One Punch of Justice

Chapter 62: Fujitora "Issho"

Chapter 62: Fujitora "Issho"

In the crosshairs of the scope, Saitamas bald head became the target of unwavering focus. Tsk, what a terrifying guy Behind the scope, Clark, a seasoned pirate who had once shared a table with Saitama, now appeared intense and deeply transformed by the circumstances. Well, well, the Treasure of justice of all places, fate brings me face-to-face with him here! Clark meticulously adjusted his aim, a mix of trepidation and determination in his eyes. I cant believe youre still alive! Scolar is out there, desperately searching for your body. Poor guy! Anyway, dont worry, Ill help him out and take care of you! In the hidden world of spies, Clark emerged as a member of the mysterious CP0 organization. Rumors swirled about the legendary Golden Lion, and Clarks mission, authorized by the Five Elders, was to find out the truth. If the rumors proved real, he had the green light to take him down. But destiny had other plans. Clarks path unexpectedly led him to a wondrous Sky Island, where he crossed paths with Saitama, the prime target on the assassination list of the Five Elders. During the day, Clark unexpectedly came across Saitama among the pirates recruited by the Golden Lion. Intrigued by the rumors of being targeted by the Five Elders for assassination, he decided to approach him directly to unravel the mystery surrounding this person. However, after careful surveillance, Clarks initial excitement dwindled. He came to the realization that Saitama, despite the rumors, was nothing more than an unassuming and ordinary marine officer with no powers. He decided to postpone any action for the time being. He needed more information and a clearer picture of the situation before making any moves. As the cool breeze brushed against his cheek, Klark continued to watch, ready to act when the right moment presented itself. In this high-stakes world, precision, patience, and timing were essential to success. Good thing I didnt act back then He peered through the scope at Saitama, a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. He knew that taking on someone who had defeated the Golden Lion was no small task. His finger trembled slightly, hesitating to pull the trigger. This guy easielly defeated the Golden Lion by one single punch If I had attacked earlier, I might not be standing here right now. His heart pounded, knowing that hesitation could be fatal. He focused on Saitama, evaluating every movement and assessing the risks. What a mess!. Just as he uttered those words, a swift movement behind him caught him off guard. Before he could react, a knife swiftly plunged into his heart, stealing his breath away. His eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he gasped for air, trying to comprehend what had just happened. His finger, which had once been ready to fire, now fell limply as life ebbed away from his body. The unanswered question, Who did this? lingered in his mind as his vision blurred and darkness enveloped him. - In that quick moment, Saitama noticed something moving on a nearby mountain peak. He tried to see clearly, but the figure disappeared. Tashigi, with genuine concern on her face, approached Saitama and asked, Saitama-san, are you okay? He nodded, Oh, no. I thought I saw someone, but it seems I was just imagining things. She shouted to the nearby Marine soldiers with a steady voice, Stay alert! This place is strange, and we cant afford to take any risks. As she turned back to her officer, Tashigis voice conveyed a sense of urgency and determination, Saitama-san, recently I found a way to communicate with the headquarters Tashigi started, but Saitama interrupted her with excitement, Really? Why didnt you do that from the beginning? Do they know how to descend from here? Ehmm, no, it was a one-way communication, Tashigi replied hesitantly. A what? What does that mean? Saitama inquired, curious about this new development. I fixed one of our Den Den Mushi with a Seashell recorded with information about Skypiea, the Golden Lion, and the events in Alabasta to send to headquarters, Tashigi explained. A Sea what? Saitama puzzled. Its a voice recorder Anyway, thanks to Dr. Vegapunk, he found a solution to create a channel between the two places. Just now, they replied to me. They are taking the assassination attempt very seriously and have already launched an investigation, Tashigi revealed with a hint of relief in her voice. They are sending substantial reinforcements, consisting of five Rear Admirals, all under the leadership of the esteemed Vice Admiral Fujitora, to provide us with unwavering support and assistance. Saitama nodded, expressing gratitude for the reinforcements. Okay! And regarding the warships, how will they be brought up here? he inquired. Tashigi struggled to find a suitable answer. Well Before she could respond further, Saitama interrupted her again, this time pressing for information about their own ship. And whats the plan for our ship? Do we have any ideas on how well descend back down? Tashigi hesitated, feeling the pressure, Well.. Thats right The Golden Lion is now dead, and even his crew and new recruits have either perished or disappeared. The few captured ones have no idea how to return to the blue sea. They are all trapped on this Sky Island. Even if the Marines send more reinforcements, it would be futile! This This is a significant mess, Tashigi said, her head drooping with a heavy heart. What should we