Not-So an Extra

Chapter 154 Ch. 154: Crumbling Down [3]

Chapter 154 Ch. 154: Crumbling Down [3]




A few hours ago.




In the dimly lit chamber, a young man with disheveled black hair stood before the glass door leading to the balcony.

He wore comfortable pajamas, a stark contrast to the grandeur of his surroundings.

His piercing golden eyes gazed out into the night, captivated by the moonlight that bathed the castle walls in an ethereal glow.

Tomorrow marked a fateful day—the day when tragedy would befall Aerilyn, Adrian's mother.

But thanks to 'him' who had provided Nathaniel with detailed information about the impending accident, he had the chance to alter the course of events and prevent the impending doom.

'He' revealed that a mysterious figure in a black robe would arrive to plant an explosive device at the watchtower.

As a familiar presence drew nearer to his room, Nathaniel wasted no time.

He walked purposefully towards his bed, lying down and pulling the covers over his body, feigning illness.

The sound of knocks reverberated through the room, growing louder with each tap.

—Knock —Knock —Knock

"Nathan, it's mom."

A voice called from the other side of the door.

"Come in."

Nathaniel responded, his voice calm and collected.

The door swung open, revealing a woman adorned in an exquisite dress with intricate designs.

Lucia entered the room accompanied by several maids.

Her eyes scanned the surroundings until they settled upon her son, lying on the bed.

"You aren't ready for the banquet?"

Lucia inquired, her voice filled with concern as she approached him.

Nathaniel shook his head, showing no intention of getting up.

"I think I won't attend the banquet. I'm not feeling well at the moment."

Concern etched across her face, Lucia turned to one of the maids and instructed.

"Please call a physician."

However, Nathaniel swiftly intervened, stopping his mother's actions.

"No, Mom, I don't need it. I think I just need some rest."

He couldn't afford to let his lies unravel.

Lucia looked at him, her worry evident, and then settled herself at the edge of his bed, gently stroking his hair.

"Are you sure?"

She asked, her voice tinged with concern.


Nathaniel replied, maintaining his facade.

"Then I'll let the maid prepare some food and refreshments for you."

But Nathaniel quickly interjected, not wanting to prolong the charade.

"No, it's alright. I'll just go to bed. I'm kind of tired."

After a brief silence, she sighed in defeat, realizing her efforts were in vain.

"Then I'll stay with you."

She declared, causing Nathaniel to be taken aback by his mother's persistence.

"No, Mom, it's alright. You don't have to. You should enjoy the banquet."

He couldn't comprehend why it was so difficult to convince his mother to leave his room.

"How can I enjoy a party while my son is unwell?"

Lucia's voice dripped with concern.

Nathaniel was momentarily speechless, caught off guard by his mother's unwavering care.

Annoyed, he then pulled his blanket and covered his entire body with it.

"Mom, I'm a grown-up man! I need my space!"

Realizing her mistake, Lucia immediately apologized, her voice filled with remorse.

"I—I'm sorry, I must be disturbing you. I'll make my way out now."

Just as she began to stand, Nathaniel's hand reached out, gently grasping her wrist. Lucia turned to look at him, her eyes meeting his.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you away. I just need some time alone right now,"

Nathaniel explained, his voice softer this time.

A warm smile graced Lucia's lips.

She understood that Nathaniel's trust in her was still fragile, but she cherished the progress they were making in their relationship.

Though slow, each step forward meant the world to her.

"It's alright, my dear."

Lucia reassured him, leaning forward to place a tender kiss on his forehead.

"Good night."

Nathaniel watched as his mother left the room, a mix of emotions swirling within him.

He covered his face with both hands, feeling embarrassed.

It was an unfamiliar sensation, but not an unpleasant one.

Brushing it off, Nathaniel swiftly got out of bed, changed into a black robe, and prepared himself for the task at hand.

Opening the glass door, Nathaniel was greeted by a chilly breeze that sent a shiver down his spine as he stepped onto the balcony.

In his previous timeline, he had investigated the accident, only to discover that the Delacroix family was not responsible.

However, they had taken advantage of the situation to eliminate the Lancaster family once and for all.

The true culprit behind the accident remained unknown, and tonight, Nathaniel was determined to uncover the truth and catch the perpetrator.

To be honest, the shitty organization was already giving him a headache, and the involvement of a third party only exacerbated Nathaniel's mounting anxiety.

Pulling the hood of his robe over his head, Nathaniel summoned a series of earth plates and propelled himself towards the castle walls.

