No Time

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

I'm a Purple.

My father was killed by my very own hands.

Our family was quite famous and had businesses worldwide. My mother was beautiful and always wearing a lovely smile on her face. My father was the type of man that I aspired to be. Calm, collected, and serious.

My father never showed me much love, but I thought that he would definitely care for his family. Whenever we were on the tabloids or on news, he would always hold my mother's hand and pat me on the back, as if proud of his family.

But I didn't know that he never truly liked us.

I think my mother knew. She didn't love him after all. She told me to only choose a person I truly loved to marry, and not to be like hers, an arranged marriage.

One day, father decided to go and arrange a fiance for me. I was shown many marriage candidates, but always rejected them no matter what trick they tried.

I was only 13, and he was showing me women half my age or twice, or thrice my age than me.

Mother had fights with father over this numeral times. He showed disinterest the whole time until my mother slapped him.

I ran to her as she was furious, more furious than she had ever been. I couldn't bear to see my beloved mother like this and glared at father.

The next thing I knew, I was protected by my mother as father tried to hit me and yell at me for how insolent I was.

Mother fainted and crumpled to the floor.

I didn't see clearly as I threw the closest thing to me, a chair, at father.

He was knocked out and put into a coma. He died twelve days after blood clotted in his head.

My mother said that it wasn't my fault, but a servant in the household reported me.

I was sent away. I wasn't worried much. My mother was a very capable woman. She controlled half of the businesses and she was always easily earning profit through them. I was only worried that she would realize that I was a horrible person.

I had felt admiration and respect for father, but after he died, I couldn't feel anything for him. My admiration had died out years ago when mother told me that there wasn't really a happy ending between two unwilling people.

I couldn't feel anything. Really. Is this what I was supposed to feel after somebody died at my hands?

Guilt. It didn't wash over me as it did with those characters in movies and novels.

Was I normal? I had a crowd that hung around me. I got decent grades. I was good at sports. I was rich and had good looks.

But would any of that make me normal?

When I first arrived in America, at the reforming all boys' school, I was given a purple tie and grey uniform.

Red was for thievery and lying.

Yellow was for troubled kids who were impulsive.

Blue was for the mentally ill, psychos, or drug addicts

And purple was for murderers.

It was a caste system.

Red and Yellows were normal. They were the regular students.

Blues were not to be with. The regular students mostly stayed away from them.

And Purples... Everyone, even most of the Blues would steer clear of them.

And I had a large and tall body type, so the rest of the purples wouldn't disturb me either.

I had calmly observed everyone in the school. It was a hobby. Finding information by looking at people.

One day, another purple came in the afternoon as a transferee.

It was a dark haired person with long hair. I had doubts whether this person was a boy. The body type of this person was too lithe and slender, which made him look like a girl, but this was an All Boys' School.

He was napping at my desk with his face down.

I frowned. That seat was mine. It was my corner.

I loomed over the new boy casting a shadow across him.

Looking closely, this boy had very shiny looking hair. It must be very soft and smooth.

"Hm?" a groan was muttered as the person raised his head.

I fell in awe immediately.

His looks weren't all of it, but it played a big part.

He looked so pissed off. But at the same time, it made him look like a grumpy cat.

His attitude. A person actually treating me normally, this was a first.

I was really nervous to talk to him and barely got my words out.

I sat next to him, giving up my seat.

He called himself Rain. That was actually a good name I think. Rain was rare unless it was in a flood area, so every country wished for it these past years.

Rain was a year older than me. He had copied somebody's schedule and was in my class due to that. Whoever it was, you have my gratitude.

He even asked me why I was here.

"... I killed my father." Would he be disgusted?

He merely nodded, not making inquiries.

I asked him, "You?"

"Mass murder, drug dealing, Human trafficking, and arson, apparently," he said with a ridiculing smile.

With his attitude about his deeds, he either did them or didn't do them. But I don't think he did any of them. If he did, he'd already be in prison.

The teacher came in late as always. Blaming constipation. It was getting old already.

"Everyone, this is our new student, Shui Yu." He said Shui Yu wrong. It didn't sound at all like what Rain had told me earlier. I had studied Chinese and was fluent in it, so I knew how to say Rain's real name.

