No Time

Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Jing Ge came home.

Of course, I was happy.


Yeah, no, I don't know.

I was still in confusion when Yu Ge and I cleaned up Jing Ge's room, when we made snacks, and when we waited outside for about a half an hour for Jing Ge.

When I first saw Jing Ge coming near us, what I was thinking about was wanting to go back inside.

I was fully aware that the sun was glaring at me. I hadn't gone outside in suuuuch a long time that I forgot how normal temperature was like. I'd been using the AC all day and night after all.

I just wanted to go inside and get a drink of cold water.

But when I saw Jing Ge's stomach, I felt something.

I don't know what exactly, but it made me feel happy. Happy for Jing Ge, for him to find a family and have children. He'd make a good parent.

On the contrary, there was sorrow. Because I would never have that kind of family.

I happily greeted Jing Ge and in my head, I greeted my future nephew or niece.

Jing Ge and my brother-in-law went upstairs to see Jing Ge's old room and when they came back down, I could clearly tell that they had had a makeout session.

And during snack time, I got some juicy details on their nightly deeds. Interesting info I must say.

We hung out for a bit longer and then had dinner and went to sleep after washing up and brushing our teeth.

The next day, Xiao Bing headed out to teach martial arts and Yu Ge also had to head out early for a meeting.

Lu Han wasn't busy, but his Mom's side's clan's patriarch wanted to see how he was doing, so he had to leave.

In the end, only Jing Ge and I were left.

"So, how are you? I heard about what happened with Zhang Xing..."

"Well, it's been a long time since then. I feel better."

Jing Ge looked at me.

"Are you sure?"

I closed my eyes.

Then I shuffled into collapsing onto the sofa with both hands covering my face.

"No. No, I'm not feeling any better. I don't cry when I think of it anymore, but it's even worse to think that I'm beginning to get numb to what happened."

"I see. I also heard that you haven't gone outside of home until I arrived. What's with that?"

"...I'm doing work. I'm not lazing around."

"I didn't accuse you of being a hikikomori. But I want to know why you aren't going outside."

"I just don't want to go outside."


He kept on asking me questions and it went for too long.

I finally burst out, "You don't know anything!"

What I didn't expect from my usually calm Jing Ge was a punch to the head.

"Don't speak to me like that."

And the worst thing was that I couldn't get a punch back in because he was pregnant.

"Xiao Yu's workload has been growing tremendously these months. If not for his assistants, he'd be overwhelmed. He doesn't need additional stress from worrying about you," my pregnant brother crossed his arms and sternly looked at me.

...I was a bother?

"Yes, and you still are. If you're going to just mope around in your room all day, you might as well go back to school."

I clearly didn't say it out loud, but Jing Ge seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.

"Everyone has troubles. And people are allowed to be selfish, but it doesn't mean that you should trouble others selfishly."

"Everyone has troubles? That's not true. Look at you, you already have a happy family waiting to happen! And I don't have that kind of future!" I angrily snapped.

Once again, a fist landed on my head.

"I have troubles! I'm worried about my child! Researchers don't have enough information or research about male pregnancy. They only get small bits from Xiao Yu who doesn't know much about it either! I know C-section is the best option but I don't know what to do! And if I give birth naturally, it's dangerous but better since they don't have experience with where to cut! I don't know where to start, I just want the baby out safely!"

I was going to speak out, but Jing Ge beat me to it.

"I'm not saying this to make you feel guilty. I just want you to look around and know that others are struggling too. You're not the only miserable person in the world."

"...Jing Ge, you've gotten better at scolding," I could only smile while surrendering my previous statements.

"I'm about to be a Dad after all."

A thing that Jing Ge and Yu Ge have in common: Both are slow to anger but when they are angry, you really can't go against them.

Another thing they have in common: After they're done being angry, they're completely back to normal without holding any grudges.

"Ok, now I'll send you to school."


"Xiao Yu told me to get you out frequently while I was over. You might as well go to school. I'm not some weakling that I'll need help with everything. I just need to notify you guys when my stomach hurts. And labour should come in about a week or two, it's not going to come in a couple of days. Xiao Yu was worried and exaggerated."


