster version, but during the Lostbelt, both versions were combined to create a single Wu Zetian who has no restrictions on her skills and is in fact much stronger than her original version.

In another example, Raikou having her real body means that all of her alternate versions no longer exist and there is only one Raikou.

At the moment I can't connect to the Throne of Heroes because of the barrier, but according to Nyaruko, I shouldn't let them get their real bodies and it would be better to use organic alchemy to give them new bodies.

Apparently, there are multiple versions of Artoria and Jeanne, so it would be best to get alternate versions of both women to have a harem of historical figures...

I honestly thought that my stress would prevent me from thinking about expanding my harem, but my [Kleptomania] and my 'Obsession: Spiral King' stat were tempted by the idea of having a massive harem of historical figures.

Now that I have met Solomon, I have the strange desire to create a harem that surpasses the one he had in the past….

Ah, the stress is really getting to me.

Anyway. I exited the timeline together with Nyaruko and we headed to a safe area covered by an isolation barrier. She was a little sad to part with her new gambling-addicted friend, but that sadness quickly disappeared thanks to her new toy.

"Heh, this is funny" – Nyaruko smiled with mockery and disdain as she waved a snow globe.

Inside the sphere was the system user with ninja skills, or well, part of his body since Ortro is chewing on his head (mind).

The people of Chaldea believe that I murdered the system user and Nyaruko disposed of the body.

Although that made the more innocent girls a little uncomfortable, they did not complain since in my explanation I told them that the system user was a spy from Hell and he was the cause of Chaldea being destroyed. I even showed them evidence that was obviously forged with [Mythomania].

In reality, the system user was an innocent victim of this chaos and was just a puppet destined to die when the war begins.

The system user was a loser from another world who died four months ago after he saved a girl from being run over.

By chance, a Higher Entity found the system user's soul just as he was about to be reborn.

The Higher Entity hacked the system to change the missions, and also lied to the system user to make him believe that his rebirth was due to God being moved by his noble action, so he had been rewarded with a system and the opportunity to form a harem in anime and video game worlds.

The system user completely accepted this stupidity and even fell in love with the system without realizing that the entity controlling the system only saw him as a disposable tool.

The entity gave a series of easy missions for the system user to gain skills while growing his narcissism, but to the bad luck of the Higher Entity, the system user had already been detected by Hell for the infiltration plan in the Gaia, so the entity and the system user became slaves, although the system user is the only one who does not know anything about this and believes that he is the protagonist of life.

In his most recent main mission, the system user arrived on Gaia to infiltrate Chaldea and thus begin his mission in Fuyuki.

The idea was simple. The survivors of Chaldea would be attacked by Arotoria and Jeanne, the system user would save everyone while subduing both women and thus begin to build his harem, in the process, Salomon and the male twin would have tragic deaths taking advantage of the fact that Salomon was not can use his powers since they were temporarily sealed by Beast VII.

Once the system user obtained the two Servants and the women of Chaldea, he would infiltrate Fuyuki to search for Miyu and Illya.

The system user has the title 'Otaku' and knows the plot of most of the stories that make up this World. He would take advantage of his knowledge of Fate Kaleid to help Chloe and thus he would get the attention of the three girls needed for the ritual.

After the idiot was in charge of helping Chloe get out of Illya's body, a signal would be activated to notify a group of assassins who were hiding in the city. They would try to hurt the brats, but the system user would protect them, which would help him win my daughters' hearts…

The system user was a pedophile asshole, so he would try to get the three brats into bed for an orgy, but that would make the ritual complete.

Before anyone can stop the ritual, the three girls, the system user, and all the souls of the people in the city will be destroyed, which will completely destroy the barrier and the World will be completely invaded.

It was an incredible plan... Fucking incredible...

Best of all, this is just an alternate, disposable plan. The demons have many other plans to capture my daughters and they are all happening at once so that at least one plan can work...

The entity that prepared this series of complex plans is fucking brilliant….

This is amazing…so fucking amazing and fun that I want to kill them all.... I want to chew on their faces while I rip the souls out of their fucking bodies and play with their intestines….

All those sons of bitches are chasing my daughters... They want to abuse and hurt my daughters...