With a graceful leap, he landed on the parapet and stealthily made his way into an empty watchtower.

Taking out his pocket watch, he noted the time.

'There are still five minutes left.'

Positioning himself in the shadows, Nathaniel erased his presence, blending seamlessly into the darkness.

If the information he received was accurate, the black-robed figure would make their way to this very spot.

Closing his eyes, he focused his senses, waiting patiently for the arrival of his target.




—Tap —Tap —Tap

The sound of light footsteps broke the silence, causing Nathaniel's eyes to snap open.

The black-robed figure entered the watchtower, their presence ominous and foreboding.

Reacting swiftly, Nathaniel unsheathed his sword, mirroring the figure's actions.

The figure swung their sword, creating a fine cut in the floor near the wall.

Closing the distance between himself and the mysterious figure, Nathaniel moved with calculated steps, his sword held firmly at their neck from behind.

The tension in the air was palpable as he spoke, his voice dripping with warning.

"You better not try anything funny if you don't want this sword to slice through your neck."

Silence hung in the air, broken only by the sound of their shallow breaths.

The figure, realizing the gravity of the situation, immediately dropped their weapon and slowly raised their hands in surrender.

Nathaniel's eyes narrowed, his grip on the sword tightening as he commanded.

"Turn around."

With caution, the figure complied, their movements slow and deliberate.

However, in a lightning-fast motion, the figure launched a swift kick, forcing Nathaniel to lift his free hand to shield his head.


However, the impact still jarred him, leaving him momentarily dazed.

Seizing the opportunity, the figure took off running and leaping out of the watchtower window.


Without a second thought, he sprinted towards the window and leaped out of the window.


Suddenly, with a jolt, his body was sent hurtling backward, forcefully colliding with an unyielding object before landing heavily on his back.

Struggling to regain his composure, Nathaniel lifted his head and surveyed his surroundings.


To his astonishment, he discovered that a transparent barrier encased the area, preventing his escape.

"What the fuck?!"

Nathaniel approached the barrier near the window, his brows furrowing in confusion as he immediately recognized the unmistakable swirl of Mana within it.

Just as the sound of approaching footsteps reached his ears, Nathaniel turned around to see Adrian, the owner of the barrier, running towards him.

Nathaniel's surprise was evident as he called out, disbelief laced his voice.


The confusion mirrored in Adrian's eyes as he halted his steps, both boys equally perplexed by the unexpected encounter.

The air crackled with tension as they stood there, silently sizing each other up.

Questions raced through Nathaniel's mind, his thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty.

Why was Adrian here, at this exact moment?

Shouldn't he be in the banquet hall, mingling with the guests and enjoying the festivities?

"Nate... what are you doing here?"

Adrian asked, his voice trembling.

The distance between the watchtower and the castle was considerable, making it highly unlikely for Adrian to have stumbled upon this place accidentally and cast a barrier.

Did Adrian... know about the arrival of the black-robe figure?

As these thoughts raced through Nathaniel's mind, a sense of urgency began to build within him.


'If Adrian had indeed met 'him', then why hadn't he mentioned anything to me?'

This sudden realization hit Nathaniel like a punch to the gut, a mix of anger and disappointment surging through him.

"I should be the one asking you. What are you doing here, Ian?"

Nathaniel's voice carried a hint of accusation, his frustration seeping through his words.

After all these years, did Adrian still not trust him enough to confide in him?


He didn't have time for this—he needed to catch that black-robe figure!


"Ian, I don't have time for this. Can you get me the hell out of here?"

Nathaniel cut Adrian off, his tone was curt and impatient.

Shortly, Adrian dismissed the barrier and wasted no more time, Nathaniel immediately walked toward the wall but a hand caught his wrist, stopping him.

"We need to talk!"

Adrian's voice was filled with desperation, his eyes pleading for understanding.

But Nathaniel's impatience got the better of him.

While he acknowledged that there were many things they needed to discuss, catching the black-robe figure took precedence in his mind.

He pulled his hand free from Adrian's grasp.

"Ian, I'm busy right now! Can we talk about this later?"

Without waiting for a response, Nathaniel swiftly propelled himself off the wall, using a series of earth plates to launch himself into the distance.

Hours passed as Nathaniel tirelessly searched for the figure, his frustration mounting with each passing moment.

Despite his best efforts, the black-robe figure remained elusive, leaving him empty-handed and exhausted.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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