No Time

Chapter 83: One thing leads to another

Chapter 83: One thing leads to another

Little Blue here.

Today, I went to help Lai Ge deal with a ghost and ended up seeing a lot more than I wanted to.

Bing Jie was having an affair!

Not really, but she was dating!

For the base, that was a huge scandal!

A person from the Shui family would be dating a murderer!

If paparazzi were allowed into the area where the important officials lived, they would declare this a huge scoop!

And once again, I realize how hard it is to date a person of the Shui Family.

I wonder if Zuan, I mean Shui Yu, would ever consider me.

There's the fact that I'm younger than him by 10 years.

But once I grow up, I'm sure to be handsome like my dad and as strong as my grandpa!

Seriously though, I was worried.

What if someone started dating Zuan before I turned of age?

That'd be horrible!

I've already liked him for 2 years... I'll be pining him for at least, uh, 10 more?

...I've got a long way to go.

If someone does date Zuan before I reach 18, I'll... kick them down and show them how much better I am!

Zuan was getting more handsome lately, and even the people who had said that he looked too girly before were beginning to like him.

This was getting dangerous!

Urgh, I wanted people to know how wonderful Zuan was, how good looking, how kind, how everything. But I didn't want people to like him like I do. They could like him as a person, that was good. But liking him as a potential husband? No way!

I wasn't jealous of Zuan making friends. I have lots of friends and human contact is a necessary thing. But I didn't want to gain love rivals!

It wasn't possible, but what if someone who was better than me appeared?

Just what if?

Sigh, this was why I didn't like the show that Zuan was participating in right now.

I heard from Lai Ge that he was only going there to have fun, rest, and maybe make more friends.

Lai Ge claimed, "He won't date anyone from that show. He wants a strong partner."

Later, I asked Zuan, "Zuan, lots of people want to get with you. What are you going to do about it?"

"They'll have to beat me first," he replied with a laugh.

"..." Does that mean I have no chance at all?

I guess I'll have to train hard. My abilities are really strong and as long as I find ways to use them effectively and practice them every day, I'll be set!

Meanwhile, I looked towards my pal, Jing Shao.

He seemed a little bummed too.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He turned to me and heaved a sigh.


"Dating a Shui Family member is going to be tough, young master."

"Stop calling me that. And yes, I know. But I won't let go of Zuan until he gets married."

"Such stubbornness."

"It's called being persevering!"

"To the extreme."


Years later, I would know that my future butler had started to develop feelings for Lai Ge after that incident.

I would ask why he started to like Lai Ge, and he would answer, "He seemed like the type to be childish, but reasonable. And very responsible. He looked really cool."

Lai Ge would answer my question with, "You know, he tries to act devious and smart, but he's actually quite stupid sometimes. Whenever he looks thoughtful, it's just him thinking about something off topic. He hates broccoli, carrots, and mushrooms. I don't like them either. He's a kid inside. I'm a kid at heart too. We're a good match."

Ehem, but that's something I wouldn't know until much later.

The bodyguards knew about my cousin who had eloped and got scammed, so they kept quiet about the whole incident.

My cousin, a wonderful person she was, was very naive. She wasn't spoiled, but as she had friends picked by her parents and an environment made for safety from any bad thing, she didn't know much about the real world.

She wasn't even allowed to have one of those old smartphones.

She was very kind, innocent, naive, something not good when she finally went out on her first trip outside of the "safe zone". It was to the mall with her mother, and she got lost.

The thing is, my cousin, she wasn't beautiful per se, but she had an elegant and calming persona. She was wearing awfully expensive clothes and shoes too.

The marriage scammer probably picked up on that and thus decided to seduce her.

After she came from that one outside trip, she daydreamed all day long.

She also decided to pick up cooking and scalded her hands over and over. After her parents were notified, they banned her from the kitchen.

My cousin, she cried and cried. But she still didn't fight back.

One thing she knew though, was that her parents would never approve of a man not of their status dating their daughter.

But my cousin, as intelligent as she was, foolishly jumped into a hasty marriage.

She agreed to share property and practically handed over everything to her husband.

Then one day, he had disappeared, and the landlady told her to get out.

Her parents had met up with her before and asked if she really wanted to do this. They even threatened her with disowning her and cutting her off from the family.

My cousin, as close as a blood sibling, replied with such a serious attitude, that her father got mad and cut her off immediately there and then.

But she didn't show any sadness. She really had believed her husband's words of, once a woman gets married, she has no ties with her previous family, rather, she would start a new one.

When he disappeared, she had nothing left. She finished only high school. She didn't get to finish college. All her money and possessions were gone. She had no family members left. The contract she thought was the marriage certificate wasn't real.

The only thing I heard of her was that now, she was doing part time jobs and trying to live frugally but not knowing how. It makes sense, she was a rich girl, how could she get used to living like normal people?

She's now a zombie I think. Her parents, my aunt and uncle, checked on her often and sent news that they were going to hold a funeral for their ex-daughter.

I had forgotten her for some time, going to school and playing with friends. I felt sad of course, how could I not? But I realized again how scary the world was.

Maybe now that society's broken and a lot more simple due to the zombie apocalypse, it's better.

I think right now, it's the best time period.

Not for the people outside of the base, but for us, we're very thankful every day that we were lucky enough to get into this place.

It's a new start for many. Many opportunities await and there are still many things to be explored.

Haizz, I was still only an 8 year old!

I was busy with school and lessons every day, mom was even discussing with dad about sending me to cram schools for all kinds of stuff!

I shouldn't be worrying about stuff like this, I should be playing and having fun!

"Jing Shao! I don't have anything to do today, right?"

"Nothing currently, but your curfew is 6 o'clock."

"Ok! Then let's go get some ice cream!"

"Is that all?"

"No, let's also go laser tagging!"

"Should I call over some of your friends?"

"No, let's call the other bodyguards! Let's all have fun!"

"I'll do so."

"Oh, and then, after that, I want to play on the virtual simulators in the most upstart internet cafe!"

"You're curfew is at 6."

"My parents aren't coming home until tomorrow! Today's their date night."

"Then, when do you expect you'll be home?"

"I'll play all night long!"

"My curfew is at 8."



Jing Shao did leave right before 8.

He ate dinner with me and my bodyguards before leaving though.

He wanted to freeload off of me since I was buying some Korean BBQ chickens. He ate even more than my bodyguards...

Before he left, we did play a lot.

We got our ice cream. I got chocolate, he got cookie-n-cream, my bodyguards all got some too.

Then we went for several rounds of intense laser tag and I never won but it was still fun.

After that, we went to an internet cafe and played virtual simulations for a dinosaur park. Wow, dinosaurs were really huge. But even the tallest dinosaur wasn't taller than my dad's company headquarters. Hehe.

Anyways, I felt like it was a good day.

One of the best days of my life!

If we didn't count the incident with Bing Jie that is.

But it was still a great day!

I was still on a sugar rush from getting a 4th ice cream cone.


The limousine arrived and parked at its designated spot and we all said our goodbyes as some of the bodyguards went to their sleeping quarters already.

Then my individual bodyguards also left and I skipped all the way upstairs to my room.

La di da di da~

Huh, whose feet are those?

...Oh no.

My parents were back.

And unfortunately, right now, it was way over my bed time(10 PM).

My deluxe watch showed the time, and for once, I wished it was broken and sped up too much.

The tiny needles pointed impeccably, and the seconds were precise too.


I hope I don't get grounded.

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