No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 392: Tiredness…

Chapter 392: Tiredness…

Finally, things calmed down and the first day came to an end. The three brats who will cause the end of the world have finally started to get along, although Chloe is only pretending to be friends with Miyu and Illya.

Something important is that Chloe feels a little happy that Irisviel has started treating her like her daughter, but the brat can't fully enjoy the feeling of having a family since she thinks that in a dangerous situation, we will all choose to protect Illya from protect her.

Unfortunately for my daughter, I don't have much time to support her with her emotional problems since I have to organize some things.

I am currently facing a big problem.

It's not the invasion of demons that can destroy the World, it's not the possibility that system users are involved in this shit, it's not the unpleasant uncertainty of not understanding all the enemy's plans... No, none of that. My new headache is a couple of anime-obsessed idiots.

"Luuuuis, please!" – Nyaruko writhed on the ground like a worm since her body was tied with chains of [Anti-Rasen]…

"Onii-chan, I want the psychopathic manipulator to be my sister-in-law!" –My stupid sister was in the same situation…

I massaged my forehead, unable to contain my need to sigh in annoyance. – "No, I'm going to kill her and that's it"

"NOOOOO!" – The pair of idiots screamed as if it were the end of the world.

What a nuisance…

"Senpai, now you understand why I always say that otakus don't deserve rights?" – BB had a mocking expression of contempt as she patted my shoulder. She is having fun with my suffering.

I looked at the pair of worms who were still squirming and complaining. BB is right, not everyone deserves freedom of expression…

It all started because at midnight, I gathered my wives and sister to design a plan to defend the city when the invasion occurs.

Umaru is a spoiled brat, stuck up, lazy, unkempt, and obsessed with stupid things, but her ability to strategize is something that surpasses several generals in my personal army. According to her, it's all thanks to the experience she has gained in video games, but [Reader Perspective] showed me that she has an innate talent to be an exceptional general.

The fact that I was born to be an assassin and she was a general gives me the feeling that our innate talents were part of our father's plan, but I still don't have enough evidence to come to a conclusion.

Anyway. I brought Umaru to the meeting to see if she could contribute ideas, but Nyaruko started talking nonsense about not killing the leader of the enemies.

The problem is that the leader of the enemies turns out to be a character from a series that Nyaruko loves and that also exists in this world. According to Umaru, my enemy is her favorite 'waifu' of this year...

Due to my title [No Otaku], I can't see the story where the demon leader comes from, but with the help of Paranoia and Ciel, I was able to filter and classify the information to understand the enemy a little better.

The entity leading the invasion is called the Control Demon, but also goes by the human name Makima.

(Author's Note: Makima from Chainsaw Man)

The power of demons is varied according to each World, there are even Worlds where demons are a title and not a race, but in the World from which Makima comes, demons are the materialization of human fears.

The power of emotions is one of the simplest to understand, but most difficult to use. This is because emotions are not stable and a simple variation in them can make a powerful entity as weak as a snail.

To give an example, [Rasen] is technically an energy based on emotions, as it is the power of Willpower.

Because of this, almost anyone could use Rasen, but it takes willpower that reaches the point of absolute obsession. Basically, all Rasen wielders are obsessive psychopaths, although the previous wielder used that obsession for heroic obsessions while I use it for selfish obsessions.

Something important is that Rasen is based on one's own willpower, but Makima uses the collective power of fear.

Technically that would mean that the power of fear is stronger, since it comes from all people while willpower comes from an individual, but that is the biggest flaw of fear. It is a power that becomes weak as ignorance decreases or population decreases.

From what I understand, the power of fear is something strong within a closed World, but in the multiverse, it is a power that is too unstable and dependent on the inhabitants of the World, so it is not useful for fights in other Worlds.

To give an example, that power makes demons like sharks in the sea and the sea is their home world. When they go to another world, it would be like the shark traveling to the desert to fight an armadillo.

The armadillo will win the fight not because it is stronger, but because it has a territorial advantage.

With this logic, Makima and her demons are not a problem, in fact, she would only be strong in her own World and could never become one of the current rulers of Hell.

That's where a lot of problems come in...

BB negotiated with Shub-Niggurath for information and what we got is problematic.

The black goat mentioned that Makima is a Higher Entity, so she is no longer restricted by the Laws of her World.

As if that weren't enough of a problem, she found a way to connect the Laws of each World she managed to conquer. Thus, each World under her control provides her with a constant supply of the power of fear.

A positive point is that Makima is tied to her own Control Concept. She cannot exert her power in territories that have not been influenced by her demons, so she will not be able to attack this World if we manage to stop the invasion.

