No Time

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

I've been pregnant for about 5 months, but apparently, the baby's coming soon.

You know how hard I freaked out after hearing that?

Well, it was quite a disaster.

Let's go into more detail.

I was at home watching some TV, with Lu Han peeling some tangerines for me.

Xiao Yu came to visit that day and brought some papers with him.

I just figured that he had brought some work papers but they were handed to me.

"Ge, these are some reports on the case of male pregnancy. I told researchers all I knew and they made some conjectures. You can read over them to choose the safest way to give birth. C-section should be safest I think."

"Alright, thank you. I'll read it later." I smiled, patting my little brother's head.

But Xiao Yu looked confused.

"Later? But you're supposed to give birth in a couple of days."


You can imagine how surprised I was.

Even my husband was in shock.

After the short moment passed, I was still in shock.

"Nobody told you?" Xiao Yu said awkwardly.

"Do you think anyone would've known about this?!"


Lu Han was the one to crumble to the ground and he couldn't get back up. I guess he was in a bigger shock than me.

He immediately sent a message to his clan members and did so with trembling fingers.

"Ge, don't worry, we have the best surgeons and doctors. No harm will come. And you can always heal up after with your water ability. I assure you the baby will come out safe and sound."

I calmed down and sat down on the sofa. Well, reading through the reports weren't bad. So I read them.

And while I was reading, Lu Han was calling people.

About 7 minutes after, the doorbell rang and Lu Han hurriedly opened the door.

A crowd of people was standing outside.

They all came in in orderly fashion, and only the shuffling of feet could be heard as I was confused about what was happening.

Lu Han turned to me with a worried face, "Shui Jing, these are some of the nannies in my family that know how to take care of pregnant wom-, people, and they're good at taking care of children too. Choose some of them and they can take care of our child right now and when the child is born later."

Quite excessive.

But that wasn't all.

After choosing 2 nannies at minimum, several more crowds of different professions came in.

Bodyguards, servants, nurses, doctors, in-laws, etc...

By the time everyone was sent out, it was dinner time. And Xiao Yu had come in during lunch.

I didn't think our house could fit in all of the personnel that was to attend to me, so I was hoping that Lu Han would send them all away. We didn't necessarily need them.

But at that point, Xiao Yu offered to have me come back to my old home so that I could relax more.

I was unsure. Lu Han was ecstatic.

The two brothers-in-law who didn't get along at first were like bosom buddies now. How strange.

Anyway, all the stuff I needed were back in my old home as well, so I didn't need to pack for anything. My husband, however, did pack some unnecessary supplies.

"But we need this! Just in case!"

I threw out the baby clothes, diapers, and other "needed things" of his huge suitcase that consisted of 90% useless and 10% more useless.

I grabbed his hand and headed out, dragging the worried father-to-be along.

"Why are you so worried? I'm the one having the child, you know."

"But this is also my child, and I'm worried that you will get hurt. There hasn't been anybody yet that has had a child as a man, so it'll be even more difficult for the doctors and surgeons to pull it off."

"The base has world-renowned experts. Don't worry," I gave a smile.

It was quite funny to see this man being anxious when he was usually calm and well-collected.

When we got to the door, Xiao Yu was already there waiting for us with Xiao Lai.

Xiao Lai seemed to be surprised that my stomach was already big.

"Jing Ge, great to have you back!" Xiao Lai said in a bright tone.

Last time I was here, Xiao Lai wasn't his usual self, but it seems he was feeling better.

Behind me came an even louder exclamation.

"Jing Ge! You're back!"

I recognized that voice immediately and laughed.

"Xiao Bing, you're as unruly as ever. Aren't you already 13? At that time, all of your brothers were mature."

"Eh~ Well, I'm the youngest! I get to be spoiled!"

"Ok, ok, we can all chat later, Ge, Brother-in-law, come and settle in. We already cleaned out your room, so go inspect it and then come down to eat a snack," Xiao Yu told us.

Xiao Yu brought the younger ones away while I went upstairs to see my old room.

