Nova Roma

Chapter 128 - The goodbye of a mother

Mictlantecuhtli and Mictecacíhuatl received Hellena and the family who began to get out of the truck, introduced themselves to everyone but Mictecacíhuatl paid special attention to Felix and appeared before her.

"Welcome my little Felix, you can call me godmother or Mictecacíhuatl, I’m glad you came, Tezcatlipoca told us your story but we are convinced that you have potential with the affinity of the energy of Death.

We know how painful it is for you to have lost your mother but now you have a chance to prevent that from happening again, but my question is are you ready for it or do you want to wait and prepare yourself mentally. "

Felix looked at Mictecacíhuatl as he remembered his mother’s last moments. "My father told me it was a matter of time that I could use my divine energy and feel that I can use a very small part.

I have realized that my energy has the same capacity as the divine energy of Hellena, father and Hellena told me stories about how Hellena sometimes killed the servants accidentally when their energy was released.

I don’t want to accidentally kill innocent people. I just want to kill the garbage that they owed to my mother and for that, I need to control my power, I hope that the godmother Mictecacíhuatl and the godfather Mictlantecuhtli can help me. "

The boy Mictlantecuhtli looked at Felix. "Don’t worry, you will learn with us to have efficient control of your divine energy like Hellena has.

But you have to remember that your power like Hellena’s is not complete, you and Hellena are demigods non-gods like your brothers or Flavio, which means you two can die from deadly weapons that are specially made to deal with demigods.

You and Hellena have to be careful in any fight you have, humans are the most intelligent species that can be, their short life leads them to develop ways to live it to the fullest and defend every small opportunity to stay alive.

You lived it with Arabela yourself and how you risked your life to cling to the small possibility of being alive and saving your mother, remember these words why once you release your divine energy your humanity will atrophy.

Thinking like God is different from thinking like a human being, that’s why none of your parents or siblings are afraid when your Cerberus pets devour the garbage that tries to do bad things.

Among other things that you perceive as something that is not correct, but nobody seems to care, now accompany me, I will take you to a very special place where you can release your divine energy, but prepare your mind why it will not be something very pleasant. "

Felix accompanied Mictlantecuhtli to a room located outside the Tezcatlipoca Palace, while Hellena and the others were taken to the castle to accommodate their things and become more comfortable.

Felix entered a small hut outside the castle where he could see a pool full of blood and human remains.

Mictlantecuhtli began to explain "It is little done with the remains of thousands of dead, the essence of death is strong enough to completely release your energy.

Do not worry this blood and human remains will not harm you, inside the pool, you can release your divine energy without harming the people around you.

You will have to spend what time until you have complete control of your divine energy, do not worry about food or desire to go to the bathroom.

The pool will feed you with divine energy and your human instincts will be inhibited, you can change your clothes in the dressing room or enter directly with your clothes. "

Felix looked with some disgust at the pool but if she can’t master something as simple as entering a pool he can defend his brothers or Hellena if something happens and his father is not there.

"Thanks, Godfather, I will change my clothes even though I would like to enter these clothes my father gave me and they have value for me."

Mictlantecuhtli nodded "In the dressing rooms you will find bathing suits, choose the one you like best and enter the pool.

Remember that once inside you can feel that something gets out of control but you have to be afraid because you are in a protected space where you can not hurt.

Just think of yourself and forget everything else, this will be your world where only your thoughts will accompany you. "

Felix went to the locker room where he switched to a black one-piece swimsuit and a towel, walked slowly until he reached the entrance of the pool where he could see some skulls floating in the blood.

With a great sigh, she jumped into the pool where he could feel a great calm as if she were returning to his mother’s stomach, the comfort felt by Felix was such that he decided to stay in that position for some time.

From Felix’s body a black and viscous substance came out, while red energy surrounded her, there were times when the energy covered a lot of space in the pool and others when it was only a thin layer around Felix.

Mictlantecuhtli was sitting on the outskirts of the pool while smoking a cigarette, waiting for Felix to just wake up and control his divine energy.

In Felix’s mind, the darkness was replaced by a red that illuminated his whole mind, in that red she could see a figure that he immediately recognized as his mother Arabela.

When she ran to be able to hug her, he became a stark corpse that lacked large pieces of skin and an eye, Felix felt that some tears came out of his eyes but continued walking towards his mother no matter what she looked like.

When she was close to her, she didn’t hesitate to give her a big hug while she started crying, Arabela just hugged her and allowed her daughter to release the feelings she had trapped.

"Why you left me mother and did not run away with me, you know well that if you had done it father could have taken care of both."

Arabela smiled and stroked her daughter’s hair. "There was never another option, daughter. To be able to take you away from danger, you had to give something of equal value, to save a life you have to give life.

It is an exchange that cannot be broken, this meeting keeps in secret from your father, he can fight with the Underworld just to save me, but he will not find me because I am not here.

Daughter move away from Rome and its surroundings, what lives in that place it is something that cannot be overcome, although I would like to tell you more, I am only a small essence of my soul which was stored inside you.

It is the line that unites us as a mother and daughter but I fear my little girl that our union will break at any moment, remember that I love you and trust Flavio a lot, I am sure he will take care of you no matter what happens. "

At that moment Arabela began to turn into small reddish particles which dispersed through the air, Felix could feel that something inside her was missing, she knew that if mother had said goodbye to her and that she would never see her again ...

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