Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 124

Cipher was getting things ready for his men to move out as he used his earpiece to communicate with the group of men he sent after Rina Luo.

[We have the location boss, we’re on our way out]

“Don’t mess this up or else I’ll have your head. My father wants this girl alive so make sure you don’t do anything stupid to her. Do you understand?”

[Yes, boss]

The men that left to grab Rina were four in number. Cipher didn’t think he would be needing more than that to handle a single girl. He kept listening as he heard their car stop and two men got down from the vehicle.

The men were dressed like civilians so they wouldn’t be suspected by the residents. But if they seemed too suspicious then things would be ruined. Only two men would go in first and then the other two would follow after they made sure there was no one watching on the road.

It was late evening and the position of the sun would be right behind the building they were going into. It would be hard for anyone to notice them since they wore dark clothing.

It was good that he sent some men to protect Dori earlier. They haven’t gotten to him yet about her whereabouts but he was sure they would call soon. It hasn’t been ten minutes since he had spoken to her, what was the worst that could happen?

Cipher loaded his handgun and cocked it back before dropping it and then bringing up his rapid-fire AK-47. He placed the magazines he needed inside a bag and then put the bag beside the gun. A mini handgun came out next and he arranged the chain of bullets properly. He would be needing some more firepower.

Okay, there was a small RPG somewhere here, wasn’t there? Cipher stood up and started ransacking through his bedroom. He was sure he kept it under his bed before… Now, where was it… Aha! There it was.

The RPG was still loaded and Cipher just made sure the weight and feel were right before putting it on the table. He then opened his wardrobe and brought out a small bag behind his clothes. The bag had thirty hand grenades inside. Just enough for a small-scale war. Perfect.

[Sir, we’re here. I don’t think the door is even locked! Should we just go inside?]

The voice of his subordinates drew him out of his arrangements and he sat down as he started talking to them.

“Make sure you’re careful? That girl’s brother is resourceful and strong. I don’t know what kind of preparations he made”

[Yes sir]

The men opened the door to Rina and Ping apartment and Cipher waited to finally hear that they accomplished their task.

[Okay sir we’re inside, now we just need to – wait! What is that! A dog! No, that’s a goddamn wolf!!]

The men in the comms started to scream and the sound of barking and pounding hoofs echoed through the comms. Cipher stood up and put his hand to his ear while shouting for them to tell him what was wrong, but all he got back was the sound of harsh breaths!

[Don’t come near me! Don’t come near me! Oh god, there’s another one! Split up! Split up now! No, don’t split up like that, it’ll just chase after me!! – Oof!!]

A loud thud echoed through the comms before a louder crunch of bone-breaking made the man scream in pain. Cipher could only stand there in shock as the comms finally went dead.

What was that? Did he hear them say there was a wolf? Why would there be a wolf in that girl’s apartment!?

Before Cipher could even think more on this, his comms beeped again, and he answered it. It was from the men he sent to look after Dori.

“Yes, what’s the status?”

[Boss, she’s gone!!!]

For the first time in his life Cipher felt his heart skip a beat. This can’t be happening! How was this happening!?

“What do you mean she’s gone!?! I sent you to look after her!”

[Sir we tracked her friends down at the last location you told us about and we found them running away from something. We stopped them and they told us that some men in black came and took her! We don’t know who they are because they were wearing masks!]

Shit! Cipher cursed into the phone. He already had an idea of what was happening and he didn’t like it! Han Luo! Just who are you!?


Han heard a knock on his door and he moved to open it with a smile. On the other side, Rina was standing there with Ping standing behind her.

“Han-Oppa, why did you suddenly call me and Ping out? Is there something wrong?”

Han smiled at them and then opened the door wider. He was glad that his sister answered his call fast. He didn’t have to worry about her if she was right here with him.

“So your brother can’t call his sister? I just wanted to see my beautiful sister’s face!”

Rina blushed and pouted before trudging into the house with a huff. Han laughed as he saw how red her ears were. She was still so easy to compliment. He looked back to see Ping loitering at the door. Did she not want to enter?

Ping was loitering because she felt very out of place here. She didn’t know why Rina was suddenly called, but when she also heard that Han wanted to see her too she was so shocked! This man was a billionaire! No, actually he was a multi-billionaire! Ping felt very self-conscious in front of him since she still has that a crush on him.

“Aren’t you coming in? I think you will want to help Rina before she starts watching anime again”

Han smiled at Ping and the girl blushed and looked down before entering the apartment. Once she entered she saw Rina talking animatedly with a small girl that had black hair and red eyes. The girl was smiling up at Rina and stretched her hand out for Rina to carry her.

Yue was very happy to see Rina again. She missed her since she went to the university! Rina took Yue up and held her gently while laughing.

Ping could see that Yue really liked Rina. It was like watching a mother with her child. But then another woman walked out of the inner room with only her bra and panties on and Pings eyes widened while Rina shouted.

“Lily! What do you think you’re doing!?”

Lily rubbed her eyes tiredly. She was just waking up from sleep and she didn’t like the noise that Rina and Yue were making. Can’t you be a little more silent? It’s too late in the evening for you to be making that kind of noise!

“Sorry about her, Rina. She doesn’t know how to dress outside the bedroom”

Another woman!? Ping was now feeling lightheaded. This woman was only wearing a big top that went down to her thighs and nothing else.

Rin walked out from the same room and threw a cloth on Lily’s head and Lily happily wore it when she saw that it was one of Hans tops! It smelt so nice~ Ah, Han~

Ping was stuck in a state of shock while staring at the multiple women interacting like this was something normal! Han lived with all these women!? Was he… A playboy!!?



Ping jumped back as she suddenly heard Han’s voice whisper from beside her. She looked to see Han with a surprised expression on his face. How embarrassing! She was so lost in thought that she didn’t even notice him calling her!

She turned to him and tried to compose herself. Han’s expression was a serious one but he was still giving her a small smile to show her that her mess up was fine.

“I’m sorry but you’ll have to stay here for the next one or two days. There are some pests at your house and I’ve sent the exterminators to get rid of them. Do you mind?”

Pests? Ping didn’t understand. She looked towards Rina and Rina gave her a nod to show her that they should accept it. Rina trusted her brother with her life and Ping trusted Rina with her own life, so Ping decided she would accept it. She didn’t even have any reason not to trust Han anyways. He was the one that helped her many times with her housing problem and he also helped them in the fair. She could trust him!

Han smiled and thanked her before turning away as his phone rang. He waved to all the girls as he moved to another part of the house to answer.

Han made sure he was out of earshot before he spoke into the phone. He was standing on his balcony and overlooking the city.

“Tao Long, I trust everything is in order?”

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