No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 6: My Heart Is Pure, Pure Evil 1

Chapter 6: My Heart Is Pure, Pure Evil 1

The greatest invention of humanity was not the wheel, the computer, or the internet, the true invention that allowed human survival against the forces of nature and predators was the construction of shelters.

Whether it's a cave, sheltering in a leaf-covered hole, or even gutting a bison to use its entrails as a sleeping bag, a house is meaningful to humans.

That is why people who live on the street look for a territory that they can secure for themselves. Under a bridge or a bench in a park, the feeling of having a piece of ground with your name on it gives a sense of accomplishment and belonging important for the mental development of human beings.

I really cannot understand how Buddhist teachings speak of detachment from material goods to achieve enlightenment.

Fuck you, Siddhartha! You probably never had to sleep on the street while keeping an eye out in case some jerk came along to try to steal what little you have!

Or maybe yes, but from his teachings, I am sure that Siddhartha was a masochist. Anyway, everyone has the likes of him, what really matters is that the existence of a shelter is important for mental health.

I believe that I am about to achieve enlightenment about the true purpose of life.

"Hey Listen! You've been rolling on the ground for an hour, you're starting to worry me! " - Navi's voice pulled me out of my deep thoughts.

"You fucking fly! Don't interrupt my internal monologue when I'm on something important! " - I hit Navi with enough force to kill a person but this damned indestructible plague just bounced off the wall and kept flying. I couldn't help asking him a question. - "Did Nokia build you or because you are so resistant?"

"I am linked to you, as long as you are alive then I will not die even if I am killed so we will be together forever!" - Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!

"SIIIIIIIIIIIII! MUAJAJAJAJAJAJA! " - Damn, Navi's villainous behavior is getting worse every day.

Joking aside, it's been two weeks since we came to this martial arts world. At this point, I was able to accept the existence of Navi and now we make jokes with each other to relax since we are the best of friends ...

Shit, I still hate this damn loud thing! I tried everything, hit him, lock him in a cage and throw him into the sea, stab him, I even stole a gun from a distracted cop and shot the damn blue fly but nothing works.

Navi has already explained to me that it is a conceptual existence or something like that. He is literally a 'Travel Companion', he will exist as long as I exist, and even if I die it is possible that this damn thing will accompany me to hell as it is still a journey.

When I heard that even death wouldn't get rid of his damn high-pitched voice I decided to seek immortality, if I make myself a ghost then I won't be able to hit Navi so it's important to stay alive or I'll go crazy one day.

The multiverse is large and apparently, immortality is not impossible, it is even possible that my Rasen energy improves my body to be immortal but I still cannot take advantage of this power due to the barrier called 'common sense'.

It is ironic that my efforts in reading all kinds of books in the library prevented me from using Rasen since my common sense denies the possibility of making the impossible possible.

Even if I knew God, I would only see him as a lazy idiot who prefers to see his son die, instead of putting the order in humanity. My rational mind does not accept the existence of an omnipotent and omnipresent being.

When I learned why I couldn't take advantage of the Rasen I got so mad at myself and the system that I used Navi as a stress ball until my hands got tired of hitting it against the wall.

Come to think of it, I think Navi went crazy from all the abuse I've subjected him to. He recently started saying that he should steal wives and kill their husbands while I sleeping with his daughters.

I appreciate that Navi can only function as a guide during missions because if he had just a little power I'm sure the damn fairy would start a civil war. I just hope his stupidity isn't contagious.

My psycho partner aside, the reason he was rolling on the floor is that I love my apartment.

It is an apartment for one person so it is small, but this little place makes me feel free.

Here I don't have to worry about taking care of my stupid and spoiled little sister, I don't have to keep blackmailing the neighborhood gang members to protect my mother, I don't have to avoid approaching my father for fear of losing control and ending up killing him. punches, I can forget about the fucking yakuza and their stupid fights for territory, I can also leave the fucking crazy who have not stopped looking for me to marry me or die (and kill me) in the process.

One piece of advice, never put your penis in a crazy one even if she's cute.

Sure, she may feel good during sex, but the consequences are not worth it.

I made mistakes when I arrived in Japan, I never would have thought that the lack of human contact in Japanese society would make obsessive madness abound.

That's part of the reason I've been wondering about the plan to make Shigure emotionally dependent on me. When you give intense emotions to a person who is not used to things like affection then you may end up opening Pandora's box.

I already have a couple of crazy women looking for me in my own world to go around creating problems in other worlds.

These days I've been debating whether I should give up the search for Shigure and focus on some lonely girl in need of affection that I could mold to my liking. The idea was attractive if it weren't for the fact that this beautiful woman with an expressionless face had something special that made me want to get closer to her.

Who am I kidding? I like Shigure more than other women I've met. So far the women I have known are divided into two: the crazy and the problematic.

Crazy women are irrational women who do absurd stupid things either because their emotions dominate them or because they simply don't think.

An example is a wife who runs a Japanese candy store, that she seeks an affair with a boy the same age as her daughter just because he saved her from some gang members. This lets me know that something is wrong with her thought process.

The problems are women who can think clearly but still decide to act as they please. These are more annoying since with crazy women at least you know that something is wrong in their heads and they can be led to the right path with patience and guidance.

For their part, the troublesome need to be spanked in the butt so that they learn a little common sense, but even then they may still act like spoiled brats.

