Nova Roma

Chapter 101 - Fight in the Andes

In the region of the Andes, life was quite calm for the people who inhabited the region until news from the north began to arrive that the jungle had broken the pact and invaded its towns and cities.

For generations, they have lived safely because their gods made a pact with the jungle to prevent it from invading them but if the Amazon jungle has broken the pact it is best to escape.

They better than anyone knows the danger of the jungle, if it were not for the treaty that the gods made a long time ago they would have ended up as the civilizations that inhabited the center of the Amazon who are to blame for the creation of the cursed jungle.

The chaos was present and the Andean kings did their best to escape along with their people to the Sechura desert where they may escape the horrors of the jungle.

While the priests tried to summon their gods to defend their way south they would otherwise be killed, to invoke their gods they carried out a massacre that filled the land with the blood of more than 5000 children and adults.

These were killed because the pure blood of children is an excellent catalyst to call the gods, while the sinful blood of adults can be attractive to the Andean gods of darkness.

The ritual was carried out correctly and before the priests all the Andean gods appeared, Viracocha looked at the mortals who had summoned him "What is your request, my children"

A priest covered in gold slowly approached the gods "Forgive your mortal children great gods but a threat is approaching us, the jungle has broken the treaty and the attack on us has begun.

We cannot defend ourselves against all the evils that come from within, we hope they can help us fight against those evils while we escape to the desert where we believe that we cannot catch that cursed beings. "

Inti the sun god looked down on the mortal in front of him and after pointing it out, the priest began to melt slowly as if he were a wax figure, his cries of pain sounded all over the place until they stopped after they will only remain a smoking organic pulp.

After this, the god Inti looked at the mortals in front of him "Escaping is not an option, they will stay and fight anyone who escapes will be treated as a traitor and will die in our hands.

They don’t have to fear the power of the jungle is limited and before us, it’s just a tree trying to create problems with its plague. "

The priests at that time wondered if it had been a good idea to summon the gods, now they could not escape and had to fight against the horrors that came out of the jungle.

Vichama the god of war ordered all the priests to bring the Andean kings before him, to form the great army with which to attack the jungle in the region of Ecuador before advancing the jungle further into the Andes.

The kings were forced to fight along with their warriors, while in the front line there would be peasants and any child over 10 who could grab a weapon, the gods, on the other hand, watched the battlefield and decide whether to intervene or not, in the Battle with the jungle.

The children and women were forced to carry the weapons for the great army, all the peoples of the Andes were forced to participate this resulted in an army of more than 1 000 000 troops which advanced day and night in the mountain range until you reach the plains of Ecuador.

In the broad plains of Ecuador, the Inca army was rested after advancing on the Andean mountain range, on the way many children or women died of fatigue but these were only left aside to be food for scavengers.

The moral was not the best but the Andean gods could not care less, for them to finish this soon means to return to their dimension where they can enjoy different pleasures and not be in what they consider the dirty mortal world.

Some days passed and that was when a large mass of giants could be seen on the horizon but these were different from those faced by Flavio months ago, the giants had grown in their creeping bodies.

There were also animals and humans with plants growing around them, these had lifeless red eyes and their weapons were just wooden canes that had some thorns to increase the blow of their weapons.

The Andean soldiers trembled to see the appearance of the enemies they had to face but at the same time, they were not worried because they had in the army the gods who could help if the situation got out of control.

Before the two armies will face the god Viracocha step forward where I shout "I know you are listening to me, a long time ago we signed a non-aggression treaty because you are breaking it.

None of my children disrespected you or violated the treaty now why you want to attack us, Amazon responds. "

A giant stepped forward "Because I hate all humans and any living being, you know they caused a great fire in the north.

Everything that is not assimilated by me is a plague and does not deserve mercy or right to live, at the time Viracocha surrender to me or kill them and I will become a fertilizer for my jungle to grow. "

Viracocha appeared a Waraka (Andean giant Honda), began to spin it and threw a ball of divine energy that killed the giant and created a hole in the place of 10 meters wide "You asked for it we will win this war we will turn your beloved jungle into a gigantic desert without life "

The monsters of the damn jungle screamed and launched themselves to attack the enemy human army, the war had begun.

The first clashes were a unilateral slaughter, the giants must kick over the recruits of the Andean peoples that were cannon fodder, this did not begin to change until the troops that were trained for war arrived.

The Andean soldiers using their spears managed to pierce the eyes of the giants and then using ropes to throw them and kill them on the ground, as for the other monsters in the jungle they were not so lucky.

The soldiers’ obsidian weapons could cut their sticks with thorns as if they were garbage, on the battlefield the blood and a green liquid was visible any enemy of the damn jungle had no blood but a green liquid that came out of their wounds.

The day quickly turned night and the battle continued, to prevent the troops from getting tired the Inca gods ordered troops from the back to replace the troops fighting in the front.

In order not to stay in the darksome children were forced to carry torches on the battlefield to illuminate the fights against the monsters, these children being young could avoid being killed most of the time.

But when they were not so lucky they died burned by the same torch they carried or some lost arrow, in the worst case the monster dogs of the damn jungle devoured them as a night snack.

The fight continued all night until the morning where the first rays of the sun discovered a field of blood, viscera and green liquid where humans continued to fight against monsters.

The gods continued to press their army to fight harder but in just one day more than 500,000 people had died and there were many more wounded who were waiting for someone to take them out of battle.

But unfortunately they could not care for so many injured people, the poor wounded could only see how some insects flew over them to put their eggs inside their wounds.

It was not until noon that they finally defeated the army of the damn jungle, the tired soldiers celebrated the victory after defeating the last giant, but their celebration was temporary since on the horizon they could see a sea of ​​monsters from the damn jungle arrive.

The Andean gods, on the other hand, felt that something dangerous was coming in that army but they couldn’t know what it was, they were sure they would have to fight this time ...

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