Nova Roma

Chapter 99 - Tremors and volcanic eruptions

Flavio wondered what weird thing had happened so that Mayahuel or Grandma Toci flew out but one thing is certain whenever something happens if it can’t be a good sign.

At that moment Flavio just sighed but Hellena began massaging Flavio’s shoulders "Nothing happens Sweety, anything we can find out with Quetzalcoatl I think he can give us the answer"

Taneri just looked at the two emperors and falsely coughed "I’m sorry for your majesties but I have things to do and I think I leave my stupid assistant alone if I don’t show up I think the Praetorians will hang him on the balls.

By the way, I take the beautiful snow maguey, I hope you can increase the budget for our ministry a little more, the Solanum tuberosum has contracted a mite and I need to create a special pesticide.

I take my emperor words very attached that if the potato does not survive, it will send us to the damn jungle to look for some potatoes, I hope the increase and do not worry about this small plant I will take care of it until I can give its sprouts. "

Flavio just nodded and Taneri left the room before he completely left the palace Taneri saw with little happiness the little Maguey "I want to try your little mead Maguey, grow strong so you can produce excellent pulque"

Quetzalcoatl who was training Yuma and Erendida heard what Taneri said and looked at her wearing small white maguey before she could ask about her intentions a tremor began to feel throughout Origin Civitatem.

Flavio, who was hugging Hellena, also felt that he was trembling, without wasting time taking charge of Hellena as a princess and jumped off the balcony with her, falling safely into the palace courtyard.

There was no danger that the palace suffered any structural damage due to its foundation and the way of construction but he wanted to ask Quetzalcoatl if this was natural or provoked.

As for why taking Hellena is because she doesn’t want to leave her alone and pregnant in a tremor, Flavio would say if Hellena were a normal woman, but knowing she can jump off the balcony herself just forget the same information and help.

What better way to carry her in the arms and earn points in the process, other companions who left the palace were the two Cerberus who ran to look for Yuma and Erendida to protect them.

When Flavio arrived with Quetzalcoatl he found him talking with Taneri about the white maguey quite calm while the ground was shaking, Yuma and Erendida were riding their Cerberus pets to play ignoring the tremor that was in process.

Flavio approached Quetzalcoatl while holding Hellena "You know if the tremor is natural or provoked"

Quetzalcóatl looked at the strange scene but when he saw that Hellena simply looked at him with a death look if she dared to ask why, she could only limit herself to answering "It is provoked but natural at the same time it is as if Mother Earth was angry but at the same time happy and enjoying this is something that never happened in history "

Hellena looked surprised at Quetzalcoatl "Angry, happy and seems to enjoy, sweety someone is taking care of Zeus who is with the conscience of the earth, don’t tell me he’s alone"

Everyone at that time realized the real danger of leaving Zeus alone with a female entity, at that moment a rumble rang from the distance, Taneri quickly knew what it was "It’s the sound of an explosion of a volcano must Be the Chichonal.

Fortunately, the laws of the empire prevent populations near a volcano in 20 km, if it would not be a disaster but volcanic ash will be a problem and a blessing. "

Flavio looked at Taneri "You have to go with the ministers and activate the Dn3 plan, that the citizens use a cloth to cover their faces and the sources of water are covered with possible ash.

I have to go with Apollo if Zeus continues could end up activating the Yellowstone supervolcano and then it would be the end for everyone, this kind of problem only happens in the Americas "

Hellena got out of Flavio’s arms and allowed her to try to fix the problem Zeus was doing. The only thing that makes her happy is that Mayahuel and Grandma Toci were angry, therefore she won’t go unpunished.

Flavio mounted a horse and headed quickly towards the temple of Apollo, on the way he could see police keeping order, the city of Origin Civitatem was not damaged because the tremor was oscillatory and not trepidatory.

The difference is the earthquake movement, if it had been a vertical movement it would be trepidatory and in that case what Flavio would see would not be a city with only some cases of fear but ruins and people trying to get out of the rubble.

I knew that Nova Roma was fortunate because the way of construction and the location of the cities make them quite safe except for the coastal cities that are always in danger of a storm.

What worries Flavio most is to know if other volcanoes also exploded, while he was on his way a faun reached him running "Lord, I have information from the Nahuales about the deep defense in the Pacific part and news from the base and military port of Coatzacoalcos "

Flavio thanked the faun and began to read the documents "It seems that there is some damage but it is not serious, what is serious is that the Titepetl volcano erupted and it is unknown if the settlements of nearby natives are alive or dead.

Show the information to Hellena and tell her to ask the Nahuals to check all places near volcanoes to see if this was replicated in all places, wear glasses and do not approach the volcanoes’ fumaroles. "

Flavio handed the documents to the faun and continued on his way ...

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