One Punch of Justice

Chapter 61: Lion’s Threat: Imperial Earth Bind

Chapter 61: Lion’s Threat: Imperial Earth Bind

What the heck!! Why is he still alive?!

Shikis voice thundered through the chamber, reverberating with the shock coursing through him. His face twisted into an infuriated scowl.

Did he stop my attack? or did he dodge it? He wondered aloud as he gazed at Saitamas nonchalant expression.

An ember of irritation ignited within him. Is this guy making fun of me? That cocky, bald idiot! He paused, attempting to calm himself down.

No wonder he dared to stir up trouble on my turf. Hes got some skills, he muttered, clenching his cigar between his teeth as his eyes remained fixed on Saitama.

However, this place is too damn cramped for a real brawl. If you want to catch me, lets take this outside, shall we? Do you have the guts to face me on open ground!?

Before the words could settle, Shiki leaped out of the palace and disappeared.

Below, Saitama looked up at the sky, seeming unsure of what to do.

Tashigi thought Saitama was worried about the Marines handling the pirates, so she said, Dont worry, Saitama-san. Im here, we can handle them!

Its not that, Saitama replied, looking troubled. That guy told me to follow him but I cant fly

An uneasy tension settled over the scene.


Tashigis eyes widened in genuine surprise. But, Saitama-san, you effortlessly defeated a Rokushiki user! Still, you cant fly?

Saitama shrugged with a hint of humor, So? Humans cant fly, you know!

I mean, I can jump high, but flying? Nah, not my thing. But, if I could learn to fly somehow, I might actually catch up to that guy.

Smoker, standing nearby, furrowed his brow. Right now, theres no time for that. Lets deal with these jerks first and then figure out how to handle Shiki!


Saitama pondered for a moment, then said with a spark of determination, You know what? Maybe Ill give it a shot! Just give me some instructions, and Ill see what I can do!

Ten seconds later, Saitamas eyes glinted as he attempted the fabled Moonwalk technique. With all eyes on him, he took a deep breath and stepped into the air, attempting to defy gravity itself.

Okay, this might take some time, Saitama mumbled, slightly frustrated. It looked so easy when others did it

Smoker, watching from below, nodded sympathetically. Learning such advanced techniques isnt easy, especially for someone whos not used to it.

Undeterred, Saitama continued to practice, making small progress with each attempt. He focused on refining his technique and gradually gained more control over it.

After a while, Saitama managed to lift himself a few inches off the ground, a sense of accomplishment evident on his face. Isnt it quite simple?

Saitama cheerfully called out to Smoker below, who was left dumbfounded with his cigar dropping to the ground.

Monster! He effortlessly mastered it in a mere ten seconds!It took me two years to learn it!

At this moment, Smokers emotions were a tumultuous mix of concern and determination, but Saitama had no time to delve into them.

Not far ahead, the Golden Lion floated in the air, ready for action!

You actually followed me, huh, kid

Shikis face twisted into a malicious smirk as he snapped his fingers, exuding a sense of cold confidence. Nice moves with the Rokushiki. Gotta admit, youre pretty skilled for a young one. But sucks to be you, cause no way Im gonna show mercy not for you or your friends!

-Lions Threat: Earth Bind-

Harnessing the mysterious powers of the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Shiki lifted the entire floating island, causing the ground to tremble and shake. The island transformed into a horde of terrifying lion-shaped monstrosities, leaving no escape for Saitama.

In an instant, the creatures crashed down upon him, trapping him under tons of soil and rocks, creating an earthy tomb that covered him entirely.


Shikis eyes gleamed with satisfaction. How does it feel? Youre completely at my mercy! Even without my interference, its only a matter of time before you suffocate and meet your end! All your fault for messin with the legendary Golden Lion! Kekekekeke.

The sky island trembled with the resounding echoes of the Golden Lions malicious laughter.

Yet, in that moment, the ground holding Saitama shook violently!

With a muffled thump, a bald head popped out from the mound!


Shaking off the dirt with an air of nonchalance, Saitama blinked and quipped, Finally, Im out

Shikis laughter abruptly died, replaced by sheer disbelief.

In that instant, he seemed more flustered than fierce.

I feel like Ive turned into a sprouting bamboo shoot

With a quick glance at his buried body, Saitama calmly extracted himself from the mound, brushing off the debris from his clothes. Great, now I have to wash them again. Always causing a hassle for Tahigi Its a bit embarrassing, to be honest.

This guy! Does he even realize how intense this fight is!? Were literally fighting to survive! is he kidding me? Shiki muttered.

Amidst the debris, a fierce battle was about to explode!

Shikis eyes blazed with fury as he glared at Saitama, You dare to challenge me, fool? Prepare to be crushed!

Saitama, ever relaxed, just grinned. Sure, but wait a sec, he said, adjusting his belt and brushing off some dirt. I got something in my pants. Gotta fix it first.

The Golden Lions jaw dropped in disbelief, incredulous at the audacity of his foe. Youve got to be kidding me! This is madness! he retorted, yet he begrudgingly complied, holding back his impatience.

seemed unfazed, almost bored. He cracked his knuckles and shot back, Alright, lets do it.

