On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 52: Keeping the Promises

Chapter 52: Keeping the Promises

The sun was shining bright high up in the sky. The constellation of cancer coming back to it's full strength. The universe began to witness the return of the moonchild but nobody knew where to find him. With tight security and the underground chambers heavily guarded, not a soul in the castle knew what was going on for years.

"The tattoo in your hand and at the back of your shoulder, it has appeared," Volca informed him as she put on the clothes herself for him this time and Huo'er did not deny it. He just let her get him ready and watched her as she did it. He noticed that she always looked fresh and often blushed when she was around him.

'What?" he asked her. He was smiling wide. "What?" he asked again. The chillness in the room was getting higher.

"Nothing," she said and pinched his cheek and he made a little sound.

"You better fulfill your promise or these days am going to run away, " he very smoothly warned her. She patted his head nodding.

"I know I know," she agreed. "I remember what I promised, don't worry," she said and combed his hair, braiding them.

"Don't work hard taking care of me, take care of the Clan," Huo'er said.

"You're important too Huo'er,"

"Friends must come later in front of the Realm Volca, you taught me that, then how can you not follow that?"

"That's for friends, this," she stopped.

"What? Are we not friends?" he asked her folding his arms.

"Alright yes yes we are," she agreed and asked him to get up. He seemed to have improved his health. He was walking alright, his wounds healed, he also could speak without stutt or stammering, fluently. But one thing that did not improve was his level of cultivation that he was yet to start training on. Volca failed to find master Bo Hai after her mother sent him on exile. She blamed her mother for it and always fought with her, asking her to find him at any cost. Volca did know the methods or techniques Huo'er used except a few she remembered seeing him practice during their school days.

Volca opened the door and asked him to step out of the room. She already had sent the guards away in the name of a duty at the castle, so that she can smuggle him away to show him outside their hideout for a short period of time. Huo has been getting frustrated and tired sitting inside the room for months. And when he started showing tantrums she tried to control him but he did not listen to her in that particular stage.

"Huo relax relax, don't get angry," she tried to calm him. He threw the food away she brought for him. He was angry for hurting all the time, he was angry for being weak and handicapped. He was frustrated over how he cannot eat good food, step out of the room and see the world. He was tired of everything, he was tired of the flashes inside his head that disturbed him, he was tired of putting up with the treatment , hatred filled his heart as Volca kept him under the shadows not letting her know much. Reading history books were not helping him know many things about him. And also he noticed how the books were ages old and not recent ones.

'Volca, what happened?" Huo brought her back to reality.

"Nothing am just wondering about where I should take you" Her maroon and golden gown suited her well. She asked Huo to act as her personal guard and made him cover his silver hair and face under a black clothe like the trained ninjas to hide his identity. She made sure no facts about him looked familiar or that would lead to expose his identity. She decided to take him to the crowded place itself so that nobody care to notice them in fear of getting attacked going alone on their own.

The moment they stepped out from the underground, Huo covered his eyes, unable to bear the light that was shining too bright. Since it's been a really long time for Huo to stand under the sun, it hurt him. He felt his skin getting heated and looked at Volca wondering why. She smiled and patted his arms.

"It will fine within few minutes once you get used to it,' she said and calmed him down. She took him to the market place and walked beside him not letting him outside for a second She had put on a large hat with veil that covered her face that helped her not get recognised. She looked out for only one person, her mother, so that she can run away the moment she spots her to save themselves from the trouble.

The place was packed with demons and the shops and stalls buzzing with customers buying and selling things. Volca checked out few accessories and asked him for his opinion. Huo helped her choose everything and enjoyed their time together. She then took him to a less crowded hotel and booked a room for them. She took him inside and relaxed for sometimes asking the waiter to serve the food and leave quietly. She also remembered to order congee for Huo'er. He smirked and agreed with it.

"Health is important I know, I will remember to not each much food against my diet," he said and sipped his wine. They sat in silence for sometime time, looking around the room. It was pretty spacious. The furniture looked old but neat. Huo stood near the window, watching the people walking on the street. He wondered about what kind of life he had led before. He wished he could know but Volca had been guarding up against him though they were close, asking him to be patient. He couldn't understand why but since he had developed and unlocked a new level of patience, he has been able to handle his matters well.

"Come over here," Volca called him when the food was delivered to them. The waiter arranged their dishes and left the room quickly not wishing to disturb the couples. She took her hat off and helped Huo take off his cover. He washed his face from the basin kept next to him on the table and looked for a towel.

Suddenly he noticed something lying on the chair. A beautiful handmade red pouch. He recalled how he saw them hanging down Volca's waist. He took then heard something inside. He opened then and found two crystal bottles closed tight with a cork. He looked at the tiny colourful balls lying inside the bottles.

He opened them smelled carefully and it had a weird sweet scent.

"Err..That's your energy elixir," Volca said suddenly the moment she saw him looking at the pills. She walked towards him and took them from his hands.

"But I have never seen them in the room, " he said.

"Because you should not take them in as you wish, it needs supervision, am sure you will eat them all the time if I leave it to you," she lied.

"Why would I?"

"I don't know I just assumed that way, it is powerful and take the pill only once in three days, today is that day. I will mix them in your congee, " she said and took a pill out.

"Why in congee when I can swallow them? I am fine now," he said. Volca was sweating hard.

"It is only effective when I give then with congee I have been doing that, don't worry, "

"I haven't felt it though, it must not be that effective I guess," Huo'er said looked at for sometime and then let it go handing her the towel to wipe the sweat.

"Are you not energetic enough now? You don't look exhausted like you used to," she said. He gave up and stopped the discussion.

"I will open the windows, it is too hot in here,' he said and walked away before he settled down for food. They had fun trying the different dishes and Huo'er liked the grilled rabbit and chicken soup the most. He kind of felt it very familiar as he drank the soup. Then Volca mixed the elixir in the congee and handed them to him. Huo'er drank them at one shot holding his breath. He has been developing a serious hatred towards towards different types of congee. Volca watched him taking the elixir and took a breath in relief to have passed the test without getting caught. Though she felt bad to see the dragon act like a poor lost car she had no other way but choose to keep him this way making him followe her tail. She was sure though, for how long she will be able to keep him like that.

Huo got up and washed his mouth and served more wine the queen regent. He suddenly noticed how she pretty she looked, he couldn't help but notice her. He smiled and took his seat opposite her. She watched him as she kept having her lunch. She seems to enjoying it well without worries and enjoyed his gaze on her secretly pretending to not seeing it. Her heart fluttered as she thought more about it and blushed again. He cheek turning hot and red. Someone knocked on the door suddenly and Volca stood up suddenly and Huo stood up. He reached for the weapons.

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