
Chapter 112: the dragon king

Chapter 112: the dragon king

WHEN Argent opened her eyes, she was already back at the hall of the Temple of Tian Long. She massaged her forehead. She felt like the inside of her head was pulsating. As if it would explode at any second. She vaguely remembered what happened. But the lingering emotions of fear and helplessness that remained in her proved that something did happen.

She closed her eyes tightly. She couldn't remember. No, it's more accurate to say that she refused to remember. Argent knew that she purposedly sealed a lot of her memories, most of them when she was still a child. But she also knew that if she didn't do that, then she definitely would have grown up insane. Instead of making inventions after inventions, she would probably be inside a hospital room, counting the number of bugs crawling on the wall.

Argent managed to live this long because she chose to forget. If she started to remember, she didn't know what kind of effect it would have on her now. But she knew it wouldn't be positive. She couldn't afford any distractions right now. Not when her family was in this kind of situation.

"Congratulations," a voice suddenly said in a lazy tone.

Argent opened her eyes and looked towards the direction of the voice. The stone tablet was no longer there. On its place stood a tall man wearing a loose white robe, showing a wide expanse of chest. His long golden hair was flowing freely behind his back. His pair of golden eyes were looking at her with interest. He had this lazy elegance in him. Like even if he put one of his finger in her nostril, he would still appear graceful.

But that was not what captured Argent's attention. It was the pupils of the man's eyes. Even at this distance, she could clearly see that they were vertical slits. It was a sure sign that the man was not exactly human. Seeing that this temple housed an artifact called the sword of the dragon king, then it's not farfetched to think that this man was probably a dragon.

"You are?" she asked.

"I am the dragon king. Or at least I was," the man answered with a lazy tone.

Argent didn't know how to react upon hearing that. She couldn't help but give the man another look. This was the dragon king? Well, he certainly had the presence of someone with a high authority. But should someone like him be here? In an underwater temple surrounded by a strong enchantment? Then she remembered a certain point in what he said. "Was? You're not the king anymore?"

"Hmm... it's hard to be the king when you're dead," the dragon king said while looking at his nails, as if he just didn't tell someone that he's already dead.

Argent didn't know what's more surprising, knowing that he's the dragon king or knowing that he's dead? "So, you're a ghost?"

"How rude. I am the remnant of the dragon king's soul. How could I be a ghost?" the dragon king said indignantly. Wasn't that basically a ghost? Argent thought. "Well, you've always been rude. I shouldn't have expected more."

Argent furrowed her brows when she heard the last thing he said. The way he talked, it's like this was not the first time they met. Rather, it's like he knew her quite well. "Have we met?"

"The you right now, not yet. But if you continue on this road, then maybe soon you will." Argent couldn't understand his vague answer at all. But before she could ask him what he meant, he spoke again. "How many years has it been since the Mythos continent closed off?"

"500 years."

"Oh, so that's how long I've been here. But since you showed up here, maybe it wouldn't be long before I completely disappear. So, let's get this over with. I'll hand you over the sword and you can leave."

"That's it?"

"Yes. What else is there? You already passed the trial and the sword found you worthy. Don't tell me you still want another trial?" the dragon king asked, looking at her as if she was insane.

"No, wait- I still have a lot of questions for you."

"Then ask. Though I can't promise I will answer all of it."

"15 years ago, did a man resembling me manage to get your sword?"

The dragon king acted like he was trying to remember who she was talking about. "Ah, that guy. Yes, he did manage to get the sword."

"If he did, then how come the sword is still here?" she asked, confused.

"Maybe because he failed."

Argent let out an exasperated sigh. "Did anyone ever tell you how confusing you are?"

"That just adds to my mystery," he said, pushing out his chest and acting all proudly.

"Let's backtrack. What did he fail at exactly?"

"He gathered all the sacred artifacts and then failed the next step."

So her father did manage to gather the three artifacts. Whatever those artifacts were supposed to do once they were gathered, her father ultimately failed in activating it. "Then the artifacts returned to the place where they were found?"

"You've always been smart," he said, meaning that her conclusion was right.

Argent ignored the way he's talking like they're old friends. Because she knew this king wouldn't answer her even if she asked. "What exactly are the three sacred artifacts for?"

"Gather them all and you'll know."

She just knew this guy wouldn't give her the answer she wanted. "Then what is the 'child of all'?"

"Come on, stop asking me questions that you could easily find the answers to. Letting me answer it would just be too easy. Do you think I'm here to make your life easier?"

Argent couldn't help but feel that this king might actually kind of dislike her. In the first place, should the once king of the most powerful race act like this? "If you're dead, then do the queen of the elves and the king of the beastkins also dead?"

"Of course they are. How could I be dead when they're not? I'm way more stronger than those two, you know?"

"So you died during the war 500 years ago?" Because according to what he just said earlier, he had been here for 500 years. "How did that war start exactly?"

Argent have read a lot of history books since she arrived in this world. But the details regarding the war that happened 500 years ago were not exactly clear. Most of the books said that it was because the human race wanted to take advantage of the three mythical race. But even if that was the case, could that really start a war? To the point that the three powerful races just closed themselves off from the world?

"Because of a certain demon's obsession," the dragon king answered with a faraway look on his handsome face.

"I take it this demon is just a figure of speech?"

The king snorted. "I don't want to talk about it. If you insist, I might be really tempted to just kill you."

"Okay." Argent already asked him all the important questions which he mostly didn't answer. She couldn't think of anything more to ask him. Well, maybe one or two questions more. "The man who came here 15 years ago, did he tell you anything?"

"No. He just said he's doing it for his family. Don't worry, I think you'll meet him soon enough. If you gather the three artifacts, that is."

There he went again, being all vague. She no longer asked what he meant because she knew he wouldn't give her a straight answer. "What will happen once I gather the three sacred artifacts?"

"Everything that's supposed to happen will happen."

Argent sighed again. "I'll take the sword," she just said. If she asked another question and he gave another vague answer, she might really just punch him.

"Good. I thought you're still planning to bombard me with your nonsensical questions."

The dragon king reached out his hand, palm up. A golden light appeared on his palm. It became brighter and brighter until a sword appeared above his palm. It was a five feet long sword with a golden scabbard inlaid with gems and a hilt with a sculpted dragon wrapped around it. The sword floated and went straight to her hand.

The moment Argent touched the sword, she suddenly felt like she was burnt. Then it disappeared and she felt a scorching pain on her right palm. She winced. When she looked at her palm, she saw a tattooed sword on it. It was safe to say that it was probably the dragon sword.

She looked at the dragon king. "How can I take it out?"

"Just wish for it. If that's all, you can go now."

Argent thought for a moment. "Your name, may I know what it is?"

The dragon king seemed surprised by her question then he smiled. It was a smile that instantly made his handsome face even more handsome. "Sieghart."

Then Argent was slowly surrounded by a bright light. Before she completely disappeared from the main hall of the temple, she heard the dragon king saying;

"Goodbye my dear silver lady."

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