
Chapter 111: the monster inside the rose mansion

Chapter 111: the monster inside the rose mansion

ARGENT'S whole body was shaking. This was not just a simple fear. This kind of suffocation, it's burried deep within her. As if it was embedded in her very soul. There was an alarm going off inside her head, telling her to run, urging her to get out of this place. But even that, she couldn't do. Because her whole body was immobilized by fear.

She looked down at her trembling hands and started to laugh at her own cowardice. She couldn't believe that there would come a time when she would cower in fear. Like a shivering mouse afraid that the cat would come and eat her at any second. Argent didn't even know where this fear came from. It's like the moment she saw this place, a trigger inside her was pushed and this overwhelming fear just engulfed her.

She remembered what was written on that stone tablet. One line talked about facing your fears. So was this mansion surrounded by this beautiful rose garden the personification of her fears? But why? There's a voice inside her head telling her that if she only allowed herself to remember, then her questions would be answered. But she couldn't. If Argent removed the lid of the box filled with her memories, the very foundation that made her who she was would easily collapsed.

Then would the person left be still her?

She didn't know the anwer. And she simply didn't want to understand.

Did that mean that she would just stand here and wait until this fear completely swallowed her? No. She couldn't! Argent was doing this for her mother. For the very first person who gave her genuine warmth in this world. Standing here and doing nothing would also mean that she was abandoning her mother. So she needed to move. She needed to go inside that mansion.

Argent closed her eyes tightly and took a deep breath. She clasped both hands. [I can do this.]

She opened her eyes. Although her body was still trembling, the depths of her purple eyes were now filled with unwavering determination.

Then she ran towards the direction of the rose mansion.

With shaking hands, Argent slowly opened the door. What greeted her was silence. She walked carefully inside. A sense of oppression immediately attacked her. She forcefully shook it off. The living room was dark with no sunlight coming in from the closed window. She looked around. All the furnitures and decorations seemed to be so familiar. Everywhere she looked, there's a feeling of deja vu.

Argent hated it.

She couldn't see anyone around. Even the figure of that little girl was nowhere to be found. She glanced at the staircase. Before she could decide if she should climb upstairs, she suddenly heard the sobbing of a child. It was probably that little girl with no face. The sound of her sobbing seemed to be coming from everywhere. But for some reason, Argent knew exactly where she could find the girl.

She started walking and found herself arriving at what seemed like the mansion's kitchen. The sobbing still continued. She turned her head towards the big pantry. She walked near it and slowly opened it. When she saw the little girl inside, she wasn't at all surprised. Because she had a feeling that the little girl always hid here.

The little girl raised her head. Seeing her face without eyes, nose, and lips no longer shocked Argent. "Big Sister?"

"What are you doing there?" Argent asked.

"Mama told me to go and hide."


"Because she doesn't want the monster to get me."

Argent's pupil dilated when she heard that answer. 'Monster' - that word resonated in her, feeding her fear. The fear that she needed to face. If she wanted to get out of whatever illusion this was, she needed to conquer her fear. And that 'monster' was most probably the representation of that fear.

"Can you take me to your Mama? Maybe I can save her from the monster," Argent said after much deliberation.

"Really, Big Sister?"

"Yes." She reached her hand toward the little girl. "Come."

The girl held her hand and Argent pulled her out of the pantry.

"Big Sister, it's this way."

The girl led her out of the kitchen and towards the staircase. As they climbed up, her fear just became more and more intense. She wanted to just stop and run away. But she forced herself to continue. She needed to stand her ground if she wanted to get through with this. Because if not, then she should have no hope into ever getting that sword. And that's something she couldn't allow.

The little girl pulled her towards the room at the end of the corridor. The closer they got to the room, the harder it was for Argent to breath. It's like there was an invisible hand choking her, pulling her under.

Then they heard the scream of a woman. It was a scream so familiar to Argent. Like she had heard it a thousand of times. Her body started trembling again, making her let go of the hand of the little girl. Because of that, the girl ran straight towards the room. Before Argent could stop her, the little girl already opened the door and ran inside.


Argent had no choice but to follow. But before she could step into the room, she was paralyzed at the door. Because inside was a monster.

A woman was lying on the floor. Just like the little girl, she also had no face. But Argent could still see the bruises and wounds on her. A dark shadow was hovering over her. It was in the shape of a man. But Argent couldn't feel any humanity in him. He shouldn't look so scary. But for some reason, Argent felt like this was the 'monster' - the personification of all her fears.

And she was terrified. The fear in her quickly spread from the very depth of her soul to her skin and bones. It felt like she was standing on a quicksand and her body was slowly sinking. And no matter what she did, she would just continue to sink even further.

The dark shadow suddenly reached for the woman's neck and lifted her from the floor. "You shouldn't have done that," he said in a grating voice. "How many times did I tell you not to disobey me?"

"I- I'm sorry... please..." the woman begged.

Seeing this scene, Argent felt like her heart was being squeezed. She wanted to help the woman but her body wouldn't just move.

Then the little girl ran towards the dark shadow. "Please, don't hurt Mama."

The shadow looked down at the little girl then he threw the woman away like she's some rag doll. The dark shadow bent over the girl. He traced the girl's face with his fingers. "You don't want me to hurt your Mama?" The girl nodded. "Then you have to accompany me."

The shadow shrouding the man started to expand and slowly envelop the little girl.

Argent's whole body shook. Fear and disgust slowly swirling inside her. Before she could even think, her body finally move. She turned her bracelet into a sword and slashed at the dark shadow's back. The shadow slowly turned back to her, as if only finally noticing her presence. He let go of the girl and stepped towards her. Argent automatically stepped back.

Then she ran. She ran as fast as she could. But she could still hear the fast footsteps behind her. A sign that the dark shadow was running after her. A black tendril reached for her foot causing for her to trip. She fell down. When she tried to turn, the dark shadow was already above her. Argent's whole body froze.

"Look at you, so grown up," the dark shadow said slowly reaching for her face.

She stiffened when she felt the cold touch on her face. She could no longer tell the emotion she was feeling. When the dark shadow's face came closer and closer towards her, Argent suddenly felt like someone would appear and save her from the monster. Anytime now, that person would definitely appear.

Then Argent suddenly realized how wrong it was of her to think that. Waiting for someone to save her was not something she should do. Because doing that meant that she couldn't face her fears alone. It was just another form of cowardice. And she's tired of running away.

She gripped her sword tightly and glared at the dark shadow. All her hatred showing in her purple gaze. "Die, you asshole."

Then she swung her sword and cut off the dark shadow's head.

"Xia Yin..." the dark shadow muttered before completely disintegrating.

Then everything just turned into darkness.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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