Not-So an Extra

Chapter 153 Ch. 153: Crumbling Down [2]

Chapter 153 Ch. 153: Crumbling Down [2]

Adrian stood frozen in place, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

The revelation that the black-robed figure responsible for his mother's death was none other than Nathaniel, his own brother, left him stunned and confused.

The moonlight cast an eerie glow on the scene, illuminating the sword in Nathaniel's hand, intensifying the gravity of the situation.

With a mix of disbelief and desperation, Adrian mustered the strength to meet Nathaniel's gaze.

His voice trembled as he asked.

"Nate... what are you doing here?"

Nathaniel's response was sharp, his voice laced with annoyance.

"I should be the one asking you. What are you doing here?"

Adrian's confusion deepened.

He struggled to find the right words to explain himself.


Nathaniel's impatience was palpable as he interrupted.

"Ian, I don't have time for this. Can you get me the hell out of here?"

Adrian's heart sank.

He couldn't comprehend why Nathaniel was so angry at this moment.

There had to be something he didn't know, some missing piece of the puzzle.

It was too early to judge Nathaniel as the one responsible for Aerilyn's death, especially considering he was the one who had turned back time.

Reluctantly, Adrian dismissed the barrier, and without uttering a word, Nathaniel walked past him.

But Adrian couldn't let it end there.

There was too much at stake, too many unanswered questions.

With desperation evident in his voice, he reached out for his brother's hand.

"We need to talk!"

To Adrian's surprise, Nathaniel abruptly pulled his hand away, his impatience reaching its peak.

"Ian, I'm busy right now! Can we talk about this later?"

Without waiting for his brother's reaction, Nathaniel swiftly jumped out of the wall, casting a series of earth plates to propel himself away.

Adrian was left standing there, his mind reeling with thoughts and questions.

The pain in his head intensified as he tried to make sense of the situation.

"We need to talk..."

Adrian mumbled to himself, almost inaudibly.

He knew he had to piece together the fragments of the truth, no matter how painful or confusing they might be.

The weight of responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders as he began to consider the possibilities.

What if Nathaniel was actually chasing the real black-robed figure, trying to prevent his mother's death?

It seemed plausible, considering Nathaniel's ability to turn back time.

But who were these mysterious individuals, and what did they gain from killing Aerilyn?

Was it a grudge toward the Lancaster family? Or toward the Emperor?

Adrian's mind raced, considering all the potential motives and suspects.

If they were from the dark organization, it didn't align with their known motives.

The dark organization was primarily interested in obtaining the Sacred Orb, not in killing Aerilyn.

Furthermore, he and Nathaniel had made a pact to inform each other about anything related to the dark organization.

So why hadn't Nathaniel informed him about this?

Suddenly, a realization hit Adrian like a bolt of lightning.

The only ones who would truly benefit from his mother's death were the Delacroix family.

If Aerilyn died, then Lucia would ascend to the throne, just as the Delacroix family desired.

The implications of this revelation sent shivers down Adrian's spine.

What if... it wasn't Nathaniel who was trying to kill him, but rather Adrian himself seeking revenge after discovering the truth?

But what could have driven Nathaniel to commit such a heinous act?


"Your Highness!"

Lost in his thoughts, Adrian was interrupted by the voice of his loyal servant, Fredinand, who had been running towards him.

Concern etched on his face, Fredinand asked.

"Your Highness, is there something wrong?"

Adrian shook his head, dismissing the wild thoughts that threatened to consume him.

"It's nothing."

He replied, trying to push aside the unsettling feelings.

Fredinand persisted, wanting to offer his assistance.

"About the black-robed figure—"

Adrian cut him off, not wanting to delve into that topic any further.

"No, it's alright. You don't have to look for them again."

Understanding his master's wishes, Fredinand nodded and stepped back, giving Adrian some space to collect his thoughts.

Adrian's mind was still reeling from the revelation, and he needed a moment to process everything.

Lost in his contemplation, Adrian found himself in front of the watchtower.

Following the dream, he entered the room and scanned the floor.

Shortly, his gaze fell upon a small cut near the wall, and curiosity piqued, he approached it.

Sliding his hand inside, he felt something brush against his fingers.

Without hesitation, he grabbed it and pulled it out, revealing a tiny blue ball—an explosive.

Realization dawned on Adrian.

Someone was planning to cause chaos at the upcoming Hastilude festival.

The urgency of the situation snapped him out of his thoughts, and he knew he had to act quickly.

