Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 124

Chapter 124

After killing the scum that needed to be finished, Lucy returned to a private residence that Delia bought earlier . They didn’t waste the whole day after talking to Sinyu instead Delia was ordered to buy a house to live in .

Although the price was high, they still managed to buy a modest apartment which contained 3 rooms . They were only four people and a beast so it was more than enough for them even if each one took a room .

The one-million-dollar they earned yesterday was almost gone, only a hundred thousand was left but it’s not like it mattered to Lucy . Having a house to live in is more than enough . As for the furniture and such, it was needless to waste money on them since she had a couple of beds and such in her storages .

The apartment was in the center of Séoul which is precisely why the price was sky-high . The advanced technology and the new machines strongly attracted the young Saly who was mesmerized, each time she discovered a new thing, she would either stare at it for a long time or ask permission from Lucy to inspect it .

She wasn’t a thoughtless kid, not like those from Earth who were too ignorant . True, she’s not fully developed, mentally and physically but that didn’t mean she’s brain-dead and does whatever comes to her mind . Even with Randiun next to her constantly, she didn’t dare to act or do things without permission as it would bother Lucy .

When Lucy arrived, she found Miya and Saly watching the TV, they were still ignorant about how to use it but somehow, the calm Miya spent some time and grasped the basics on how to switch channels .

They both had wide eyes as they listened to the high-quality audio and amazing visuals . The TV wasn’t something Lucy bought but instead, it was Delia . The Holy Goddess had a miraculous ability to produce the money bills, in just an hour, she created millions of dollars and that’s only done in a leisurely and slow way .

She stacked money endlessly and created it for 4 long hours before stopping and giving most of it to Lucy whilst keeping some for her . She grew a bit fond of this lowly yet amusing world . Unlike Lucy, she didn’t want to gain fame but merely enjoy the delicious delicacies and the advanced technology like the TV, computers and even the clothes .

Lucy was surprised to see her wear a different dress model from this morning, usually she would change a bit of her normal Holy Goddess clothes but right now, she copied a dress she liked and was now wearing it, from Delia’s perspective, she’s already a resident of this world so at least she had to enjoy it .

Delia was sitting in a seductive pose on a nearby chair in the veranda and drank some of the ’Red Wine’ she happened to stumble upon earlier . She wasn’t as courteous as Lucy and simply flicked her fingers and the Red Wine teleported from the shop to her hands . She only used the money she created to buy the TV as Lucy prohibited her to take them away without paying, that’s why the secret of the Red Wine must be kept hidden for EVER .

Once Lucy’s presence was felt by the small Salyn, the little girl jumped from the sofa and leaped into her mother’s embrace . For Saly, the best place to sleep in is either Lucy or Arthur’s arms, it was the most comfortable and warm, it was also the safest .


"Ha! I’m back . Did you behave?"

"En!! Aunt Delia brought this weird but amazing treasure, look look! It displays a lot of funny things!"

While being held by Lucy, Saly pointed at the TV, coincidentally it was displaying a comedy show . The poor Delia almost choked on her wine when she heard "Aunt" . She was not even that old .

’Tch! I’m still so young! Only a few hundred centuries . . . . or maybe a couple of thousand years? Am I really an old woman?’

Delia began to question herself as she felt her face with both her hands and only breathed sigh of relief when she confirmed that there were no wrinkles or anything indicating that she’s old .

Individuals in the God Realm can pass thousands of years without aging but that depending on their constitution and the laws or techniques they are cultivating . Since she uses the Holy Magic, she should be fine until she reaches ten thousand years or so .

Lucy took Saly and sat next to Miya who was still immersed in the TV . Surprisingly, this young and calm maiden didn’t complain about what happened and obeyed Lucy’s orders to the letter, she knew that these people who abducted her weren’t bad people and them arriving on Earth is but a mistake, she had no right to blame them so the best thing to do is coexist and help each other .

What’s more is that Saly is friendly and cute, in no time, both of them became very close, she would even accompany the small girl in the forest for fear of her safety albeit the presence of Randiun, a creature who could kill her easily .

Delia and Miya witnessed the fight between Lucy and Randiun, they couldn’t help but shiver unconsciously when they saw the inextinguishable black flames that he could manipulate and use . Amaterasu is a skill that cannot be countered if you’re touched you’re dead . It was fortunate that Randiun held back and Lucy was strong or else she would have lost more than just a hand .