"Hey, you guys can call me Rain," with a cool and stoic attitude, the action would have angered many students, but they all noticed his purple tie.

"Rain, you're so pretty!" a voice from the front yelled out.

I saw short blond boy whooting. This should be... Shame Deus? At least that's what everyone called him. He lied easily and was so shameless that nobody really wanted to befriend him. He was the only person everyone wanted to avoid. He could spread rumors anywhere and had gathered favors from almost everyone.

"Shut up Shane," Rain sighed and threw an eraser accurately at Shane(apparently that was his name)'s forehead.


But that was my eraser.

"Andrei, here."

Huh? It was suddenly back on my desk.

But then temperature rose all of a sudden in the classroom.

"Ah, maybe I should have gotten it back normally?" muttered Rain.

There was a trail of scorch marks between my desk to the front desk.

Rain does not seem simple.

After Pre-Calculus, we didn't have classes together for the rest of the day. I would meet him at Pre-calculus only tomorrow.

Dinner time was here and it was pizza today. I didn't like these fast foods, but due to hunger, I still accepted them.

Rain and Shane were lined up and chatting. Everyone looked towards the transferee and admired his looks.

But after seeing his tie, they knew not to go near him. Everyone, even I, wondered how Shane got to know Rain.

Soon after, I began hearing rumors about Rain having superpowers. Um, our era is quite scientific you know?

Rain spotted me and came to sit in front of me.

"Andrei, this is Shane. Shane, Andrei."

I nodded to acknowledge the person in front of me. The blond kid was pretty nervous. Was I that scary?

"Nice to meet you," I muttered back.

"Hey, do you know what the dorms are like?" he asked.

"Oh, I know! Each dorm room has 5 beds. The bathroom is so tiny, and the closets aren't even a 10th of the tiny bathroom. People get set up randomly, but you can switch rooms however you want. Ah, I don't have any Blues in my room, so it was really lucky for me. Rain, you should room with me and kick out the other kids~"

"Troublesome," Rain scoffed.

"You guys can come and room with me," I offered.

"Really? Is there anyone else besides you in your dorm room?" Rain asked.

"A Blue. But he rarely comes, doesn't he? I heard he was a genius and prodigy of art but then went crazy by being obsessed with making perfect paintings. Didn't he drown himself because he felt that he shouldn't exist in the world anymore if he couldn't draw anything right? Sounded really depressing." Shane certainly knew the rumors.

"No, he drowned himself because he couldn't find anyone perfect enough to model for him. He has an obsession with hands and wanted to cut them off, people. It only started after he was given drugs mixed into his water bottle from a fellow artist. He's better now and is almost ready to get out of here." That was the real story. After he recovered from drugs, his mind was clear and he felt guilty of all the things he had done to worry his family.

"Well, I'd like to room with you then, all the guys in my room hog the bathroom. It's not like they need to shower. They're already disgusting as is." No wonder Shane is disliked so much. His mouth would indeed be disliked by most arrogant and unruly students here.

"I'm fine with anything."

So after dinner, I brought them to my room.

"Why is it bigger than my room?!" Shane cried out.

I remembered something, "I also have another person in my dorm room. He's another purple. He's a little... It's hard to describe him."

There were two bunk beds and one regular bed. They were all twin-sized.

I slept at the bottom of a bunk. The Blue slept on the regular bed. And the other Purple slept on top of another bunk bed.

"I'm taking top."

Rain rushed and lightly jumped off, landing in a sitting position on the top of my bunk bed.

"Ah, then I'll take the bottom bunk nearest to the bathroom~" Shane announced and slid his stuff under his new bed.

The closet was rarely full of stuff, but Shane had brought lots of clothes and supplies with him in his suitcase, so only his stuff occupied the closet now.

Rain only had one outfit besides the uniform, so he folded them up nicely and put it on top of Shane's things.

"Ah, finally I can shower in 3 days!" Shane ran naked into the bathroom and closed the door quickly. He really... doesn't have a sense of shame...

"I don't have anything with me. Are we allowed to go shopping?" Rain asked.

"Yes, we can go out on the weekends with a supervisor watching over us."

"Hm, luckily I have my cards with me."

We don't have a lights off time, but there was a curfew. It was by 10 PM, so people had started trailing into the dorms.