-Lions Threat: Imperial Earth Bind-

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Shiki sprang into action without a moments hesitation. With a battle cry that echoed across the island, he summoned every ounce of his inner strength.

As if responding to his call, the very earth beneath him seemed to awaken. The ground trembled and quivered with anticipation, as if holding its breath. Slowly, but with a growing intensity, the tremors spread outward, like ripples on a pond, until they reached the edges of the island.

In that pivotal moment, the air crackled with energy, and the landscape seemed to transform before their very eyes. Stone sculptures of majestic lion heads emerged from the ground, as if hewn from the ancient rocks that lay beneath. Their lifelike features bore witness to Shikis mastery over his craft, each detail meticulously carved with awe-inspiring precision.

The once serene island now brimmed with an aura of power and majesty. The lion heads, though motionless, exuded an imposing presence, as if standing guard against any who dared challenge their creator. They encircled Shiki in a protective formation, a manifestation of his indomitable will and fierce determination.

But it wasnt just their appearance that made them formidable. As Shiki directed his focus, the stone lions lunged forward, driven by the sheer force of his will. The ground trembled once more, resonating with the powerful surge of energy that propelled them towards their target Saitama!

In this epic clash of strength and will, the earth itself seemed to hold its breath. The island quaked and shuddered as the stone lions closed in on their target, making it clear that Shikis attack was not to be taken lightly.

And as the lions charged forward with an earth-shattering force, it became evident that this battle would be etched into the annals of history, a moment when a mere mortal wielded the might of gods.

The island trembled, swiftly engulfing Saitama within their violent embrace.

In a matter of moments, the once serene forest and regal palace succumbed to the relentless assault of nature.

In the heat of the intense clash between the Marines and the pirates, the battlefield was a scene of utter chaos. Amidst the chaos, Smoker found himself in a life-or-death struggle against the devastating earthquakes unleashed by Shiki.

His training and experience kicked in as he tried to maintain his composure and counter the relentless onslaught. However, the sheer force of the earthquakes was overwhelming, shaking the ground beneath him and throwing him off balance. Despite his mastery of a powerful Devil Fruit ability, he couldnt entirely control the situation.

Gasping for breath and covered in sweat, Smoker fought to stay on his feet, but the unyielding power of the adversary proved formidable. With each passing moment, he realized the gravity of the situation and the dire need for a strategic approach.

The entire battlefield was now engulfed in an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear. The fighters, once entrenched in their battle against each other, had to shift their attention to confront the common threat posed by the wild predators.

As the conflict raged on, it became apparent that victory would not come easily for anyone involved. Both sides were forced to find common ground in the face of the untamed menace, giving rise to an unexpected, albeit temporary, truce.

Kekekeke What do you think now?

The Golden Lion exulted while floating above the destroyed island.

Alright, check this out!

These lions, under my complete control, are gonna give you a one-way ticket off this island, straight down from a height of ten thousand meters into the deep blue ocean!

Can you even imagine the pain youll feel?

Its gonna be one heck of a painful demise for each and every one of you! Kekekeke

And let me tell you, the victory?

Its all gonna be mine, no doubt about it. Youre about to witness the sheer awesomeness of my power!

But just as he was about to let out his triumphant laughter, a voice boomed from beneath the debris, its tones carrying the weight of a brewing tempest.

Can you just shut up!

With incredible agility, Saitama cut  through the rushing lions. He emerged like a bullet, propelling himself out of the ground with remarkable precision, closing the distance between them in an instant.


Saitamas fist ascended, drawing attention from all around.

The atmosphere seemed to still, colors becoming more vibrant as if nature itself held its breath, anticipating the impending clash.

In that moment, a realization dawned upon the Golden Lion, this was no ordinary opponent. The look of fear etched on his face told the tale.

Within Saitamas unassuming demeanor lay a hidden power, capable of wielding tremendous devastation with uncanny realism!!

Normal Punch

As Saitamas fist surged forward, the Golden Lions body crumbled into pieces. His anguished cries were abruptly silenced, lost amidst the chaos.

Defeated and lifeless!

No room for doubt.

As the Devil Fruit user met his end, his supernatural abilities dissolved into nothingness.

The tumultuous ground gradually stabilized, and those who had been displaced and perilously close to their demise were miraculously granted a second chance.

Saitama descended with an air of triumph, cautiously approaching Tashigi and Smoker,  who had been separated by the disarray caused by the colossal rock formations. Swallowing a few particles of dust, he shrugged off the minor inconvenience with resilience.

Meanwhile, from a distant elevated vantage point, an astute observer who had patiently lain in wait, took aim with a high-powered rifle, hidden amidst the rocky landscape, searching for the opportune moment to make a move

Hey everyone,

I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter!

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  • Chapter 65 is now available on my Patreon page: Otaku_TNN


  • One Punch Of Justice
  • Otaku.TNN


  • Otaku_Tnn

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  • God of Soul System
  • The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player
  • Reincarnation Paradise
  • Terrestrial Savior Archetype

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