"Mom Mom! I heard from Aunt Delia that there are many dungeons here, I wanna go, pleaaaaase, Miya agreed to go with me, also . . . e-em Randiun is going too . . . . pleaaase . "

As they were relaxing on the sofa, Saly voiced her thoughts, Delia told her of the existence of the low-dungeons and since she cleared the private dungeon of the Ma Clan many times, such weak dungeons are nothing to her .

Astrith was with her when she went last time but this time, not one but two peak Immortals are coming with her with one of them having the power of a God .

Lucy combed the little girl’s hair as she was lost in thought, hearing Saly speak she instantly snapped of her deep thought and looked down on Saly who used the puppy eyes trump card while clenching her small fists .

Lucy could only sigh and shake her head as a soft smile hang on her face, from the very beginning she was planning on letting Saly try them, it’s just that it’s too soon for her to go, especially because she’s strong compared to the weak humans of Earth and her appearance would attract too many attention .

If she appeared and Saly appeared at the same time, it would not be a favorable thing for her plan .

"Alright, I’ll let you go but you have to wait some time . "

Seeing that her pleading was successful, Saly giggled and nodded toward Miya who nodded back at her and smiled . She was fond of this girl and loved taking care of her, it was a shame that her parents and her grandmother started on the wrong foot .

Very soon, the excitement and happiness from having her request accepted slowly died down, Saly soundlessly fell asleep in Lucy’s arms after spending half an hour or so watching the TV .

When the little girl fell asleep, Lucy grasped this opportunity to talk with Miya

"Since you are going with Saly, you have to properly watch over her, is that clear?"

Although her tone did not contain the usual coldness or any kind of threat, Miya did not dare to stutter or ignore what was said, she nodded and said

"Yes Madame, I can guarantee her safety . "

Seeing the serious Miya, Lucy lightly smiled and waved her hand to gesture to Miya to sit down as the maiden has got up from the sofa and faced Lucy while bowing, it was too uncomfortable .

"No need to be so serious, I just needed to remind you . Remember, no matter who or what, if Saly’s life is threatened then you must kill it without hesitation or escape if you are unable to finish the opponent . Do you clearly understand?"

Her speech was not directed to Miya but Randiun who was dazing off to the size, his size was a bit big but since the room was wide enough, he didn’t take much space . Hearing the strict voice of Lucy, the lizard stood and repeatedly nodded non-stop .

"Alright, since you understand then I’ll start explaining the plan . . . . "

Although a bit tense, Miya listened to Lucy’s every sentence and focused to not miss a single word . Just from her serious demeanor, it was obvious that she was instructing her with an important plan .

. . . .

The night passed in the blink of an eye, Delia finished 4 whole bottles of Red Wine while enjoying the view in front of her . Miya spent the whole night watching the TV and switching channels until she stumbled upon a golden channel that aired an action movie that got her hooked .

As for Lucy, she put Saly on the bed and sat cross-legged next to her . Nether Energy was non-existent on Earth, Delia said that there was an extremely meager amount in some volcanos South of Korea, in Australia precisely but apart from that place, there were no Nether Energy .

With the absence of Nether Energy, her progress slowed down by a lot but that didn’t mean she couldn’t advance in Grade or in stats . Mana was present on Earth surprisingly, and with its help, she could practice her techniques . It may take her ten times the time to advance a single Grade but it’s better than doing nothing .

The sun has long since risen and the sky turned from dark to blue . The weather was nice and enjoyable . By the time Lucy finished another training session, she exhaled a breath of frost air from her mouth which slowly diminished and disappeared .

It was a good thing that she had a special body as it appeared that her Yin Body was good at absorbing any kind of Energy at a very fast speed .

Nether Energy was stronger and an upgraded version of such energies like Mana, Qi and such but Lucy felt a mysterious yet comfortable feeling when absorbing Mana, she felt it was purer than Nether Energy, or perhaps more efficient? In term of advancing speed in cultivation speed or strength, Nether Energy was almost without equal but whilst absorbing Mana for a few hours, she had an indescribable feeling surging inside of her .

It was almost time for the meet-up, Lucy got up from the bed and spoke with Miya, instructing her about some things then she headed to the meeting place with Delia who was still reluctant to get up from the chair and part up with a wine .

She literally became a wine addict in a single night, to call her a Holy Goddess is a disgrace to every existent God on this universe .

