Novelist Running Through Time

Chapter 118

Chapter 118


There’s an old saying that success in a task is 30% effort and 70% luck.

Newcomers entering the broadcasting industry soon realize the wisdom of the elders was correct.

This is because the ‘Law of 70% Luck and 30% Effort’ dominates the entertainment world.

EP 8–Dark Adaptation

Newcomers, like chirping chicks just entering the broadcasting industry, generally have somewhat inflated egos.

They join with the misconception that they can surpass their old-fashioned seniors who produce nothing but cliché-ridden and boring content, blinded by PPL. (TL: PPL = Product Placement).

However, it doesn’t take long before they face the ‘Law of 70% Luck and 30% Effort’, realizing that no matter how hard they work, they cannot surpass the lucky ones.

Ah! Only then do the ignorant beings realize.

Success is a matter of fate.

So what can humans do? To ensure stable production, they secure funds through PPL and defend viewer ratings with cliché development.

There’s a reason even the most skilled directors and producers in this smart 21st century cut off pig heads and stuff 50,000 won bills up their nostrils.

Shamanism is science.

At least in this world.

“Ah, God, fuck…”

However, there was one who dared to challenge the sacred will of the heavens and attempt to create success with human hands.

That irreverent person was Shim Yeon-ho, known as the ‘Black Magician of BMB’.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

The broadcasting station is already well aware of the ‘Law of 70% Luck and 30% Effort’. So they shoot variety shows with minimal production costs, hoping for a hit.

It might be harsh to say that cutting-edge media companies operate their business like a pachinko machine. So, it could be said that they outsource some work to God.

A variety show fails? It’s due to a lack of your faith.

A variety show succeeds? It’s a blessing from God.

In this way, the grace of the Lord envelops the entire world, yet there have always been heretics boldly voicing blasphemous notions in the name of science.

Such wicked heretics say things like the Earth revolves around the sun, humans evolved from monkeys, buying indulgences won’t absolve sins…

Or that hit variety shows can consistently be made with sufficient budgets…

These absurd claims are made to deceive people. Just like Shim Yeon-ho!

“Hey! What are we going to do about this!”

The variety show ‘Let’s Become a Novelist!’ had average success. Generally, a variety show with this level of viewer ratings would be considered decent.

However, ‘Let’s Become a Novelist!’ was a planned variety show into which the entertainment department had poured all its pocket change, yet it failed to achieve the expected ratings.

It didn’t pay off.

“I’m sorry…”

Various reasons were cited for the failure of ‘Let’s Become a Novelist!’ The cast couldn’t produce a masterpiece, the show became too lecture-focused, it was informative but not entertaining, and so on…

But since the truth is often too painful, everyone just blamed it on a lack of faith. After all, people tend to seek God in hard times.

That doesn’t mean ‘Let’s Become a Novelist!’ disappeared without any achievements.

The literary world highly praised it, and the cast members were satisfied with writing novels about their own lives. Naturally, their fandom was happy too.

So, the sales of the books written by the cast weren’t insignificant.

Although it didn’t turn Korea upside down as boldly promised during production, strictly speaking, ‘Let’s Become a Novelist!’ was a ‘plus’ rather than a ‘minus’ variety show.

And to that extent, the department head could sufficiently cover for it.

So the variety department head let out a sigh and said:

“Yeon-ho, did you do wrong or not?”

“I did wrong…”

“Okay. Let’s do better next time.”

“Department Head…!”

“Don’t be too discouraged, man!”

Thus, the duo of the BMB entertainment department, who aspired to conquer Korea someday, endured the bitter today and pledged to move forward toward tomorrow.

However, there was a place where even such excuses couldn’t be made.

* * *

The drama ‘Guitar’ faced many ups and downs from the beginning of its production. It all started when Lim Song-i picked ‘Guitar’.

– I want to write a musical drama… Can’t I?

– Musical dramas have been out of vogue for 10, no, almost 20 years. It’s a bit difficult…

– But what if we adapt a popular novel?

– Deal.

So, they bought the rights from Author Moon, but even during Lim Song-i’s adaptation phase, obstacles arose.

Lim Song-i, a veteran thriller writer, was known for her signature move to add spectacular suspense to the calm atmosphere of ‘Guitar’. However, her use of ‘drugs’ was prohibited.

– Um, Writer Lim, drugs might be a bit problematic…

– Why? It’s the most serious issue. We writers should address it first. Like the drug distribution among runaway teens. The darkness of society!

– The chairman’s second grandson was booked for drugs. If we feature drugs in the drama, he’ll be angry, won’t he?

– Ugh…!

Eventually, the story of a girl and boy involved in a drug case, chased by the police and gangsters, was turned into a slum romance due to various adult concerns.

