Novelist Running Through Time

Chapter 117

Chapter 117


Many industries block new entrants. The fewer the competitors, the better, and monopolies are profitable.

But the literary world is the opposite.

You can see this just by looking at how the Annual Spring Literary Contest revolves around new writers.

The established elites in the literary ‘industry’ put their own interests aside to shine the spotlight on newcomers. At least in this aspect, the opinions of the publishing industry, literary magazines (critics), and writers all align.

But why is this? Is it because of the ancient Eastern traditions of rites and music, showing the virtuous conduct of ancient sages who are cautious and careful first? Or it to uphold the nearly century-old tradition of Annual Spring Literary Contest without being swayed by capital?

The answer is, ‘If we don’t do this, we’ll all starve to death’.

EP 8 – Dark Adaptation

When aliens invade, the world usually unites. A terrifying crisis even brings a dysfunctional family together. The literary world faced with an apocalypse was no exception.

Thus, the main spotlight of the Annual Spring Literary Contest is focused on new writers, while literary awards for established writers are moved slightly to the periphery of the festivities.

The important point here is that the reason is not ‘favoring newcomers’ but ‘survival’.

The literary world has always been a historically organized entity that fights for survival. There’s a reason it’s called the literary world and not the literary ‘industry’. It’s about organizational strength.

Therefore, when signs of the ‘Gu Yubin Syndrome’ were detected, the literary world reacted more swiftly than any political party or large corporation in Korea.

After all, inferior organisms are usually unable to keep up with the collective consciousness.

「’Student Serial Killer’ Wins 3 awards… Reviews Compilation」

「[Exclusive] Gu Yubin, Thought to be a ‘Gu Hak-jun’s kid’… Really his Biological Daughter? Unprecedented Novelist Father-Daughter Interview」

「Baekhak Publishing Posts Spring Season ‘Gu Yubin Special Exhibition’. Let’s Look into the Path of the Genius Female Novelist」

The literary world collectively switched gears to promote Gu Yubin as if they were connected by some mental network.

This was partly because the literary world’s characteristic sticky connections functioned like a mental network,

but also because everyone had learned from the case of Writer Moon how much a star player could sweeten the industry.

And Baekhak Publishing was no different.

* * *

Baekhak Publishing doesn’t feel as endearing as I thought it would.

Was Baekhak Entertainment that good?

I’m talking about the building, not the corporation.

I used to visit Baekhak Entertainment often for no particular reason. Baek Seung-won, the CEO, had decorated the building like a hotel, and Kim Byul introduced the facilities to me for weeks, showing the variety of amenities available.

However, Baekhak Publishing had no aromatherapy facilities, massage chairs, or flashy in-house cafes.

Shouldn’t a company at least have a game zone and a library? I wouldn’t know since I’ve never had a job.

Anyway, despite being a publishing company, Baekhak Publishing didn’t have an in-house library. Considering Baekhak Entertainment had a library, it felt somewhat dissatisfying.

Moreover, unlike Baekhak Entertainment, the atmosphere was so businesslike that it was hard to casually look around.

Everyone recognized my face and name, so if I walked even a little, someone would run up to me saying, “Writer Moon! Are you looking for something?”

It felt like a convenience store clerk recognizing me and greeting me warmly…

It’s not unpleasant, but it makes you want to avoid it in the future…

It’s a subtle feeling like that.

So, like a convenience store where the clerk greets you warmly, I only went to Baekhak Publishing when absolutely necessary, and today was one of those days.

It was a call from Lim Yang-wook, who I hadn’t heard from in a while.


“Oh, oh! You’re here?”

As soon as I opened the office door and entered, Lim Yang-wook hurriedly hid his phone in surprise.

I lightly exhaled and pointed out Lim Yang-wook’s poor work attitude.

“I told you not to play Uma Musume at work.”

“I wasn’t!”

“Then Blue Archive?”


Huh, something feels off.

Lim Yang-wook is indeed a rotten office worker who openly enjoys weeb otaku games at work, but he’s not brazen enough to admit it so easily.

This means that just now, Lim Yang-wook was doing something other than playing weeb otaku games that he didn’t want me to catch him doing.