I know there are normal women who won't give me headaches, but such a girl wouldn't date an idiot like me, and if she does, it's because I'm tricking her into using her in some ridiculous scheme to annoy someone else.

The more I remember everything that awaits me in my own world, the less I want to return and I begin to wish to stay in this world of martial arts.

Unfortunately, I made a stupid promise when I was 10 years old and vowed to protect my sister until she was 20 years old. Only 6 more years and she will stop being my problem, but until then I have to do my best so that she has a better home and a good education. If I'm going to do something then I'll do it right.

I don't really care about her and if it weren't for the fact that I'm an idiot obsessed with keeping my promises then I would have left her with our parents to figure it out on their own.

I don't have anyone that I care about enough to start a family and make a home. Well shit, that sounds depressing.

I realized that since I entered this stupidity of the King of the Harem my thoughts have become more cluttered and negative.

I'm not sure what is wrong with me, it may be because of the mental exhaustion of facing something beyond my understanding and for which I do not feel prepared.

I admit that I am a selfish jerk who can cast people off after squeezing every last drop of usefulness out of them, but at the same time I have little moral moments where I reflect on my actions, I am still human, and I have a stupid heart with feelings.

Many times I no longer know if I am a selfish scum who takes advantage of others to fulfill my own wishes, or if everything is an act to hide some fear of being rejected or existential shit of that kind.

Damn, these little existential crises started because of Shigure!

Since my fight with Apachi two weeks ago I became an official disciple of the Ryozanpaku. I had a little conflict with karate master Shio Sakaki because the jerk took the money in my wallet to buy alcohol with the excuse that it was the cost of registration and medical treatment.

I knew I couldn't beat him in a fight unless he filled the dojo with explosives so I decided to challenge him at his own game and we had a drink competition.

I'm a minor so they shouldn't let me drink but I'm good at beating people's pride into doing stupid things.

Pride, the poison of the strong and idiots alike.

Not even Miu could stop us and at some point, I ended up competing against the masters of the Ryozanpaku. The fact that a 17-year-old boy was able to beat the legendary masters in a drinking contest is a secret they will take to the grave, but I'll brag about it even if they come to beat me up.

Only the dojo founder and Miu's grandfather Hayato Furinji could face me and we ended up in a draw. It must be said that the old man is the most stubborn person I have ever met and from time to time he continues to challenge me to drinking duels as his pride as an invincible man prevents him from giving up.

Well, I'm just as stupid as I also want to beat him just to see his defeated face.

That event was important not because I was able to step on the pride of 5 of the strongest martial artists in this world (I'm still tied with Hayato), the most important thing was that idiot Kenichi Shirahama threw me into a metaphorical shit pit.

My metabolism may put Germany's best drinkers to shame, but I'm still human and drunk after having more alcohol than blood in my body.

Some damn jerk got him the idea that I was interested in Miu. Kenichi seems to be attracted to the violent blonde so he was worried that a more handsome and stronger guy would take the problem girl away (I'm not a narcissist, I'm just telling facts).

Kenichi had only had tea like the good boy that he is, but the smell of alcohol that filled the room gave him enough balls to ask me if I was interested in Miu.

The drunken teachers pretended to sleep so they could hear what we were saying, Miu was also present so the situation was uncomfortable.

To make matters worse there was a cheerful idiot with his mouth loose from drink, that idiot was me.

"Hahahaha she's cute but I prefer Shigure! How come she doesn't have hundreds of suitors? Only an idiot doesn't recognize a good woman when she's right under his nose! " - That's what I said while still laughing like an idiot.

It seems that ruining things because of drinking is something I inherited from the garbage I call father.

As if that wasn't enough, Kenichi kept moving his damn mouth and I kept responding.

"Eh, Shigure-san? Do you want to go out with Shigure-san? " - It was Kenichi's stupid question.

"have a relationship with her? If necessary I would marry her! ... But it is not possible ... "- That was my stupid answer.

"Is it because they are teacher and disciple?" - At that point, the members of the Ryozanpaku had decreased their presence so as not to interrupt the show.

"It's more difficult ... I have to keep a promise ... I need to form a harem and Shigure deserves someone who appreciates her sincerely ..." - I can swear by the God I do not believe in, I have no idea why I said that.

Kenichi wants to be a writer so he started asking me what I liked about Shigure.

On the bright side, I didn't say I loved her round ass, meaty thighs, and milky breasts.

The downside is that I said cheesy nonsense about her beautiful purple eyes that sparkle like gems, a voice that captivates my heart, and a calm demeanor that reminds me of the peaceful ocean.

I didn't know that the drink made me a poor quality Romeo and I have to admit, I disgust.

Things got weird from that point on. One day Akisame patted me on the shoulder as he spoke like a father giving up his daughter. - "I leave her in your hands" - I did not know how to refuse.

Kenichi was weak from drinking and he didn't remember what happened. I also wanted to be a dense idiot who didn't remember what happened, but Kenpo master Kensei Ma showed me a recording.

The old shit had filmed what I said! I no longer had a way out.

Later I found out that it was all Navi's fault, even though the little jerk can't attack, he can still interact with light objects so he took a pencil and wrote a note that said 'Hey Listen! Tremble in fear before the King of the Harem, even that crazy blonde will fall into his clutches muahahahaha! ' Fortunately Kenichi found the note and thought it was Kensei's joke.

That was the reason why I tried to kill Navi but I resigned myself to having him by my side.

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