– Writer Lim…? Is this okay? It’s still set in the slums. You can still address the darkness of society you like…

– I… dreamed of a musical healing road movie…

– Come on, this is still good! It has music, healing, romance, and slums! This is the limit for a drama. If it gets darker, viewers will switch channels. No matter how much they curse us for glamorizing poverty, they’ll change the channel if it gets darker. People watch dramas to see pretty people falling in love, right? Isn’t that so?

– I guess so…

– See!

Thus, a strangely compromised work was born between the broadcasting station’s meddling and Lim Song-i’s stubbornness.

Surprisingly, the plot wasn’t bad. Quite a beautiful picture was already forming. The night of Seoul, a secluded slum, a mysterious woman playing the guitar under the full moon…

It might sound a bit cringe-worthy, but such things usually catch on.

However, one crucial issue remained.

Lim Song-i asked.

– It’s all fine, but hasn’t it strayed too far from the original…?

The PD replied.

– Hey, it’s fine! The original isn’t some holy scripture!

In horror movies, the ones who say everything will be fine are the first to die.

It was the same this time. They reassured themselves, thinking nothing would happen even after desecrating a sacred text.

How could such blasphemy be uttered in the broadcasting industry governed by the last bastion of faith in the 21st century, the Law of 70% Luck and 30% Effort?

Still, perhaps they retained a last bit of reverence for the divine. The production team of Guitar’ performed a ritual before the first episode aired, offering a pig’s head on an altar and praying to the gods of heaven and earth.

But if they had known what awaited them, they would have been better off praying in a cathedral or church.

Kyrie Eleison!

Kyrie Eleison!

The punishment of the gods befell those who defiled the sacred text.

As prophesied by Prophet M, born in the ‘New Light and Eternal Spring Temple’, who raised abandoned children into devout believers.

A drama dressed in a nun’s habit and holding a rosary arrived to dominate this year.

<Rosarium: In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti, Amen>

* * *


Teacher Bang Jeong-ah sometimes calls the children ‘kids’ instead of ‘you guys’. This is because she mainly takes care of preschoolers.

So, the older kids often snicker with a hint of mockery every time they hear ‘kids-‘ like, ‘Haha, kids, really?’ But whenever this happened, the senior bullies at the orphanage would smack them on the back of their heads.

This was because they only realized later in life how much Teacher Bang Jeong-ah genuinely loved the children.

“Haha! She said kids. Am I a kid too?”

“Is Teacher Bang Jeong-ah your friend?”


So, I did the same.

The kid I advised in the past, saying, ‘You’re better suited for studying than soccer’, was slightly tearful, probably shocked by the smack on the back of his head.

He shouldn’t have insulted Teacher Bang. I can tolerate insults aimed at my parents, but I can’t stand insults aimed at Teacher Bang Jeong-ah!

“Kids-! Attention!”

Teacher Bang Jeong-ah called for attention, and we gave it. With the kids’ eyes on her, she shouted with all her might.

Though, because she has such a soft voice, even when she shouts, it sounds a bit faint.

“After dinner tonight, we all have to gather in the multi-purpose room to watch a drama! Dinner will be an hour earlier, so keep that in mind! Got it?”

“Yes! Yes! Teacher!”

The preschoolers shouted in pure respect, while the older kids mimicked them childishly, “Yes, yes, Teacher!”

Because Teacher Bang Jeong-ah is so gentle, the kids often teased her like this. She was the youngest among the teachers. Honestly, among the high school senior girls at the orphanage, it wouldn’t be strange if they treated Teacher Bang Jeong-ah as a sister.

Of course, a few years later, when she gains more experience, she’d probably just laugh it off, saying, “Oh these rascals having fun”. But now, being in a very innocent period, Teacher Bang Jeong-ah blushed and ran away.

“Eek, uuu…”

I closed my eyes gently as I watched her flee from the kids’ teasing.

And quietly cheered her on in my heart. Hang in there, Bang Jeong-ah! Stay strong, Bang Jeong-ah!

Honestly, I’m now at an age where I could call Teacher Bang Jeong-ah ‘sister Jeong-ah’.

Of course, only if you consider my mental age.

“Where did she say to gather after dinner?”

“The multi-purpose room.”

“Is it for Rosarium or something?”

“It’s Rosarium.”


Talking about dramas, we can’t leave out ‘Guitar’. I had almost forgotten that ‘Guitar’ was being adapted into a drama.

Sure, I met the drama writer and got an autograph, but wasn’t that nearly a year ago?

A drama isn’t something a writer can just whip up alone. It’s a creation that takes the concerted effort of dozens, even hundreds, of people over a long time.

But all that long effort encountered an exceptionally formidable opponent, something with a sacred name: <Rosarium: Something Something>.

