On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

Chapter 53: Reported, regretted and planned

Chapter 53: Reported, regretted and planned

"Is it true?" King Aenon asked the Grand Prince, rising up from his throne.

"It us your highness," he informed, his fist clenched around his ice sword. 'The Crystals has awakened and the cancer is coming back to life, moonchild has returned. Aqua's Crystals running in his veins,"

"We should visit him Aiden, we should," Aenon said walking down and patting Aiden's shoulders. "At the least one among them returned, and she will live through him, we should help him, or else it is going to hurt him bad, unable to control the flow of Crystals in a new body,"

"But," Aiden was stopped by King Aenon.

"No buts, he is after all my son in law, " he said. The words for no reason angered Aiden but he kept it under control.

"We still have not found Aqua, this is not fair, it is high time that she resurrects too uncle but why can't we find her?" He questioned the King.

"I respect your love for the family, " King Aenon.

"Uncle I," Aiden began but Aenon interrupted.

"Listen to me first and think about it. If a part of Aqua's are conscious, it means the rest will begin to show life, if it does, even the little of the trace of crystal in a body can be traced, do you get it?" Aenon enlightened the Grand Prince. "Then we will easily spot Aqua, "

"Don't you remember what Huo did with his soul sword? What Fiona stabbed her with, her soul ripped apart, Uncle with her dan destroyed, she will now be clutching on to the demon's soul," Aiden reminded him.

"But the crystals are unique and there is only one of a kind in the universe and that belongs to only Aqua and it will be forever, she is irreplaceable, we will be finding her soon," King Aenon explained to Aiden and walked out of the court. Aiden followed him.

"Find Huo and find who is protecting him, it definitely will not be the Empress. She has no such guts and is still mourning like us for the loss of her two sons," Water King requested it officially. "Don't alert the heavens with it, keep it under cover, consider it a secret mission, I will give you full authority on it, if you find him suffering, bring him home here,"

"Is that necessary?" Aiden asked him.

"If Aqua was here she would have done anything for him, we should respect her love at the least,"

"She left us for him, it's a loss only for us, "Aiden said.

"It is a great loss for the universe to have lost the unique shenlong," King Aenon said smiling. The Water Realm is still mourning for the loss of the princess though it's been two almost since her death. The palace still covered and hung with white cloths, flags and lights. They refused to include her in the list of dead royals in the Celestial Palace and got kicked out by Emperor Tai. Emperor seemed to be under shock and remaining in her chamber all the time and handle matters there itself instead of going to the court, sitting next to the Emperor.

Aenon though he felt upset he carried out his duties in the Water Realm like a king should which made Emperor Tai locked in a situation where he cannot fire nor bring down the Water King afraid of offending the allies.

With Aiden on his heels, King Aenon rushed towards Queen Rivera's chambers to inform the news. When he entered her palace, she looked pretty busy teaching the new palace maids about importance of education as well as living as a righteous person.

Aenon smiled and stood there, waiting for her, while Rivera asked Milan to take care and rushed over to meet the King.

"What is it?" she asked Aenon and looked at Aiden.

"Pack your backs, let's go," he said and held his wife's hand.

"What?" she looked clueless.

"Let's bring our daughter back home," he said. Tears whelming in his eyes as he said it.

"Are you saying the truth? Did you really find her?" Rivera felt too weak to stand on her legs and held on to the door handles for the support. Aiden helped us aunt and stood next to her holding her.

"We yet haven't but we have a hope," he told his aunt. "Crystals have awakened, the conscious has come, it means she is alive, she is awake in some part of the universe and we have yet to find her "

"Let's go," Rivera said to King Aenon.

"But before that, we have to take care of the matters here officially, we cannot say how many years it would take to find her and return with her. She will need a lot of help, we should be with her all along," King Aenon told her.


"No buts, be patient, we have been all.these years, a few more days and let's go soon," Milan came running to listen to the family meeting.

"What is it?" she asked curiously.

"Let's go find your sister," Aiden told her, smiling. Milan's heart skipped a beat when she saw him smile at her and even more excited to hear the news. She hugged everyone to hug Aiden without causing doubts all happy and took her father's hands. King Aenon patted his daughter's head and stood there, feeling hopeful.

"Go ask your parents to come meet me urgently,"

"I got it Pa," he said and left immediately to pass on the message to his parents. Aenon wanted to leave the throne temporarily in his sister and brother in law's hands for the Realm to be cared well. He waited for his sister Krystal to meet him in the royal court. Aenon wanted to keep the news a secret and not alert the celestial palace about the news.

"What is it?" Krystal rushed into the court, tensed and worried. Aenon laughed and made his sister sit and relax for sometime time. It appeared that Aiden had yet to tell his mother about the news.