Demons, traitor heroes and system users… They all want to get their hands on my daughters........

I will kill everyone.

I have to kill them all.

No one can touch my daughters.

I can't stop until everyone is dead......

[Paranoia: An alteration in the master's self-control has been detected. Activating 'Sadomasochistic Meditation']

…. Thank you.

[Paranoia: I exist to help the master]

How cute, it seems like she is smiling even if her face remains expressionless.

I sighed and looked at Nyaruko. – "Take the woman out, I want to question her"

Nyaruko smiled and shook the snow globe.

The system user is irrelevant and his soul only serves to give System Goddess more materials to evolve. What really matters is the entity that is hidden in the soul of that idiot.

The snow sphere was a dimensional storage artifact, it's something Auriel gave me to store Worlds in danger that don't want to join Paradise. Of course, Auriel knows that I am not a saint and I will not use this cage for noble purposes, in fact, Eriko made modifications to it to turn it into a reality cage that allows me to imprison entities that are at a power level comparable to a Veteran Hero. .

The snow sphere emitted a beautiful white light and suddenly a beautiful woman appeared in front of us, or well, it should be a beautiful woman, but her body was full of bruises, her limbs were broken and her face had marks from being hit with a golf club Nyaruko gave her a good beating.

"…P-Please, no more…" – The woman began to cry as she crawled towards my feet. – "I'm sorry… I didn't want to anger a glorious existence like you… I'm sorry…."

I'm so furious that I want to rip this woman's face off, but I let her live since she has some useful features, plus she showed many techniques that match the techniques that System Goddess designed.

To begin with, when Nyaruko went to beat up the system user, this woman activated multiple security measures and spiritual formations to escape. These formations were not strong, but they were multiple layers of illusions and traps that could confuse high level entities, in fact, the system user was about to escape from Nyaruko and I almost had to intervene, but Nyaruko knows System Goddess's tricks and was able to react in time.

According to the records I see, this woman met Goddess of the System several centuries before I met her. The woman followed System Goddess since she also has a systems-focused Concept, but the difference is that the woman is much weaker and she focuses on villain systems.

The woman felt very fond of Goddess of the System, she sees her as her teacher and in a certain way even worships her as her ancestor or mother, but Goddess of the System does not even remember her and only helped her because she needed a slave to help her in their experiments.

When Goddess of the System traveled to the apocalyptic world, the woman did not go with her since she had another task, but she worried about her as she lost all contact with her. By the way, she didn't know that System Goddess is a resident of Gaia.

Since then, the woman has wandered the multiverse as she searches for novice system users to control them in the same way as System Goddess did.

Time is relative in the multiverse and a couple of decades ago, this woman found a system user with a ninja system, but she didn't know that that idiot was already Hell's prey.

She ended up being captured and forced to participate in an infiltration mission to invade Gaia, so here we are...

I frowned and reached down to grab the woman's hair.

"P-Please don't hit me…" – The woman began to beg with tears in her eyes, but I ignored her and looked at her neck.

At first glance there was nothing on the woman's neck, but my [Reader's Madness] allowed me to see the reality records and I saw something interesting.

As with the demon that kidnapped the Taimanin, there was a chain mark on the woman's neck that held her soul, but this chain was more visible and, in fact, was in the shape of a dog leash…

I smiled at the unexpected gift.

With my left hand I held the woman's face and ignored her screams, at the same time, my right hand was covered with black blood and [Rasen].

I grabbed the dog leash, but the moment my hand touched the leash, there was a flash of black light that made a strange chainsaw sound. This was a high-level Contract with a strong security system designed to destroy the woman's soul if anyone attempted to decipher the Contract.

I already expected this and before the black light destroyed the woman's soul, I activated [Phobia] in the 'Claustrophobia' version so that a black coffin covered the woman and me to isolate us from the rest of the multiverse, at the same time I used [Rasen] and [Schizophrenia] to generate a change in reality where the Contract had a 1% chance of failing.

The instant the [Rasen] energy covered the black light, I activated [Anti-Rasen] to negate the 99% chance that the Contract could work.