Thanks to Director Moon Chung-jae’s condition of wanting to promote group viewing of Christian media, I got to rewatch the hit series I had seen before traveling back in time.


It wasn’t much different from the old Rosarium. It was a masterpiece.

But if there was a noticeable change, it would be Kim Byul, who had a bigger role than I expected.

Not the lead, but definitely more than a mere supporting character.

Among the supporting roles, she stood out quite a bit.

It felt strange to see someone I used to share snacks with in the school cafeteria appearing on TV.

She even looked completely like someone in her twenties due to the amazing makeup. It was different from Min Hyo-min, who transformed into an idol through broadcast makeup.

Kim Byul in the drama was a completely different person from the Kim Byul I knew. From small gestures to expressions and habits, everything seemed detached from her usual self.

Could all that be intentional acting?

Is it possible to erase ingrained habits for the sake of acting?

It was a level of skill that was almost unbelievable.

However, the children of New Light Spring Orphanage had a slightly different perspective from mine.



“She’s so pretty…”

“Oh my gosh, unni, you’re so beautiful…!”

“…Isn’t she our age?”

“Yeah. She’s our age, so why do we look like this?”

As they watched Kim Byul dressed in a nun’s habit, some wise kids revealed their religious insights.

“It’s totally fantasy. There’s no nun like that in reality.”

“Right. They’re all our mom’s age. Well, if we had any.”

“Ah, that’s not how you wear the veil…”

“It’s uncomfortable to watch, they got the order of the rosary prayer wrong…”

This is why kids from a Christian orphanage are different. They have a different perspective. Director Moon Chung-jae, who had this purpose in mind, watched the children from the corner of the multipurpose room with a satisfied smile.


But I already knew that Director Moon Chung-jae’s wish would not come true.

There is no peaceful and meaningful Christian drama that Director Moon Chung-jae desires.

It didn’t take long for my prediction to become reality.



“Wh-What is that…!”

Ultra-handsome priests in habits started defeating evil spirits with spectacular action scenes.

It was the prelude to the habit fetish craze that would sweep in like a storm.

* * *

While the Korean Catholic Central Association was pondering whether to issue a concerned statement, thinking, “Uh, something seems off here…”, Korea was already in the grip of the Rosarium craze.

The Gu Yubin syndrome, which bloomed like spring flowers and withered just as quickly during the Annual Spring Literary Contest season, also came to an end, and Kim Byul’s arrogance grew day by day.

“Ah- geez… It’s such a hassle because so many people recognize me…”


“Sorry about that! I acted too well!”


“By the way, what’s the current viewership rating for ‘Guitar’ these days…?”

Kim Byul was under a significant misconception these days: that I was quite upset about ‘Guitar’ being overshadowed by ‘Rosarium’.

But that’s not true.

The novel ‘Guitar’ belongs to Moon In, and the drama ‘Guitar’ belongs to Lim Song-i. How could I, who have suffered my whole life from critics belittling others’ works, bring myself to belittle someone else’s work?

“Right. So, it doesn’t bother me at all.”


Kim Byul didn’t respond to my words. Instead, she gave me an incredibly annoying smile.

Even though I truly didn’t mind the failure of the drama ‘Guitar’ against ‘Rosarium’, my hand holding the coffee cup couldn’t help but tremble under Kim Byul’s annoying smile.


But I couldn’t get angry at a high school student. As I lightly inhaled and made a sound, Kim Byul flinched, shrugged her shoulders, and stopped her antics.

Rather, she showed an apologetic look, cautiously glancing at me.

“No… I was just happy…”


“Hey. Who would I brag to? My mom, who would claim it’s all thanks to her? Or my friends, who are already grinding their teeth in envy? Outside, I stay humble and say nothing! You’re the only one I can brag to!”


“Come on, don’t be upset. Actually, I wanted to say thank you. You were the one who insisted I should do the drama.”

Her heartfelt gratitude made me forgive her for a moment. It’s definitely not because she bought me a strawberry yogurt smoothie.

As I hid my irritation, Kim Byul smiled brightly again and started chattering.

“Well… The drama didn’t do well, but didn’t the anime do well? So, it’s all good, right?”



“What? Anime?”

“Yeah. The anime film released in Japan. ‘Guitar’. It did really well, didn’t it?”




I stared blankly into space for a moment, then quickly connected to the internet to verify the fact.

It was true.

I immediately called Lim Yang-wook.

Lim Yang-wook answered the phone almost instantly.

I could sense the commotion in the office on the other end of the line.


– Hey! In-seop! That, that, that, what’s going on?

“Are you talking about the Japanese animated film ‘Guitar’?”

– Yeah! What happened with that? Did you by any chance sell the rights?!

“I know, right. What is that?”

– Huh?


– Huh?


Something was happening.


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