"That new student was so pretty! If it weren't an all-boys' school, I would have thought that he was a girl!"

"But he's a purple. And I heard that he's friendly with that Russian dude."

"And doesn't Shame hang out with them too? He really found good support."

Shame, I mean, Shane, was a shaggy-haired blond boy with glasses. Everyone knew that he had gotten in here for petty reasons. He made connections easily. Although most people dislike him, they would acknowledge his personality of always being perky to the point of being annoying.

There are many Yellows and Reds, and there are quite a lot of Blues too. With Rain included, there should be 16 Purples.

The Purple in my room, was a boy named Jack Larson, an England boy. And the famous Blue was named Ryan Labelle, from France. Ryan Labelle was a senior while Jack Larson was a junior.

Jack Larson was a psycho. He liked people's bodies. Not in a sexual way, but overall itself. If it was a beautiful person, he'd stick around them and kill them to take photos of their expression and body.

He was more of a Blue, but since he had killed a person and tortured 2 more before, he was put in as a Purple.

He only killed girls though, so everyone in the school knew that unless they were girls, he wouldn't even give them a look.

But this time, we had Rain. And he could definitely pass off as a girl. Even his voice was neutral.

Hopefully, Rain was stronger, if not, it'd be trouble. I could help him, but Jack is still too scary. He got into a fight with another kid before, and although he fought and was losing, he fought with all his might. That look of craziness struck fear into my heart. It wasn't a pleasant experience and I wouldn't want to go against him.

It's also because although I'm fit, I've never learned how to fight. Kickboxing might count, but I've never fought anyone before, and I was still an amateur at it.

"Shane, don't get the floor wet," Rain reminded by shouting.

Clunks and other variable sounds were heard as the body inside the bathroom hurriedly opened the small cabinets to find toilet paper or towels.

"Ha..." Rain sighed.

"Hey, never mind, I'll clean it up, just hurry up and let me take my turn," Rain scolded.

Shane bashfully got out fully clothed and with wet hair.

"Oh, you do look quite good without your glasses. I have another friend like this, but he's cuter," Rain mentioned.

"Nobody can be as good as me!" Shane feigned shock.

Rain saw a notebook on the desk and tore some pages out of it. That was actually Ryan's sketchbook...

"Here, look, isn't he adorable? But I think my sister is cutest."

In no time at all, a sketch was drawn out.

I also looked. The boy in the drawing was quite adorable just as Rain had said. He had slightly curly hair that was not shaded much, probably making him have dyed hair. His eyes were large and his shiny and pouty lips were beautiful. And his cheeks were shaded in, making him seem as if the boy was blushing. The boy had a slightly angry look that made him cuter.

"Wow, draw me! draw me!" Shane shouted in excitement.

"Here," again, in no time, Rain drew Shane.

"Hm, this is good, I like it. I should do my hair like this next time!"

In the sketch, Shane's hair was swept to the side, and his forehead showed. He had a cool expression on his face, which made him seem more mature. Now that I look closer, Shane really did look quite good. He had a straight nose that wasn't too long, his face was a naturally oval and sharp-chinned shape, his skin was healthy and glowing, his eyes were bright and in a warm brown shade.

I never looked at people closely and ignored them most of the time, maybe I should try to not ignore them from now.

"Ah, I look so cool. Hey, what about your family members? What do they look like?"

Rain tore out more pages and drew on them. How could he draw people so realistically in such a short time?

Three new drawings came out.

"My younger siblings, Shui Bing, and Shui Lai, and my older brother, Shui Jing."

His family's genes sure were... too unbelievable.

"Wow, your sister's so cute! And your brothers are just blinding me even through the pages! Hey, why don't you introduce me to your brothers?" Shane asked shamelessly.

"My younger brother is chasing another person while my older brother is being chased. I ran away because I didn't want to agree to my older brother dating his pursuer."

"Rain, but love is love! You should give them a chance! And even if they do break up, your brother will be mentally strengthened through it even if it was heartbreaking!"

"I don't want him to suffer heartbreak..."

"Rain, he's your older brother, isn't he supposed to be like the responsible one in your family?"

"No, I raised them up myself."

"...Well, you should still allow him to pursue happiness!"

