Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 151: "Rays of light"

Chapter 151: "Rays of light"

Instantly, the place froze.

"Do you refuse our blessing?"

"I refuse. To put it bluntly, you people stink. And I don't need you to give me wisdom, I'm happy with the way things are. I don't need that extra thing."

"Even after seeing my village and my children, you still doubt me?"

...I doubt it because I've seen them.

Don't be stupid enough to join those murky-eyed people.

"Ah. Besides, you're saying you're going to give them to me from above, but in the end you want my body, don't you?"

"Yes. We need your body for our true purpose."

Ah, you don't hide that part, do you?

"I don't know what your purpose is, but you'll have to do it without me."

"If you refuse, then I have no choice. It's not my intention, but I'll ask you to give it to me by force."

That's what happens in the end, isn't it?

For a man who calls himself an angel, what he does is no different from robbery.

When she said that, her whole body lit up and a feather-like object of light emerged from her back.

Next, her body floated up, and a thin ring of light appeared on her head.

...An angel?

That was the first word that came to mind when I saw the figure.

The guy - the angel - tries to open her mouth, coughs a little and spits out a cloud of blood.

What now?

"Hmm, I still can't keep it in my body."

As he says this, tears of blood begin to stream from his eyes.

If you look closely, you can see that his clothes are also beginning to smear with blood here and there.

Hey, hey. If the Madreir fellow is left alone, she will die, won't she?

The angel holds out her hand towards me regardless.

I use magic to create a barrier.


-The side of my body was gouged out before I could unfold it.


The moment I recognise the damage, I run.

If I stop, I'm in trouble.

What happened? I didn't see anything at all, man.

I see the damage.

The side of my body has been gouged out.

...quite deep.

Fortunately, it doesn't hinder me from moving, but it's not good to keep getting eaten in the torso.

The angel holds up one finger.

A small light glows at the tip of it.

I leap, feeling that I am in danger.

I protect my head with my right arm and at the same time extend my left arm, the Human Centipede.

The Centipede rushes in without a sound, camouflaged to bite the enemy.

The light popped like a bubble, followed by countless fine holes in my whole body and the left arm I was about to bite, and a hundred legs falling off in a thousand pieces.

A little later, I too was knocked to the hard floor.


The impact choked me.

"I'd advise you to surrender, though."

Rikhard, who had moved away from me before I knew it, says something like that, but I ignore him.

I have no idea what has been done to me.

The only thing I know is that it's magic and it's extremely fast.

The body, which has become sluggish due to the damage, is raised and moves.

I don't take my eyes off of them.

The angel, covered in blood all over, tried to do something more with its palm facing me... and then its arm exploded from the inside.

Blood splatters.

"Hmm, two blows and that's it? Is it still not enough as a substitute, not enough for (Nephilim)?"

I turn on my heel and run as fast as I can.

It's impossible.

To be honest, I don't think I can win now.

If it survives a few blows, Madrail's body is likely to be crushed, but this time it is likely to move on to the neighbouring Rikhard and attack.

If that happens, I will be killed for sure.

"Don't think you can escape."

I knew that a pursuit would come.

That's why I'm running without using [Flight].

I shove everything I can handle and deploy a magic barrier behind me as fast as I can.

I couldn't decide which ones were effective, so I lined up shields of various attributes behind me.

I have a bad feeling about this, so I jump up with all my might.

The next moment, my lower body evaporated.

It's not a metaphor or anything. I was really obliterated.

It looked like a pillar of light ...... or something like a beam of light, but what was it?

Thanks to jumping up, it didn't hit me directly, but it easily penetrated the multiple barriers I had put up with all my might, and I lost it from the waist down.

The force is a joke.

Before I hit the floor, I sprout a hundred pairs of legs from the wounds and the remaining torso and make a sickening crunching sound, crawling away like an insect.

I don't look back.

But there was a sign that it was going to do something again, so I give instructions to the neglected, shredded hundred legs.

The neglected part of me immediately understands the instructions and reactivates.

It jumps on the angel and magically self-destructs.

"You're petty and clever!"

Before being dealt with, I spread the corrosive fluid that had accumulated in my body.

No follow-up attack comes. It seems that I managed to sabotage it.

I ran straight out of the temple... and the rays of light from earlier came flying again.


I leapt and twisted my body in the air in an evasive manoeuvre.

The ray caught my left arm, which was full of holes, and erased it along with part of my torso.

I jump over the fence and down without a care.

As one would expect from a city in the trees, it is quite high.

I'm glad I took precautions, though, because I'd probably have been hurt if I'd been knocked down.

Savage kicked up a tree and caught me in mid-air.

Kicked the tree again and plummeted downwards.