"Ughh! Can’t we just achieve whatever you want to achieve with my Godly Powers? It’s too annoying to go with this whole slow and irritating process, I want to enjoy my wine . "

Delia floated behind Lucy and kept complaining, unfortunately for her, Lucy turned a deaf to her and ignored her existence and she could not be bothered anymore . As they flying to the destination, Delia managed to secretly ’borrow’ more than ten wine bottles from several shops . She covered a small area from Séoul with her Godly Sense and took what she liked, of course, it was all free .

Her mood rose a bit as she tried to imagine the taste of the wine and how she was going to enjoy it later at night . Since both of them were unimaginably fast, what was supposed to be a one hour trip by car was done in less than a minute .

The two ladies appeared in an alley near the dungeon entrance . There were many parties preparing themselves and such, surprisingly, there were government guards standing on the two sides of the entrance and each party that entered had to pay some kind of a fee .

Once Lucy spotted the rest of their team waiting near the dungeon, she headed towards them with Delia .

Saku was chatting with Alin, as for Guan Gi, his eyes were looking left and right trying to spot any presence of Delia . When his eyes landed on the voluptuous and breathtaking figure of the dressed Delia, his eyes nearly popped out of their own sockets, the burly man even forgot to greet them as he dazed whilst looking at her .

"A,Ah Miss Lucy, M-mmmiss Delia, good morning . "

Alin became shy and a bit reserved when she noticed their presence, she bowed to show her respect and greeted them politely, Saku followed right after but unlike the girl, she didn’t bow and merely greeted .

Lucy nodded back to them without speaking but Delia was feeling chatty right now after looting the wine so she didn’t hold back and spoke

"Ah, it’s Snow Peaks and Legendary Shooter right? Nice seeing you again . "

God knows why she became this friendly, it was weirding the hell out of Lucy who knew Delia, one second she’s complaining and the other she’s friendly . Perhaps the slave thingy brainwashed her or her mind simply high wired?

Alin was still feeling a bit awkward after the display of Delia yesterday, as for Saku, she was calmer and started chatting with Delia .

"Oh oh! Good morning Miss Del . . . "

The excited Guan Gi wasn’t able to finish his sentence before the four other disappeared from his sight and entered the dungeon . Snow Peaks gave some card to one of the guards standing at the entrance but Lucy didn’t pay any heed to that .

"W-Waittt!!!! We still didn’t discuss the formation . . . . . "

Guan Gi chased after them with a round silver shield behind his back and a Steel Sword sheathed on his waist . He was expecting them to wait and seriously discuss what to do or how they should proceed but Lucy only replied with

"Just stay back and watch . "

Even Alin and Saku were surprised by such reply, it’s true that strong Heroes would find it easy to get rid of the monsters on the first floor or the even second one by they were a C-class team, no matter how confident they were, they didn’t dare barge in mindlessly .

"This . . . . Miss Lucy . . . "

Snow Peaks wanted to speak but Delia just shook her head while smiling and said

"Talking won’t matter much, just watch . "

Alin also wanted to speak but she couldn’t muster the courage to do so, she only looked at Delia then Lucy with tearful eyes as if she is about to burst out crying at any second . She already took out a wooden bow with some red lines on it and prepared herself for the fight .

Saku also retrieved a short scepter followed by Guan Gi who dashed in front of the ladies and proudly said

"Fear no more my ladies for Silver Tank would shield you!"

As he said that, he emitted used an encouraging skill named [Warrior’s Triumph] which boosted the attack of the party by 5% then he rushed toward the swarm of small lizard a dozen of meters ahead of the team .

He imagined himself to be regarded as a brave and strong person from the point of view of Lucy and especially Delia but what he received when he sneakily looked back was the emotionless and cold face of Lucy and the smirking of Delia .

The smirk wasn’t of happiness or admiration but it’s as if she was mocking him .

The monsters on the first floor are lizard which uses fire-attribute attacks, they mainly bite or spit fireballs, they are strong but too slow so it’s easy to dodge .

Guan Gi braced himself for the impact and raised his shield to the front but what he expected didn’t happen, instead, from behind the shield he saw a purple light and when he shifted the position of the shield just a bit so he could see what’s happening, he was met with nothing, literally nothing .

All that could be seen is a small speck of purple fire that was extinguished the second he looked . . . there was no sign of the dozen or lizards that were coming at him . No wails, screeching or anything was heard . After a silence of several seconds, a notification popped in front of the stunned Guan Gi waking him up from his daze .

Fire Lizard Lv2 was killed ! +147 Experience

Fire Lizard Lv1 was killed ! +120 Experience

Fire Lizard Lv2 was killed ! +140 Experience

Fire Lizard Lv1 was killed ! +118 Experience

. . .

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