Paradigm Parasite

Chapter 152: "Preparation"

Chapter 152: "Preparation"

We walked past the goblins' exclamations and headed towards Shudras Castle.

They have decided to use this castle, which is relatively close to the forest, as a frontline base.

"Welcome home, Mr. Rothfeldt. ...You've grown quite a large force."

"Yes, I brought them here because I thought they could be of use."

Fatima, who was waiting in front of the castle, looks at the men I brought with me.

The Goribelingei, led by Gorigrauer.

After killing them, I shot them with roots and brought them here.

"In the meantime, I'm going to talk to you about our policy and I'll send a representative to ......."

"They are already assembled in the castle square."

Well prepared.

"All right. Then we'll get started right away."

"One moment, please."

"What is it?"

"Before we begin, you need to change your clothes."

I check my outfit when I'm told to do so.

I'm just dressed in tattered clothes with a coat tied around my waist.

I should certainly change my clothes.

After changing into the clothes Fatima had prepared, I left the gorillas I had brought with me around and entered the castle.

The gates and other parts of the castle that I had smashed before had been beautifully restored, as if they had never been there at all.

The inside of the castle has also been repaired and is in the same state as when I first saw it.

When I went to the square at the back, Abdullah and the kings and representatives of the various tribes were all waiting for me.

I tilted my head and wondered.

...Why are they standing and waiting when there are chairs and tables?

In the middle of my thinking, I realised.

Was it Fatima's doing?

I wouldn't be offended if they sat down and waited, would I?

"Sorry for the wait. Sit down, all of you. We'll start talking."

At my words, everyone present starts to sit down.

Present were Abdullah, Radeeb, Azid and Bedziff, each representative, plus a few guards.

Fatima and her escorts, Trust, Alex, Dylan, Riley and Savage, who came along for some reason.

...I feel like I've got everybody who could be a force to be reckoned with.

After confirming that everyone is seated, I decided to begin.

"Well, I'll get right to the point. I'm going to attack the elven villages now, and I'm going to need everyone's cooperation. By the way, refusal is not allowed. Everyone is forced to participate."

Abdullah is clenching his fists with an extremely happy face.

"That's why we're going to start the preparation period to build up our forces. Abdullah. From now on, we will concentrate only on surveillance. We don't want to linger, so as soon as we're ready, we'll attack at once. Is that all right with you?"

Abdullah nods broadly.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Bedziff then raises his hand.

He's short, so it's hard to tell from a distance.

"What is it?"

"If you're so concerned about sparing time, then you could attack right away, couldn't you?"

Bedziff takes one look at Riley.

"I think we have more than enough forces, don't you?"

"Good question. We were just about to talk about that."

I described what I had seen in the forest in turn.

I described the traps, the story of the Dark Elves, the relationship between the Elves and the High Elves.

And finally, about Grigori.

Even Abdullah had never heard of Grigori before and was quite surprised.

The other members of the group also looked incredulous, although they did not doubt it.

... but the people who planted the roots didn't even suspect it.

"Grigori. That's the real enemy, you say."

I nod at Fatima's words.

"Yeah, as soon as that thing is on the battlefield, we're stuffed. That's why we need to attack it as soon as possible... but if we don't, we'll get hammered in return."

Even if we have the numbers, it's obvious that the front will easily collapse in front of that ray of light.

On the other hand, I thought about rushing the numbers and having them shoot them out, but given that the angel said something about one of the Grigori pillars, that monster could appear in as many High Elves as there are High Elves.

...It's not a good idea to just let the numbers speak for themselves.

"Now it's just a question of specific moves in the future..."

Bedziff seemed convinced, so I decided to continue talking.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr Rothfeldt."

After giving out instructions to the whole group, I take a rest in a room reserved for me in the castle.

Fatima, who for some reason has followed me, gives me a word of thanks.

Well, it's convenient because I had to give her instructions too.

"I need you to prepare something for me."


I want to get this over with, so I start talking without preamble.

"I need a lot of food. Worst-case scenario, the fruit."

"Okay. You're going to get Riley some more."

This fella's really perceptive.