What could Lim Yang-wook be hiding from me? Pushing that small doubt aside, I got to the point.

“By the way, why did you call me to the office?”

“Ah, there are a few things to tell you, and there’s a scheduled event to discuss.”

Lim Yang-wook stood up from his seat, making a drum roll sound with his mouth. Then he took something out from the bookshelf.

It was a poster.


It was a poster for the drama ‘Guitar’.


The actors, who were handsome and beautiful, were gathered in a way that seemed both sophisticated and slightly chaotic. It was a somewhat cliché composition but felt stable.

The female lead was someone I’d seen in commercials a few times, holding a guitar with a slightly chic expression. Next to her was a (suspiciously handsome) guy in a tracksuit who seemed to be studying for a civil service exam.

Wait, a civil service exam student?

“Why is there a civil service exam student?”


“And why are all the main characters adults?”

“The content has been slightly changed…”

The drama ‘Guitar’ had somehow turned into a healing music romantic comedy about a civil service exam student and a guitarist in a neighborhood.

The female lead, who harbors a secret, heals the shadows of society with music. It’s somewhat different from the original work.

But my writing is mine, and other people’s work is theirs. The world of drama writer Lim Song-i is embedded in it, so I didn’t add any more comments. I didn’t really have the expertise for that anyway.

“I see…”

Lim Yang-wook asked with a slightly awkward expression.

“Are you okay with this…?”

“With what?”

“The adaptation from the original is quite a lot.”

“That happens. Strictly speaking, the drama isn’t even my work…”


Lim Yang-wook seemed relieved that I wasn’t reacting like a Confucian fundamentalist ready to execute him for heresy. I don’t know why he misunderstands me, a good citizen, as such a violent person. What did I ever do?

However, when Lim Yang-wook tried to slip to the next topic like a slick eel, my reaction slightly changed.

“Good. I’m glad you think so. So, can you go out and say a few words at the drama premiere? Let’s leave it at that-”


“Ah, damn it…”

Lim Yang-wook sighed with a look of inevitability. Then he called my name in a desperate voice.

“Moon In-seop…”


“Can’t you just come out to the drama premiere once…?”

“Why me?”

Lim Yang-wook smiled kindly. As always, when a bald person smiles kindly, it looks slightly religious.

“Hmm. If the original author doesn’t appear at the drama premiere… wouldn’t people think the relationship between the original author and the drama production team is really bad?”

“But standing in front of people is a bit… I’m not good at speaking…”



We silently stared at each other. It felt as if an invisible force was clashing fiercely.

Is it true that experts recognize each other? We both realized that neither of us had any intention of backing down.

Eventually, like gunslingers in the wilderness sensing the timing of a duel, the fierce battle began.

“You bastard! How can someone who says they’re not good at talking go on TV and say that stupid shit about prostitute?!”

“That was because you made me say it. About being cool and chic…”

“When did I ever say cool and chic! I said cool, chic, and cutely cute!”

“Tsk. I still don’t know what cutely cute means.”

“Yeah, I figured. I don’t expect you to be cutely cute. But can’t you just attend the drama premiere once? I’m begging you here. Please?”

“You always say you’re begging on your knees but never actually do it.”

“You’re a scary bastard. Do you really want to see a man in his late 30s on his knees?”

“No, I’m just saying it doesn’t feel sincere…”

“Please just attend the premiere for the drama based on your novel. Please? It’s my lifelong wish.”

“Okay, okay. If it’s your lifelong wish, I guess I have no choice…”

Lim Yang-wook, who finally got my agreement, slumped into his chair as if he was exhausted.

He mumbled weakly, as if his soul had left his body.

“Why is it so hard to fix one schedule… It’s like giving a cat a bath, every day is a war…”

“Well, you could just not schedule it in the first place?”

“Oh, that’s an option?!”

Here, Lim Yang-wook’s “Oh, that’s an option” means “Are you fucking kidding me?”

Anyway, after handling the most important task, Lim Yang-wook seemed more relaxed and started some small talk.

“By the way, writer Gu Yubin is doing really well these days.”

“Because she writes well.”

I replied while munching on a Kukudas cookie in the office.

Crumbs fell on my knees, so I brushed them off onto the floor.

