Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 141

Dorea, meanwhile, was thinking that the helplessness Han would feel when he cannot defeat the people coming would be the catalyst that should make Han leave to the temple of Celestials. It was known that the chosen would usually choose to leave to the temple when they realized that there were people who were far stronger than them out there. Once you feel the difference in power, you automatically wish to become stronger! It was something every organism couldn’t resist! And even if you did, they would just use force and drag Han to the temple!

Hopefully, Han would agree to the first method and they won’t have to use force to make him go! It wouldn’t be very pretty!

“Is that all?”

Han’s voice broke Dorea out of her musing and she saw that Han was getting restless. Did he want to leave that quickly!? He wasn’t even going to ask her about what would happen next!? What kind of man wouldn’t even be bothered about something like that!? I just told you big news you know!

“Y-Yes, it’s all I need to say. Are you sure there’s nothing you want to say to me?”

Han looked to the side for a second before he slowly looked back at Dorea.

“I won’t run away anymore. And I’ll show no mercy this time”

Dorea’s brow furrowed before Han suddenly disappeared from the void. What did he mean by that? No mercy? Was he talking about REACH? No, she already told him they were gone! Then he was talking about something else!?

Dorea’s mind came up with a crazy idea. Maybe Han already knew about the invasion!? But that was impossible. Dorea chuckled as she turned and began walking away from the void. It was just impossible!


Han appeared with a gasp and he looked down at his hands before looking around. He was back on the street where Yue and the other girls were fighting Tyrian, and Tyrian was still flying above them all. But all of a sudden Tyrian released a scream as he fell from the sky and crashed into the ground!

He lost the fight against Han, so the [Pain Nullification] he used to have was no longer with him. It didn’t even take up to a minute for the skills to destroy him from the inside out and he died. He was told that these skills were too strong for his body! So it was no surprise that the effects would be this bad!

Han ignored Tyrian and instead made sure that all the girls were okay before he looked up at their former house. It was completely destroyed. He would have to find a new place for them to stay while the place was rebuilt. But since it was his house that the fire originated from he might have to pay quite a lot of money for refurbishing fees! Dammit! But, wait, couldn’t he just lie that it was the lightning!? Yes, he could. But why would Han need to lie about that? It wasn’t like the money he would have to pay would affect him at all. And it would help to make sure his house was rebuilt faster. Han would just pay for everything they needed from him. He couldn’t just try to lie about his faults.

A large convoy of fire trucks and reporters were suddenly driving towards their location and Han quickly grabbed all three girls before flying away from the scene. He knew that the news the next morning would probably tell some nonsense tale about a gas leak and freak weather. It was better than the world finding out about the Celestials, so it would be okay for now.

Han landed them all in his office and he told Lily and Rin to look after Yue. Out of the three of them, Yue was the most injured, so Han first took care of some burns she got from the laser and he then told them he had something he needed to deal with.

Han left the office and flew off to the military base where he and Yue found the rocket before. He might not trust the Celestials anymore, but it was about time he stopped this whole thing once and for all. Since he now knew that REACH was just another branch of the Celestials and they were no longer going to be threatening his world, all he had to do was get rid of the wisteria once and for all. He thought for sure that Regulus destroyed this thing after his fight, but Han didn’t know that someone like Tyrian would give it out like this! And to a military base that focuses on nuclear weapons too!

If Han knew about this beforehand he would have made Tyrian’s death even more painful!

He reached the military base in record time and landed right in front of the gate. There were some military personnel who stood guard and Han easily activated his [Stealth] ability and walked past them. He entered the main base and walked along the path where he and Yue used the other time. It was strange to walk through here without seeing those zombies. Instead, all he saw were men and women in lab coats and military outfits.

Han reached the large room where the rocket was kept and he was impressed by the size of the full rocket! This thing was huge! No wonder it managed to destroy city C! If it launched properly, it can even destroy city Z! But why would they even be working on a project like this in secret!? It was just going to cause problems for the world, Han was sure of it!

But Han didn’t have time to admire the scenery and he didn’t care enough to be bothered by why they were building a nuclear weapon? He walked over to the computer consoles where many people were working and he was happy to see a familiar face among them. It was the man that recorded the videos.

“It’s quite something isn’t it?”

The man turned to speak to another scientist beside him. A woman that had a head of brown hair. From the way they looked at each other Han could see they had some sort of hidden chemistry between them. Their expressions were all sunshine and rainbows! Han felt like slapping this idiot across the head!

But Han just reached down and touched the shoulder of the scientist and the man flinched and turned back sharply! What was that!?

Han turned off his skill and the man stumbled back as Han suddenly appeared out of thick air!

“W-Who are you!? Security! Sec – grk!”

Han put his finger to his mouth in a shushing gesture and the man quickly obeyed and shut up. He didn’t know why, but he felt like he was in front of a monster! This man could end him in a second if he wasn’t careful!

Han didn’t mean to, but he just used a very small bit of his bloodlust to shut the man up! The woman beside the man also sat down and Han could see sweat pouring down her forehead. It was good that most of the other scientists were too busy with their own thing to look toward Han. Han didn’t have time to handle this many people.

“Your rocket’s going to go of its course and kill everyone”

What? The man looked at Han like he was speaking another language! What do you mean my rockets going to kill everyone!? I would never let that happen! If you want to say something like that then bring proof!

“W-What do you mean by that? I made the calibration system myself. There is no way it will ever go off course”

Han hummed and then he leaned over the man’s shoulder and started typing in his computer. He easily bypassed the military security and the man’s eyes widened when he saw this! This was top-tier security! Not even the best hackers in the world could just bypass this security!

Han noticed the shock on the man’s face but he ignored it and went to bring up the videos that the man recorded. The man got paler and paler as Han just kept on breaking firewall after firewall. Until Han finally brought out the too secret videos that only the commander of the base had the right to view.

The scientist was about to shout in alarm, but Han pressed his hand down a little and the man felt his entire body lock into place. There was a truck in his shoulder right! This amount of force felt like a truck was sitting on top of him! There is no way this is from one man!

“Shut up and listen to me. Right now, I look like a fellow doctor that’s just asking you a few questions, let’s keep it that way. Do you know what you’re about to release into the city, you idiot?”

The man gulped and then nodded to agree to Han’s suggestion.

Han brought up the second to the last video, the one where the man was talking about going to get the wisteria and played it.

“Have you gotten this drug yet?”

H-How!? How does this man know all these things!?

“Answer me”

“Y-Yes. I’ve gotten it. It’s still undergoing ionic combination with the plutonium. The results are a bit iffy, but they show great promise”

Han nodded and then he whispered deeply into the man’s ear.

“If you send this drug out to the world, then you’ll have the blood of millions on your hands. Before you use something make sure you know more than enough about it. This drug has killed and destroyed the lives of many people. It is the worst thing you would ever do to yourself or this city”

The man was now shaking in fright and Han knew the man now understood exactly how serious this situation was. Han didn’t have any means to show the man what would happen if he released the drug, so Han wasn’t going to bother convincing him. That much was certain already, the drug was leaving with Han whether they liked it or not.

Once the man stopped shaking, Han told him to stand up and lead him to where he kept the drugs. The man stood up and then told the woman beside him not to make a single noise? The man was curious to know if what Han said was actually true so he would take Han there by himself! But once Han began walking with the man, the woman immediately pressed a button under her table that was meant to call security to her position and she shouted!

“That man is an intruder!!”

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