Clutching the explosive tightly in his hand, he made his way back to Fredinand, showing him the dangerous object.

"Please go and search every watchtower for these explosives."

Adrian instructed, his voice filled with urgency.

Fredinand nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

He wasted no time and immediately set off to carry out his orders, leaving Adrian alone with his troubled thoughts.

Adrian stood there, his mind was in turmoil, torn between the trust he had built with Nathaniel and the unsettling possibility that he himself could be involved in his mother's death.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, trying to calm the rage and confusion within him.


Adrian exhaled, his breath carrying a mix of frustration and resignation.

He knew he couldn't let this misunderstanding linger any longer.

He had to confront Nathaniel and clear the air before it tore their bond apart completely.

Deciding to address the matter with his brother at the first light of dawn, Adrian set aside his troubled thoughts for the time being.

He couldn't afford to let his emotions cloud his judgment.

There was too much at stake, and he needed to find the truth.

Summoning a series of earth plates, Adrian used his powers to transport himself back to the grand banquet hall.




Arriving at the entrance of the banquet hall, the guard who saw him immediately announced his arrival.

"His Highness the Second Prince of the Aeon Empire is entering!"

The door swung open and the guests inside the hall stood and bowed respectfully as he entered the room.

Adrian, however, didn't pause his stride, his voice cutting through the air as he walked along the red carpet.

"Please don't mind me."

Adrian stated coldly, his words hanging in the air and casting a sudden awkwardness over the room.

The guests exchanged glances, unsure of how to react to the prince's demeanor.

A group of teenagers who had been observing Adrian's urgent walk toward the second floor couldn't help but wonder about his unusual behavior.

"What happened to him?"

A wheat-haired boy asked, his curiosity piqued the moment he saw Adrian.

Rhea shrugged her shoulders, perplexed.

"I don't know, but this is the first time I've seen Adrian look so angry."

Adrian was known for his ability to maintain his emotions, so if he was displaying such anger, something serious must have occurred.

Sylvina chimed in, concern lacing her voice.

"Maybe... something has happened?"

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Ralph suggested.

"Whatever has happened to Adrian, let's pray for the best."

The others nodded in agreement, their worry evident.

Arriving on the second floor, Adrian immediately scanned the area, his eyes searching for a familiar figure.

Spotting a robust man with blonde hair and blue eyes engaged in conversation with a knight, Adrian approached him without hesitation.

Upon seeing his grandson, Graham offered him a warm smile and spoke in a jovial tone, trying to lighten the mood.

"You're kinda late, Adrian. Where have you been?"

Ignoring his grandfather's question, Adrian cut to the chase.

"Grandfather, could we talk for a moment? It's urgent."

Graham, noticing the seriousness in his grandson's expression, handed his glass to the knight he had been conversing with and nodded.

"Follow me."

Heeding his grandfather's order, Adrian followed him to a nearby restroom.

Closing the door behind them, they settled into the couch, creating a private space for their conversation.

Adrian wasted no time and showed Graham the explosive ball he had found.

Graham picked up the tiny ball from Adrian's palm and examined it carefully.

As he inspected it, Adrian continued, his voice filled with urgency.

"I found this at the watchtower. Someone deliberately placed it there."

Rage flickered in Graham's eyes as he grasped the severity of the situation.

He could imagine the chaos that would ensue if this explosive were to detonate during the festival.

The Empire had already suffered humiliation during the Capital City terrorism, and Graham was determined not to let it happen again, especially with all the kings from around the continent present.

Adrian pressed on, his voice filled with concern.

"Please conduct a thorough search for the explosive device. It could be anywhere, not just in the watchtower."

Clutching the tiny ball tightly in his hand, Graham immediately stood up, his resolve evident.

"I understand. I will conduct a thorough search for the explosive device throughout the entire castle."

Adrian nodded gratefully, appreciating his grandfather's swift action.

"Thank you so much for taking this seriously and for your assistance."

With that, Graham left the room, leaving Adrian alone with his thoughts.

He let out a resigned sigh, feeling the weight of the trust that had crumbled bit by bit.

Despite the revelations and doubts, he still believed that Nathaniel wouldn't be capable of such an act.

He hoped that this night would pass quickly so he could confront Nathaniel and resolve this misunderstanding once and for all.


Adrian exhaled, trying to calm his racing thoughts.

Nevertheless, he just hoped that it would bring clarity and restore the trust that had been shaken.

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