“She even has a fan club now?”

“Because she’s pretty too.”

“Oh… I didn’t expect you to admit that so easily.”

It’s not about admitting or not, Gu Yubin has always been popular. That was true even before I came back in time.

Gu Yubin had a fan club back then too. The only difference now is that there’s one more zero in the number of members.

However, the reason for that fan club’s existence has always leaned more towards her looks than her literary talent.

I still wonder if appearance is more important than artistic talent in determining a person’s popularity, or if it’s just because Gu Yubin frequently appears in the entertainment industry activities.

“Ah, that’s right!”

Lim Yang-wook suddenly exclaimed as he remembered something.

“You have to go to America soon.”

“Another schedule? This is a bit…”

“It’s literature-related.”

“Then I must go.”

Lim Yang-wook glared at me with a look that seemed to say, “What kind of outrageous person is this?” but hurriedly continued as if he had no time to waste.

“We decided to translate all your novels and release them in the U.S. But we can’t sell them directly; we have to go through an American publisher.”


“But the American publisher has arranged an event. It’s not just a signing at a local bookstore; you’ll be interviewed in a fairly major literary magazine in the U.S.”


“Booker International.”


“Since you’re a nominee for the Booker International Prize, your name is already somewhat known. Some of your books have been released too. But this time, we’re partnering with a major publisher to publish all your books in the U.S., so they’re doing a big promotion by getting you an interview in a major literary magazine. Understand?”

“You mean I can’t miss this because the American major publisher used their company’s influence to secure a spot in the magazine?”


Lim Yang-wook nodded with a satisfied smile, like a teacher pleased with an exemplary student.

Then he immediately changed that smile to one of ‘apology’.

“Sorry, but I don’t think I can go to the U.S. with you. My schedule is just too tight…”

“Oh, really? Then should I go with Editor Baek Seol like last time?”

“No, no. Even the department head’s schedule is full now.”

“Then how about Ki-hoon hyung?”

“Do you think he can handle things on his own there? You’ve seen Deputy Manager Kim Ga-ryung a few times, right? You know? She may lack a bit in trust, but she’s very competent and diligent…”

While I was listening to the fact that I would have to go to the U.S. with Deputy Manager Kim Ga-ryung in a few weeks, I suddenly noticed a call coming in on Lim Yang-wook’s phone.

As soon as he saw the call, he was startled and hid his phone, just like before.

But what could he do? I had already seen it.

“What’s that?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

“You just got a call. Why didn’t you answer? Who is it?”

“Oh, it’s just a business contact. Don’t worry about it.”

“Who is Gu Yu B?”


I saw the name on Lim Yang-wook’s phone.

‘Gu Yu B.’

Then, everything that had been confusing suddenly made sense. Why Lim Yang-wook couldn’t go on the U.S. trip with me…

“It’s because of her, isn’t it…”

Lim Yang-wook hung his head in guilt and, after a long silence, muttered in a bitter voice.

“…That’s right.”

We averted our eyes, creating an awkward atmosphere like that between a wife who discovered an affair and a husband who got caught.

Then, Baek Seol, who looked like her dark circles had dropped to her chin, spoke irritably.

“Stop messing around and schedule the U.S. trip quickly. I need to leave as soon as this is done…”

“Ah, yes.”

* * *

Popularity is indeed a fleeting thing. Popularity depends on people’s hearts, and the heart is ever-changing.

An obscure idol who had a remarkably good photo could become internationally famous, and a singer could top the Billboard charts with a song criticizing a politician uploaded on YouTube.

So, it wasn’t all that surprising that Gu Yubin suddenly became a superstar in the literary world.

Thus, it wasn’t strange that Lim Yang-wook, the influential figure in the Publishing Management Division, temporarily took charge of Gu Yubin, taking advantage of the situation.

I had no particular grievance about this.

Because the emptiness of popularity had been a constant theme in my thoughts since I returned from the past.

If popularity is something that arises when the tastes of the unidentifiable masses suddenly focus on one person, then isn’t it truly not much different from a heaven-sent fortune?

Around that time, the tragedy that befell the drama ‘Guitar’ seemed to prove my point.


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