That's a good thing since according to Shub-Niggurath, the Control Concept allows Makima to have complete control over every fear within her territory.

This doesn't sound impressive, but it's actually a very dangerous thing to do.

There are people who are afraid of the dark, so Makima can control it. There are people who are afraid of guns, so she can master them. There are people who fear the passage of time, death, negative emotions, destruction, pain, life, people... Basically, if something exists then there is someone who is afraid of it.

What's worse is that Shub-Niggurath was defeated by Makima since, in the entire multiverse, the most feared creatures are the Outer Gods...

Makima cannot directly control the Outer Gods, but she is able to see the obsessions in the hearts of the Outer Gods to deceive them, in addition, she can restrict Madness-based skills.

This restriction is limited and depends on many conditions: Makima needs to know what Path of Madness the Outer God has, what the effects of the Concept corrupted by Madness are, what the Outer God's real name is, and she must avoid directly touching the Outer God or her own Concept could be corrupted, which would be harmful to her soul.

In fact, Shub-Niggurath admitted that she was only defeated since she let her guard down, plus she never takes fights seriously and only sees them as an opportunity to enjoy pleasurable pain.

On the other hand, the skills of the strongest Outer Gods are some of the best known throughout the multiverse, so it only takes time and resources to devise specialized traps against them. That is also the reason why large organizations began to persecute the Outer Gods.

Although Makima is not really a powerful enemy in direct combat, she is an extremely dangerous creature as she knows how to exploit the psychological and emotional weaknesses of her victims. Fortunately, she is only strong within her territory, but if she leaves that place, a Paradise general could easily capture her.

Despite this, there is another big problem. Shub-Niggurath mentioned that Makima is not alone in this invasion. There are other high-level demons who chose to collaborate with her to get a piece of the pie (Gaia), so at any moment the armies of other Higher Entities could appear. In fact, Shub-Niggurath is technically Makima's ally since she agreed to collaborate with the demon in exchange for being chained and tortured... she is a complete masochist.

Shub-Niggurath did not tell us who Makima's allies were, but BB theorized that one of them must be one of the biggest nymphomaniacs in the multiverse since Shub-Niggurath's only 'friends' are the wielders of the skill [Sadomasochistic Meditation].

By the way, Shub-Niggurath agreed to work with us since BB told her that I am the male wielder of [Sadomasochistic Meditation] and she is eager to meet me…

My wife just prostituted me, although it seems that she is suffering more than me with this decision.

With all this information, I prepared a simple plan: When the Dimensional Gate opens, I will go to Hell, free Shub-Niggurath, and send her to Gaia. When my wives are safe, I will activate Gogh's flower garden to destroy the entire place. Just in case, Ortro will stay on Gaia to allow me to be reborn if my body is completely destroyed by the sunflowers.

The bomb man tactic is simple but efficient. The problem is that Nyaruko doesn't want me to destroy Makima since she is one of her favorite characters. She loves manipulative and sadistic characters that are visually attractive… That's why she loves me so much.

Umaru thinks the same, in fact, both idiots share many points of view...

What a bummer.

"I already said no" – I raised my voice a little to show that I'm starting to get tired of this stupid argument.

"Onii-chaaaaan!" – Umaru looked at me with the eyes of an abandoned puppy, but since the death of my cat I have no longer felt compassion for pitiful creatures.

I ignored the pair of idiots and turned my attention to a hologram showing the entire structure of Fuyuki City.

My wives have not found all the dimensional rifts that connect this city to the other timelines, but I have already identified all the bases of the local demons working for Hell.

As I focused on seeing all the areas where it would be good to place traps and soldiers, Yukari's voice caught my attention.

(Author's Note: Yukari Yakumo from Touhou)

"Your sister is holding her breath…" – Yukari's smiling expression showed how much fun she was having seeing my pitiful sister.

…Ah, for the love of God…

I looked at Umaru. The damn brat was holding her breath to force me to listen to her.

"Seriously?" – I sighed heavily. – "Umaru, you're not five years old anymore, stop acting like a stupid spoiled child"

Umaru looked at me stubbornly as her face began to change color.

My expression worsened. – "Do you really want a spanking?"

"…." – Umaru paled when she saw my expression and breathed again, but she continued to look at me stubbornly.

I guess I didn't hit her enough when she was a kid... Ah, that's what I get for being too nice to her.

"Do you hit your sister when she misbehaves?" – The leader of the Taimanin, Asagi, frowned.