"It hasn't changed much. Well, besides the baby-proofing that is," I remarked.

"It still looks like the room I remember," Lu Han smiled while hugging me from the back.

"What do you remember about it?"

"I remember that you tried to seduce me into having sex with you on your birthday by taking my first kiss. I had to hold back on that day."

"And I thought that you were a gentleman! How foolish of my past self!"

"You weren't foolish. If you were, how could you have caught such a great catch like me?"


"But you like it."


"I know you do."


It was silent after I replied.

I could feel Lu Han watching me from the back as my ears turned red from blushing.

No matter how long I had spent time with this man, he would always make me feel like when we just started dating.

"Ok, ok, you know I love you. Let's go down now," I grabbed his hand and tried to drag him away from my room.

Keyword: tried.

"I love you too."

I reckon we spent at least 15 minutes in there making out.

I was out of breath by the time it ended and firmly grabbed his hands, pulling him out.

Lu Han chuckled as he complied.

When we got down, Xiao Bing looked at us with a funny, knowing look.

Xiao Yu and Xiao Lai were talking to each other with documents in front of them. They were discussing terms that I didn't know and Lu Han got into the conversation and joined in.

So in the end, I sat there with some snacks and a grinning Shui Bing in front of me.

"So~ Jing Ge, tell me more in detail of how far your relationship with shifu went!"

...This girl has turned to the dark side, hasn't she?

"Jing Ge~ I want to know! I first introduced you to shifu after all! I'm your matchmaker!"


"PLEEEASE?" she begged with all her might.

I couldn't stand looking at this girl who was supposed to be an assassin looking like an out of place lemur with her wide eyes.

"Well, you know that we met while Xiao Yu was in Japan. Apparently, Lu Han fell in love with my cooking. I didn't expect to see him after Xiao Yu came back. But then coincidentally, we met at the restaurant where we saw our ex-parents. Then we met again as I became an idol, and him as my manager. We started living together and he kept making moves on me. And the innocent boy I was at that time fell for the shameless fellow. We dated for about a little less than 2 years and then he proposed the day we had the blood pact done. And now, we're married and soon to have a child." I smiled happily thinking back to how far we've come. Lu Han had also left the discussion group with Xiao Yu and Xiao Lai, and smiled at my side.

"Eh, what about the details?" Xiao Bing looked disappointed.

"What details?"

"Bedroom ones of course!"

If I had a drink, I would have spat it all out.

Xiao Yu hit Xiao Bing on the head and scolded her.

Xiao Lai, however, seemed a little interested. Probably because he was gay too.

I wasn't going to reveal whatever Xiao Bing wanted to know. And I wouldn't in the future either.

Lu Han had to go ruin that though.

"At least 3 times a day. But when he gets tired, it's an off day. And after he got pregnant, he doesn't let me do much. And as for positions, all kinds. We don't do BDSM but we sometimes use toys."

Xiao Bing had shining eyes, "As expected of Shifu!"

I pinched my husband's thighs. These weren't things you should tell to 13-year-old girls!

"Also, when he takes the initiative, he doesn't let me go until the morning. He'll also revert to calling me Han Ge or Hubby when we're doing it."


Wipe that smug look off your face!

Xiao Lai was noting this down as you could see him nodding.

Xiao Bing looked absolutely delighted as she asked for more details.

Xiao Yu looked embarrassed, and bright red, just like I was right now.

"He sometimes wears lingerie that I buy for him if he feels like being nice to me. One time, he dripped chocolate on his stomach, thighs, and dick and told me to lick it off. Oh, and on his first night, he whimpered and cried a lot because he couldn't get used to my size. Although, it didn't take a long time before he started riding me. And-"

Lu Han paused and looked at my face.

Smirking, he told Xiao Bing, "He's a little angry now, so I'll stop."

I was angry a long time ago!

As we went back upstairs, I whispered in grievance and bitterness, "I'm definitely not going to let you get on my bed for a week!"

"We'll see about that," was his reply.

I blushed again.

Maybe, just maybe, I was looking forward to tonight.

But I'm not telling.

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