Nova Roma

Chapter 127 - Returning to the New Tartar

Flavio rested on his knee after finishing the beast, his whole body ached for the constant times he died, at that moment from one of the doors came to Huitzilopochtli and Ares applauding the tired Flavio.

Huitzilopochtli was the first to approach Flavio "A surprise that you are a creative god, not many have that specialty in our case only Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca have that ability"

Ares looked at Flavio quite happily "I only promise and Hephaestus are creator gods and with you, they would already be 3 gods, but if you want to learn more about how to use your gifts you have to talk to them.

We are only teaching you to overcome the fear of death and it seems that you are on the right track you had to go through 67 deaths to begin to understand how your divine energy works.

But you can’t sleep on the laurels, this is just the beginning now you will face giants of the 4 sun, the ancestors of the giants that attacked your line of defense, are much stronger and smarter than them.

They also have affinities with elemental magic so I expect attacks with magic and before I forget the doctors who watched your fiddling with the body of the Nemean lion’s son, they begged us to read this. "

Ares gave Flavio two books on anatomy "They say it is so that you stop doing stupidities with the bodies and if you are going to perform a sex-change surgery do it correctly.

I suppose that, above all, perfection for doctors is the most important thing, but if you ask me it seemed great to see your torture with muscle fiber, I have to say that if it can be used in war it would be perfect to obtain information from the enemy. "

Flavio accepted the two anatomy books and disappeared them with his divine energy to keep them, Huitzilopochtli and Ares said goodbye and left the arena so that the show could continue.

While Flavio was fighting to the death in the sand, Hellena showed Bastet to her children, Yuma and Erendida were happy to have such a beautiful sister although they asked Hellena why she had ears like Grandpa Anubis.

Hellena explained to them about genetics and how it can influence babies, all this while Felix held his little sister Bastet "You are beautiful little sister, I will protect you from any evil, do not worry Dad can be something stupid sometimes.

But he is the best father we can have, he is always aware of us and you can count on him for anything, as Hellena is the best mother you could have.

Although I am not his biological daughter, he takes care of me as my mother and with you, it will not be worse. "

When the educational talk about genetics ended, Hellena asked the children to prepare themselves because they would go to the underworld to see Mictlantecuhtli and Mictecacíhuatl, because they wanted to be the godparents for their sister Felix.

Once ready, Hellena went out with the children to meet her grandfather and her parents to be able to go to the New Tartarus, the trip was quite comfortable since they only had to get in a van that was driving Anubis.

On the way, Cleopatra played with her grandchildren, while Felix spoke with Marco Antonio spoke Rome and the calamity he was living with the Zombies, although Marco Antonio was considered a traitor will always have Rome in his heart.

In the new Tartar, the entrance was direct through the kingdom of Tezcatlipoca, unlike the kingdom of Anubis, the kingdom of Tezcatlipoca is a bit more surreal because the settlers are mostly skeletons.

Sometimes you can also see some women with a Blue hue who act normally while holding in their hand’s children spectra, which have the peculiarity of being swollen and some in a state of advanced decomposition.

But they act as if healthy children were, the more they advanced the skeletons they changed to stark people with typical battle costumes who acted quite normal.

There were scenes where these warriors bought food for one of their companions who had a broken neck and fed him by placing the food directly in their esophagus, along with them there were women who had no damage to their skins.

Yuma, full of curiosity, asked Anubis who drove comfortably "Grandfather because these women don’t seem like the other inhabitants of the Tezcatlipoca kingdom, they are perhaps Nahual women like Italivi’s or Italivi’s mother."

Anubis through the rearview mirror shook his head "They are women who died in childbirth, they have the same status as men who died in battle that is why unlike warriors they are in such good condition."

Erendida moved her little hand from top to bottom and asked "Grandfather if these people died because they did not go through your guide to send them to reincarnate or Mictlan to be traced.

Perhaps they do not want to try a new life or seek luck trying to be gods or Tezcatlipoca does not allow souls to pass through your grandfather guide. "

Anubis just let out a little laugh "My girl those are not souls, they were souls long ago but they became new species with the union of the pantheons, that decision was made by them since they did not want to leave their home.

Those who accepted took the path that corresponded either reincarnating or transcending, but those who remained formed new species if you look later you will see a rather peculiar species. "

The children, even Felix, saw small children very similar to them out of the window but with the peculiarity that jaguar features have, they looked like demihumans but did not have the body as one.

If they didn’t seem to have more animal features than humans, Anubis began to explain, "They are the Chilpayoltl animal children, they belonged to a branch of the Nahuatl underworld where the children who died went directly to her.

With the union of the pantheons, they decided that they would-be guardians of the kingdom of Tezcatlipoca that is why they adopted the figure of the jaguar, but I think those who can answer that question more accurately are ahead. "

Hellena and the children could see a good-looking woman carrying a child of about 10 years they were Mictecacíhuatl and Mictlantecuhtli ...

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