Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 123

Chapter 123

At the sight of their comrades being thrown off the window by something mysterious or rather strange, they all knew who the one who did it is but none dared to voice out any word of complaint or blame .

Even the dazing burly man was awakened from the shattering of the window glass, he tilted his face for a second by after a few more seconds, his eyes shone, even more, it’s like what happened now made him even more attracted to Delia .

Seconds passed but all that was heard was the guards and maids from outside yelling around to nurse Gulan, some black-clothed guards barged in the room and raised their weapons and stared at the two strangers with hostility .

If not for Lady Sinyu raising her hand and gesturing them to back off and resume their usual job, they would have attacked at any second .

"Please excuse the previous behavior of Gulan, he’s still a beginner and a bit impulsive . "

"A bit impulsive? He was straight out bad mouthing us, he al--"

The ranting Delia was quickly Lucy who coldly said

"Enough! Lady Sinyu, we’ll join your team but you’ll have to kick that useless Guban or whatever his name is . As for the test, I don’t think we need it anymore, or do we? . . . . "

Lady Sinyu hesitated for a second, as she was pondering on whether kick Gulan or not, she remembered the fact that Delia was only a support class yet she did that, even if she was a mage or an attack-oriented class, it was enough to accept as they seemed to be reclusive people with abilities .

’It must be something like telekinesis but much stronger . . . . . that’s at least B-class even if it’s normal telekinesis . . . . it’s jackpot!’

"O, Of course, you two are accepted to the team . It’s a C-class team and named ’Diamond Jades’, I can guarantee that you’ll never see Gulan when you’re working . "

The first part was what Lucy wanted but once she heard the last part, she frowned and retorted immediately

"I don’t like to repeat the same thing . Kick him and we’ll join, he stays, we can always choose another team, after all, it’s not like there is a shortage of them . "

Lady Sinyu tried to persuade them without having to resort to that, Gulan is a person she took since the beginning and despite his rotten attitude, he’s a good person but between him and them, she didn’t know who to choose .

After being stuck in such a dilemma for some time, her strong desire to earn more precious diamonds and after the previous display, she couldn’t hold back her urges anymore . With a resolute look, she looked at Lucy and nodded confirming her approval .

"You to deal with some minor paperwork but it’ll end shortly, please wait for a bit until my subordinate brings what’s needed . "

Lady Sinyu explained then she dialed a person with her phone, the call didn’t last a long time and after sending out some orders, the old lady resumed speaking to Lucy and answered all the questions that were asked .

. . . .

About half an hour later, a maid came in with a stack of papers in her hands . From her look, she seemed to be rushing for some time and when she handed the papers to Lady Sinyu, she felt extreme relief .

Lucy came to know that to join a team, she can be tested by the IHO then join that specific team or just get tested and remain a solo-Hero . A solo-Hero, of course, can join temporary parties to raid the dungeons but they are usually not that effective as the party won’t have too much coordination .

There is also an alternate method to enter a team and that’s only if the person doesn’t want to have any ties to the IHO, they can be tested by the leader of the team they to join in . As for the Rank, it depends on the result of the God Knowledge Stone, or so it was named by the citizens of Earth .

The God Knowledge Stone is a highly looted stone of one-time use, it can test people and see their Status Window and check if they have any special skills, bloodline or anything similar .

The drop rate of this stone is extremely high but that doesn’t mean it should be wasted and that is precisely why that to get tested by the IHO, you have to pay a 50,000 dollar fee and even if you’re a normal human without any powers, you’ll not get the money back .

The basic of the Status Window is just like Astria except that the average power of normal people here is lower than the ones in Astria, their growth rate is also very limited .

On Astria, with sufficient training, people can reach high levels and stats ranging in the tens of thousands but Humans on Earth couldn’t .

Lucy didn’t probe much into it and only asked about the average strength and so on and it seems it’s only 20 with the ones using the gym or the muscular having their Strength in the 30 or 35 .

Leveling gave people special points that can be added to one of the stats the user desires but it’s still not much . Lucy refused to get tested because if the people saw her stats, they would literally freeze from fear or awe . They were in the millions and it’ll bring trouble instead of fame, even if it brings fame, it’s not the kind of fame she’s seeking .

"Miss Lucy, these are the papers needed, you just have to sign on the top left corner of this main one . "

Lady Sinyu pointed at a specific position in the paper full of words, Lucy wasn’t in the mood to read the whole thing and even if she could understand most of the words, she was sure that the old woman wouldn’t take advantage of her more than she already is .

Lucy didn’t actually sign but she just wrote a blood symbol which had the two character MS referring to ’MoonStar’ . As for Delia, she just put a seal with Holy Light, the seal shined a bit and had a unique luster . The two signs were magical and impressive which left the spectators yet again dumbfounded but Lady Sinyu had just received too many surprises so this one only left her speechless for a moment .

