No Otaku with Harem System

Chapter 7: My Heart Is Pure, Pure Evil 2

Chapter 7: My Heart Is Pure, Pure Evil 2

In spite of everything, I continued with my training. I had money thanks to the pension of my deceased 'parents' (Heh, for some reason this amuses me) so I could buy good food for the Ryozanpaku. Apparently, they are quite poor as they do not know how to manage their finances and they continually break the dojo so my contribution was more than welcome.

When they found out that I was an orphan and I left school to focus on martial arts, I became closer with the Ryozanpaku people as they had similar experiences.

Outside of Akisame and Kensei, neither had finished high school. That is why they gave so much importance to Miu and Kenichi being good students, they wanted young people not to miss that important moment in their lives.

As for me, in this world, I don't have a primary school degree either for some reason that I don't care. Apparently, the system only gave me a basic identity without details such as school or previous residence which was best for me.

They did not insist that I should go to school as I knew everything that could be useful in the study material from my visits to the library. However, they still made me accompany Kenichi and Miu in the mornings and then pick them up in the afternoons in hopes that I would meet people my age and make friends.

I don't hate the concern of these guys but it's annoying that they're so nosy.

The school brought its own problems related to some idiotic children who pretended to be gods from Norwegian mythology, but that's for another time.

My life became a cycle of waking up, training, picking up Miu and Kenichi, training, going home, and sleeping. I liked this simple lifestyle where I did not have to look for any little job no matter how bad it was, the problem was that Shigure was more and more aware of my presence.

The first time we met he almost put my head between her thighs and then shook her chest in my face. Now he would blush if our hands brushed when I passed her food (I cook together with Miu as the others seem to be useless in almost anything that does not involve martial arts).

At least Shigure is professional during training and doesn't let embarrassment get into the lessons.

My weapon skills have been improving, I have also had training fights with Kensei as our styles are similar. The old pervert and I have been studying Bang's martial art to try to make it more fluid as I feel like something is missing.

Even though we work well together, Kensei seems to hate me. Since the drinking fiasco, Shigure has been more reserved in showing her body (she has started wearing decent clothes for the first time in her life), as well as being more violent when Kensei tries to photograph her.

The last time Kensei tried to spy on Shigure while she was bathing, his crotch was almost cut off causing the old man not to dare to continue bothering her.

I don't care about Kensei's actions since Shigure is not my mate or something, but I am concerned that Shigure's crush was moving too fast and I haven't decided what to do with her yet.

What bothers me most about the whole thing is that I became interested in Shigure and not her body. I want to know what she thinks, likes her, see her smile, spend time together and nonsense like that.

I am not in love with the expressionless woman but I admit that I have come to like her. Perhaps she is among the first five women who have caught my attention the most, the problem is that getting too close will cause problems when the Ryozanpaku discovers the type of person I am, someone who kills his enemies instead of just defeating them.

As time goes by, the idea of ​​becoming an enemy of the Ryozanpaku seems more bitter to me. Like I said before, I am human.

Humans are social creatures in need of a group and I am no exception. For the first time in my horrible life, I feel like I found a group where I can fit in.

Although I have some ties with the yakuza, there is no friendship between us and they are just business. The criminal groups close to me are people who listen to my orders for fear that I will harm them or their families, so we are not friends either. I don't go to school so I don't have a group that I could approach.

I honestly feel lonely.

Maybe that's why my mind has been so messed up with the harem issue, the idea of ​​forming lasting relationships is something I want but at the same time it's something I fear. If for some reason I fall in love with a woman and she betrays me then I might go crazy, and not in a metaphorical sense.

The Berserker skill isn't there just for decoration. In my entire life only once did I lose control of anger.

Hitting people to death, burning houses with people inside, filling someone with bullets, those are things that I have done to survive and to some extent, they were justified by my own beliefs, but the actions I did when I lost control were unjustified and they were born out of hatred without any thought of benefits.

That is why I am sure that if I fall in love and am betrayed I will do something that I will regret.

Despite all these complex problems, I have to decide what to do about Shigure as another problem arose.

Kenichi hasn't noticed since he's a dense idiot, but the Ryozanpaku members and I have noticed a problem.

Miu looks at me too much with an expression that is slightly above friendship.

Did he really move you so much that I gave you money for food? I am speechless.

Shigure hasn't noticed either because, well, low emotional intelligence. But I'm sure things will go from bad to worse when she finds out about it.

Shigure has begun to show traits of possessiveness and jealousy. I did not implement my plan to manipulate her into falling in love with me but things are already happening.

This situation doesn't make me happy, if I don't do something then the Ryozanpaku masters will chase me for being a murderer, but Shigure will hunt me out of spite.

Never underestimate a woman with a broken heart, especially if she can cut through steel with a kitchen knife.

For now, I'm going over a new plan that will make a lot of people suffer but will ensure a happy ending, more or less.

I have thought of something interesting, humans have a limit that they cannot exceed or their bodies will break. In this world, the human limit is higher than in my homeworld so it means a greater potential to become stronger.

If people can break concrete with one kick and create shock waves with their fists then they can be considered monsters even if they are not dangerous.

What is human nature? Selfishness.

What does a human with power do? Abusing others.

Adding 1 + 1 it can be seen that this world is not all joy and rainbows, if the Ryozanpaku defends the ideology of martial arts that do not kill then there must be a group that believes in murder as the way of the strong.

What happens when two groups have opposite ideas? There is conflict.

My plan is simple and stupid, so stupid it's brilliant.

Making the idealistic group and the extremist group come into conflict, there will be some sacrifices but it is all for the greater good (I hope the sacrifice is Kenichi since he is the one who caused the problem).

For some reason it makes me want to stroke a long beard, weird.

I need to investigate if there is a dangerous organization in favor of the assassination. Then I must be expelled from the Ryozanpaku and disappear for a while. Then I must turn the evil organization against the Ryozanpaku without me dying trying.

I have to make sure that Shigure is in danger and I will help her, being saved by someone whose back she had turned should be enough for her to ignore my flaws, based on the suspension bridge effect this should work.

The hero saves the princess trick does not go out of style for the simple fact that it is effective, add a dose of guilty love, and voila, you get a cute wife who does not question whether she forms a harem.

As I separate from the Ryozanpaku, I could take the opportunity to look for candidates for my harem and see how I can introduce them into the chaos I want to cause.

This plan has a high chance of failure and the slightest mistake can make me the enemy of the entire martial arts community which would mean my death (I can't leave this world until finishing the main mission, something Navi forgot to mention. Shitty fairy).

My only advantage is that I can strengthen at an absurd speed that even surprised Hayato, the strongest man in the world (according to himself).

I just have to keep getting better until I can find clues to the evil organization that I hope does exist and it's not just my delusions from watching James Bond movies.

This world is named after Kenichi so being around him should make sure I run into trouble, and trouble can be opportunities if you're optimistic enough.

Now the question is, is it really worth doing all this for Shigure?

What can I say, sometimes I'm a little sentimental Hahahahaha!


Holy shit Navi, your stupidity if was contagious!

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