Rain nodded, "Yea, I'll take you back and maybe you can help me with it."

"Really? I haven't been out of the country before!"

The two were having a happy talk when suddenly, my phone rang.

"Uh, that's not mine, I don't have money to afford a phone." Shane waved his hands, indicating that it wasn't his.

"It's mine," I said and looked at the phone number.

It wasn't somebody I recognized, but it was at most a scam, so I picked it up just in case it wasn't.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hello, do you perhaps have Shui Yu over there?" Shui Yu? Wasn't that Rain's name?

I passed the phone to Rain. How did this person know? Was Rain some kind of incredible person?

"Yu Ge, I heard what happened. Xiao Bing and I are really worried. Why don't you come back home?" If I hadn't studied Chinese, I wouldn't have known what this conversation would be like.

"Didn't Hua tell you not to try to find me, Shui Lai? Do you guys think I'll be fine and come home with just a call?" Rain's voice in Chinese was soft, but it was swift, ruthless, and quick.


"I don't want to go back. And don't look for me. I'll go back when I want to. I need time to rest. Train properly, I'll see you guys a lot later. I was planning to return after a month, but because of this call, I'm going to return much later. Let's see if you can survive without me."

"YU GE!"

"What, don't you realize that you can't live with Ge and will have to have to take care of yourself and Shui Bing? I hope you guys choke to death with Shui Bing's cooking. You can't even cook properly and only hack and train. You think living alone is so great? This time, you don't even have a caretaker. If you slack off, I'll throttle you. And even if you don't slack of, I'll throttle you. Shui Lai, don't think that since I'm always so amiable that I'm weak and willing to do everything for you guys. I have a life too. If you dare look for me again before I go find you guys, be sure that you'll be paralyzed in the hospital bed."

"Wuwu, Yu Ge, did you think my cooking was so bad?" I heard a crying girl's voice.

"Yes, it tastes terrible. It's edible but have you tried it on your own? Rather than doing house chores, polish your skills by training. I've long found out that you were an assassin. The whole week I cried in the past, was because I knew. Shui Bing, your attitude towards training is weak and pitiable. I heard you play around with your targets the way that your employees want you to? Kill them off quickly. And last time at the zoo was a huge mistake. How many mistakes have you caused? And did you even properly repent for them? Don't think about slacking off on training. Even if you are a little girl, I won't hold back and you'll be lying on the hospital beds with Shui Lai when I go back."

The people on the other side of the phone all shut up. Maybe this is their first time hearing such an angry Rain? But I am scared. His family members were dangerous. Hacking and assassinating were no joke. Rain didn't know that I knew Chinese so he must've spoken like this, but it was really terrifying. What would happen if he found out? I broke into cold sweat.

"Hey, Yu, don't be so harsh on your siblings. I told them to not contact you, but they held me and Momo hostage until I told them everything I knew."

"Hua, tell them to let go of you two. I'll come back sometime later."

"Yu Ge, I can help you avoid Jing Ge! So please come back!" The boy named Shui Lai's voice shouted.

"Scram, don't look for me ever again. Have I been too lenient? I've lived far longer than you. Mentally, I'm 45 now! I've lived in terrible conditions for so long, you think I wouldn't know what to do? Hey, just don't call me again and let me hang up."



The call was cut off and only beeps sounded.

"Uh, Rain, I didn't understand anything just now."

"Pft." The serious atmosphere was broken by Shane's comment. Rain laughed and laughed, holding his stomach.

"Ugh, my stomach hurts... I'll go take a shower now, yell when the other roommates come," Rain got a towel and clothes that I let him borrow.

Not long after he left, Jack and Ryan came in.

Jack and Ryan actually hate each other's guts. Ryan had, in terms, "repented", while Jack didn't care about what he did.

"Hand fetish and Body fetish..." Shane muttered as they came in. And the two definitely heard it.

Ryan wasn't as blunt as Jack who asked, "Who are you?" but he was also probably wondering why a strange kid would be in their room.

"I'm Shane, Andrei let me move in," Shane replied in a self-righteous tone.

The two were aware of me. Jack didn't want to mess with me because of how I looked, big and tall. And Ryan didn't really care.

Then Ryan noticed his torn out sketchbook.