do now? Saitama responded with his usual nonchalant expression, I dont know! Im asking you! - Meanwhile, just off the coast of Jaya Island, a fleet of six imposing warships dropped anchor at the designated vortex location. Scolar, who had been staying at a beachside inn, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Saitamas falling body, was suddenly jolted awake by the distant roar of the warships. Curiosity piqued, he instinctively reached for his telescope. Adjusting the focus, he scanned the horizon to discern the source of the commotion. His heart skipped a beat as he spotted the massive warships, their presence raising a multitude of questions in his mind. Six warships! What could possibly bring them here? Scolar wondered aloud, his thoughts drifting to the potential implications of this unexpected development. Wait! Is that a Vice Admirals coat?! Has my assassination plan been exposed? Scolars heart raced as he realized the gravity of the situation, understanding that he was facing a critical and dangerous moment. No! Theres no chance to take them all on at once especially with a vice admiral among them! I must retreat! he concluded. Lets just observe for now, He whispered, deciding to remain hidden and gather more information before making any further moves. He knew that rushing into action without a clear understanding of the situation could be disastrous. With the warships and the Vice admiral in sight, he carefully continued to watch and analyze their activities from his concealed position, hoping to uncover their intentions and devise a better plan of action. - -Blu-Blu-Blu-Blu- Tashigi was at a loss, her wrist-mounted Den Den Mushi suddenly ringing with an urgent tone, conveying a calm and composed voice on the other end. L..ieute..nant Ta..shigi, the mem..ber f..rom Sai..tamas crew, I pre..sume? Plea..sure to make your acquain..tance through this commu..nication. I.. am Vi..ce Admiral Fuji..tora, dis..pat..ched by head..quar..ters to lend a helping hand. Weve arri..ved at the coo..rdina..tes you provi..ded ear..lier. As a sig..nal of our pre..sence, well lau..nch a lumi..nous into the sky. K Kindly con..f..irm if you c..a..n spot it. Ah! Have you already arrived? Tashigis heart raced as she scanned the surroundings, rushing towards the nearest cliff with anticipation, gazing down at the vast expanse of sea below. Yet, as she stood there, a sense of realization washed over her. This location stood ten thousand meters high in the sky. The odds of spotting a signal flare from such a height seemed almost impossible. Before she could express her concern through the Den Den Mushi In the distance, a faint red glimmer emerged just beneath the sky island, gradually growing in intensity! In the blink of an eye, the crimson light darted past her eyes, soaring skyward until it faded away, leaving no trace in the sky. Thats it Tashigi exclaimed, her mind racing with disbelief. She couldnt believe what she had overlooked. The sudden realization hit her like a thunderbolt. A signal flare?! But How? Beside her, Saitama squinted at the bright light in the sky. Whats going on? Is it some kind of celebration? She quickly shook her head. No, its a signal flare. But it shouldnt be able to reach us up here. As they both contemplated the situation, her Den Den Mushi buzzed with an incoming call. So?! Recovering from her shock, Tashigi quickly replied, Vice Admiral Fujitora, I see the signal flare! Whats the next step? Hehe, for the next step Isshos voice remained composed on the other end. Now, gather all your colleagues at the signal flares location. Get back to me when everyone is ready. After following Isshos instructions, Tashigi replied, Done. Now what? From the other end, Issho said, Hehe Now jump one by one. What? She replied, surprised by the sudden request. Dont worry. I will use my gravity manipulation ability to reduce the impact during your descent. It wont be risky, Ill do my best to ensure a safe landing, he assured her. But this is! Tashigi tried to express her concern. Stop wasting our time! Its an order, jump! Issho ordered firmly. She nodded, understanding that the situation was still risky, but they had no other choice. Assembling the Marines, they all nervously stood at the edge of the cliff, awaiting the Vice Admirals signal. Alright, everyone, on my mark, we jump. Stay close and follow my lead, Tashigi commanded, trying to sound confident despite her nerves. All right, on my mark, Vice Admiral Isshos voice came through the Den Den Mushi. Three Two One Jump! With a collective breath, they leaped off the cliff, their hearts pounding with adrenaline. During the descent, the rush of air and the overwhelming sense of freefalling felt surreal. As their descent gained speed, Tashigis worry intensified, she decided to call Vice Admiral Issho once again. Um Sir Its not that I dont trust you But Considering its nighttime, can you possibly see where we are falling? - After a brief moment of silence, she finally received a response. Oh, dont worry about that, he said calmly. I am a blind person. - His words took her by surprise, and she couldnt help but exclaim, WHAAAT!!!! Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great time reading this chapter! Im really excited to hear your thoughts and get your feedback. Dont forget to drop a comment and let me know what you think! Patreon:
    • Otaku_TNN
    • One Punch Of Justice
    • Otaku Tnn
    • Otaku_Tnn
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