(Author's Note: Asagi Igawa from Taimanin Asagi)

"I only do it when she goes too far with her tantrums" – I responded tiredly, but showing my inflexibility in the face of this discussion. – "I am a firm believer that physical punishment is important to prevent a brat from becoming unbearable, but only within reason or else it is just senseless violence, unfortunately my incompetent mother was very permissive with this brat and she became a spoiled girl"

"Still, that's no way to treat a girl" – Asagi continued to look at me disapprovingly.

She is sensitive to the parenting issue due to her problems with her adopted children, and although she is a bit annoying, I like that she has enough character to contradict me even though she made a vow of loyalty. Totally obedient women are boring.

"Oh, look, the mother of the year has spoken" – Nyaruko smirked despite being tied up like a worm. – "At least Luis didn't let his daughters abuse him for fear of hurting his feelings ~… At least not until now"

…. I want to throw up.

Asagi's face showed anger, guilt, and displeasure at Nyaruko's words.

Long ago, she was abused by her adopted son who had sold her soul to demons just out of lust, but Asagi had forgiven him because according to her, he did it because he felt alone...

It's so ridiculous that I don't even feel like criticizing Asagi's stupidity.

By the way, I helped Asagi's son get his body back, but now he is thinking about how to kill me since he thinks Asagi is with me because I threatened her. I honestly don't care, he will die in a sad accident when the war starts.

Asagi was furious, but she didn't say a word since Nyaruko is my wife and Asagi follows the code of ninjas in feudal times. Basically I am her emperor and I can give her any order, so she has no right to contradict my wife. Asagi only dares to argue with me since I gave her the order to be honest with me because she bores me talking to a doll that she only knows how to nod.

"Enough of the stupidity, we have a lot to do" – I frowned and raised my voice.

"Okay~" – Nyaruko shrugged her shoulders and then looked at me expectantly. – "Luis, I'm hungry, make me a pizza"

Sometimes I appreciate her attention deficit. She already forgot that I want to kill Makima.

"In an hour I will make dinner, first let's finish working" – I smiled slightly.

"Good~" – Nyaruko did not mind remaining tied like a worm and she nodded happily. I really envy how carefree she is.

I have Outer Gods at my side, I have a heavily armed army, I have the support of several powerful beings who are protected by the Laws of this World, Umaru and her friends in the chat room are protected by a strong plot armor that was strengthened when I came into contact with the chat room…

Despite all this, my paranoia and pessimism make me feel that something very unpleasant is about to happen and that bothers me...

I'm tired. I really want to hug Auriel and take a nap…

[System Notification: The 'Reader's Madness' energy has created the 'Burnout' skill.]

[Burnout: My Japanese genes want to make a tribute to Kurt Cobain

This skill embodies the weariness towards life and the incessant desire for sweet eternal silence. By using this ability, senses, skills, abilities, strength, energies and techniques will break your limits to maximize your power. The increase in power will be immediate and will last a few seconds, then the power will begin to decrease rapidly.

When the power increase ends, the user's mind and soul will be subjected to an extreme state of fatigue and frustration that will burn the mind and incinerate the user's soul, leading him to suicide... (System Notification: Effect modified by the entity Paranoia, the skills 'Schizophrenia', 'Dissociative Personality', 'Masochism' and the stat 'Obsession: Spiral King').

When the power increase ends, the user will be placed in a state of stasis to stabilize mental fatigue. If the user refuse to rest, the fatigue will be stored in a personality fragment. When the user has a moment of rest, the personality fragment will activate and fill the user with extreme mental fatigue]

…. I'm surprised I haven't unlocked the power of depression yet...

"Congratulations Senpai, you got the ultimate PowerUP for workaholics and masochists~" – BB patted my shoulder mockingly, but there was concern in her eyes.

I smiled slightly. – "It's something tolerable, don't worry"

"Who cares? I like seeing the tired old dog expression that Senpai makes" – BB responded with a smile to hide her sincere concern at my deteriorating mental state.

"Hey Listen! "Tsundere!" – The idiot had been eating until now, but she already finished his burger…

"Shut up you shit, you're the only tsundere" – BB started arguing with Navi while the rest of us went back to work.

Asagi and Yukari were the only ones who were really focused on making a plan to protect the city. The women who came to rescue the Taimanin do not know that my wives are Outer Gods, nor do they know all my power and that is why they are very worried about what seems like a lost battle.

I haven't told you the truth since my suicide plan will only work if few people know about it, especially since there are too many clairvoyance skills, analysis of records, predictions and reading the future. Besides, I can't show all my trump cards, or everyone will point their weapons at me if they know that I have gathered the Outer Gods into one group, even Paradise will become my enemy and it's still not the right time to hit those idealistic idiots.

Oh, I need to prepare myself for whatever fucking stupid thing the fucking author might come up with... That loser doesn't even know what he's doing anymore.

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