Nova Roma

Chapter 100 - Meetings and news

When Flavio arrived at the temple of Apollo, he could feel that light absorbed him and reached what appeared to be the temple he once looked at when he met Apollo but was quite different.

The light that entered through the temple was perfect as it gave life to the walls Flavio also noticed that some beautiful women were in charge of cleaning the temple.

"I guess it doesn’t matter which temple belongs to which Greek God, pleasure can never be lacking."

While Flavio looked at the temple, he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Don’t you think it’s more beautiful?, I think the last time you saw him you were just a lucky soul."

Flavio could only sigh, "I can’t deny that I had more luck than the other poor guy who was sent to a world without magic to reincarnate in the middle ages."

Apollo looked at Flavio and smiled, "You know there is something I have not told you, it that has to do with your death"

Flavio turned to see Apollo, filled with doubt, "I hope it’s nothing weird or very disturbing."

"The accident where you died was not an accident. It was a murder. The plane you were traveling in contained a potential sacrifice spell. Those spells destroy the victims’ souls to create energy, which is usually used in rituals to invoke things. You were lucky, why both you and your flight partner flew out when the plane crashed. Your body was over the center of the ruins of my temple, while the other poor guy on a pillar. In the end, they could not be assimilated by the spell and instead were sacrificed to my temple. Thanks to the fact that you died inside the temple, your soul could be in tune with my divine energy and that allowed you to reach my temple in Olympus. The rest is history. "

Flavio scratched his head, "That explains the sudden free trip to Greece, but I can say that I don’t regret taking it. Thanks to that I am a father and I am in a magnificent time to be able to create history. As an archaeologist, there is nothing better than to create history, or at least in the future they will talk about me as the first emperor of Nova Roma. Who thanks to documented history, you can know in detail everything that happened in the empire. What I will not be able to explain is how when Zeus was left alone with the conscience of the earth, it almost destroyed the continent, I suppose it is those if they are mortal adventures. "

Apollo began to laugh and gave Flavio a nudge on the back. "Hahaha, your imagination is surprising but correct, Hera found Zeus with the awareness of the earth in bed. The poor grandfather was beaten, he could defend against Hera but when the mother arrived Tonantzin ran out of luck. The Anahuac gods are a perfect balance in this place although sometimes they are a bit special with some issues but otherwise, you can go with them and enjoy some good pulques. But I’m missing the main theme, I need you to accompany me we want to show you something."

Flavio could do not contain his doubts and asked while following Apollo, "It must be something very important so that they have brought me to the dimension of the gods."

Apollo, with a serious look on his face, turned to see Flavio while walking, "It is not something important but it is something to do with everyone’s safety. It is related to the death of the Inca gods by the hand of the damn jungle."

Flavio at that time understood the danger that was the Amazon, which not only killed the gods but also that with the death of the Inca gods means that in his path of conquest he will not find resistance, only maybe the Mapuches can stop it but it will be a very small area.

This is a big problem because all of South America will be in your hands making it an area not suitable for humanity to colonize in a long time.

On the way he could see that the world of the gods was quite different from what he imagined when he looked through a temple window, he realized that the place was very similar to a modern city.

Even Flavio stopped to look at the towering skyscraper in the city "Hey, where is the ancient city of the world in the clouds, those bastards lied to me."

Apollo scratched his head, "When you used your divine energy for the foundation of the new pantheon of the gods in it came part of your internal desires that is why the dimension of the gods looks like Mexico City, even technology was cloned successfully. Nobody bothered him because each main god added his harvest for the fusion of the new world, the goddess Tonantzin created the life of this place, Anubis defined the laws that govern the world and Zeus was responsible for creating the entire landscape. That’s why everything looks like a modern city, besides all the gods liked this thing called FaceNote. "

Apollo said as he showed his smartphone to Flavio.

Flavio could only keep a straight stupid face "Smartphones, Computers, all these are always within reach and I was just in the classical age."

Apollo shook his head, "They can be functional but anything in this dimension is useless outside of it. These machines are imitations that do the same as a smartphone in your world would do but are built using materials from this place and divine magic. Outside they will turn into ashes as if they had never existed, but let’s continue with the road that the subway is waiting for us. "

Flavio nodded and followed Apollo to an elevator where he went down and when the doors opened he could see a meter with orange and black colors.

"Beautiful colors for any meter"

When they got on the subway they took a seat in an armchair and waited to get to the meeting center, the trip was quite calm.

Once in the place, they went up another elevator which took them to the last floor where Flavio could see a large table where there were a lot of gods including Zeus who was wearing a collar and a giant sign hanging on his neck that said "Beast Care Sexual"

Flavio decided to endure the laugh of seeing his grandfather/brother punished for not being able to control his friend, at the meeting table despite the whole atmosphere was heavy.

Zeus with his funny appearance began to speak "Thank you very much for coming all of you, there is three very important news. The first is that the damn jungle killed the Inca gods in its expansion through the southwest, we do not know how it achieved it but the process was able to generate volcanic explosions throughout the continent, therefore we must create protective measures to prevent a similar situation in the future. The second is that all the connections with the European continent is lost, officially the American continent is isolated but before the connection was cut off, a woman sacrificed her life to save her son. "

At that moment they saw a completely sad 10-year-old boy sitting in a corner of the conference room. His hair was golden with some red strands.

Zeus cleared his throat "The boy as they realized is like us and that is the third news because it is because his father is Flavio."

Everyone turned to see Flavio, who was in shock at what time he had a son, has never cheated on Hellena but that boy’s red hair reminds Arabela of his mother’s assistant and the first woman who hypnotized years ago.

"When did this happen? I never knew found out," Flavio said as some tears fell from his eyes.

The boy looked up to see the tears of who claims to be his father and spoke "Mother never wanted you to know because she always said she had failed. I want to hate you but mother always told me that you didn’t abandon her but she escaped so she could take care of me. She took care of me until the last moment when those things managed to enter the temple, it was then that I could see how a dagger buried in her chest while she smiled at me and then a light took me away from her. I could see that they pounced on her lifeless body and began to devour her and then I appeared in this place. "

The child began to cry, remembering his mother’s sacrifice to keep him safe.

Flavio wanted to ask more but he knew he had to give him time "Sorry if I’m a bastard I left you, Sorry if I couldn’t defend Arabela but you can be sure I’ll take care of you, my son."

Trying to remember when he could have got Arabela pregnant, he remembered that once he was 5 years old she gave a drink that made him sleep, it was before the siege that the Cantabrians made against Emerita Augusta.

That would explain why when he learned that he had a fiancee he decided to go to Gaul for a vacation but never returned.

None of the gods wanted to say anything to Flavio because they noticed that in his face there was only hatred, resentment and regret, the meeting continued for a little while and after it was over everyone left the room; leaving only Flavio and the little boy.

Flavio approached the child, "Father is not the one who begets if not who raises you, I know I was not there to see you pronounce your first word or to see you take your first steps, I was not on your birthday either. I know that you are 13 years old and during any of them I was not there with you but I hope you allow me to be in this stage with you, I can assure you that I will win that you call me dad. Take my hand and let me guide you, I’m sure you’ll also like to meet your younger brothers. "

The boy took Flavio’s hand to get up and then hugged his father, "Father called me Felix, I hope you can teach me to fight so I can beat those monsters"

Felix continued to cry on Flavio’s chest, while he stroked his head and thought of his son’s words that they were those monsters...

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