"Let's go for a ride! You drive, but slowly. I'm pregnant after all."

I numbly opened the door of my favorite sports car, which I named 'Speed', and let Jing Ge hop into the passenger street.

He ordered Speed to go slowly towards the main school of the base.

...Wait, hey, wasn't I supposed to drive?

And why are we riding in Speed? We could've taken Indigo, Cam, Pizza, or Celery! Those are normal cars! Why'd we have to take one of my babies?!

"You opened the door for me, so what are you going on about?" Jing Ge read my mind again... How'd he do it, I wonder...

No, that's not right! I clearly remember you standing right in front of Speed's door even though Speed was parked the furthest!

"Oh, whatever. I'm an idol remember, I need the best of the best."

...Jing Ge, you've changed...


When we got to the main school, I saw many familiar faces.

Some of the students from our previous academy had enrolled in here after Yu Ge allowed them and their families to come into the base.

Actually, it was kind of a bad and good deal for them to come into the base.

They lost all their prestige and fortunes because they used it all up to come into the base since the zombie apocalypse was determined and they were desperate.

But at least, they survived and lived peacefully. They even got powers to boot.

"Shui Lai! You doing well?"

"The party last time was great! When are you going to have another one?"

"Huh, who's he?"

"That's the Chief's younger brother!"

"No, I meant the pregnant man..."

"That's also the Chief's brother!"


And so on...

We arrived at the Principal's office, where I was pleasantly surprised by our old principal being this school's principal.

"Mr. Principal, how are you? I didn't realize that you were also the principal at this school!" Jing Ge exchanged pleasantries with our old Principal, Ying Xuan.

"Student Shui Yu, well, Chief Shui put me up to this job as he said I was suited for it."

"I think you are! You were loved by the students and you easily got along with them!"

"Haha, you make me sound as if I was their teacher, not a Principal!"

"Well, you were very familiar with almost every student!"

When are they going to stop?

Adults and their world of flattery. Sigh.

"So, I've come to enroll Xiao Lai into school. I'm worried that he won't be able to graduate properly..."

...I already have a job as a hacker/coder you know. I don't need a graduation diploma!

"He has common sense and some experience, but I think he needs to learn more. He shouldn't just be sitting in his room staring at a screen all day."

But that's my job! It's my job to stare at a screen and do stuff!

"And he has no friends now. I don't want him to become a Neet. He should experience youth!"

I thought you said you were completely fine with me being a shut-in! Liar!

What made my mind collapse was that Principal Ying agreed as well.

"Yes, every child needs companions and should experience youth to the fullest. I didn't have that kind of chance as my family members passed away early and I had to work hard to keep my place, but I want for every child to have memorable experiences."

Ohmygod, they're making me sound like some peasant. I. Am. Not. To. Be. Pitied! I, the fabulous being that I am, should not be receiving this treatment!

"But, I also feel that the school doesn't have educational levels for Student Shui Lai. He could go onto college level, but then the age difference would make him an outcast..." Principal Ying muttered while holding his chin in thought.

The moment I saw Jing Ge's eyes sparkle, I knew that my peaceful days were over.

"I have a great idea! Xiao Yu didn't exactly tell me to send Xiao Lai off to school. He just wanted for Xiao Lai to go outside once in a while and meet some friends. Why not have Xiao Lai teach a class? I know that the teacher positions are still lacking since there are so many kids. Isn't this good?"

Wait, wait, Yu Ge didn't ask of you to send me to school? Going out once in a while? Meeting friends? I could do that on my own! I don't want to be a teacher! Help!

"What a great idea! We're in need of nursery caretakers. The teacher positions are indeed lacking, but I think it'd be best if Student Shui Lai learned how to deal with younger children first. Mhm, this is a pretty brilliant solution to the Chief's wishes."

'Younger children'? The heck! They're sending me to babies! Babies, some little beings that I can't communicate with! And Yu Ge didn't mention for me to have such a job! He just wanted me to go out more!

QAQ Help!

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