Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 142

Han deadpanned as many soldiers came to surround him and he heard the scientist curse while looking towards his wife/girlfriend, or whatever the fuck she was! Women! You can’t help but love them, but sometimes the urge to kill them overrides that love so much that you just feel like grabbing their necks and twisting! Sigh~ Han took a deep breath to calm himself. It wasn’t like he didn’t expect it anyways.

But Han didn’t want to be seen because he didn’t give a fuck about what they were doing here! He wanted to just come in, do what he wanted and then get out! He didn’t like it when people took his hospitality and spat it back at him!

[Frigid Tundra] has been activated.

An icicle lance suddenly grew in Han’s hand and Han turned and stabbed it through the shoulder of the scientist. Another one grew and stabbed the female scientist in the shoulder as well! The man screamed and grabbed his shoulder with bloody hands. What the fuck!? Why did you stab me too!?

Han rolled his eyes as he saw most of the guards there flinch at this. He dragged the man up with the icicle and then he spoke!

“You entire let me through or I’ll tear another hole through his chest this time. I need this fucker to take me to the drug and I’ll kill anybody that shoots. So if you know what -”


One of the soldiers whose hands were shaking suddenly shot at Han and Han stopped and turned towards the man with a shocked expression on his face. What the fuck!?

The man stepped back in fright as he saw all his bullets fall to the ground after bouncing off Han!

Han looked up at the man that shot him before looking down at the bullet. I just told them not to shoot, didn’t I!? Fuck it! I don’t care anymore!

[Gravity Control] has been activated.

Everybody in the room suddenly fell to their knees as Han exerted his power upon them. He kept his gaze on the one man that shot him as he increased the force bearing down on the man! I told you not to shoot! I didn’t even touch a single hair on your damn head and you still shot!

The man groaned as he fell to his back and then his chest started to compress inwards. He coughed up blood as a small crack formed on the ground around him.

“Wait! Wait please!”

The scientist that Han was still holding by the neck suddenly shouted out to Han and Han looked up at him with a raised brow. Now what!? You have something to say too!?

“Just let them go! I’ll take you to the drugs, I’ll do anything you say. Just let them go!”

Han looked around the room and saw that everyone was already on their knees and some were already passed out. The woman he shot with the icicle looked like she would die from blood loss soon! He sighed. Okay, maybe he would let them go these once. This was all new to them, so he won’t blame them this time!

Han released the gravity control before he turned back to the scientist with a frown.

“Start moving. And don’t think I’m bringing out that icicle till you show me everything. If you lie I’ll know. And it sure as hell won’t be pretty for you”

The scientist nodded quickly before he started to move inside. He was very angry at that woman that pressed the button before! They could have just shown Han everything without hitting anyone, but now things would just get out of hand! And where in the world did a man like this come from!? I’ve never seen anyone that can control gravity before! Is this man some kind of spiritual arts user?

Han and the man were walking down hallways to reach the place where they stored the Wisteria, but before they could get there, they ran into a man that was coming out from the opposite corridor. He was arranging his trousers to show that he was just coming out from the toilet. He looked from Han to the scientist and then back again.

“D-Deputy commander, sir!!”

Han rose a brow as the scientist saluted the new man and the man nodded back at the scientist. So this was the deputy commander!? Wait, was this not the man with the command codes for the launch sequence? Yeah, I think it’ll be good to deal with you first! Han walked up to the man and grabbed him by the shirt before she started pulling him.

“W-What in the world!? Let go of me this instant! I said let go!”

Han ignored the man’s constant shouting as he turned to the frightened-looking scientist.

“Where is this guy’s office? Be quick, I don’t want to have to continue killing people”

The scientist quickly rattled off the office location and Han moved towards it and threw the man inside. He closed the door and then sat down on a chair at the table before bringing up the laptop that he saw the other time. The deputy commander flew to his feet and brought out a gun quickly!

“Just who do you think you are and what are you doing!? Answer me before I end your useless life! I am the deputy commander here and you have no right to treat me like this!”

The deputy commander couldn’t believe this man just grabbed him like that! He served this city for years to get to this position and this was how somebody treated him!? He would never allow this to stand! This man might be strong, but nobody can escape a gunshot! If I shoot you, then you’ll die for sure!

Han ignored the man and kept on typing at the laptop. He saw that the passcode for the laptop changed. Or maybe it was that they would still change it in a few days before the launch so that it would be that new one he would use in the future, but Han didn’t care about all that nonsense! He still managed to break through three of the firewalls in the laptop before he heard the gun click!

“You don’t want to do that. Trust me, you’ll just piss me off and I’ll kill you. I don’t like seeing innocent people’s blood, but I don’t mind taking your head if you try me”

The deputy commander’s hand shook! What kind of man says that in front of a gun!? This man was acting like he wouldn’t die if he was shot at point blank range! I can kill you, you know! Stop acting all high and mighty!

The scientist at the side suddenly grabbed the deputy commander by the arm and brought it down.

“Sir, please calm yourself!”

“This man is courting death! Does he think he can survive a gunshot!?”

Han chuckled at the phrase used and the deputy commander grew even more enraged. How dare he!?

“Sir, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that if you shoot then we will both die! Please, I still want to have kids! Don’t shoot! This man is not an ordinary one! Can you not see how easy it is for him to enter the base!?”

The deputy commander looked from the scientist to Han and then back again before he slowly brought down his gun with his teeth clenched. In the meantime, Han already managed to break through all the firewalls and entered the program where the launch sequence was usually stored. He brought it up and then stood up from the chair.

“Hey, idiot. Come here and have a look at these codes. Tell me where this rocket your planning to test is supposed to land”

The deputy commander cautiously moved around Han before going to his seat and looking at the sequence of codes. As he read it his eyes just grew wider and wider! This is going to land in City C!? No! There had to be a mistake! He didn’t put these sequences in! He was there when this code was created and nobody tampered with his laptop since then! The rocket was supposed to land in the ocean east of City C!! How did they change the location to city C itself!?

Han nodded when he realized that the man had seen his mistake. This was good. He didn’t know what these idiots were building a nuclear warhead for, but Han could give less of a fuck about them. He just didn’t want the influence of the Celestials to remain here at all after today.

“Change that code and make sure you erase the former one. I built a new impenetrable firewall for the laptop so that something like this won’t happen again. Now you, lead me to that Wisteria”

Han turned around and grabbed the scientist again, but he was suddenly stopped by the deputy commander.

“Wait! W-Who are you?”

I’m batman

Han chuckled. Where the fuck did that come from? His mind even said it in that low growl that batman always uses! Imagine if he actually said something like that? Wait… With what he just did, they might actually believe him.. Han shrugged and decided he didn’t have time to play around so much.

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