"Relax dear sister," Her husband Adrien was sitting next to her.

"She started worrying moment she heard you called for her, wondering if you fell sick," Adrien mocked his wife.

"I am fine and healthy, don't worry," Aenon said to her. "Listen carefully to everything am going to tell you about now, you too Adrien," Krystal and Adrien looked at their son who stood calm and nodded at them. "I am going to step out of the Realm with my family for few years, in search,"

"Did you find her?" Krystal asked him before he completed speaking.

"Listen, so when we step out for sometime, we want you and Adrien to look after our people, you can let me know and I will come when you need me about something, no problem with that, promise me that you will take care our Realm,"

"Water Kingdom is our home, our own universe we share our blood with, don't worry, even if it means our lives, we will protect and keep our people satisfied brother, don't worry," Krystal promised King Aenon.

"We give you our word on that your highness, " Adrien smiled and promised Aenon. Aenon felt relieved to have heard o the words and took a deep breath.

"Tell me did you find her? Has she returned?" Krystal grew impatient.

"No," Aenon said and stopped talking.

"Mother, we felt her conscious and its awake now, she must be alive at some part of the universe, we have to find her and go around again,"

"Are you going away too? Son?" Krystal asked shocked.

"Why would I stay here when I have to go find her?" he asked back getting irritated.

"Boy, relax, it's alright we can go alone, stay here with your family," Aenon advised him seeing how his sister felt bad.

"Uncle you're my family too, so is Aqua, you know how I see Aqua and Milan, Aqua is important to me too just like she is to you," Aenon, Krystal and Adrien looked at each other wondering what he meant about Aqua exactly. They didn't wish to complicate it and let go of the thought. "You think you can go without me? Even if you won't let me join you?" he asked back.

Krystal was sure how his son would do the search on his own even without Aenon for support like how he has been doing for the past whole year. Krystal suppressed her confusions about his feelings and let him do whatever he wanted to. She didn't wish to complicate her son's love life by wrongly accusing his feeling for Aqua and create a family issue. "When has he ever listened to me and stayed with me for long, he is your son bother, take him, I don't want to see his sad face every day holding him back," she agreed to let him travel along with Aenon and family.

Aiden then to console his mother and thank her hugged her tight and kissed her head. "C'mon mother, you know me don't you, you are always my number one,"

"What about me?" Adrien teased him.

"Five, you know it, we don't get along well," he said straight and Adrien laughed at him.

"You really are ruthless, idiot," he said and let it go. Aenon thanked his family once again and watched them leave the court and walked back to his chamber. Rivera was waiting for him there already.

"How did you find it out?" She asked him as Aenon changed into his robes.

"Cancer is coming back to it original life,"

"Moonchild," Rivera gasped. "He is alive, he is back, he is using her Crystals for his life," Rivera connected everything quickly and looked at her husband for confirmation. And he nodded at her. "My god," she said keeping her hands over her heart, shocked and sat on the bed, slowly. "Where is he? Where can we find him then?"

"We don't know anything about his whereabouts now nor about who is protecting him, since cancer is not bright yet. We cannot trace him yet," Aenon said. "I have asked Aiden to find news about it, we cannot let the news spread, let's wait and then take off," Rivera agreed to it and sat looking gloomy. "Where are you sweetheart?" she looked outside the window at the sky and looked for Aquarius, trying to see if she is around. Aenon consoled her and sat next to her.

"We will find her soon," he said holding her hands sky gazed along with his wife. Meanwhile Grand Prince Aiden set out in search of Demon King's whereabouts. He followed the cancer but it wasn't clear and doubted this special prohibited skill he learned from Aenon to find the two, Aqua and Huo. He went around everywhere and searched everywhere staying out away from the palace for days. But he kept failing everyday. Until one afternoon when he felt the crystal he carried his pocket deflected to a certain direction towards the Demon Realm. He with the few guards set out to cross the borders in disguise immediately. And then it deflected to the right direction and his heart thumbed loud as he neared the destination he was not sure about. He worried but also expected a lot of things on his way.

Aiden jumped down from his horse and walked forward through the crowd in the street, and suddenly felt a change in star formations and saw a phenomena. The cancer flashed for a minute. A rare phenomenon.

Lightening and loud Thunder broke out and it scared everyone walking around the town. People ran around to find a shelter and escape the storm yet to break out. Aiden looked at the direction the single Crystal showed the way entered the palace. He was shocked. He didn't expect what he saw in his front.

"No," he gasped, as he covered his hands over his sword, ready to take them out of the sheath. His eyes filled with tears and felt strong range of emotions passing through him he didn't know how to explain.

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