Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 123

[Sir, seventy percent of your child companies have left you and the other thirty percent are almost on the way out. You are losing money like a sieve, sir!]

Hou Ren growled into the phone and then clicked it shut. He looked toward Cipher in anger and shouted.

“Find him? Find that CEO right now and tell me where he is! And while you’re at it, get HR Investments on the phone right now! I want to talk to Han Luo!!”

This Han Luo thought he won already? He didn’t know what Hou Ren was capable of. Everything in this city belonged to Hou Ren and he wouldn’t let some child oppress him!

Hou Ren was angry that he lost the three billion because that was almost half of his net worth. With the way things were now, HR Investments was higher than his company in City C and he swore it would not stay that way for long!

Cipher came back from outside with a phone and handed it to Hou Ren. Cipher tried to call the HR Investments office, but they didn’t pick up any of their phones, so he had to call Han’s private phone after he managed to get the number through one of his informants.

Hou Ren grabbed the phone and shouted into it.

“Han Luo!!? Are you courting death!?”

On the other side of the phone, Han laughed lightly as he signed another document. His phone was on the loudspeaker so he wasn’t holding it. But that phrase… He never thought he would hear it come out of someone’s mouth again. It never ceases to amuse him whenever he heard it!

Courting death! Courting death! Courting death!

Han laughed internally as the words kept on repeating in his mind!

[Hou Ren, you are calling me at such an early hour. Are you not meant to be working!?]

“I will end you for this, Han! You will die at my hand and I will make sure I kill everybody close to you as well! Starting with your stupid sister! You’ll regret this day Han Luo!”

Han dropped the pen on his table and picked up the phone. He stood up from the chair and walked towards the window at the side of his office

[What did you just say, Hou? You said you’ll touch my sister? You asked me if I was courting death and then you went and said something stupid like that?]

Hou Ren was taken aback by the new tone Han was using. It was no longer the friendly one he started with! Was Han not threatening him right now!?

And why was it feeling like someone was watching him!? Hou Ren looked back at Cipher before he growled into the phone again.

“I want you to return Connective to me this instant! If you don’t do that then I will end you in this city!”

[We both know the only reason people didn’t want to take Connective from under you is that you have so many connections. But now there is nothing you can do to me even with all of them. Come to me Hou Ren and see whether I will not devour you first. At the end of this week, I promise that you will be sleeping on the street. And if I hear that even a single strand of hair on my sister head was hurt then you will die, you better choose your battles properly, Ren]


The phone cut off in Hou Ren’s ears and he took the phone away slowly. Nobody, absolutely nobody, has ever spoken to him like that before. This Han Luo was talking like he already won. He was talking like there was nothing Hou Ren could do to him at all!!

He looked at Cipher and sneered.

“Get your men! Get all of them right now! And I want you to go to that university and capture that girl right now! Just find where she lives if she isn’t there! This Han Luo will regret the day he ever dared to mess with me!”


The university where Rina was schooling was located near the center of City C. It was a popular place for both the rich and poor members of society because of how good the education system was. There were hardly any cases of misconduct in the school and the complaints by the students were minimum. But there was one thing that the school could never get rid of, and that was the influence of Hou Ren.

Ever since Dori Ren began going to that school, Hou Ren has made sure she never had to look for anything in the school. The teachers always walked on eggshells around her and even the administration was afraid of what her father would do to them if he ever caught them disciplining her.

That was why the cases of abuse she usually had were never bothered with or reported. Her issues in the school were many and the people around her were also rule-breakers. They were just a small gang of students that decided to make the school into their playground and all thought they were invisible because the head of the gang was Dori Ren’s boyfriend.

If anybody asked around the school, nobody would say anything about this gang. Just like her father, Dori Ren was also known to have many connections inside the school. Somehow, she would definitely know about the person that ratted her out and then make that person’s life a living hell.

And that was why she and Rina had problems now. Dori Ren did not have any issues with Rina at first because they did not meet too much inside the school, but Ping and Dori shared the same philosophy class, and one day as Dori was disciplining one of the students, Ping walked up to her.

“Why are you hurting that girl just because she has the same bag as you? Aren’t you just a bully?”

The shock on Dori’s face was priceless. It was like a dragon that suddenly saw a rat challenging it. Who did this Ping think she was!? Did she actually talk to me!?

Dori Ren decided at that moment to make Ping’s life a living hell. She was the one that caused Ping to almost lose her apartment. Just a small tip to the landlord and he was already trying to get rid of her! But then Rina began to defend her friend and tried to ruin Dori’s plans. It was supposed to be an act of perfect revenge, but somehow the Luo family intervened.

Ever since then, the Luo family has been nothing but a thorn in Dori’s side! Everything she tried to do against Rina would end with her failure! She tried to ruin their stupid fair but her brother arrived and then he stopped everything. He even made her lose face in the school and gave Rina a car too!

Dori couldn’t believe it when she saw Rina driving into the school with the Mercedes. It was the newest model that just came out and Dori knew that Rina didn’t have the money to buy something like that before! Where did the Luo family get money from!?

But Dori didn’t let that stop her. After her father failed to stop the Luo family, Dori tried to make Ping lose her scholarship from the school, but once the scholarship was retracted Rina began to pay for Ping’s fees by herself.

It was a slap to Dori’s face! Was Rina now flaunting her money like she was on the same level as Dori!? This girl is going to regret crossing the Ren family! She could feel herself growing angrier every day that she saw that Rina!

So that was why, when Cipher suddenly called her to ask for the location of Rina Luo she happily answered him. She knew that whenever Cipher asked her for something like this it was because her father had some sort of vendetta against the person or their family. There was a time when Cipher asked her for the room number of a certain boy and she gave it to him. That boy was never seen in the school again.

She just hoped that Rina would no longer bother her now. If Rina is no longer there let her see who would protect that stupid Ping!

Dori was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn’t realize how abandoned the road she and her friends were walking on was. It was only late evening and they were on their way to a late-night party, but this street should not be this abandoned already.


A car suddenly screeched to a halt in front of the group and four men stepped out in all back. They had sunglasses and facemasks to hide their identity. Dori’s friends quickly began to move back as they saw the men. They thought about running but another car pulled up behind them and blocked their path.

The three girls there quickly tried to hide behind the boys! You’re the men of the group, you should be the ones to protect us! But the men in black didn’t even give them any time to launch a counterattack! Six of the men quickly began to beat the boys while two men rushed into the crowd and grabbed Dori!

“Ahhh!!! Help!! Help!”

Dori screamed as she was carried away from her friends until a handkerchief landed on her nose and mouth. She slowly began to fall unconscious as the chloroform made quick work of her.. The last thing she saw before she passed out was the image of her friends running away.

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