Even though I reversed the cause-effect and the probability of possibility, the necklace did not deactivate and the black light was about to destroy a soul, which was fascinating… This chain is a Conceptual Skill that can ignore the alteration of reality by means of a specific order…

It is as if a judge could decree a law that all people must subconsciously obey and cannot even think of refusing. Something beyond the dictatorship, it is like an absolute decree that surpasses a divine decree...

How interesting.

Plan A failed, so I went to Plan B.

[Anti-Rasen] stopped the advance of the black light to prevent the woman's death, then I activated my skill [Contract] and my title [Stingy Jack] to intervene in the Contract. I can't deactivate the Contract, but I can change the punishment.

Instead of the black light destroying the woman's soul, I redirected the light to attack one of the disposable souls stored in Ortro's stomach.

The soul in Ortro's snack store was destroyed, which made my girl sad, but I'll give her a cookie later, for now I have a new toy that I need to fix.

I deactivated [Phobia] and let go of the woman whose face was completely pale with horror. The whole process lasted 0.0002 seconds, but it was enough for the woman to feel that her soul was almost destroyed, at the same time, she realized that she has the power of an Outer God.

She thought that I am the herald of a powerful Outer God while also being Auriel's chief knight, so either I am a double agent working for the Outer Gods, or Auriel managed to establish an alliance with them. No matter what the answer is, both options are terrifying.

For now this doesn't matter, what's important is the dog leash in my hand.

At the moment the black light destroyed the disposable soul, the necklace was about to self-destruct without a trace, but I used [Anti-Rasen] to seal the self-destruct process and now I have something with records intact…

[Paranoia: Full Analysis. The identity of the enemy has been determined]

I smiled. It was a sincere smile.

Now I know who the person is who prepared so many plans to hurt my daughters….

"Seeeenpai~" – BB contacted me via telepathy, but I can already imagine what she was about to say. – "I managed to get the bitch to talk to give me the identity of the shit that causes us problems! Senpai must reward BB-chan!"

"I already know who the mastermind behind all this shit is…" – I responded ironically and explained everything I found.

"Eehh?! It's not fair, I tried so hard to bribe that bitch! I even offered senpai as tribute…! Ehem, I mean, good job senpai…" – BB quickly closed the telepathic link….

Oh, whatever.

I looked at the woman who seemed to be trying hard not to faint and sent a message to System Goddess. – "There is a woman named Su Daji here and she seems to be your disciple, come see her and pretend that you care about her, she may be useful"

(Author's Note: Su Daji from Arch Villain)

And so I got another person capable of affecting system users...

Anyway. For now I have other things to do, but first...

I looked at Nyaruko and narrowed my eyes. - "What are you thinking?"

"Eh? Me?" – Nyaruko tilted her head in confusion, and although her acting skills have improved, I can see whens she is feigning ignorance.

My little conversation with BB was overheard by the women with strong telepathic abilities like Nyaruko and Abby, and from what I see, Nyaruko recognized the name of the person who set up all this shit…

My brow furrowed. Nyaruko is trying hard to hide her records so that I can see her thoughts.

I don't mind that she has a little privacy, but it bothers me that she seemed expectant upon hearing the enemy's name…

"Okay, okay, don't look at me like that or I'll need new underwear…" – Nyaruko raised her hands in surrender with blushing cheeks. – "I don't know that woman in person, but I know her story of origin…. And well…"

"Don't make me take out a fork" – My frown increased.

Nyaruko sighed in resignation. – "She is one of my favorite waifus and I don't want you to kill her, in fact, I would love it if you could add her to the harem, or at least let me keep her on my shelf, she would look good next to the Warhammer 40,000 armors"


I sighed. – "No, she wanted to harm my daughters, she must die"

"Please, I will make you very happy if you do me this favor~" – Nyaruko grabbed my arm and started acting flirtatious, but her seductive attitude did not match her character and she just looked like an annoying brat .

I ignored Nyaruko and waited for her to come System Goddess to pick up her disciple. I need to finish my preparations and traps.

"Luuuuuis~ Pleeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeee~" -Nyaruko started to be a nuisance…

"Hey Listen! If the enemy has a wife then make him a cuck, but if the enemy is a woman then you must impregnate her with hatred!"



"Do it dog!"



It had been a long time since I had the desire to sleep….

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