He lands on the ground. At the same time, he starts to run.

Savage looks at me in his arms, "Where are we going?" I look at him.

"Back to the Oratorium."

I said this and wondered what to do.

I need to repair my erased body for now, but it hurts that all my clothes and equipment are gone.

The hem and body parts of the coat have been completely wiped out.

The club monster is gone too, with part of the tip left.

That fucking angel did it.

I loved this equipment.

Oh, damn it. I wonder if it can be fixed... should I ask the dwarves to fix it?

I'm more shocked by this than by the fact that 60% of my body has been obliterated.

Depression won't change the situation at hand, so let's switch to .......

I put my arms and legs back on and wrap the coat around my waist, which is no longer a piece of clothing.

Check the status quo.

The food and other supplies in the Savage are safe.

Equipment is completely destroyed. The coat is almost completely destroyed.

The cuirass remains, but it is full of small holes and has countless cracks running through it.

It needs to be repaired.

Needless to say, the club monster is useless.

However, only the left arm Human Centipede can be easily restored, as it is a biological part.

It was part of me a while ago.

We are now outside the elf territory, but it would be easier to go back the way we came from.

I've got Savage running and moving.

I pass by the Dark Elves without stopping.

What should we do now?

I had heard that they were in trouble, but it was more than I expected.

What was that monster anyway?

It looked like an angel, but... was it real?

...I'm sure it's real.

There's demons here. I wouldn't be surprised if there were angels.

I don't know how it did it, but it seems to have possessed Madrail's body...

There are a lot of questions, but it was an unfashionable force.

The means of attack was probably some kind of magic, but it was triggered so quickly that I couldn't see it at all.

I don't know what the first blow did to me.

The second blow must have been a ball of light that popped and that's what flew at me.

...I didn't know until it hit me.

Finally, there's the ray in question.

The fact that he used such a big move despite his aim being to secure me, does that mean that he used a stronger one to break through the barriers I had put up?

...No, no.

He understood my physical structure.

In short, it probably thought that as long as the head was left intact, there would be no problem.

So their aim is to capture me alive?


I switched my thoughts and ruminating about the battle earlier in my head, but I can't come up with any visions of victory at the moment.

The problem is that the attack wasn't properly prevented in the first place.

Is endurance warfare the way to break through?

In fact, my body was more battered after just a few shots of magic.

The body will be crushed in less than ten shots, but I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it up before the shots are all fired.

Still, it's ...... strange.

They're not following me.

I thought they were going to persistently pursue me, but even after I left the area, I'm still on the lookout for them, but there's no sign of them.

For some reason, they never come out of their territory.

Or is there a reason why they can't?

I'm curious, but let's do what we have to do first.

For now, let's eat those gorillas and recover.

-I understand your story. I'm really glad you're safe.

-Oh, it was a totally terrible thing.

I was sitting on a pile of Goliveringay corpses, talking to Fatima.

I went into their territory with impunity, waited for them in a suitably large place, and struck back and ate every single one of them that attacked me.

They only come in one-on-one, so once you get used to dealing with them, they're just sitting ducks.

Thanks to them, I was able to recover a lot.

Now that the raids have stopped, I'm using the spare time to report back to Fatima on how things are going.

--So what's your next move?

-I'm going to go back there once. That's where I'm going to get my forces together and invade.

It's a bitter blow that we ended up in the middle of a bushwhack, but what has been found cannot be helped.

I thought about leaving it alone, but from the looks of it, it doesn't look like they're going to give up easily.

That kind of person seems to be persistent.

Let's finish them off and end the regret.

-I'll be on board with Abdullah's revenge or whatever it is. I'll be back in a few days, so just keep that in mind.

- I understand. Then we will make preparations to do so.

--I've got a guest, so I'm about to go. I've asked you to take care of the preparations.

I'll hang up without waiting for a reply.'re here at last.

Savage, who had been scavenging the carcass nearby, stops eating and prepares himself.

What appeared was a myriad of goriberingei... and one big one of a different colour.


The boss of the Goriberingei and a higher species.

The main differences are its body hair and figure.

While the others are grey, this one is silver. Its body is also about one size bigger.

I flex my fingers and provoke the silver gorilla to come at me.

The goriglauer seems to have understood my intentions precisely and comes towards me with angry and loud footsteps.

While looking at that, I thought, 'Should I take this guy home for the time being?'

I was thinking, such as.

It is true that it looks strong, but compared to that angel, it is quite inferior.

It's not that I'm underestimate them, but they don't raise much concern.

Let's get it over with and get back to the Oratorium.

That's what I was vaguely thinking as I looked at the boss monkey that came charging at me with a roar.

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