"Yeah, that's part of it, but I'm going to need to build something bigger. I just need more."

"I understand. I'll arrange it right after this."

I thought she was just going to leave, but Fatima smiled and didn't move.



A moment of silence followed, but eventually I exhaled, as if rooted to the spot.

"...What do you think about High Elves?"

She squints happily when I ask her that.

"I'm just guessing from what you just told me, if you don't mind?"

"Yes, please."

"First of all, what is the purpose of these winged insects called Grigori?"

No, a winged insect... well, okay.

"It seems he's been very fond of my body."

"That's it. According to the story, he used his power over the High Elf's body, but not completely."

"Oh, and the evidence suggests that every time he used his magic, his body was falling to pieces."

"Perhaps they saw that if it was Master Rothfeldt's body, it would be able to withstand their use?"

So you were going to possess me directly, not brainwash me and put me under your control.

When he said something about blessings, I thought he was asking me to become a believer.

To be honest, I had no idea what he was talking about because of the barrage of proper nouns I didn't understand, but now that I think about it, he said something about incarnation, so it seems like there's no doubt about it.

I think the High Elf race may have been bred to withstand their possession.

I snicker inwardly.

...what a blessing.

They were implying from the top that they were giving, but in fact they are exploiting us for their own purposes.

The elves are controlled by the High Elves, who are puppets of the Grigori.

It may be an ideal world for them, but in reality it is a thoroughly controlled society.

Is this why they restrict access to the outside world?

It could be that they don't want anyone to get wise or suspicious.

This is probably also the reason why Mr Brosdan was so curious when I met him in the village.

Because there is extremely little information about what's going on outside.

"Mr Rothfeldt?"

"Oh, sorry. Please continue."

Oops. I've been thinking too much.

"And one more thing. It may also have something to do with the fact that elves do not leave their defined territory."

I urge on.

"Perhaps the Grigori are only able to exert their power within their domain?"

"On what grounds?"

"Because the goblins are still alive."

"Ah, I see."

I realised after being told that much.

I've been wondering about that for a while.

If they were serious, they could take down Shudras in a day.

It will use up about a dozen people, but it should be more than enough to break even.

That's why they stay in the village and linger around and play defence.

I wondered what they were thinking, but it was more natural to assume that there was a reason why they couldn't get out.

In other words, Grigori can only come out within Elven territory, and if they do, they need to use up the High Elves. That's a surprisingly large number of weaknesses.

"It's true that Grigori may be a powerful enemy, but I don't think they're an unbeatable opponent."

"Yes, I think so. I think we have a good chance of winning."

"Have I helped you?"

Fatima's smile deepens as she says this.

"Oh, that was helpful. I'm glad you're here."

The woman in front of me left the room with a big smile on her face, saying, 'I'm going to start preparing now.'

I'm not sure what it is... this feeling of having been told what to do....

I felt something that I couldn't explain.

Now, let's get back on track and I'll move on too.

First of all, I'll increase the production of Shrigala, Gevaudan and Kongamato.

In addition, I will create new species that can fight in the forests with advantage. In parallel, I will strengthen myself.

Finally, I need to create a trump card.

I wish someone else could do it, but unfortunately it was impossible to try, so I had to do it all by myself.

It's a headache when I think about the amount of work required and the amount of roots consumed, but it can't be helped.

I asked Abdullah to open up a space underground.

This is where I was beaten to a pulp by a pack of ground dragons some time ago.

It's big enough, and we have enough materials and food.

I'm on the verge of increasing production, trump cards and reinforcement, so I can handle it, but the problem is the creation of new species...

What should we do?

I'd like something that can be a fighting force in the forest. .........

Brain twisting.

What do I have?

I recall the battles I've fought and the monsters I've met, and I turn over the memories I've taken away to narrow down ideas.

When I've been struggling for a while, I suddenly remembered something.

... can this go?

I think about it for a while and imagine the shape of the living organism or body.

Yes, I can go for it. It seems to be able to go.

The shape is suitable for combat in the forest and matches what I'm looking for.

If it's solidified, all that's left is to give it shape.

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