"Did you do this?" he asked with a deep frown.

"Nah. Trust me, I suck at art. Rain did it."

"Rain?" Ryan asked doubtfully.

"Yes, he's in the shower, look, isn't he good at sketching?" Shane took out the sketches that Rain drew from his suitcase stored under his bed.

Ryan marveled at the drawings.

Jack only glanced over but was mesmerized by the drawings too. I had a feeling that Jack was going to get in some trouble if he kept on staring at Rain's sister's picture.

Rain was still hard to figure out. 45 years old in mental age? Why that specific number? And what was with his family's occupations? Assassin? Hacker? And seeing Rain's older brother's sketch, I realized that it was the new rising star idol, Shui Y, meaning Shui One. It was probably an alias.

"His skill is pretty good. Who are these people? Or are they not real?" Ryan asked.

"This boy is Rain's friend, that's me, and these are Rain's siblings," answered Shane. Hey, I don't think you should be casually giving this information when there's Jack here.

"Oh, then, I'll go meet him later. I'm going to shower first."

"I'm going first, you went first yesterday," Jack argued.

"You take too long. It's not like you have any use for all those skin care products," Ryan countered.

"What'd you say?!" They were going to get into an argument soon...

"Ah, hey, you guys, Rain is also going to live here, he's showering right now," Shane interrupted before they erupted. I really do admire how he butt in even with knowing how crazy they were.

Jack, with his dark brown hair and pale blue eyes, and Ryan with his light brown hair and evergreen eyes both looked towards the small bathroom.

"Then why don't I hear anything?" Jack asked in doubt with his British accent.

"Oh? He must be using the toilet right now then," Shane remarked. Uhm, Shane is also very blunt.

"Shane, I told you to yell if there were people coming," a grumpy voice sounded.

"Rain, you're already done," Shane commented with a bright smile as if he hadn't heard what Rain just said.

My pants were too big on Shane, so he only took one shirt from me and a short pair of shorts from Shane.

His long pale legs stood out and stunned us with their shininess. The drops of water in his hair sparkled and dripped onto the floor. The slightly wet large shirt disturbed us though.

"Rain, you have abs! And your legs are so pretty!" Shane shouted out what we were all thinking of.

This guy, although he was so thin, had a six pack! Although it wasn't very pronounced, it showed clearly.

"Shane, your shorts are too short. And I think you have pretty legs too. You don't have leg hair. When you grow taller, I can introduce you to some people that are handsome," he replied.

"Ah, I'm going to be short forever..." Shane lamented. There had been a rumor that Shane was gay, maybe it was true? I didn't mind that he was gay, as long as he didn't like me. I was okay with homosexuality, but I was straight.

"So you're Jack Larson and Ryan Labelle." Rain smiled welcomingly like he was the owner of the room and they were guests instead.

"You used my notebook," Ryan accused.

"I'll buy you another one."

Meanwhile, Jack was staring at Rain's beautiful face.

"Hey, you should know, I'm not a target."

And suddenly, with a raise of his finger, the water droplets on the floor of the carpet in the room came out. The water droplets also came out from the bathroom and Rain's clothes, towel, and hair.

"Oh, I knew that you were an immortal!" exclaimed Shane.

Immortal? What?

The water droplets all gathered into one large clear orb.

Rain flicked his finger and the water ball came shooting towards Jack.

"Ah!" Jack cried out as he was soaked with the water.

"You really shouldn't people based on looks." That was true, although I looked buff, I was without experience and would lose in a fight with techniques.

"And Shane, I think that you'll survive the calamity that will come in the future. I can just put you in my space anyway." Rain muttered that last part in Chinese, but I still clearly heard it. And what was this about a calamity?

"Then you'll accept me as your disciple? I don't want to learn how to fight but I do want to know how to fly! And I want to be like flash, the comic superhero who was as fast as light!"

"Oh, so you don't want to learn how to fight? That makes it easier actually, but I'll still teach you because you'll definitely have to fight for your life every day in the future."

So, with us flabbergasted by this weird sorcery, Shane was accepted as an immortal's disciple.

Rain told us, "Don't bother telling this to the teachers. They'll believe you've become Blues anyway."

That was true, so for now, we could only try to keep quiet and stay out of this immortal's way.

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