No Time

Chapter 36: Mr.Immortal

Chapter 36: Mr.Immortal

Seriously, where am I?

I looked behind me and saw a trail of knocked-over trees and other misplaced things of nature... Did I cause this disaster? Probably.

Anyway, it seemed to be a foreign place?

Blonde, red, light brown, black. Different natural colors of hair could be seen in the far distance.

I saw several tall trees, so I jumped to one onto another. There weren't many trees as I got closer and there was a one level building that was very large.

A school. An American school. Hm, interesting. Americans didn't wear uniforms but this school strangely required for them to do so.

"Ah! There's a kid up there!" Who said that? I'm not a kid! I'm very tall! 1.82 meters!

A guy with blonde hair and glasses had cried out. You're a kid, your whole family is a kid!

He's short, how am I, the tall one, considered a kid?!

But it was strange. Although he yelled, they only looked at him once or twice and didn't pay any attention to him.

He looked so frustrated. Hmph, serves you right.

But I felt curious and came down and caused a loud sound to ring out. A small, very small crack sprouted and quickly spread around me. The earth lifted and jumbled. Hm, I can cause small tremors now, how interesting.

It was kind of funny seeing all those boys, they were all boys in an all-boys school probably, fall to the ground and yelling in surprise at the sudden earthquake. The bespectacled kid was frozen but not in fear. Strange kid.

"I told you all! There really was a kid up in the tree!" he yelled out in excitement.


"Who are you calling a kid?" I said in a strained tone. Towering over him, I found that he was 1.65 m. Pretty short, and not as tall as me. Hmph.

"Ah..." the kid froze. If I only had the air ability. Then I'd be able to fling dirt and bugs at him.

The other students froze too.

I hadn't spoken English for so long, but my voice didn't have a trace of a Chinese accent.

My voice, in English, was deeper, sharp and pronounced. Chinese was a light-sounding language and very soft spoken.


This brat!

"I dare you to say that again."


Really? Does he not have any common sense?

"You... are very beautiful!"

Was this guy so stupid enough to try to flatter me at this time?

"What's your name? Where are you from? Why are you here? How old are you? Are you an immortal like those in Chinese myths? How powerful are you?"

Out of them, I only answered one.

"Powerful enough to destroy you in a second."

That didn't shut him up. Damn it.

"Wow! So you really are an immortal!" I could see respect in his eyes. His eyes were clear and bright. From my intuition, I knew that this kid was strange but had a decent personality. I gave up on trying to scold him.

"Where is this place?" I asked.

"Reformation School for Boys, what's wrong?"

"What state?"


"Is that far from China?"

"Yes, immortal, are you lost?"

"No." I merely lost my sense of direction. I'm definitely not lost.

I took out my cell-phone. Hm, several missed calls.

I called Hua.


"Hey Yu, where are you?"

"In America."

"Ok, what should I do?" Hua is really great, she doesn't ask unnecessary things. And she knows and deemed myself to be strong enough to do something in my situation.

"Tell my siblings not to come and find me. I'm throwing away my phone after this, so they won't be able to track me. And tell them not to find me. I need to think and be alone. For maybe a couple months or so. I'll contact you later on."

"Ok, stay safe."

"Yea, and take care of Yun. Sorry, I can't be at the birthday party."

"What are you feeling bad for? We should be feeling bad that you can't make it to your own party on your birthday."

I smiled. Hua certainly did make my mood a lot better.

"Then, bye."

"Yup, I'll tell your siblings about it."

From a long time, I always ended calls early and it became a battle between Hua and me to end calls earlier, but this time, Hua beat me to it. She must be slightly rejoicing over this matter.

"Hey, Mr. Immortal, why are you here at our school? Are we going that bad to be sent to hell?" the American boy asked.

I turned off my phone and saw a crowd of cautious and frightened boys looking to the glasses boy. He was probably the only one stupid enough to talk to me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Shane Deus! 15 years old, orphan, 165 cm, has leptidopterophobia, kills spiders on sight, likes food, isn't a picky eater, likes spaghetti a lot, hates writing essays, blah, blah, blah..."

I listened to the whole introduction without interrupting. I had enough time in the world and this boy was telling everything about himself, so why not gain more info?

When he ended, he whispered to himself, "and is a homosexual..."

"What's wrong with that?" I pondered. There wasn't anything wrong. Homosexuality was legal in most countries nowadays. But it was still not truly accepted by most. America was a very free country, but there was still discrimination going around.

"Mr. Immortal, you must be the first person to listen to my 6-minute introduction!" the kid, Shane Deus, excitedly exclaimed, and even beamed a little more than before with my comment about his sexuality.

"Yes, you might want to shorten it," I scorned.

"So, Mr. Immortal, why are you here?"

"No reason."

"Mr. Immortal, are you accepting any disciples? If so, I'd be a perfect candidate!"

"Lead me to your school's office." This kid, well, no, he's the same age as me, seems to have a severe case of chuunibyou.

