No Time

Chapter 82: Stupidly Stubborn

Chapter 82: Stupidly Stubborn

As we all shrieked and ran out of the house pushing each other to get out first, I decided taking one more look would make more sense, to make sure that the thing behind us was really my sister.

Quickly, I looked back and regretted my decision to do so.

I shivered at the mere sight and once again had an adrenaline rush and pushed out with all my strength.

As a result of 5 ability users crowding at the doorway, the doorway that was no longer a doorway, but rather a pile of rubble, would have to be fixed...

When we got out, we all stopped and rested a little. I caught my breath and could finally hear my heartbeat slow down to a normal pace.

"W-was that really Bing Jie?" Little Blue asked with a shaken appearance.

"...I suspect so," I replied uncertainly.

"How can someone be that terrible at makeup?" asked Jing Shao with a look of shock and fear.

"She's never been good at things like homemaking skills... She's also bad at art, worse than a kindergartener. This was probably the result of never honing those skills..."

One of the bodyguards confessed, "I watch my wife transform from disheveled to beautiful every morning with the magical power of makeup. But never in my whole entire life could I have imagined someone would use it to do such evil!"

"Even zombie actors don't look that bad. Very cute compared to her," commented the other bodyguard.

I sighed, "These are all true facts. I... I'll go do something about it."

"Good bro, please tell her to wipe it off! If she goes out looking like that, she'll make frail grandmas, no, strong men, faint out of fright!" Little Blue pleaded. He even tried to appeal to me my blinking his eyes quickly and producing some huge fake crocodile tears.

I bravely headed to the door that was pretty much about to fall off from its frame.

I reached out slowly, anticipating what would happen.

My right hand was shaking, so I held it firmly with my equally shaking left hand.

A few deep breaths to calm down a little.




...Just a few more



With no squeaks or door handle turning, the door opened suddenly.

I must've jumped back 5 meters. My butt was aching from falling on it repeatedly.

We all prepared to scream when we -to our huge relief- saw a Shui Bing with her normal face.

Actually no, there were traces of makeup left, but at least she used the best of her abilities to wipe it off.

But really this still scared me.

Her makeup skills were so terrible that she couldn't even wipe them off properly.

...There needed to be serious training, training in makeup skills of course, for this sister of mine.

But first, I had to get down to the very reason why she had even attempted this act of hers.

Before I could get to it though, a still terrified Little Blue spoke up.

"Bing Jie... why'd you put on makeup? I mean, there's nothing wrong with it. My mom has a makeup artist, why don't I lend her services to you? You don't have to do makeup on your own..."

What a grand idea! Instead of suffering from more attempts of makeup until she gets average, I should talk to Yu Ge about hiring a coordinator, makeup artist, and whatever other roles needed for dressing up. Yu Ge was now on a show and Xiao Bing looked like she needed some serious help.

"Is my makeup that bad? I thought it was ok...?"

"Bing Jie, you can't seriously think that! The Shui family that's famous for their looks... How can they be so out of tune with knowing what's beautiful and what's hideous!"


"Uh, I don't want to lie, so I'll say that it is quite terrifying."

Xiao Bing sighed and stood quietly.

I voiced, "Xiao Bing, what's wrong? Why'd you put on makeup?"

Xiao Bing looked up and I could see the traces of left behind makeup.

Subconsciously, I did back up a few steps.

"Lai Ge, don't immediately call Yu Ge, ok?"

This made me even more suspicious.

I put my hands in my pocket and got ready to call Yu Ge.

"Ehem, go on."

Xiao Bing, who would usually notice such a farce, seemed absent-minded and sighed once more.

"Lai Ge."


"I got a boyfriend."

"A boyfriend? Oh, I know, you used to want friends that were boys right? Well, that's nice. Now, tell me. What's the real problem?"

"No, I don't mean friends that are boys."

"Y-you can't possibly have-"

"I confessed ok? I like my boyfriend a lot. I mostly pressured him to accept my confession. It's not his fault."