After confirming the signs, the old lady smiled and added

"The last thing to do is choose your codename, every Hero has a good name, you can also choose your own name but it’s highly advised not to do that . Speaking of codenames, the other team members also have codenames . "

A simple glance from Sinyu urged the three remaining people to finally speak and introduce themselves .

"I’m Saku also known as Snow Peaks . "

Lucy’s coincidentally landed on the two mountains peaks in her chest area, they were about to bulge from the clothes, even a simple movement makes them jiggle non-stop .

’Snow peaks huh?’

Lucy then looked at Delia’s perfect and rounded boobs and this made her more depressed, she subconsciously glanced at her chest, it was developed and not too bad but they were far off from Delia or Saku .

"I, I’m Alin, m-my codename is ’Legendary Shooter’ . "

"Hahaha and I’m Guan Gi, they usually call me ’Silver Tank’ . "

The three members introduced themselves but Guan, the burly and tall man was too enthusiastic as he almost leaped next to Delia and shook her hand but he restrained himself for fear of being played with like Gulan then thrown like trash .

"I want my codename to be Holy Goddess!"

The concept of codenames pleased Delia, without restraint she voiced her thoughts and the codename was noted by a maid on the side . The last one was Lucy, who spoke after a short silence

"Loyal Wife . "


No one reacted for some time until Saku covered her mouth and exclaimed . Even Lady Sinyu didn’t expect such a codename, each person would try to choose a domineering nickname but she chooses a rather simple and plain one . It’s not like it mattered, everyone had the freedom to choose a codename as long as it’s not offending .

Very soon, the paperwork was done and the atmosphere calmed down a bit .

"So, you said that to rank up we have to clear dungeon floor or bring magical items . I want to go now . "

Lucy said that with a deadpan face, she didn’t want to waste time and start ranking up immediately but it didn’t appear to be this east as Lady Sinyu frowned and said

"Unfortunately, today is impossible . The team has to prepare equipment, bandages and also be ready mentally . "

"Isn’t it fine if I go by myself or with Delia?"

Sinyu didn’t expect such a request and that made her startled .

’Solo a dungeon? Even A-class Heroes don’t dare to go alone . The first floors would be easy but when the traps, bosses and such start to appear, it’ll be like suicide . ’

She wanted to say that out loud but after seeing Lucy’s attitude, it didn’t seem like it’ll change her opinion so she could only say

"Just wait until tomorrow morning, it’s not much, right?"

Lucy could only sigh and nod, by the next second, she disappeared into thin air with Delia without adding a single extra word .

Lady Sinyu’s hands shook as she clutched a diamond, her thoughts were in disarray .

’First special telekinesis then invisibility?’

. . . .

Later that day, Lady Sinyu spoke privately with Gulan but that only ended in him banging the table and crushing it, he was so furious earlier but this time, he could no longer endure it and shouted ferociously

"Fine! Fucking bitch, after all, I did for you and your shitty business you dare kick me out of my own team? And just for two sluts? You’ll regret it greatly when you see me rise and gain more fame in another team, hmpf! We’ll see!"

After he finished saying what he wanted to say and vented some of his rage, Gulan angrily left the mansion while fuming in anger .

It was around 11 PM and the streets were bustling, he didn’t head home but circled in a few deserted alleys before stopping at a narrow one . He picked up his phone and called a friend, it rang for a few seconds before someone picked up .

"Gulan, what is it?"

"Raki! You previously invited me to your team right? I’ll join, I’m sick of mine they are a bunch of twats! Also, you have a wide circle of friends and connections, I want you to find me where two women live and everything about them . "

"whoo whoo! Gulan! Calm down! You’re speaking too fast and want too many things at once . Why do you want to investigate two women? You’re usually calm and reserved but it sounds like you’re exploding from anger . . "

"IT DOESN’T MATTER OKAY? JUST FIND THEM! One is a silver-haired and the other is a blonde, the first one is named Lucy apparently and the second is Delia . "

Just as he finished speaking, Gulan felt chills down his spines and felt the atmosphere around him drop by tens of degrees at once . His phone instantly froze and he felt like he was suffocating from an invisible pressure .

He was going to turn his head but it was too late as purple flames engulfed him and before he could scream he already turned into black ashes .

A gust of wind dispersed the ashes and within seconds, the alley returned to its usual calmness as if nothing happened, the only thing that was heard was the cold and emotionless voice of Lucy .

"Always get rid of a future trouble, no matter how insignificant it is, isn’t that right, Arthur? . . . . . "

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