There was a fit middle-aged man in the office, typing away on his laptop when I knocked and came in.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" he asked without looking up.

"I want to transfer here."


Yea, I figured so. I closed his open laptop with one finger and transformed into my raven form without my wings.

Long dark hair, cold light baby blue eyes, sharp long black nails, an imposing figure so beautiful but terrifying.

That's what I was. I didn't like being called beautiful, but in this form, I was slimmer, taller, was more western looking, had deep sharp eyes, and much paler skin that barely showed most of my veins. I looked eerily beautiful. That was a fact.

I looked scarier in this form, so it would do, right?

But the man wouldn't believe me, so I had to pummel him a bit to make him write up some horrible deeds. Mass Murder, Drug Dealing, Human Trafficking, and Arson was put down. The man had a creative imagination for sure.

The uniforms here were divided into categories, not grades. Red, Yellow, Blue, and Purple. Red was for pocket thieves and liars. Yellow was for troubled kids who fought and were impulsive, attempted murder was included in this too. Blue was for drug addicts and mentally ill students. Purple was for kids who murdered once or multiple times.

Shane Deus was in the Red category. I became purple. The uniform was grey and was basically a white shirt, grey pants, grey blazer, and a purple tie. I changed back to my regular form and wore the uniform in the restroom where I also stored my normal clothes in my space.

"Mr. Immortal, you're at the top of the food chain here! Even when you come in randomly, you become a purple!"

"Stop calling me that. I'm human. My name is Shui Yu."

"Shoo-wei-e Yu? It's too hard to say. Why not make up a name for yourself?"

"Then... I'll be Rain." On the day I was born, it rained, so my first name became "Yu", meaning rain. And even my surname was "Shui" meaning water. I was fated to be a water ability user someway or the other.

"Huh, cool! So what grade are you going into Rain?" Shane switched over quickly. I don't know whether it's his attitude or personality, but he was like a carefree spirit.

"I'm the same age as you. I'm just tall. So, it should be 10th grade."

"What?! You're so tall! What'd you eat to grow like that?" All formalities are gone now, I see.

"I actually didn't eat much when growing up."

"Totally not fair. Well, outside time is over, we need to go to class now. What is your schedule like?"

"I asked the person on the computer to make it as same as yours. Show me around."

"Hehe, do you like me that much?"


The classroom was neat and tidy, with nothing but a smartboard, teacher's desk, tables, and seats. There were no decorations. The walls were grey and soothing. The floor was made of wood and had numerous scratches on it. It was an old-style classroom, like the regular school classroom I was in before going to the private academy.

There were students there already and the teacher had yet to come in.

"There aren't any assigned seats but there's kind of a seating arrangement. If you want to sit anywhere, you just have to beat the person in an arm wrestling match."

That was definitely not my impression of the school.

"I know what you're thinking, but we can't possibly get into trouble for just a seat arrangement or else there'll be punishments by taking care of the guard dogs. The dogs are scary and bite if you aren't familiar to them, so it's a bad experience."

Hearing Shane, I determined that he hadn't gone through the punishment before because he talked about it so nonchalantly.

"Where do you sit?" I asked. I would sit next to him.

"I sit at the veeeeeery front. You sure you want to sit there?"

"Nevermind." The back corner. Any one of them would do the job to let me sleep.

There weren't any windows, so it was a little gloomy, but the room was still a bit bright. The light would disturb me in my sleep, so I picked the right back corner. Dark and comfy.

It was a bit dark, but it turned a lot darker all of a sudden.

"Hm?" I was dozing off, so I made a soft noise to inquire what was going on without raising my head.

"Rain! That's Andrei Kovalev's spot!" Shane whispered frantically, worried. Of course, he wasn't directly next to me, but I think he perceived that I could hear him from his spot.

I looked up. A dark shadow covered the face of the person in front of me, but it loomed over me.

"Ah... hello," I said in a grumpy tone. I couldn't help it. My siblings had told me all that I looked really like a grumpy cat when I woke up not naturally or had my sleep disturbed.

"You're in my seat," a deep voice replied. I shivered at the tone, it sounded too cool! This dude had a really sexy accent! And I don't like to say these kinds of words, but there aren't any other words that can be used to describe it!

I blinked and gave in to using my strengthened vision to see what this guy was like.


More than 2 meters tall! Heck! I haven't seen such a tall person in my last life either!

And he had good looks to boot!

Why is god so unfair?

This guy had white blonde hair, a chiseled jaw, cold icy blue eyes, a straight prim nose, healthy skin and was full of that dominating aura!

I'm a man too... I had doubts about this now...

The very existence of this person kind of pissed me off as well as making me jealous and admire this boy. Andrei Kovalev was it? It was this instinctive emotion that compelled me to get to know him.

"Can I still sit here?" I asked with a small smile. Brat, don't you dare say no.