"You're only 14!"

"You liked Zhang Xing when you were about this age or younger. Why can't I like someone?"

"But I didn't date him!"

"Yeah, he wouldn't have accepted anyway."


That was a bit harsh. It hurt a little. I was completely, well, almost completely, over Xingxing. But I did like him. I still do, although he's now a zombie pal.

Xiao Bing sighed.

"Sorry, that was mean."

I snorted.

"I'm sorry, alright? I didn't mean it."

Some words can't be taken back.

I was annoyed now, so I spouted off something in spite too, "Yu Ge won't approve. Who is your boyfriend anyway? How old is he?"

"He's... Jack Larson."

"The one that I know of?"

"Most likely."

"That guy killed and tortured girls! And he's 19! Older than you by 5 years! Even older than Yu Ge!"

"He's changed! He's better now!"

I strongly disapproved. I only saw that guy 2 times, and both times, his impression on me wasn't great.

He had a naturally dark disposition, and gloominess seemed to radiate off of him.

Overall, his good looks made it look like he could lure girls in easily and then trap them.

Xiao Bing was brought up spoiled and was used to having her way.

Of course, she was a little more mature compared to others her age because of growing up under Yu Ge and having her previous job as an assassin, but because she grew up in such a strange environment, she was attracted to strange things and had no common sense or skills a normal average person would have.

I wasn't perfect either, but Xiao Bing was even worse.

"...When are you going to tell Yu Ge?"

"When he comes home."

"When he comes home, you're out of the house. You're planning to avoid him entirely?"

"No... Can you tell him about it first? I'll give him some time to think about it."

"You can't escape."

"I know. And I'm not breaking up with Jack."

I was about ready to admonish her for being childish and wanting to run away from her problems. Hadn't she seen how Yu Ge reacted when Jing Ge and brother-in-law(Lu Han) were keeping their relationship a secret from him?

So stubborn, so bullish, so childish.

Why should I deal with her problems?!

I screamed at her, "You deal it with your own! Why should I talk to Yu Ge for you?! You're just trying to ignore your problems and even push it onto me! You always do this, why can't you just face him properly? He's worried about you these days, but you don't even come home for weeks! Now this?! Get out, don't let me see you for at least a year!"

To Xiao Bing, although she always complained and teased me, she knew that I knew her best and that to her, I was her closest brother.

I had given her a scolding before, even slapped her before, but I had never yelled at her to get out.

She had a wronged appearance and tears brimming as she quickly ran out of the community's vicinity.

I muttered under my breath, "What is she even crying for. Is she some White Lotus? Tch."

I didn't feel bad at all, rather angry and refreshed.

I turned towards Little Blue, Jing Shao, and the two bodyguards.

"Sorry for making you guys see such a scene. I hope you can forget what happened here."

But I wasn't feeling sorry. They could tell too.

Little Blue just patted my arm. Later I found out that he had an older cousin who he was practically like siblings with. She eloped with her lover that her family disapproved of, and it turned out that he was a marriage scammer. The cousin lost all her family's support and was now living as a part-timer to many places, living a tired and aimless life. Well, probably now a zombie or a lucky survivor. So, the little dude sympathized with me.

Jing Shao gave a polite nod with a gaze filled with pity. Sigh, I really didn't want to show such a sight to kids. Even kids are pitying my situation.

True to my word, I wasn't going to tell Yu Ge.

...But when Yu Ge came home, I couldn't help but spill all my grievances to him.

He did get mad at Xiao Bing's behavior, but he first sought to placate me.

We ate our favorite hotpot, played games. Laughed at some comedy shows and talked all night long while lying down on his bed.

I'm glad at least Yu Ge's on my side.

But it still didn't help that the day that originally was the best day of this year turned out to be the worst.

Right now, I don't think I can forgive her easily.

Yeah, it'll take at least a year, before I do so.

And before then, don't let me see your face, Shui Bing.

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