"Yes." Then he sat right next to me. This school wasn't as good as my old school and still had 2 person tables. Well, my middle and elementary schools did too, only my private institution school had specialized personal seats.

"I'm Shui Yu, you can call me Rain. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself to the boy next to me who didn't pay any attention at all to me.

"Andrei Kovalev."

This conversation was going finely. Usually, I was the person to speak shortly and be aloof. But that was just me acting because, in all honesty, I didn't like contact with people. I wasn't a total introvert, I was fine with having people around me and felt that it would be too boring without people in life, but I didn't want to be so close to them. Shane Deus was probably the first one to make me speak so much in a day, and it seems like this Andrei dude was going to break the record.

"What grade are you in?" I asked. This kid wasn't going to talk to me first so I started the conversation.

"9th." What a monster, already this tall at 14 years old.

"Oh, you're younger than me. You must be smart to attend this class."


'Then why am I in this class?' Copying Shane's schedule was a bad idea. I was already doing Calculus and Statistics. Why was I stuck in learning something I learned already? Shane was stupid. Actually, Pre-calculus was advanced for people my age, and it was very impressive for a 9th grader to be in this class, but I had passed this a long time ago already.

Andrei stared at me. I didn't see any contempt in his eyes, but it still made me feel uncomfortable.

"I copied somebody else's schedule. I wasn't held back a grade." I still mentioned this to clear up the misunderstanding. Hey, actually, why was I even doing this? He was just too cool and I wanted to make him my friend. It's that type of effect all popular kids have. You just instinctively want to hang around them.


That's it? Kinda disappointing...

Seeing now, why was a Russian kid here in the first place, was this a super-academy for the bad kids?

Andrei didn't talk when I didn't ask him questions. But he was cooperative and answered whatever I asked him.

I barged into a sensitive topic for almost every kid in this school.

"Why are you here?" The kid, Andrei was a purple. Same as me.

"...I killed my father."

I nodded. Parents weren't always good. The people I knew didn't have good parents at all. Actually, only Mo Yun seems to have loving parents, but they're too strict.

Then he finally initiated a conversation.


"Mass murder, drug dealing, Human trafficking, and arson, apparently," I said with a smile. Really, computer dude, couldn't you have put something that made more sense?

"Oh." What. He actually believed it. Is he too naive or are the students here that bad?

"You didn't do any of it."

Andrei said this. Not inquiring, but affirming it. But kid, I've killed before, so you're in the wrong. Actually, I haven't killed in this life, so maybe he is right.

"Who knows. When is the teacher coming?"


"???" As I thought, this place has weird people.

The students were all chatting and getting into arguments. They weren't fighting, but I could see that they were in angry positions.

Then the door opened and everyone hurried to their seats.

"Uuuk, sorry kids, I ate moldy strawberries by mistake. Who would have thought that things in the refrigerator would ever expire?"

Isn't that common sense...

But it's also surprising that Andrei could figure out that the teacher had constipation. Or maybe he even put the strawberries in there? What a funny thought.

Whew, just in one day, I ran away, enrolled myself as a murdering, drug dealing, kidnapping arson, and made two new potential friends.

Isn't this good though? I'll take the time off and start thinking for myself. Before, I only took care of my siblings. I realized I couldn't take care of them forever.

I'll have to marry them off someday. Ge was in love with that poison teacher of Xiao Bing, blech. Xiao Lai likes that kid Zhang Xing. Xiao Bing didn't have a crush yet, but she was a very good girl and would definitely find the right man for herself without any worry.

And what about me?

What would I do in the future when they all had families? Would I just become an uncle?

I wanted a family too. All the parents I've seen, they weren't to my liking. And all my friends had weird families. I kind of liked how during the apocalypse, there would be unconditional trust and loyalty between blood bonded couples. They loved each other to the point of taking their own life if the other died.

That type of love, I want it.

But I haven't found the right person. And I would only try looking for the right person for me during the apocalypse. There was still 2 years or so left. Before then, I couldn't be sure if I should make friends or let alone a lover. They might not survive and turn into a zombie. I couldn't take a risk like that.

If I give my heart, I would very much like to give it to people who would not betray me. And to do that, I would not let anybody I care for, interact with suspicious or untrustworthy people.

I was selfish. Overbearing. Obsessive. Possessive. And overall, too soft. It didn't fit in, but I gave my trust too easily even when I knew it wasn't good.

In my last life, I had killed some zombies. I had also killed enough people to know that it was very easy to die and crush life. I fought for anything that would make my life easier and better. Providing water to the group was my job. And they treated me like a servant even knowing how important I was to our large group.

For now, I would only rest and train. And making trusted allies wasn't bad either.

My goal this month was to make my space abilities grow.

It was a big goal. And I would hopefully be able to do it.

After this month was over, I would go back to my siblings. Maybe I'd get scolded. And then I'd run away again just for the sake of escaping Ge's emotional tantrums.

Maybe when I go back, I'll take my new potential friends along with me to enjoy the Halloween festival.

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